Books > Language & Literature > Literary & linguistic reference works
As the most widely documented language in human history, English
holds a unique key to unlocking some of the mysteries of the
uniquely human endowment of language. Yet the field of World
Englishes has remained somewhat marginal in linguistic theory. This
collection heralds a more direct and mutually constructive
engagement with current linguistic theories, questions, and
methodologies. It achieves this through areal overviews,
theoretical chapters, and case studies. The 36 articles are divided
between four themes: Foundations, World Englishes and Linguistic
Theory, Areal Profiles, and Case Studies. Part I sets out the
complex history of the global spread of English. This is followed,
in Part II, by chapters addressing the mutual relevance and
importance of World Englishes and numerous theoretical subfields of
Linguistics. Part III offers detailed accounts of the structure and
social histories of specific varieties of English spoken across the
globe, highlighting points of theoretical interest. The collection
closes with a set of case studies that exemplify the type of
analysis encouraged by the volume. As attention is focused on
innovative work at the interface of dialect description and
theoretical explanation, the book is more succinct in its treatment
of applied themes, which are given complementary coverage in other
Essays by Ian Andrews, Roland Boer, Heidi Brush, Angela Hubler,
Cynthia Anne McLeod, Carl F. Miller, Jana Mikota, Mervyn Nicholson,
Jane Rosen, Sharon Smulders, Justyna Deszcz-Tryhubczak, Anastasia
Ulanowicz, Naomi Wood A significant body of scholarship examines
the production of children's literature by women and minorities, as
well as the representation of gender, race, and sexuality. But few
scholars have previously analyzed class in children's literature.
This definitive collection remedies that by defining and
exemplifying historical materialist approaches to children's
literature. The introduction of Little Red Readings lucidly
discusses characteristics of historical materialism, the
methodological approach to the study of literature and culture
first outlined by Karl Marx, defining key concepts and analyzing
factors that have marginalized this tradition, particularly in the
United States. The thirteen essays here analyze a wide range of
texts--from children's bibles to Mary Poppins to The Hunger
Games--using concepts in historical materialism from class struggle
to the commodity. Essayists apply the work of Marxist theorists
such as Ernst Bloch and Fredric Jameson to children's literature
and film. Others examine the work of leftist writers in India,
Germany, England, and the United States. The authors argue that
historical materialist methodology is critical to the study of
children's literature, as children often suffer most from
inequality. Some of the critics in this collection reveal the ways
that literature for children often functions to naturalize
capitalist economic and social relations. Other critics champion
literature that reveals to readers the construction of social
reality and point to texts that enable an understanding of the role
ordinary people might play in creating a more just future. The
collection adds substantially to our understanding of the political
and class character of children's literature worldwide, and
contributes to the development of a radical history of children's
Fluency in English is a highly sought after skill in every sphere
of life. It is the yardstick that could make or break a person's
chances of making it in the competitive job market that has become
global and where to communicate confidently and smartly seperates
the achiever from the loser. The contents of the book, in the form
of explanations and exercises, promises to be easy to understand
and the activities fun to work out. What a great way to learn
Entrepreneur and Customer Service Guru Redman Folgate is
mysteriously found dead in his mountain retreat. Has been
journalist Rock Hardstuff is coincidentally on the scene and
decides to solve the murder to redeem his career. Rock must weave
his way through a myriad of bizarre characters before he can solve
the Who Dunnit with a How Dunnit and so much more. Who Killed
Customer Care? uses a comedy murder mystery allegory to explain the
secrets of Customer and Client Communication.
This bilingual book provides a detailed overview of the project to
construct a National Corpus of Contemporary Welsh (CorCenCC),
addressing the conceptual and methodological challenges faced when
developing language corpora for minoritised languages. A conceptual
framework is presented for the user-driven design that underpinned
the CorCenCC project, along with a detailed blueprint that can
function as a scaffold for other researchers embarking on projects
of this nature. This book will be of value to those working in
language teaching, learning and assessment, language policy and
planning, translation, corpus linguistics and language technology,
and to anyone with an interest in Welsh and other minoritised
languages. Mae'r llyfr dwyieithog hwn yn rhoi trosolwg manwl o'r
prosiect i greu Corpws Cenedlaethol Cymraeg Cyfoes (CorCenCC), ac
yn mynd i'r afael a'r heriau cysyniadol a methodolegol a wynebir
wrth ddatblygu corpora iaith ar gyfer ieithoedd lleiafrifoledig.
