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Books > Science & Mathematics > Mathematics > Algebra > General
From reviews of the German edition: "This is an exciting text and a refreshing contribution to an area in which challenges continue to flourish and to captivate the viewer. Even though representation theory and constructions of simple groups have been omitted, the text serves as a springboard for deeper study in many directions. One who completes this text not only gains an appreciation of both the depth and the breadth of the theory of finite groups, but also witnesses the evolutionary development of concepts that form a basis for current investigations. This is accomplished by providing a thread that permits a natural flow from one concept to another rather than compartmentalizing. Operators on sets and groups are introduced early and used effectively throughout. The bibliography provides excellent supplemental support...The text is tight; there is no fluff. The format builds on concepts essential for later expansion and associated reading. On occasion, results are stated without proof; continuity is maintained. Several proofs are provided free of representation theory on which the originals were based. More generally the proofs are direct, perhaps at times brief. The focus is on the underlying structural components, with selected details left to the reader. As a result the reader develops the maturity required for approaching the literature with confidence. The first eight chapters have an abundance of exercises, not prorated, and some of the more challenging are addressed later in the text. Due to the nature of the material, fewer exercises appear in the remaining chapters." (H. Bechtell, Mathematical Reviews)
The series is aimed specifically at publishing peer reviewed reviews and contributions presented at workshops and conferences. Each volume is associated with a particular conference, symposium or workshop. These events cover various topics within pure and applied mathematics and provide up-to-date coverage of new developments, methods and applications.
This volume showcases mostly the contributions presented at the International Conference in Algebra and Its Applications held at the Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India during November 12-14, 2016. Refereed by renowned experts in the field, this wide-ranging collection of works presents the state of the art in the field of algebra and its applications covering topics such as derivations in rings, category theory, Baer module theory, coding theory, graph theory, semi-group theory, HNP rings, Leavitt path algebras, generalized matrix algebras, Nakayama conjecture, near ring theory and lattice theory. All of the contributing authors are leading international academicians and researchers in their respective fields. Contents On Structure of -Prime Rings with Generalized Derivation A characterization of additive mappings in rings with involution| Skew constacyclic codes over Fq + vFq + v2Fq Generalized total graphs of commutative rings: A survey Differential conditions for which near-rings are commutative rings Generalized Skew Derivations satisfying the second Posner's theorem on Lie ideals Generalized Skew-Derivations on Lie Ideals in Prime Rings On generalized derivations and commutativity of prime rings with involution On (n, d)-Krull property in amalgamated algebra Pure ideals in ordered -semigroups Projective ideals of differential polynomial rings over HNP rings Additive central m-power skew-commuting maps on semiprime rings A Note on CESS-Lattices Properties Inherited by Direct Sums of Copies of a Module Modules witnessing that a Leavitt path algebra is directly infinite Inductive Groupoids and Normal Categories of Regular Semigroups Actions of generalized derivations in Rings and Banach Algebras Proper Categories and Their Duals On Nakayama Conjecture and related conjectures-Review On construction of global actions for partial actions On 2-absorbing and Weakly 2-absorbing Ideals in Product Lattices Separability in algebra and category theory Annihilators of power values of generalized skew derivations on Lie ideals Generalized derivations on prime rings with involution
Combinatorics and finite fields are of great importance in modern applications such as in the analysis of algorithms, in information and communication theory, and in signal processing and coding theory. This book contains survey articles on topics such as difference sets, polynomials, and pseudorandomness.
This book presents a systematic exposition of the various applications of closure operations in commutative and noncommutative algebra. In addition to further advancing multiplicative ideal theory, the book opens doors to the various uses of closure operations in the study of rings and modules, with emphasis on commutative rings and ideals. Several examples, counterexamples, and exercises further enrich the discussion and lend additional flexibility to the way in which the book is used, i.e., monograph or textbook for advanced topics courses.
The book reports a comparative research project about algebra teaching and learning in four countries. Algebra is a central topic of learning across the world, and it is well-known that it represents a hurdle for many students. The book presents analyses built on extensive video-recordings of classrooms documenting the first introduction to symbolic algebra (students aged 12 to 14). While the content addressed in all classrooms is variables, expressions and equations, the teaching approaches are diverse. The chapters bring the reader into different algebra classrooms, discussing issues such as mathematization and social norms, the role of mediating tools and designed examples, and teacher beliefs. By comparing classrooms, new insights are generated about how students understand the algebraic content, how teachers instruct, and how both parties deal with difficulties in learning elementary algebra. The book also describes a research methodology using video in search of taken-for-granted aspects of algebra lessons.
