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Books > Science & Mathematics > Mathematics > Algebra > General
This textbook on linear algebra includes the key topics of the
subject that most advanced undergraduates need to learn before
entering graduate school. All the usual topics, such as complex
vector spaces, complex inner products, the Spectral theorem for
normal operators, dual spaces, the minimal polynomial, the Jordan
canonical form, and the rational canonical form, are covered, along
with a chapter on determinants at the end of the book. In addition,
there is material throughout the text on linear differential
equations and how it integrates with all of the important concepts
in linear algebra.
This text features a careful treatment of flow lines and algebraic invariants in contact form geometry, a vast area of research connected to symplectic field theory, pseudo-holomorphic curves, and Gromov-Witten invariants (contact homology). In particular, it develops a novel algebraic tool in this field: rooted in the concept of critical points at infinity, the new algebraic invariants defined here are useful in the investigation of contact structures and Reeb vector fields. The book opens with a review of prior results and then proceeds through an examination of variational problems, non-Fredholm behavior, true and false critical points at infinity, and topological implications. An increasing convergence with regular and singular Yamabe-type problems is discussed, and the intersection between contact form and Riemannian geometry is emphasized. Rich in open problems and full, detailed proofs, this work lays the foundation for new avenues of study in contact form geometry and will benefit graduate students and researchers.
This is the first comprehensive basic monograph on mixed Hodge structures. Starting with a summary of classic Hodge theory from a modern vantage point the book goes on to explain Deligne's mixed Hodge theory. Here proofs are given using cubical schemes rather than simplicial schemes. Next come Hain's and Morgan's results on mixed Hodge structures related to homotopy theory. Steenbrink's approach of the limit mixed Hodge structure is then explained using the language of nearby and vanishing cycle functors bridging the passage to Saito's theory of mixed Hodge modules which is the subject of the last chapter. Since here D-modules are essential, these are briefly introduced in a previous chapter. At various stages applications are given, ranging from the Hodge conjecture to singularities. The book ends with three large appendices, each one in itself a resourceful summary of tools and results not easily found in one place in the existing literature (homological algebra, algebraic and differential topology, stratified spaces and singularities). The book is intended for advanced graduate students, researchers in complex algebraic geometry as well as interested researchers in nearby fields (algebraic geometry, mathematical physics
Algebra I For Dummies, 2nd Edition (9781119293576) was previously published as Algebra I For Dummies, 2nd Edition (9780470559642). While this version features a new Dummies cover and design, the content is the same as the prior release and should not be considered a new or updated product. Factor fearlessly, conquer the quadratic formula, and solve linear equations There's no doubt that algebra can be easy to some while extremely challenging to others. If you're vexed by variables, Algebra I For Dummies, 2nd Edition provides the plain-English, easy-to-follow guidance you need to get the right solution every time! Now with 25% new and revised content, this easy-to-understand reference not only explains algebra in terms you can understand, but it also gives you the necessary tools to solve complex problems with confidence. You'll understand how to factor fearlessly, conquer the quadratic formula, and solve linear equations. Includes revised and updated examples and practice problems Provides explanations and practical examples that mirror today's teaching methods Other titles by Sterling: Algebra II For Dummies and Algebra Workbook For Dummies Whether you're currently enrolled in a high school or college algebra course or are just looking to brush-up your skills, Algebra I For Dummies, 2nd Edition gives you friendly and comprehensible guidance on this often difficult-to-grasp subject.
This is a college algebra-level textbook written to provide the kind of mathematical knowledge and experiences that students will need for courses in other fields, such as biology, chemistry, business, finance, economics, and other areas that are heavily dependent on data either from laboratory experiments or from other studies. The focus is on the fundamental mathematical concepts and the realistic problem-solving via mathematical modeling rather than the development of algebraic skills that might be needed in calculus. Functions, Data, and Models presents college algebra in a way that differs from almost all college algebra books available today. Rather than going over material covered in high school courses the Gordons teach something new. Students are given an introduction to data analysis and mathematical modeling presented at a level that students with limited algebraic skills can understand. The book contains a rich set of exercises, many of which use real data. Also included are thought experiments or what if questions that are meant to stretch the student s mathematical thinking.
Efficient parallel solutions have been found to many problems. Some of them can be obtained automatically from sequential programs, using compilers. However, there is a large class of problems - irregular problems - that lack efficient solutions. IRREGULAR 94 - a workshop and summer school organized in Geneva - addressed the problems associated with the derivation of efficient solutions to irregular problems. This book, which is based on the workshop, draws on the contributions of outstanding scientists to present the state of the art in irregular problems, covering aspects ranging from scientific computing, discrete optimization, and automatic extraction of parallelism. Audience: This first book on parallel algorithms for irregular problems is of interest to advanced graduate students and researchers in parallel computer science.