Cyflwynir fframwaith cysyniadol ar gyfer y cynllun wedi'i yrru gan
ddefnyddwyr sy'n greiddiol i brosiect CorCenCC, ynghyd a glasbrint
manwl a all weithredu fel sgaffald i ymchwilwyr eraill sy'n dechrau
ar brosiectau o'r fath. Bydd y llyfr hwn o werth i'r rhai sy'n
gweithio ym meysydd addysgu, dysgu ac asesu ieithoedd, polisi iaith
a chynllunio ieithyddol, cyfieithu, ieithyddiaeth gorpws a
thechnoleg iaith, ac unrhyw un a diddordeb yn y Gymraeg ac
ieithoedd lleiafrifoledig eraill.
Despite their opposite emotional effects, humor and horror are
highly similar phenomena. They both can be traced back to (the
detection, resolution, and emotional elaboration of) incongruities,
understood as semantic violations through unexpected combinations
of oppositional information. However, theoretical and experimental
comparisons between humor and resolvable incongruities that elicit
other emotions than exhilaration have been lacking so far. To gain
more insights into the linguistic differences between humor and
horror and the cognitive real-time processing of both, a main
concern of this book is to discuss the transferability of
linguistic humor theories to a systematic horror investigation and
directly compare self-paced reading times (SPR), facial actions
(FACS), and event-related brain potentials (ERP) of normed minimal
quadruplets with frightening and humorous incongruities as well as
(in)coherent stimuli. The results suggest that humor and horror
share cognitive resources to detect and resolve incongruities. To
better distinguish humor from neighboring phenomena, this book
refines current humor theories by incorporating humor and horror in
a cognitive incongruity processing model.
This book sheds new light on corpus-assisted translation pedagogy,
an intersection of three distinct but cognate disciplines: corpus
linguistics, translation and pedagogy. By taking an innovative and
empirical approach to translation teaching, the study utilizes
mixed methods, including translation experiments, surveys and
in-depth focus groups. The results demonstrated the unique
advantages and at the same time called attention to possible
pitfalls of using corpora for translation teaching purposes. This
book enriches our understanding of corpus application in the
setting of translation between Chinese and English, two languages
which are each distinctly different from one another. Readers will
also discover new horizons in this burgeoning and interdisciplinary
field of research. This book appeals to a broad readership, from
scholars and researchers who are interested in translation
technology to widen the scope of translation studies, translation
trainers in search of effective teaching approaches to a growing
number of cross-disciplinary postgraduate students longing to
improve their translation skills and competence.
Students and travelers can instantly create hundreds of useful
phrases for conversation in Italian with this 6 page laminated
guide that provides example template sentences and a color coded
bank of words that can be plugged into those sentences. Grammar
rules are included for quick reference to support sentence building
along with hundreds of vocabulary words with definitions. To change
the meaning of a phrase, pick a different color-coded noun, verb or
adjective for a wide range of communication. Categories follow
those of an Italian language course which are the same categories
helpful to a world traveler. So whether writing papers for an
Italian class, or asking for help navigating the city of Venice,
QuickStudy has you covered. 6 page laminated guide includes:
Abbreviations Sentence Elements & Rules to Remember The Italian
Alphabet & Pronunciation Chart Numbers Directions Measurements
Greetings Useful Common Expressions Basic Statements Family Color
Season Attributes & Description Personal Information Months of
the Year Weather & Climate Habitat Entertainment Time
Passivizing Si & Impersonal Si Days & Dates Food Money
Travel & Navigation Errands & Shopping Work &
University Technology & Communication Health
"The Souls of White Folk: African American Writers Theorize
Whiteness" is the first study to consider the substantial body of
African American writing that critiques whiteness as social
construction and racial identity. Arguing against the prevailing
approach to these texts that says African American writers
retreated from issues of "race" when they wrote about whiteness,
Veronica T. Watson instead identifies this body of literature as an
African American intellectual and literary tradition that she names
"the literature of white estrangement."