Absolutely everything you need to get ready for Algebra Scared of square roots? Suspicious of powers of ten? You're not alone. Plenty of school-age students and adult learners don't care for math. But, with the right guide, you can make math basics "click" for you too! In Basic Math & Pre-Algebra All-in-One For Dummies, you'll find everything you need to be successful in your next math class and tackle basic math tasks in the real world. Whether you're trying to get a handle on pre-algebra before moving to the next grade or looking to get more comfortable with everyday math--such as tipping calculations or balancing your checkbook--this book walks you through every step--in plain English, and with clear explanations--to help you build a firm foundation in math. You'll also get: Practice quizzes at the end of each chapter to test your comprehension and understanding A bonus online quiz for each chapter, with answer choices presented in multiple choice format A ton of explanations, examples, and practice problems that prepare you to tackle more advanced algebraic concepts From the different categories of numbers to mathematical operations, fractions, percentages, roots and powers, and a short intro to algebraic expressions and equations, Basic Math & Pre-Algebra All-in-One For Dummies is an essential companion for anyone who wants to get a handle on the foundational math concepts that are the building blocks for Algebra and beyond.
After reading this book, students should be able to analyze computational problems in linear algebra such as linear systems, least squares- and eigenvalue problems, and to develop their own algorithms for solving them. Since these problems can be large and difficult to handle, much can be gained by understanding and taking advantage of special structures. This in turn requires a good grasp of basic numerical linear algebra and matrix factorizations. Factoring a matrix into a product of simpler matrices is a crucial tool in numerical linear algebra, because it allows us to tackle complex problems by solving a sequence of easier ones. The main characteristics of this book are as follows: It is self-contained, only assuming that readers have completed first-year calculus and an introductory course on linear algebra, and that they have some experience with solving mathematical problems on a computer. The book provides detailed proofs of virtually all results. Further, its respective parts can be used independently, making it suitable for self-study. The book consists of 15 chapters, divided into five thematically oriented parts. The chapters are designed for a one-week-per-chapter, one-semester course. To facilitate self-study, an introductory chapter includes a brief review of linear algebra.
Even three decades ago, the words 'combinatorial algebra' contrasting, for in stance, the words 'combinatorial topology,' were not a common designation for some branch of mathematics. The collocation 'combinatorial group theory' seems to ap pear first as the title of the book by A. Karras, W. Magnus, and D. Solitar [182] and, later on, it served as the title of the book by R. C. Lyndon and P. Schupp [247]. Nowadays, specialists do not question the existence of 'combinatorial algebra' as a special algebraic activity. The activity is distinguished not only by its objects of research (that are effectively given to some extent) but also by its methods (ef fective to some extent). To be more exact, we could approximately define the term 'combinatorial algebra' for the purposes of this book, as follows: So we call a part of algebra dealing with groups, semi groups , associative algebras, Lie algebras, and other algebraic systems which are given by generators and defining relations {in the first and particular place, free groups, semigroups, algebras, etc. )j a part in which we study universal constructions, viz. free products, lINN-extensions, etc. j and, finally, a part where specific methods such as the Composition Method (in other words, the Diamond Lemma, see [49]) are applied. Surely, the above explanation is far from covering the full scope of the term (compare the prefaces to the books mentioned above).
An understanding of emergent computation requires a profound revision of the most fundamental ideas. A noticeable attempt of such a rethinking is a world view in which natural systems are seen not as separate entities but as integrated parts of a unified whole. The book for the first time presents such a mathematical structure, which remarkably is based on integers as the single concept. As integers are considered to be the most fundamental entities irreducible to something simpler, this makes the mathematical structure a final theory, and thus we do not have to look for its explanation in terms of deeper concepts. The book is not only applicable to models of computation and optimization but also has scientific consequences, as it contributes to a rethinking of the most fundamental ideas about nature. Audience: The book is written at a level suitable for advanced undergraduate students and graduate students as well as research workers and practitioners in computer science information technology, mathematics and physics. The book is suitable as a reference or as supplementary reading material for an advanced graduate course. Only a basic knowledge of calculus is required.
