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Books > Professional & Technical > Mechanical engineering & materials > Materials science > Mechanics of fluids
This book presents selected papers presented in the Symposium on Applied Aerodynamics and Design of Aerospace Vehicles (SAROD 2018), which was jointly organized by Aeronautical Development Agency (the nodal agency for the design and development of combat aircraft in India), Gas-Turbine Research Establishment (responsible for design and development of gas turbine engines for military applications), and CSIR-National Aerospace Laboratories (involved in major aerospace programs in the country such as SARAS program, LCA, Space Launch Vehicles, Missiles and UAVs). It brings together experiences of aerodynamicists in India as well as abroad in Aerospace Vehicle Design, Gas Turbine Engines, Missiles and related areas. It is a useful volume for researchers, professionals and students interested in diversified areas of aerospace engineering.
In the spring of 1971, Reinier Tirnrnan visited the University of Delaware during which time he gave a series of lectures on water waves from which these notes grew. Those of us privi leged to be present during that time will never forget the experience. Rein Tirnrnan is not easily forgotten. His seemingly inexhaustible energy completely overwhelmed us. Who could forget the numbing effect of a succession of long wine filled evenings of lively conversation on literature, politics, education, you name it, followed early the next day by the appearance of the apparently totally refreshed red haired giant eager to discuss our mathematical problems with keen insight en remarkable understanding, ready to lecture on fluid mechanics or optimal control theory or a host of other subjects and ready to work into the evening until the cycle repeated. He thought faster, he knew more, he drank more and he slept less than any of us mortals and he literally wore us out. What a rare privilege indeed to have participated in this intellectual orgy. Tirnrnan's lively interest in almost every thing coupled with his buoyant enthusiasm and infectious op timism epitomized his approach to life. No delicate nibbling at the fringes, he wanted every morsel of every course. In these times of narrow specialization truly renaissance figures are, if not extinct, at least a highly endangered species. But Tirnrnan was one of that rare breed."
This book provides a general introduction to fluid mechanics in the form of biographies and popular science. Based on the author's extensive teaching experience, it combines natural science and human history, knowledge inheritance and cognition law to replace abstract concepts of fluid mechanics with intuitive and understandable physical concepts. In seven chapters, it describes the development of fluid mechanics, aerodynamics, hydrodynamics, computational fluid dynamics, experimental fluid dynamics, wind tunnel and water tunnel equipment, the mystery of flight and aerodynamic principles, and leading figures in fluid mechanics in order to spark beginners' interest and allow them to gain a comprehensive understanding of the field's development. It also provides a list of references for further study.
Petroleum engineers continue to need cost saving and environmentally sustainable products and methods for today's hydraulic fracturing operations. Hydraulic Fracturing Chemicals and Fluid Technology, Second Edition, continues to deliver an easy-to-use manual of fluid formulations to meet specific job needs. Enhanced with more environmental aspects, this reference helps engineers and fluid specialists select and use the appropriate chemicals for any hydraulic fracturing job. New information concerning nanotechnology applications such as wellbore sealant and proppants are added to enhance operations in a sustainable manner while saving on production costs. Other updates include low recovery of fracturing water in shale, surfactants for waterless hydraulic fracturing, and expanded produced water treatment. Rounding out with updated references and patents for easy reference, Hydraulic Fracturing Chemicals and Fluid Technology, Second Edition, gives engineers a critical guide on selecting better products to boost productions while strengthening environmental enhancement and consideration.
Hydrodynamics and Transport Processes of Inverse Bubbly Flow provides the science and fundamentals behind hydrodynamic characteristics, including flow regimes, gas entrainment, pressure drop, holdup and mixing characteristics, bubble size distribution, and the interfacial area of inverse bubble flow regimes. Special attention is given to mass and heat transfer. This book is an indispensable reference for researchers in academia and industry working in chemical and biochemical engineering. Hydrodynamics and Transport Processes of Inverse Bubbly Flow helps facilitate a better understanding of the phenomena of multiphase flow systems as used in chemical and biochemical industries.
This book offers to students, engineers, CFD modelers, and scientists a detailed synthetic presentation of turbulence physics and modeling with the possibility to find a quick route through the jungle of publications and models. Chapters 1 to 4 show that turbulence models may be derived and analyzed in a physically sound manner with their potential merits and drawbacks. Chapters 5 and 6 review the physics of (inhomogenous) turbulent flows starting from the most simple flow cases and adding more and more complexity. The status and uncertainties of available experimental data and the practical performance of currently available turbulent models are discussed.
