Books > Medicine > Clinical & internal medicine > Rheumatology
The Key Facts on Arthritis provides readers with essential,
easy-to-read information on both arthritis and other rheumatic
diseases. Compiled in a simplified manner, this guide helps
patients navigate these painful diseases without enduring the
complicated nature of medical terminology. By making a
patient-friendly manual to the causes, treatment, and ongoing
research of arthritis and rheumatic diseases, one can easily
determine what they are facing and how to live their life to the
Viele Menschen leiden unter Kniegelenkschmerzen und sind stark in
ihrer Mobilitat und damit in ihrer Lebensqualitat eingeschrankt.
Ca. 160.000 Menschen erhalten jahrlich in Deutschland einen
Kniegelenkersatz. Vier Spezialisten geben Betroffenen und
Interessierten einen UEberblick uber die Erkrankung, die
Diagnostik, die Therapie und vor allem uber den Verlauf nach einer
Unter den zahlreichen Kunstgelenken, die in den letzten
21ahrzehnten entwickelt und implantiert worden sind, spielen
Schultergelenkendoprothesen noch eine ver- gleichsweise geringe
Rolle. Dies hangt v.a. mit den anatomischen, biomechani- schen und
funktionellen Besonderheiten des Schultergelenks zusammen. Nur an
wenigen Kliniken liegen im deutschen Sprachraum bisher gr613ere
Erfah- rungen mit der Schuiterendoprothetik vor. Sie beziehen sich
hauptsachlich auf Pati- enten mit Gelenkzerst6rungen nach schweren
Unfallfolgen, Knochentumoren, rheumatoider Arthritis oder
degenerativen Schultererkrankungen. So wird viel- leicht
verstandlich, warum das Thema "ktinstlicher Schultergelenkersatz"
auf unse- ren Kongressen und Symposien bisher kaum zur Sprache kam.
Es lag deshalb nahe, die 35. lahrestagung Nordwestdeutscher
Orthopaden im lu- ni 1985 in Kiel zum Anlal3 zu nehmen, den
gegenwartigen Stand der Schulterendo- prothetik einmal ausfUhrlich
darzustellen und zu diskutieren. Dazu wurden viele der fUhrenden
Spezialisten aus dem europaischen Ausland, aus Ubersee und dem
deutschen Sprachraum eingeladen, urn tiber ihre Erfahrungen zu
berichten. Die Veranstaltung erstreckte sich tiber 2Y2 Tage, die
Teilnehmerzahl war auf etwa 100 begrenzt. Eine hervorragende
Simultantibersetzung durch Frau Dr. med. A. Beisel, Heidel- berg
(Leitung), Mrs. K. Band und Herrn Dip\.-Volksw. E. Feldberg, alle
Konferenz- dolmetscher A. I. I. C, sorgte fUr einen lebendigen
Gedankenaustausch aller Teil- nehmer, der in keiner Weise zeitlich
eingeschrankt war. In der vorliegenden Monographie sind samtliche
Beitrage und die wesentlichen Diskussionsbemerkungen
This case study explores the narratives of four women with the
chronic autoimmune disease known as lupus. The author used
participant observation in his role as Community Occupational
Therapist (and son) to gain access to a convenience sample of four
women diagnosed with lupus. He asked them to keep written diaries
about their day-to-day experiences of living with the illness.
These diaries were later given to the author to read, study and
analyse. Additionally, the author's personal ethnography as a son
was submitted as data for this study. This ethnographic writing
centred on the life of one sole informant, his mother, who later
died with the disease whilst in the care of paid health
professionals. The findings and conclusions from this study will
have implications for future research projects into the social
impact of living with Lupus.
Approximately four million people in the United States have
Sjogren's syndrome, a chronic illness which is extremely difficult
to diagnose, and even more difficult to treat. Sjogren s syndrome
is an autoimmune disease characterized by an overactive immune
system that targets moisture-producing glands in the body. It
manifests itself in multi-system dryness potentially affecting
every system in the body including, but not limited to, the eyes,
mouth, joints, lungs, nervous system, liver, kidneys, and bladder.
People with Sjogren's often go undiagnosed for years, their
symptoms dismissed by doctors or classified as psychosomatic. All
the while, the patient is increasingly unable to participate in
daily life. Written by Sjogren's sufferers from various regions of
the United States and Canada and including a foreword by Steven
Taylor, CEO of the Sjogren's Syndrome Foundation, Tales From the
Dry Side offers up the stories of thirteen courageous men and women
who share their journey with diagnosis, symptoms, and treatment of
Sjogren's, as well as candid portraits of how this illness has
affected their families, their personal lives, and their careers.