In chapters that theorize white double consciousness (W. E. B.
Du Bois and Charles Chesnutt), white womanhood and class identity
(Zora Neale Hurston and Frank Yerby), and the socio-spatial
subjectivity of southern whites during the civil rights era (Melba
Patillo Beals), Watson explores the historically situated theories
and analyses of whiteness provided by the literature of white
estrangement from the late nineteenth through the mid-twentieth
centuries. She argues that these texts are best understood as part
of a multipronged approach by African American writers to challenge
and dismantle white supremacy in the United States and demonstrates
that these texts have an important place in the growing field of
critical whiteness studies.
The home of trusted English dictionaries and thesauruses for
everyday language use. The perfect word reference to broaden your
knowledge of English, ideal for everyday use, at home, in the
office or at school. Matching dictionary and thesaurus entries are
shown together for easy reference, with synonyms clearly shown in
shaded boxes. Presented in a durable hardback binding. Collins
English Dictionary and Thesaurus combines a comprehensive
dictionary with all the alternatives and opposites you need on the
same page. The book is designed for easy use, with alphabet thumb
tabs on every page and all entry words highlighted in bold type.
This layout means that you can be sure to find all the information
you need in the quickest time possible.
This book explains the emotion concepts of the Ibans, one of the
indigenous peoples in Sarawak, Malaysia. It is an outcome of a
research study, which aims to analyse the Iban emotion concepts
utilizing Natural Semantic Metalanguage (NSM), an analytical tool
developed by Anna Wierzbicka (1991), and the concrete/abstract
cultural continuum framework, a framework introduced by J. Vin
D'Cruz and G. Tham (1993), and later, J. Vin D'Cruz and William
Steele (2000). NSM enables emotion terminologies in Iban to be
explicated and further defined along the concrete/abstract cultural
continuum framework. The respondents of this study were the village
community of Sbangki Panjai, a longhouse located in Lubok Antu,
Sarawak. The findings reveal the core cultural values that underlie
the people's behaviours in the ways they express their emotions.
The complex 'rules of logic' called "adat" and the rules of
speaking in this speech community are discussed in detail in this
book, which explain the Ibans' communicative behaviours. Although
the semantic analysis of the emotion words is exhaustive and
comprehensive, it is necessary in order to reveal the complete
meaning of the emotions being examined without creating
ethnocentric bias. Thus, this book essentially describes how the
Ibans relate themselves to others in their interaction.
Joe R. Lansdale (b. 1951), the award-winning author of such novels
as Cold in July (1989) and The Bottoms (2000), as well as the
popular Hap and Leonard series, has been publishing novels since
1981. Lansdale has developed a tremendous cult audience willing to
follow him into any genre he chooses to write in, including horror,
western, crime, adventure, and fantasy. Within these genres, his
stories, novels, and novellas explore friendship, race, and life in
East Texas. His distinctive voice is often funny and always unique,
as characterized by such works as Bubba Ho-Tep (1994), a novella
that centers on Elvis Presley, his friend who believes himself to
be John F. Kennedy, and a soul-sucking ancient mummy. This same
novella won a Bram Stoker Award, one of the ten Bram Stoker Awards
given to Lansdale thus far in his illustrious career. Wielding a
talent that extends beyond the page to the screen, Landsdale has
also written episodes for Batman: The Animated Series and Superman:
The Animated Series. Conversations with Joe R. Lansdale brings
together interviews from newspapers, magazines, and podcasts
conducted throughout the prolific author's career. The collection
includes conversations between Lansdale and other noted peers like
Robert McCammon and James Grady; two podcast transcripts that have
never before appeared in print; and a brand-new interview,
exclusive to the volume. In addition to shedding light on his body
of literary work and process as a writer, this collection also
shares Lansdale's thoughts on comics, atheism, and martial arts.