This volume collects the most important contributions from four minisymposia from ICIAM 2019. The papers highlight cutting-edge applications of Cartesian CFD methods and describe the employed algorithms and numerical schemes. An emphasis is laid on complex multi-physics applications like magnetohydrodynamics, combustion, aerodynamics with fluid-structure interaction, solved with various discretizations, e.g. finite difference, finite volume, multiresolution or lattice Boltzmann CFD schemes. Software design aspects and parallelization challenges are also considered. The book is addressed to graduate students and scientists in the fields of applied mathematics and computational engineering.
This book covers the author's research achievements and the latest advances in high-speed pneumatic control theory and applied technologies. It presents the basic theory and highlights pioneering technologies resulting from research and development efforts in aerospace, aviation and other major equipment, including: pneumatic servo control theory, pneumatic nonlinear mechanisms, aerothermodynamics, pneumatic servo mechanisms, and high-speed pneumatic control theory.
This special volume of the conference will be of immense use to the researchers and academicians. In this conference, academicians, technocrats and researchers will get an opportunity to interact with eminent persons in the field of Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing. The topics to be covered in this International Conference are comprehensive and will be adequate for developing and understanding about new developments and emerging trends in this area. High-Performance Computing (HPC) systems have gone through many changes during the past two decades in their architectural design to satisfy the increasingly large-scale scientific computing demand. Accurate, fast, and scalable performance models and simulation tools are essential for evaluating alternative architecture design decisions for the massive-scale computing systems. This conference recounts some of the influential work in modeling and simulation for HPC systems and applications, identifies some of the major challenges, and outlines future research directions which we believe are critical to the HPC modeling and simulation community.
No pyrometallurgical smelter can operate without some form of tapping system. It is the one thing all smelters have in common. This collection discusses this meeting point of the science, technology, and skill involved in this process. The tap-hole design process includes a set of design criteria, which need to be revised as the results of laboratory, computational fluid dynamics (CFD), and time-and-motion studies become available. The tap-hole life cycle is considered in this volume, with authors addressing the requirements for installation and operability as well as for maintenance. Matters such as online monitoring of the tap-hole wear, handling of liquid products, and extraction of fumes are all discussed. Although much has been done to make the tapping process as automatic as possible, tapping of smelters cannot be done without labor. Tap floor operators work in harsh environments where safety is of utmost importance. Selection of suitable personnel and intensive training is required and is discussed in this collection.
This volume contains the proceedings of the CEAS/DragNet European Drag Reduction Conference 2000. The conference addressed the recent advances in all areas of drag reduction research, development, validation and demonstration including laminar flow technology, adaptive wing concepts, turbulent and induced drag reduction, separation control and supersonic flow aspects. This volume is of particular interest to engineers, scientists and students working in the aeronautics industry, research establishments or academia.
Today's scientific and engineering community has a good grasp on how to model fluid flows at macro and molecular scales, with well-developed theory and supporting technologies. Between these two extremes lies the nano/meso scale (i.e. in the range of 50nm-500nm) where fluid flow models continue to be problematic. Continuum models used at macro scales assume a negligible influence from molecular interactions, while molecular models do not predict flow well at nano/meso dimensions. The solution, and the subject of this book, is to use elements from both to capture correctly the proper physics (from the molecular scale) and provide a description in terms of useful fluid properties (as characterized on the continuum scale). Fluid Properties at Nano/Meso Scale is based on the authors' past five years' research that has yielded new innovations in fluid simulation strategies at the nano/meso scale. The authors approach this subject in a straightforward and easy to understand format, providing a first step into the subject for researchers at all levels. They present new tools that allow the numerical computation of fluid properties from first principles, enabling the reader to begin to model successfully fluids at nano/meso scale. It is hoped that these first steps will engender the further development and advancement of simulation techniques at this scale, and keep engineering simulation at the cutting edge of technology.* Presents internationally leading developments in the field of fluid properties at nano/meso scale* Provides the reader with the first steps to fluid modelling at nano/meso-scales as well as state-of-the-art applications* Includes innovative and new simulation techniques along with a detailed examination of existing numerical methods
This volume contains the papers presented at the IUTAM Symposium on Geometry and Statistics of Turbulence, held in November 1999, at the Shonan International Village Center, Hayama (Kanagawa-ken), Japan. The Symposium was proposed in 1996, aiming at organizing concen trated discussions on current understanding of fluid turbulence with empha sis on the statistics and the underlying geometric structures. The decision of the General Assembly of International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (IUTAM) to accept the proposal was greeted with enthusiasm. Turbulence is often characterized as having the properties of mixing, inter mittency, non-Gaussian statistics, and so on. Interest is growing recently in how these properties are related to formation and evolution of struc tures. Note that the intermittency is meant for passive scalars as well as for turbulence velocity or rate of dissipation. There were eighty-eight participants in the Symposium. They came from thirteen countries, and fifty-seven papers were presented. The presenta tions comprised a wide variety of fundamental subjects of mathematics, statistical analyses, physical models as well as engineering applications. Among the subjects discussed are (a) Degree of self-similarity in cascade, (b) Fine-scale structures and degree of Markovian property in turbulence, (c) Dynamics of vorticity and rates of strain, (d) Statistics associated with vortex structures, (e) Topology, structures and statistics of passive scalar advection, (f) Partial differential equations governing PDFs of velocity in crements, (g) Thermal turbulences, (h) Channel and pipe flow turbulences, and others.