Each first-hand account brings the reader through the medical maze
that each contributor has had to navigate in their quest for
wellness. This book brings hope and comfort to the millions
suffering from Sjogren's syndrome and to those who suffer from any
of the eighty other identified autoimmune diseases, as well as to
anyone faced with overwhelming obstacles. "Books like this are a
wonderful opportunity to have the Sjogren's story come to life. I
am humbled by those patients that are willing to tell their story.
Women and men who are willing to stand up, share their struggles
and their triumphs as they manage this confusing and common, yet
unknown disease." - Steven Taylor, Chief Executive Officer,
Sjogren's Syndrome Foundation
Dieser umfassende Uberblick vermittelt Ihnen klinikbezogen das
aktuelle Wissen zur allgemeinen und speziellen Pathologie der
Gelenkerkrankungen und des Bindegewebes.
Didaktisch klar, mit umfangreichem Abbildungsmaterial
- Fundierte Darstellung der Pathogenese und Morphologie
- Detaillierte Beschreibung der einzelnen Krankheiten
- Mikroskopischer, makroskopischer und Rontgenbefund ubersichtlich
in synoptischen Tableaus
Ein Handbuch und Nachschlagewerk, das Ihnen praktische
Entscheidungshilfen fur die Befundinterpretation und Therapie
A 24-year-old woman attends rheumatology outpatients with an
eight-week history of painful hands. On examination she is tearful
and thin. You are the medic on duty... 100 Cases in Orthopaedics
and Rheumatology presents 100 scenarios commonly seen by medical
students and junior doctors in orthopaedic and rheumatology
clinics, or in the emergency department. A succinct summary of the
patient's history, examination and initial investigations, with
clinical and/or imaging photographs, is followed by questions on
the diagnosis and management of each case. The answer includes a
detailed discussion on each topic, with further illustration where
appropriate, providing an essential revision aid as well as a
practical guide for students and junior doctors. Making clinical
decisions and choosing the best course of action is one of the most
challenging and difficult parts of training to become a doctor.
These cases will teach students and junior doctors to recognize
important symptoms and signs and, where appropriate, their
relationship to other medical conditions, and to develop their
diagnostic and management skills.
Ziel des Buches ist es, AErzte und Forschende fur die wichtigen
langfristigen gesundheitlichen Auswirkungen eines fruhen,
anhaltenden und schweren Traumas zu sensibilisieren. Der Autor,
Internist, Rheumatologe und Grundlagenforscher in der
Psychoneuroimmunologie, zeigt Zusammenhange zwischen widrigen
Kindheitserlebnissen und typischen Folgeproblemen bei Erwachsenen
auf. Nach fruhen traumatischen Erlebnissen und kindlichem Stress
kommt es haufiger zu psychischen Erkrankungen, chronischen
Schmerzen, Schlafstoerungen, Zahnproblemen, Adipositas,
Herz-Kreislauferkrankungen, Asthma, Diabetes mellitus und
chronischer Entzundung. Anhand einer Auswahl an Erkrankungen
koennen unmissverstandlich die langfristigen Folgen fruher
Kindheitstraumata aufgezeigt werden. Diese kindlichen Erlebnisse
erzeugen eine Art Langzeitprogrammierung, die negativ im
Erwachsenenalter einwirkt. Aus seiner psychoneuroimmunologischen
Perspektive identifiziert Rainer Straub vier Faktoren, die das
Gehirn mit dem Immunsystem verknupfen und an der chronischen
Immunaktivierung beteiligt sind: vom Gehirn ausgehende direkte
Verknupfer, indirekte Verknupfer, die uber hormonelle und neuronale
Bahnen funktionieren, extrakorporale - die Umweltfaktoren - und
pleiotrope Verknupfer - die Genvarianten.
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is a chronic disabling joint disease.
Empowering patients with RA to self manage the disease can lead to
changes in behaviour, pain or physical health and psychosocial
health status. Limited evidence exists for the efficacy of
comprehensive Occupational Therapy (OT) intervention for patients
with RA in improving functional ability. This study aimed to
evaluate the impact of comprehensive OT intervention on patients
with RA in producing a sustained improvement in patients'
functional ability. It was found that a comprehensive in-patient
occupational therapy programme does lead to sustained significant
improvement in functional ability and Health related quality of
life (HR-QOL). Focus groups and home based intervention appears to
have a clinically significant impact on disease activity.