Inequalities continue to play an essential role in mathematics. The subject is per haps the last field that is comprehended and used by mathematicians working in all the areas of the discipline of mathematics. Since the seminal work Inequalities (1934) of Hardy, Littlewood and P6lya mathematicians have laboured to extend and sharpen the earlier classical inequalities. New inequalities are discovered ev ery year, some for their intrinsic interest whilst others flow from results obtained in various branches of mathematics. So extensive are these developments that a new mathematical periodical devoted exclusively to inequalities will soon appear; this is the Journal of Inequalities and Applications, to be edited by R. P. Agar wal. Nowadays it is difficult to follow all these developments and because of lack of communication between different groups of specialists many results are often rediscovered several times. Surveys of the present state of the art are therefore in dispensable not only to mathematicians but to the scientific community at large. The study of inequalities reflects the many and various aspects of mathemat ics. There is on the one hand the systematic search for the basic principles and the study of inequalities for their own sake. On the other hand the subject is a source of ingenious ideas and methods that give rise to seemingly elementary but nevertheless serious and challenging problems. There are many applications in a wide variety of fields from mathematical physics to biology and economics."
Chapter 1 The algebraic prerequisites for the book are covered here and in the appendix. This chapter should be used as reference material and should be consulted as needed. A systematic treatment of algebras, coalgebras, bialgebras, Hopf algebras, and represen tations of these objects to the extent needed for the book is given. The material here not specifically cited can be found for the most part in Sweedler, 1969] in one form or another, with a few exceptions. A great deal of emphasis is placed on the coalgebra which is the dual of n x n matrices over a field. This is the most basic example of a coalgebra for our purposes and is at the heart of most algebraic constructions described in this book. We have found pointed bialgebras useful in connection with solving the quantum Yang-Baxter equation. For this reason we develop their theory in some detail. The class of examples described in Chapter 6 in connection with the quantum double consists of pointed Hopf algebras. We note the quantized enveloping algebras described Hopf algebras. Thus for many reasons pointed bialgebras are elsewhere are pointed of fundamental interest in the study of the quantum Yang-Baxter equation and objects quantum groups."
This volume explores the rich interplay between number theory and wireless communications, reviewing the surprisingly deep connections between these fields and presenting new research directions to inspire future research. The contributions of this volume stem from the Workshop on Interactions between Number Theory and Wireless Communication held at the University of York in 2016. The chapters, written by leading experts in their respective fields, provide direct overviews of highly exciting current research developments. The topics discussed include metric Diophantine approximation, geometry of numbers, homogeneous dynamics, algebraic lattices and codes, network and channel coding, and interference alignment. The book is edited by experts working in number theory and communication theory. It thus provides unique insight into key concepts, cutting-edge results, and modern techniques that play an essential role in contemporary research. Great effort has been made to present the material in a manner that is accessible to new researchers, including PhD students. The book will also be essential reading for established researchers working in number theory or wireless communications looking to broaden their outlook and contribute to this emerging interdisciplinary area.
This book follows a conversational approach in five dozen stories that provide an insight into the colorful world of financial mathematics and financial markets in a relaxed, accessible and entertaining form. The authors present various topics such as returns, real interest rates, present values, arbitrage, replication, options, swaps, the Black-Scholes formula and many more. The readers will learn how to discover, analyze, and deal with the many financial mathematical decisions the daily routine constantly demands. The book covers a wide field in terms of scope and thematic diversity. Numerous stories are inspired by the fields of deterministic financial mathematics, option valuation, portfolio optimization and actuarial mathematics. The book also contains a collection of basic concepts and formulas of financial mathematics and of probability theory. Thus, also readers new to the subject will be provided with all the necessary information to verify the calculations.
This volume is dedicated to Bill Helton on the occasion of his sixty fifth birthday. It contains biographical material, a list of Bill's publications, a detailed survey of Bill's contributions to operator theory, optimization and control and 19 technical articles. Most of the technical articles are expository and should serve as useful introductions to many of the areas which Bill's highly original contributions have helped to shape over the last forty odd years. These include interpolation, Szegoe limit theorems, Nehari problems, trace formulas, systems and control theory, convexity, matrix completion problems, linear matrix inequalities and optimization. The book should be useful to graduate students in mathematics and engineering, as well as to faculty and individuals seeking entry level introductions and references to the indicated topics. It can also serve as a supplementary text to numerous courses in pure and applied mathematics and engineering, as well as a source book for seminars.
