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Books > Science & Mathematics > Mathematics > Calculus & mathematical analysis > Vector & tensor analysis
In topological measure theory, Radon measures are the most important objects. In the context of locally compact spaces, there are two equivalent canonical definitions. As a set function, a Radon measure is an inner compact regular Borel measure, finite on compact sets. As a functional, it is simply a positive linear form, defined on the vector lattice of continuous real-valued functions with compact support. During the last few decades, in particular because of the developments of modem probability theory and mathematical physics, attention has been focussed on measures on general topological spaces which are no longer locally compact, e.g. spaces of continuous functions or Schwartz distributions. For a Radon measure on an arbitrary Hausdorff space, essentially three equivalent definitions have been proposed: As a set function, it was defined by L. Schwartz as an inner compact regular Borel measure which is locally bounded. G. Choquet considered it as a strongly additive right continuous content on the lattice of compact subsets. Following P.A. Meyer, N. Bourbaki defined a Radon measure as a locally uniformly bounded family of compatible positive linear forms, each defined on the vector lattice of continuous functions on some compact subset.
This text, combining analysis and tools from mathematical probability, focuses on a systematic and novel exposition of a recent trend in pure and applied mathematics. The emphasis is on the unity of basis constructions and their expansions (bases which are computationally efficient), and on their use in several areas: from wavelets to fractals. The aim of this book is to show how to use processes from probability, random walks on branches, and their path-space measures in the study of convergence questions from harmonic analysis, with particular emphasis on the infinite products that arise in the analysis of wavelets. The book brings together tools from engineering (especially signal/image processing) and mathematics (harmonic analysis and operator theory). audience of students and workers in a variety of fields, meeting at the crossroads where they merge; hands-on approach with generous motivation; new pedagogical features to enhance teaching techniques and experience; includes more than 34 figures with detailed captions, illustrating the main ideas and visualizing the deeper connections in the subject; separate sections explain engineering terms to mathematicians and operator theory to engineers; and, interdisciplinary presentation and approach, combining central ideas from mathematical analysis (with a twist in the direction of operator theory and harmonic analysis), probability, computation, physics, and engineering. The presentation includes numerous exercises that are essential to reinforce fundamental concepts by helping both students and applied users practice sketching functions or iterative schemes, as well as to hone computational skills. Graduate students, researchers, applied mathematicians, engineers and physicists alike will benefit from this unique work in book form that fills a gap in the literature.
A quadratic differential on aRiemann surface is locally represented by a ho lomorphic function element wh ich transforms like the square of a derivative under a conformal change of the parameter. More generally, one also allows for meromorphic function elements; however, in many considerations it is con venient to puncture the surface at the poles of the differential. One is then back at the holomorphic case. A quadratic differential defines, in a natural way, a field of line elements on the surface, with singularities at the critical points, i.e. the zeros and poles of the differential. The integral curves of this field are called the trajectories of the differential. A large part of this book is about the trajectory structure of quadratic differentials. There are of course local and global aspects to this structure. Be sides, there is the behaviour of an individual trajectory and the structure deter mined by entire subfamilies of trajectories. An Abelian or first order differential has an integral or primitive function is in general not single-valued. In the case of a quadratic on the surface, which differential, one first has to take the square root and then integrate. The local integrals are only determined up to their sign and arbitrary additive constants. However, it is this multivalued function which plays an important role in the theory; the trajectories are the images of the horizontals by single valued branches of its inverse."
Asymptotic analysis of stochastic stock price models is the central topic of the present volume. Special examples of such models are stochastic volatility models, that have been developed as an answer to certain imperfections in a celebrated Black-Scholes model of option pricing. In a stock price model with stochastic volatility, the random behavior of the volatility is described by a stochastic process. For instance, in the Hull-White model the volatility process is a geometric Brownian motion, the Stein-Stein model uses an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process as the stochastic volatility, and in the Heston model a Cox-Ingersoll-Ross process governs the behavior of the volatility. One of the author's main goals is to provide sharp asymptotic formulas with error estimates for distribution densities of stock prices, option pricing functions, and implied volatilities in various stochastic volatility models. The author also establishes sharp asymptotic formulas for the implied volatility at extreme strikes in general stochastic stock price models. The present volume is addressed to researchers and graduate students working in the area of financial mathematics, analysis, or probability theory. The reader is expected to be familiar with elements of classical analysis, stochastic analysis and probability theory.