Describes the physical processes leading to the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability as a primary cause of clear air turbulence (CAT). Provides a thorough description of the several factors that increase the CAT probability. Covers in a comprehensive manner all the topics ranging from the discovery of CAT during World War II to modern techniques to observe and predict conditions conducive to CAT formation. Touches on the great variety of proposed CAT detection methods along with their performance and limitations. Suitable for a wide range of readers in physics, geo-engineering, meteorology, aerodynamics as well as in mechanical, aeronautical and manufacturing engineering interested in the phenomenon of CAT, its detection and its effect on aviation hazard.
The classic textbook on fluid mechanics is revised and updated by Dr. David Dowling to better illustrate this important subject for modern students. With topics and concepts presented in a clear and accessible way, Fluid Mechanics guides students from the fundamentals to the analysis and application of fluid mechanics, including compressible flow and such diverse applications as aerodynamics and geophysical fluid mechanics. Its broad and deep coverage is ideal for both a first or second course in fluid dynamics at the graduate or advanced undergraduate level, and is well-suited to the needs of modern scientists, engineers, mathematicians, and others seeking fluid mechanics knowledge.
Hyperbolic partial differential equations describe phenomena of
material or wave transport in physics, biology and engineering,
especially in the field of fluid mechanics. The mathematical theory
of hyperbolic equations has recently made considerable progress.
Accurate and efficient numerical schemes for computation have been
and are being further developed.
This book comprises the proceedings of the Virtual Seminar on Applied Mechanics 2021 organized by the Indian Society for Applied Mechanics. The contents of this volume focus on solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, biomechanics/biomedical engineering, materials science and design engineering. The authors are experienced practitioners and the chapters encompass up-to-date research in the field of applied mechanics. This book will appeal to researchers and scholars across the broad spectrum of engineering involving the application of mechanics in civil, mechanical, aerospace, automobile, bio-medical, material science, and more.
This volume contains results gained from the EU-funded 6th Framework project ADIGMA (Adaptive Higher-order Variational Methods for Aerodynamic Applications in Industry). The goal of ADIGMA was the development and utilization of innovative adaptive higher-order methods for the compressible flow equations enabling reliable, mesh independent numerical solutions for large-scale aerodynamic applications in aircraft industry. The ADIGMA consortium was comprised of 22 organizations which included the main European aircraft manufacturers, the major European research establishments and several universities, all with well proven expertise in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). The book presents an introduction to the project, exhibits partners methods and approaches and provides a critical assessment of the newly developed methods for industrial aerodynamic applications. The best numerical strategies for integration as major building blocks for the next generation of industrial flow solvers are identified. "
This introductory book addresses a broad range of classical Fluid Dynamics topics, interesting applications, and related problems in everyday life. The geophysical and astrophysical applications discussed concern e.g. the shape and internal structure of the Earth and stars, the dynamics of the atmosphere and ocean, hydrodynamic instabilities, and the different kinds of waves that can be found in the atmosphere, ocean and solid Earth. Non-linear waves (solitons) are also mentioned. In turn, the book explores problems from everyday life, including the motion of golf balls, life at low Reynolds numbers, the physics of sailing, and the aerodynamics of airplanes and Grand Prix cars. No book on this topic would be complete without a look at chaos and turbulence; here the problems span from Gaussian plumes to chaotic dynamos, to stochastic climate modeling. Advances in fluid dynamics have produced a wealth of numerical methods and techniques, which are used in many of the applications. Given its structure, the book can be used both for an introductory course to fluid dynamics and as preparation for more advanced problems typical of graduate-level courses.