This concise, self-contained textbook gives an in-depth look at problem-solving from a mathematician's point-of-view. Each chapter builds off the previous one, while introducing a variety of methods that could be used when approaching any given problem. Creative thinking is the key to solving mathematical problems, and this book outlines the tools necessary to improve the reader's technique. The text is divided into twelve chapters, each providing corresponding hints, explanations, and finalization of solutions for the problems in the given chapter. For the reader's convenience, each exercise is marked with the required background level. This book implements a variety of strategies that can be used to solve mathematical problems in fields such as analysis, calculus, linear and multilinear algebra and combinatorics. It includes applications to mathematical physics, geometry, and other branches of mathematics. Also provided within the text are real-life problems in engineering and technology. Thinking in Problems is intended for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in the classroom or as a self-study guide. Prerequisites include linear algebra and analysis.
The Lie Theory Workshop, founded by Joe Wolf (UC, Berkeley), has been running for over two decades. These workshops have been sponsored by the NSF, noting the talks have been seminal in describing new perspectives in the field covering broad areas of current research. At the beginning, the top universities in California and Utah hosted the meetings which continue to run on a quarterly basis. Experts in representation theory/Lie theory from various parts of the US, Europe, Asia (China, Japan, Singapore, Russia), Canada, and South and Central America were routinely invited to give talks at these meetings. Nowadays, the workshops are also hosted at universities in Louisiana, Virginia, and Oklahoma. The contributors to this volume have all participated in these Lie theory workshops and include in this volume expository articles which cover representation theory from the algebraic, geometric, analytic, and topological perspectives with also important connections to math physics. These survey articles, review and update the prominent seminal series of workshops in representation/Lie theory mentioned-above, and reflects the widespread influence of those workshops in such areas as harmonic analysis, representation theory, differential geometry, algebraic geometry, number theory, and mathematical physics. Many of the contributors have had prominent roles in both the classical and modern developments of Lie theory and its applications.
Linear algebra and matrix theory are among the most important and most frequently applied branches of mathematics. They are especially important in solving engineering and economic models, where either the model is assumed linear, or the nonlinear model is approximated by a linear model, and the resulting linear model is examined.This book is mainly a textbook, that covers a one semester upper division course or a two semester lower division course on the subject.The second edition will be an extended and modernized version of the first edition. We added some new theoretical topics and some new applications from fields other than economics. We also added more difficult exercises at the end of each chapter which require deep understanding of the theoretical issues. We also modernized some proofs in the theoretical discussions which give better overview of the study material. In preparing the manuscript we also corrected the typos and errors, so the second edition will be a corrected, extended and modernized new version of the first edition.
Thisvolumeisacollectionof13peerreviewedpapersconsistingofexpository/s- vey articles and research papers by 24 authors. Many of these papers were presented at the International Conference on Ring and Module Theory held at Hacettepe University in Ankara, Turkey, during August 18-22, 2008. The selected papers and articles examine wide ranging and cutting edge - velopments in various areas of Algebra including Ring Theory, Module Theory, Hopf Algebras, and Commutative Algebra. The survey articles are by well-known experts in their respective areas and provide an overview which is useful for - searchers in the area, as well as, for researchers looking for new or related ?elds to investigate. The research papers give a taste of current research. We feel the variety of topics will be of interest to both graduate students and researchers. We wish to thank the large number of conference participants from over 20 countries, the contributors to this volume, and the referees. Encouragement and supportfromHacettepe University,The Scienti?c and TechnologicalResearch .. ? Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) and Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism are greatly appreciated. We also appreciate Evrim Akalan, Sevil Bar?n, .. Canan Celep Yucel, .. Esra Demiryur .. ek, Ozlem Erdo? gan, Fatih Karabacak, Didem Kavalc?,MinePolat,Tu? g, ceSivrikaya,Ay, seS.. onmez,FigenTak?l,MuharremYavuz, Filiz Y?ld?z and Ugu ? r Yucel .. for their assistance and e?cient arrangement of the facilities which greatly contributed to the success of the conference. Finally, we must thank Erkan Afacan of Gazi University for his excellent job of typing and uniformizing manuscripts.
An engaging, accessible introduction into how numbers work and why we shouldn't be afraid of them, from maths expert Rachel Riley. Do you know your fractions from your percentages? Your adjacent to your hypotenuse? And who really knows how to do long division, anyway? Puzzled already? Don't blame you... But fret not! You won't be At Sixes and Sevens for long. In this brilliant, well-rounded guide, Countdown's Rachel Riley will take you back to the very basics, allow you to revisit what you learnt at school (and may have promptly forgotten, *ahem*), build your understanding of maths from the get-go and provide you with the essential toolkit to gain confidence in your numerical abilities. Discover how to divide and conquer, make your decimal debut, become a pythagoras professional and so much more with these easy-to-learn tips and tricks. Packed full of working examples, fool-proof methods, quirky trivia and brainteasers to try from puzzle-pro Dr Gareth Moore, this book is an absolute must-read for anyone and everyone who ever thought maths was 'above' them. Because the truth is: you can do it. What's more, it can be pretty fun too!