Dedicated to the memory of Wolfgang Classical Intersection Theory (see for example Wei! [Wei]) treats the case of proper intersections, where geometrical objects (usually subvarieties of a non singular variety) intersect with the expected dimension. In 1984, two books appeared which surveyed and developed work by the individual authors, co workers and others on a refined version of Intersection Theory, treating the case of possibly improper intersections, where the intersection could have ex cess dimension. The first, by W. Fulton [Full] (recently revised in updated form), used a geometrical theory of deformation to the normal cone, more specifically, deformation to the normal bundle followed by moving the zero section to make the intersection proper; this theory was due to the author together with R. MacPherson and worked generally for intersections on algeb raic manifolds. It represents nowadays the standard approach to Intersection Theory. The second, by W. Vogel [Vogl], employed an algebraic approach to inter sections; although restricted to intersections in projective space it produced an intersection cycle by a simple and natural algorithm, thus leading to a Bezout theorem for improper intersections. It was developed together with J. Stiickrad and involved a refined version of the classical technique ofreduc tion to the diagonal: here one starts with the join variety and intersects with successive hyperplanes in general position, laying aside components which fall into the diagonal and intersecting the residual scheme with the next hyperplane; since all the hyperplanes intersect in the diagonal, the process terminates.
This monograph is a comprehensive account of formal matrices, examining homological properties of modules over formal matrix rings and summarising the interplay between Morita contexts and K theory. While various special types of formal matrix rings have been studied for a long time from several points of view and appear in various textbooks, for instance to examine equivalences of module categories and to illustrate rings with one-sided non-symmetric properties, this particular class of rings has, so far, not been treated systematically. Exploring formal matrix rings of order 2 and introducing the notion of the determinant of a formal matrix over a commutative ring, this monograph further covers the Grothendieck and Whitehead groups of rings. Graduate students and researchers interested in ring theory, module theory and operator algebras will find this book particularly valuable. Containing numerous examples, Formal Matrices is a largely self-contained and accessible introduction to the topic, assuming a solid understanding of basic algebra.
This book presents a guide to the extensive literature on the topic of semirings and includes a complete bibliography. It serves as a complement to the existing monographs and a point of reference to researchers and students on this topic. The literature on semirings has evolved over many years, in a variety of languages, by authors representing different schools of mathematics and working in various related fields. Recently, semiring theory has experienced rapid development, although publications are widely scattered. This survey also covers those newly emerged areas of semiring applications that have not received sufficient treatment in widely accessible monographs, as well as many lesser-known or forgotten' works. The author has been collecting the bibliographic data for this book since 1985. Over the years, it has proved very useful for specialists. For example, J.S. Golan wrote he owed ... a special debt to Kazimierz Glazek, whose bibliography proved to be an invaluable guide to the bewildering maze of literature on semirings'. U. Hebisch and H.J. Weinert also mentioned his collection of literature had been of great assistance to them. Now updated to include publications up to the beginning of 2002, this work is available to a wide readership. Audience: This volume is the first single reference that can guide the interested scholar or student to the relevant publications in semirings, semifields, algebraic theory of languages and automata, positive matrices and other generalisations, and ordered semigroups and groups.
The first systematic, self-contained presentation of a theory of arbitrary order ODEs with unbounded operator coefficients in a Hilbert or Banach space. Developed over the last 10 years by the authors, it deals with conditions of solvability, classes of uniqueness, estimates for solutions and asymptotic representations of solutions at infinity.
The book provides the theoretical fundamentals on turbulence and a complete overview of turbulence models, from the simplest to the most advanced ones including Direct and Large Eddy Simulation. It mainly focuses on problems of modeling and computation, and provides information regarding the theory of dynamical systems and their bifurcations. It also examines turbulence aspects which are not treated in most existing books on this subject, such as turbulence in free and mixed convection, transient turbulence and transition to turbulence. The book adopts the tensor notation, which is the most appropriate to deal with intrinsically tensor quantities such as stresses and strain rates, and for those who are not familiar with it an Appendix on tensor algebra and tensor notation are provided.