The text covers a wide range of topics such as mathematical modeling of crop pest control management, water resources management, impact of anthropogenic activities on atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations, impact of climate changes on melting of glaciers and polar bear populations, dynamics of slow-fast predator-prey system and spread and control of HIV epidemic. It emphasizes the use of mathematical modeling to investigate the fluid flow problems including the breaking of viscoelastic jet, instability arising in nanofiber, flow in an annulus channel, and thermal instability in nano-fluids in a comprehensive manner. This book will be a readily accessible source of information for the students, researchers and policymakers interested in the application of mathematical and computational modeling techniques to investigate various biological and engineering phenomena. Features Focuses on the current modeling and computational trends to investigate various ecological, epidemiological, and engineering systems. Presents the mathematical modeling of a wide range of ecological and environmental issues including crop pest control management, water resources management, the effect of anthropogenic activities on atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations, and impact of climate changes on melting of glaciers and polar bear population. Covers a wide range of topics including the breaking of viscoelastic jet, instability arising in nanofiber, flow in an annulus channel, and thermal instability in nano-fluids. Examines evolutionary models i.e., models of time-varying processes. Highlights the recent developments in the analytical methods to investigate the nonlinear dynamical systems. Showcases diversified applications of computational techniques to solve practical biological and engineering problems. The book focuses on the recent research developments in the mathematical modeling and scientific computing of biological and engineering systems. It will serve as an ideal reference text for senior undergraduate, graduate students, and researchers in diverse fields including ecological engineering, environmental engineering, computer engineering, mechanical engineering, mathematics, and fluid dynamics.
Coanda effect is a complex fluid flow phenomenon enabling the production of vertical take-off/landing aircraft. Other applications range from helicopters to road vehicles, from flow mixing to combustion, from noise reduction to pollution control, from power generation to robot operation, and so forth. Book starts with description of the effect, its history and general formulation of governing equations/simplifications used in different applications. Further, it gives an account of this effect's lift boosting potential on a wing and in non-flying vehicles including industrial applications. Finally, occurrence of the same in human body and associated adverse medical conditions are explained.
This open access book, published in the Soft and Biological Matter series, presents an introduction to selected research topics in the broad field of flowing matter, including the dynamics of fluids with a complex internal structure -from nematic fluids to soft glasses- as well as active matter and turbulent phenomena. Flowing matter is a subject at the crossroads between physics, mathematics, chemistry, engineering, biology and earth sciences, and relies on a multidisciplinary approach to describe the emergence of the macroscopic behaviours in a system from the coordinated dynamics of its microscopic constituents. Depending on the microscopic interactions, an assembly of molecules or of mesoscopic particles can flow like a simple Newtonian fluid, deform elastically like a solid or behave in a complex manner. When the internal constituents are active, as for biological entities, one generally observes complex large-scale collective motions. Phenomenology is further complicated by the invariable tendency of fluids to display chaos at the large scales or when stirred strongly enough. This volume presents several research topics that address these phenomena encompassing the traditional micro-, meso-, and macro-scales descriptions, and contributes to our understanding of the fundamentals of flowing matter. This book is the legacy of the COST Action MP1305 "Flowing Matter".
This book provides a guiding thread between the distant fields of fluid mechanics and clinical cardiology. Well rooted in the science of fluid dynamics, it drives the reader across progressively more realistic scenarios up to the complexity of routine medical applications. Based on the author's 25 years of collaborations with cardiologists, it helps engineers learn communicating with clinicians, yet maintaining the rigor of scientific disciplines. This book starts with a description of the fundamental elements of fluid dynamics in large blood vessels. This is achieved by introducing a rigorous physical background accompanied by examples applied to the circulation, and by presenting classic and recent results related to the application of fluid dynamics to the cardiovascular physiology. It then explores more advanced topics for a physics-based understanding of phenomena effectively encountered in clinical cardiology. It stands as an ideal learning resource for physicists and engineers working in cardiovascular fluid dynamics, industry engineers working on biomedical/cardiovascular technology, and students in bio-fluid dynamics. Written with a concise style, this textbook is accessible to a broad readership, including students, physical scientists and engineers, offering an entry point into this multi-disciplinary field. It includes key concepts exemplified by illustrations using cutting-edge imaging, references to modelling and measurement technologies, and includes unique original insights.
The book contains 12 chapters written by well-known shock wave researchers from seven different countries. Each researcher provides a brief description of his main research interests and results, thereby providing the readers with an excellent view of shock wave research conducted in the past fifty years. It also provides hints as to what still needs further investigation. It will be an excellent guide for young researchers entering the field of shock wave phenomena. Among the described investigations are the following topics: Blast wave interaction with a body when the body is in the area of interference of two blast waves moving in different directions; equation of state for water based on the shock Hugoniot data; Mach waves occurring over a backward facing edge in supersonic flow; shock waves in dusty gas; shock wave interaction with various bodies; three shock interactions. |
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