Drawing on rich classroom observations of educators teaching in China and the U.S., this book details an innovative and effective approach to teaching algebra at the elementary level, namely, "teaching through example-based problem solving" (TEPS). Recognizing young children's particular cognitive and developmental capabilities, this book powerfully argues for the importance of infusing algebraic thinking into early grade mathematics teaching and illustrates how this has been achieved by teachers in U.S. and Chinese contexts. Documenting best practice and students' responses to example-based instruction, the text demonstrates that this TEPS approach - which involves the use of worked examples, representations, and deep questions - helps students learn and master fundamental mathematical ideas, making it highly effective in developing algebraic readiness and mathematical understanding. This text will benefit post-graduate students, researchers, and academics in the fields of mathematics, STEM, and elementary education, as well as algebra research more broadly. Those interested in teacher education, classroom practice, and developmental and cognitive psychology will also find this volume of interest.
Mathematical methods and theories with interdisciplinary applications are presented in this book. The eighteen contributions presented in this Work have been written by eminent scientists; a few papers are based on talks which took place at the International Conference at the Hellenic Artillery School in May 2015. Each paper evaluates possible solutions to long-standing problems such as the solvability of the direct electromagnetic scattering problem, geometric approaches to cyber security, ellipsoid targeting with overlap, non-equilibrium solutions of dynamic networks, measuring ballistic dispersion, elliptic regularity theory for the numerical solution of variational problems, approximation theory for polynomials on the real line and the unit circle, complementarity and variational inequalities in electronics, new two-slope parameterized achievement scalarizing functions for nonlinear multiobjective optimization, and strong and weak convexity of closed sets in a Hilbert space. Graduate students, scientists, engineers and researchers in pure and applied mathematical sciences, operations research, engineering, and cyber security will find the interdisciplinary scientific perspectives useful to their overall understanding and further research.
* Introduces the fundamental theory of vertex operator algebras and its basic techniques and examples. * Begins with a detailed presentation of the theoretical foundations and proceeds to a range of applications. * Includes a number of new, original results and brings fresh perspective to important works of many other researchers in algebra, lie theory, representation theory, string theory, quantum field theory, and other areas of math and physics.
These Proceedings comprise the bulk of the papers presented at the Inter national Conference on Semigroups of Opemtors: Theory and Contro held 14-18 December 1998, Newport Beach, California, U.S.A. The intent of the Conference was to highlight recent advances in the the ory of Semigroups of Operators which provides the abstract framework for the time-domain solutions of time-invariant boundary-value/initial-value problems of partial differential equations. There is of course a firewall between the ab stract theory and the applications and one of the Conference aims was to bring together both in the hope that it may be of value to both communities. In these days when all scientific activity is judged by its value on "dot com" it is not surprising that mathematical analysis that holds no promise of an immediate commercial product-line, or even a software tool-box, is not high in research priority. We are particularly pleased therefore that the National Science Foundation provided generous financial support without which this Conference would have been impossible to organize. Our special thanks to Dr. Kishan Baheti, Program Manager."
Parallel Scientific Computing and Optimization introduces new developments in the construction, analysis, and implementation of parallel computing algorithms. This book presents 23 self-contained chapters, including survey chapters and surveys, written by distinguished researchers in the field of parallel computing. Each chapter is devoted to some aspects of the subject: parallel algorithms for matrix computations, parallel optimization, management of parallel programming models and data, with the largest focus on parallel scientific computing in industrial applications. This volume is intended for scientists and graduate students specializing in computer science and applied mathematics who are engaged in parallel scientific computing.
