Books > Mind, Body & Spirit > Alternative therapies, healing & health
There is no need to spend billions of dollars looking for a cure
for chronic pain. The solutions have been known for decades with
many people breaking free from its grip. Unfortunately, mainstream
medicine has and continued to ignore the physiological and
neuroscience data that has revealed the answers. Chronic pain is a
complex neurological problem, which is, "....an embedded memory
that becomes linked with more and more life experiences, and the
memory can't be erased." Back in Control provides a framework for
you to understand the nature of chronic pain and will allow you to
find your own solution based on well-established practices. Since
it is a complex problem and you are a unique human being, the one
person that can solve it is you. The principles apply to chronic
pain involving any part of the body or organ system. The process
evolved from the author's own 15-year experience with severe
chronic pain. The concepts provide a context of care and connect
you with other highly-regarded professionals who are pioneers in
the efforts to change the pain treatment paradigm. Some of them
include Dr. John Sarno, author of Mind Over Back Pain; Dr. Howard
Schubiner, who wrote Unlearn Your Pain; Dr. David Burns, a Stanford
psychiatrist and author of Feeling Good; Dr. Fred Luskin who
performed research on forgiveness at Stanford and authored Forgive
for Good; David Allen who authored a brilliant book on organizing
your life, Getting Things Done; and Dr. Anthony DeMello, whose last
memoirs are presented in The Way to Love, which introduces you to
the healing power of awareness. The essence of solving physical or
mental pain is connecting you to your own capacity to heal, which
allows you to feel safe. Your body's chemistry is optimized with
profound effects on your pain and sense of well-being. These
concepts have been deeply researched by Dr. Steven Porges, the
originator of The Polyvagal Theory. Step into your new life with
this largely self-directed process. An action plan is presented on
Dr. Hanscom's website, www.backincontrol.com.
"Amame dentro de ti. Porque yo estoy dentro de ti. En cada parte de
ti, en cada celula, yo estoy ahi. Y solamente cuando entras en
contacto profundo contigo mismo es que entras en contacto profundo
conmigo. Y solamente cuando te amas eternamente es que consigues
amarme eternamente. Yo estare siempre aqui." -- Jesus
Estas buscando una guia espiritual? Tienes problemas personales y
no sabes que hacer? Te preguntas si estas haciendo lo correcto? No
estas seguro si tus oraciones son escuchadas?
Por medio de un mensaje inspirador canalizado directamente a
Alexandra Solnado desde el Cielo, El libro de la luz te ofrece una
sabiduria simple pero profunda. Estos mensajes de luz son un
intento del cielo para darte consuelo e inspiracion. Para encontrar
las respuestas sobre las cosas que te preocupan, simplemente haz
una pregunta y toma dos letras Arameas de las diecisiete incluidas
en el libro. La tabla referencial que se encuentra en el interior
te guiara hacia el mensaje indicado que Jesus ha enviado para ti.
Los mensajes de luz de este libro estan relacionados con temas de
la vida como el perdon, amor incondicional, sentimiento de culpa,
perdida, abundancia, riesgo, proteccion, proposito y muchos mas.
Utiliza esta guia divina a diario en cualquier momento en que
necesites ayuda o sabiduria. Mas que un libro, El libro de la luz
es una guia para toda la vida.