This volume contains selected papers presented at the Second Workshop on Clifford Algebras and their Applications in Mathematical Physics. These papers range from various algebraic and analytic aspects of Clifford algebras to applications in, for example, gauge fields, relativity theory, supersymmetry and supergravity, and condensed phase physics. Included is a biography and list of publications of Mario Schenberg, who, next to Marcel Riesz, has made valuable contributions to these topics. This volume will be of interest to mathematicians working in the fields of algebra, geometry or special functions, to physicists working on quantum mechanics or supersymmetry, and to historians of mathematical physics. "
Services requiring parts has become a $1.5 trillion business annually worldwide, creating a tremendous incentive to manage the logistics of these parts efficiently by making planning and operational decisions in a rational and rigorous manner. This book provides a broad overview of modeling approaches and solution methodologies for addressing service parts inventory problems found in high-powered technology and aerospace applications. The focus in this work is on the management of high cost, low demand rate service parts found in multi-echelon settings. This unique book, with its breadth of topics and mathematical treatment, begins by first demonstrating the optimality of an order-up-to policy [or (s-1, s)] in certain environments. This policy is used in the real world and studied throughout the text. The fundamental mathematical building blocks for modeling and solving applications of stochastic process and optimization techniques to service parts management problems are summarized extensively. A wide range of exact and approximate mathematical models of multi-echelon systems is developed and used in practice to estimate future inventory investment and part repair requirements. The text may be used in a variety of courses for first-year graduate students or senior undergraduates, as well as for practitioners, requiring only a background in stochastic processes and optimization. It will serve as an excellent reference for key mathematical concepts and a guide to modeling a variety of multi-echelon service parts planning and operational problems.
This book describes how generalised linear modelling procedures can be used in many different fields, without becoming entangled in problems of statistical inference. The author shows the unity of many of the commonly used models and provides readers with a taste of many different areas, such as survival models, time series, and spatial analysis, and of their unity. As such, this book will appeal to applied statisticians and to scientists having a basic grounding in modern statistics. With many exercises at the end of each chapter, it will equally constitute an excellent text for teaching applied statistics students and non- statistics majors. The reader is assumed to have knowledge of basic statistical principles, whether from a Bayesian, frequentist, or direct likelihood point of view, being familiar at least with the analysis of the simpler normal linear models, regression and ANOVA.
The three volumes of Interest Rate Modeling present a comprehensive and up-to-date treatment of techniques and models used in the pricing and risk management of fixed income securities. Written by two leading practitioners and seasoned industry veterans, this unique series combines finance theory, numerical methods, and approximation techniques to provide the reader with an integrated approach to the process of designing and implementing industrial-strength models for fixed income security valuation and hedging. Aiming to bridge the gap between advanced theoretical models and real-life trading applications, the pragmatic, yet rigorous, approach taken in this book will appeal to students, academics, and professionals working in quantitative finance. Volume I provides the theoretical and computational foundations for the series, emphasizing the construction of efficient grid- and simulation-based methods for contingent claims pricing. The second part of Volume I is dedicated to local-stochastic volatility modeling and to the construction of vanilla models for individual swap and Libor rates. Although the focus is eventually turned toward fixed income securities, much of the material in this volume applies to generic financial markets and will be of interest to anybody working in the general area of asset pricing.
The rapidly-evolving theory of vertex operator algebras provides deep insight into many important algebraic structures. Vertex operator algebras can be viewed as "complex analogues" of both Lie algebras and associative algebras. The monograph is written in a n accessible and self-contained manner, with detailed proofs and with many examples interwoven through the axiomatic treatment as motivation and applications. It will be useful for research mathematicians and theoretical physicists working the such fields as representation theory and algebraic structure sand will provide the basis for a number of graduate courses and seminars on these and related topics.
The main part of the book is based on a one semester graduate course for students in mathematics. I have attempted to develop the theory of hyperbolic systems of differen tial equations in a systematic way, making as much use as possible ofgradient systems and their algebraic representation. However, despite the strong sim ilarities between the development of ideas here and that found in a Lie alge bras course this is not a book on Lie algebras. The order of presentation has been determined mainly by taking into account that algebraic representation and homomorphism correspondence with a full rank Lie algebra are the basic tools which require a detailed presentation. I am aware that the inclusion of the material on algebraic and homomorphism correspondence with a full rank Lie algebra is not standard in courses on the application of Lie algebras to hyperbolic equations. I think it should be. Moreover, the Lie algebraic structure plays an important role in integral representation for solutions of nonlinear control systems and stochastic differential equations yelding results that look quite different in their original setting. Finite-dimensional nonlin ear filters for stochastic differential equations and, say, decomposability of a nonlinear control system receive a common understanding in this framework." |
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