* A new approach that breaks new ground using psychophysics and mathematics in order to investigate human interaction * Identifies the critical direction of change, and the means to achieve it, in order to maintain a stable social environment that is going to require testable and provable theories that apply to our social space and the various cultures and groups that exist within it * An important text for graduate and advanced undergraduate students or classes, along with private and government analysts all operating within the areas of political theory, detection theory, social psychology, organizational behavior, psychophysics, and applied mathematics in the social and information sciences
* A new approach that breaks new ground using psychophysics and mathematics in order to investigate human interaction * Identifies the critical direction of change, and the means to achieve it, in order to maintain a stable social environment that is going to require testable and provable theories that apply to our social space and the various cultures and groups that exist within it * An important text for graduate and advanced undergraduate students or classes, along with private and government analysts all operating within the areas of political theory, detection theory, social psychology, organizational behavior, psychophysics, and applied mathematics in the social and information sciences
Nearly 30 years ago, John Horton Conway introduced a new way to construct numbers. Donald E. Knuth, in appreciation of this revolutionary system, took a week off from work on The Art of Computer Programming to write an introduction to Conway's method. Never content with the ordinary, Knuth wrote this introduction as a work of fiction--a novelette. If not a steamy romance, the book nonetheless shows how a young couple turned on to pure mathematics and found total happiness. The book's primary aim, Knuth explains in a postscript, is not so much to teach Conway's theory as "to teach how one might go about developing such a theory." He continues: "Therefore, as the two characters in this book gradually explore and build up Conway's number system, I have recorded their false starts and frustrations as well as their good ideas. I wanted to give a reasonably faithful portrayal of the important principles, techniques, joys, passions, and philosophy of mathematics, so I wrote the story as I was actually doing the research myself..,." It is an astonishing feat of legerdemain. An empty hat rests on a table made of a few axioms of standard set theory. Conway waves two simple rules in the air, then reaches into almost nothing and pulls out an infinitely rich tapestry of numbers that form a real and closed field. Every real number is surrounded by a host of new numbers that lie closer to it than any other "real" value does. The system is truly "surreal." "quoted from Martin Gardner, Mathematical Magic Show, pp. 16--19" Surreal Numbers, now in its 13th printing, will appeal to anyone
who might enjoy an engaging dialogue on abstract mathematical
ideas, and who might wish to experience hownew mathematics is
This volume represents the refereed proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Finite Fields and Applications (F q5) held at the University of Augsburg (Germany) from August 2-6, 1999, and hosted by the Department of Mathematics. The conference continued a series of biennial international conferences on finite fields, following earlier conferences at the University of Nevada at Las Vegas (USA) in August 1991 and August 1993, the University ofGlasgow (Scotland) in July 1995, and the University ofWaterloo (Canada) in August 1997. The Organizing Committee of F q5 comprised Thomas Beth (University ofKarlsruhe), Stephen D. Cohen (University of Glasgow), Dieter Jungnickel (University of Augsburg, Chairman), Alfred Menezes (University of Waterloo), Gary L. Mullen (Pennsylvania State University), Ronald C. Mullin (University of Waterloo), Harald Niederreiter (Austrian Academy of Sciences), and Alexander Pott (University of Magdeburg). The program ofthe conference consisted offour full days and one halfday ofsessions, with 11 invited plenary talks andover80contributedtalks that re- quired three parallel sessions. This documents the steadily increasing interest in finite fields and their applications. Finite fields have an inherently fasci- nating structure and they are important tools in discrete mathematics. Their applications range from combinatorial design theory, finite geometries, and algebraic geometry to coding theory, cryptology, and scientific computing. A particularly fruitful aspect is the interplay between theory and applications which has led to many new perspectives in research on finite fields.
Principles of Analysis: Measure, Integration, Functional Analysis, and Applications prepares readers for advanced courses in analysis, probability, harmonic analysis, and applied mathematics at the doctoral level. The book also helps them prepare for qualifying exams in real analysis. It is designed so that the reader or instructor may select topics suitable to their needs. The author presents the text in a clear and straightforward manner for the readers' benefit. At the same time, the text is a thorough and rigorous examination of the essentials of measure, integration and functional analysis. The book includes a wide variety of detailed topics and serves as a valuable reference and as an efficient and streamlined examination of advanced real analysis. The text is divided into four distinct sections: Part I develops the general theory of Lebesgue integration; Part II is organized as a course in functional analysis; Part III discusses various advanced topics, building on material covered in the previous parts; Part IV includes two appendices with proofs of the change of the variable theorem and a joint continuity theorem. Additionally, the theory of metric spaces and of general topological spaces are covered in detail in a preliminary chapter . Features: Contains direct and concise proofs with attention to detail Features a substantial variety of interesting and nontrivial examples Includes nearly 700 exercises ranging from routine to challenging with hints for the more difficult exercises Provides an eclectic set of special topics and applications About the Author: Hugo D. Junghenn is a professor of mathematics at The George Washington University. He has published numerous journal articles and is the author of several books, including Option Valuation: A First Course in Financial Mathematics and A Course in Real Analysis. His research interests include functional analysis, semigroups, and probability. |
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