This is the second of three volumes containing the proceedings of the International Colloquium 'Free Boundary Problems: Theory and Applications', held in Montreal from June 13 to June 22, 1990. The main theme of this volume is the concept of free boundary problems associated with solids. The first free boundary problem, the freezing of water - the Stefan problem - is the prototype of solidification problems which form the main part of this volume. The two sections treting this subject cover a large variety of topics and procedures, ranging from a theoretical mathematical treatment of solvability to numerical procedures for practical problems. Some new and interesting problems in solid mechanics are discussed in the first section while in the last section the important new subject of solid-solid-phase transition is examined.
This reference/text desribes the basic elements of the integral, finite, and discrete transforms - emphasizing their use for solving boundary and initial value problems as well as facilitating the representations of signals and systems.;Proceeding to the final solution in the same setting of Fourier analysis without interruption, Integral and Discrete Transforms with Applications and Error Analysis: presents the background of the FFT and explains how to choose the appropriate transform for solving a boundary value problem; discusses modelling of the basic partial differential equations, as well as the solutions in terms of the main special functions; considers the Laplace, Fourier, and Hankel transforms and their variations, offering a more logical continuation of the operational method; covers integral, discrete, and finite transforms and trigonometric Fourier and general orthogonal series expansion, providing an application to signal analysis and boundary-value problems; and examines the practical approximation of computing the resulting Fourier series or integral representation of the final solution and treats the errors incurred.;Containing many detailed examples and numerous end-of-chapter exercises of varying difficulty for each section with answers, Integral and Discrete Transforms with Applications and Error Analysis is a thorough reference for analysts; industrial and applied mathematicians; electrical, electronics, and other engineers; and physicists and an informative text for upper-level undergraduate and graduate students in these disciplines.
This, the fourth volume of the handbook "Integrals and Series", contains tables of the direct Laplace transforms and includes results set forth in books of a similar kind and in periodical literature. All the tables are arranged in two columns - originals f(x) and corresponding images F(p). The Laplace transformation is extensively used in various problems of pure and applied mathematics. Particularly widespread and effective is its application to problems arising in the theory of operational calculus and its applications, embracing the most diverse branches of science and technology. An important advantage of methods using the Laplace transformation lies in the possibility of compiling tables of various elementary and special functions commonly encountered in applications. A number of Laplace transforms are expressed in terms of Meijer G-function. When combined with the table of special cases of the G-function, these formulae make it possible to obtain Laplace transforms of various elementary and special functions of mathematical physics.
One service mathematics has rendered the 'Et moi, ..., si j'avait su comment en revenir, human race. It has put common sense back je n'y serais point alle.' where it belongs, on the topmost shelf next Jules Verne to the dusty canister labelled 'discarded non sense'. The series is divergent; therefore we may be Eric 1'. Bell able to do something with it. O. Heaviside Mathematics is a tool for thought. A highly necessary tool in a world where both feedback and non linearities abound. Similarly, all kinds of parts of mathematics serve as tools for other parts and for other sciences. Applying a simple rewriting rule to the quote on the right above one finds such statements as: 'One service topology has rendered mathematical physics .. .'; 'One service logic has rendered com puter science .. .'; 'One service category theory has rendered mathematics .. .'. All arguably true. And all statements obtainable this way form part of the raison d'etre of this series."
The interest in inverse problems of spectral analysis has increased considerably in recent years due to the applications to important non-linear equations in mathematical physics. This monograph is devoted to the detailed theory of inverse problems and methods of their solution for the Sturm-Liouville case. Chapters 1--6 contain proofs which are, in many cases, very different from those known earlier. Chapters 4--6 are devoted to inverse problems of quantum scattering theory with attention being focused on physical applications. Chapters 7--11 are based on the author's recent research on the theory of finite- and infinite-zone potentials. A chapter discussing the applications to the Korteweg--de Vries problem is also included. This monograph is important reading for all researchers in the field of mathematics and physics.
This book discusses, develops and applies the theory of Vilenkin-Fourier series connected to modern harmonic analysis. The classical theory of Fourier series deals with decomposition of a function into sinusoidal waves. Unlike these continuous waves the Vilenkin (Walsh) functions are rectangular waves. Such waves have already been used frequently in the theory of signal transmission, multiplexing, filtering, image enhancement, code theory, digital signal processing and pattern recognition. The development of the theory of Vilenkin-Fourier series has been strongly influenced by the classical theory of trigonometric series. Because of this it is inevitable to compare results of Vilenkin-Fourier series to those on trigonometric series. There are many similarities between these theories, but there exist differences also. Much of these can be explained by modern abstract harmonic analysis, which studies orthonormal systems from the point of view of the structure of a topological group. The first part of the book can be used as an introduction to the subject, and the following chapters summarize the most recent research in this fascinating area and can be read independently. Each chapter concludes with historical remarks and open questions. The book will appeal to researchers working in Fourier and more broad harmonic analysis and will inspire them for their own and their students' research. Moreover, researchers in applied fields will appreciate it as a sourcebook far beyond the traditional mathematical domains.
This unified, self-contained book examines the mathematical tools used for decomposing and analyzing functions, specifically, the application of the [discrete] Fourier transform to finite Abelian groups. With countless examples and unique exercise sets at the end of each section, Fourier Analysis on Finite Abelian Groups is a perfect companion to a first course in Fourier analysis. This text introduces mathematics students to subjects that are within their reach, but it also has powerful applications that may appeal to advanced researchers and mathematicians. The only prerequisites necessary are group theory, linear algebra, and complex analysis.
This book discusses the theory of wavelets on local fields of positive characteristic. The discussion starts with a thorough introduction to topological groups and local fields. It then provides a proof of the existence and uniqueness of Haar measures on locally compact groups. It later gives several examples of locally compact groups and describes their Haar measures. The book focuses on multiresolution analysis and wavelets on a local field of positive characteristic. It provides characterizations of various functions associated with wavelet analysis such as scaling functions, wavelets, MRA-wavelets and low-pass filters. Many other concepts which are discussed in details are biorthogonal wavelets, wavelet packets, affine and quasi-affine frames, MSF multiwavelets, multiwavelet sets, generalized scaling sets, scaling sets, unconditional basis properties of wavelets and shift invariant spaces.
Measure Theory and Fine Properties of Functions, Revised Edition provides a detailed examination of the central assertions of measure theory in n-dimensional Euclidean space. The book emphasizes the roles of Hausdorff measure and capacity in characterizing the fine properties of sets and functions. Topics covered include a quick review of abstract measure theory, theorems and differentiation in n, Hausdorff measures, area and coarea formulas for Lipschitz mappings and related change-of-variable formulas, and Sobolev functions as well as functions of bounded variation. The text provides complete proofs of many key results omitted from other books, including Besicovitch's covering theorem, Rademacher's theorem (on the differentiability a.e. of Lipschitz functions), area and coarea formulas, the precise structure of Sobolev and BV functions, the precise structure of sets of finite perimeter, and Aleksandrov's theorem (on the twice differentiability a.e. of convex functions). This revised edition includes countless improvements in notation, format, and clarity of exposition. Also new are several sections describing the - theorem, weak compactness criteria in L1, and Young measure methods for weak convergence. In addition, the bibliography has been updated. Topics are carefully selected and the proofs are succinct, but complete. This book provides ideal reading for mathematicians and graduate students in pure and applied mathematics.
In recent years the development of new classification and regression algorithms based on deep learning has led to a revolution in the fields of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data analysis. The development of a theoretical foundation to guarantee the success of these algorithms constitutes one of the most active and exciting research topics in applied mathematics. This book presents the current mathematical understanding of deep learning methods from the point of view of the leading experts in the field. It serves both as a starting point for researchers and graduate students in computer science, mathematics, and statistics trying to get into the field and as an invaluable reference for future research.
This is the third Volume in a series of books devoted to the interdisciplinary area between mathematics and physics, all ema nating from the Advanced Study Institutes held in Istanbul in 1970, 1972 and 1977. We believe that physics and mathematics can develop best in harmony and in close communication and cooper ation with each other and are sometimes inseparable. With this goal in mind we tried to bring mathematicians and physicists together to talk and lecture to each other-this time in the area of nonlinear equations. The recent progress and surge of interest in nonlinear ordi nary and partial differential equations has been impressive. At the same time, novel and interesting physical applications mul tiply. There is a unifying element brought about by the same characteristic nonlinear behavior occurring in very widely differ ent physical situations, as in the case of "solitons," for exam ple. This Volume gives, we believe, a very good indication over all of this recent progress both in theory and applications, and over current research activity and problems. The 1977 Advanced Study Institute was sponsored by the NATO Scientific Affairs Division, The University of the Bosphorus and the Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Council. We are deeply grateful to these Institutions for their support, and to lecturers and participants for their hard work and enthusiasm which created an atmosphere of lively scientific discussions."
This book provides a systematic and comprehensive account of asymptotic sets and functions from which a broad and useful theory emerges in the areas of optimization and variational inequalities. A variety of motivations leads mathematicians to study questions about attainment of the infimum in a minimization problem and its stability, duality and minmax theorems, convexification of sets and functions, and maximal monotone maps. For each there is the central problem of handling unbounded situations. Such problems arise in theory but also within the development of numerical methods. The book focuses on the notions of asymptotic cones and associated asymptotic functions that provide a natural and unifying framework for the resolution of these types of problems. These notions have been used largely and traditionally in convex analysis, yet these concepts play a prominent and independent role in both convex and nonconvex analysis. This book covers convex and nonconvex problems, offering detailed analysis and techniques that go beyond traditional approaches. The book will serve as a useful reference and self-contained text for researchers and graduate students in the fields of modern optimization theory and nonlinear analysis.
Many problems for partial difference and integro-difference
equations can be written as difference equations in a normed space.
This book is devoted to linear and nonlinear difference equations
in a normed space. Our aim in this monograph is to initiate
systematic investigations of the global behavior of solutions of
difference equations in a normed space. Our primary concern is to
study the asymptotic stability of the equilibrium solution. We are
also interested in the existence of periodic and positive
solutions. There are many books dealing with the theory of ordinary
difference equations. However there are no books dealing
systematically with difference equations in a normed space. It is
our hope that this book will stimulate interest among
mathematicians to develop the stability theory of abstract
difference equations.
The book focuses on the nonlinear dynamics based on the vector fields with bivariate quadratic functions. This book is a unique monograph for two-dimensional quadratic nonlinear systems based on bivariate vector fields. Such a book provides different points of view about nonlinear dynamics and bifurcations of the quadratic dynamical systems on linear and nonlinear bivariate manifolds. Possible singular dynamics of the two-dimensional quadratic systems is discussed in detail. The dynamics of equilibriums and one-dimensional flows on bivariate manifolds are presented. Saddle-focus bifurcations are discussed, and switching bifurcations based on infinite-equilibriums are presented. Saddle-focus networks on bivariate manifolds are demonstrated. This book will serve as a reference book on dynamical systems and control for researchers, students and engineering in mathematics, mechanical and electrical engineering.
This monograph explores applications of Carleman estimates in the study of stabilization and controllability properties of partial differential equations, including the stabilization property of the damped wave equation and the null-controllability of the heat equation. All analysis is performed in the case of open sets in the Euclidean space; a second volume will extend this treatment to Riemannian manifolds. The first three chapters illustrate the derivation of Carleman estimates using pseudo-differential calculus with a large parameter. Continuation issues are then addressed, followed by a proof of the logarithmic stabilization of the damped wave equation by means of two alternative proofs of the resolvent estimate for the generator of a damped wave semigroup. The authors then discuss null-controllability of the heat equation, its equivalence with observability, and how the spectral inequality allows one to either construct a control function or prove the observability inequality. The final part of the book is devoted to the exposition of some necessary background material: the theory of distributions, invariance under change of variables, elliptic operators with Dirichlet data and associated semigroup, and some elements from functional analysis and semigroup theory.
Modern achievements in the intensively developing field of applied mathematics as applied to physical chemistry are presented in this monograph. In particular, it proposes a new approach to extremal problem theory for nonlinear operators, differential-operator equations and inclusions, and for variational inequalities in Banach spaces. An axiomatic study of nonlinear maps (including multi-valued ones) is given, and the properties of resolving operators for systems, consisting of operator and differential-operator equations, are stated in nonlinear-map terms. The solvability conditions and the properties of extremal problem solutions are obtained, while their weak expansions and necessary conditions of optimality in variational inequality form are formulated. In addition. the monograph proposes regularization methods and approximation schemes. This book is adressed to scientists, graduates and undergraduates who are interested in nonlinear analysis, control theory, system analysis and differential equations.
Focusing on the study of nonsmooth vector functions, this book presents a comprehensive account of the calculus of generalized Jacobian matrices and their applications to continuous nonsmooth optimization problems, as well as variational inequalities in finite dimensions. The treatment is motivated by a desire to expose an elementary approach to nonsmooth calculus, using a set of matrices to replace the nonexistent Jacobian matrix of a continuous vector function.
This monograph explores applications of Carleman estimates in the study of stabilization and controllability properties of partial differential equations, including quantified unique continuation, logarithmic stabilization of the wave equation, and null-controllability of the heat equation. Where the first volume derived these estimates in regular open sets in Euclidean space and Dirichlet boundary conditions, here they are extended to Riemannian manifolds and more general boundary conditions. The book begins with the study of Lopatinskii-Sapiro boundary conditions for the Laplace-Beltrami operator, followed by derivation of Carleman estimates for this operator on Riemannian manifolds. Applications of Carleman estimates are explored next: quantified unique continuation issues, a proof of the logarithmic stabilization of the boundary-damped wave equation, and a spectral inequality with general boundary conditions to derive the null-controllability result for the heat equation. Two additional chapters consider some more advanced results on Carleman estimates. The final part of the book is devoted to exposition of some necessary background material: elements of differential and Riemannian geometry, and Sobolev spaces and Laplace problems on Riemannian manifolds.
This text on measure theory with applications to partial differential equations covers general measure theory, Lebesgue spaces of real-valued and vector-valued functions, different notions of measurability for the latter, weak convergence of functions and measures, Radon and Young measures, capacity. A comprehensive discussion of applications to quasilinear parabolic and hyperbolic problems is provided.
This volume presents the proceedings of a colloquium inspired by the former President of the French Mathematical Society, Michel Herve. The aim was to promote the development of mathematics through applications. Since the ancient supports the new, it seemed appropriate to center the theoretical conferences on new subjects. Since the world is movement and creation, the theoretical conferences were planned on mechanics (movement) and bifurcation theory (creation). Five aspects of mechanics were to be presented, but, unfortunately, it has not been possible to include the statis- tical mechanics aspect. So that only four aspects are presented: Classical mechanics (Hamiltonian, Lagrangian, Poisson) (W.N. Tulczyjew, J .E. l-lhite, C.M. MarIe). - Quantum mechanics (in particular the passage from the classi- cal to the quantum approach and the problem of finding the explicit solution of Schrodinger's equation)(M. Cahen and S. Gutt, J. Leray). Fluid mechanics (meaning problems involving partial differ- ential equations. One of the speakers we hoped would attend the conference was in Japan at the time, however his lecture is presented in these proceedings.) (J.F. Pommaret, H.I-l. Shi) - Mathematical "information" theory (S. Guiasll) Traditional physical arguments are characterized by their great homogeneity, and mathematically expressed by the compactness prop- erty. In such cases, there is a kind of duality between locality and globality, which allows the use of the infinitesimal in global considerations. |
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