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Books > Social sciences > Education > Teaching of specific groups > Teaching of ethnic minorities
The children of Mexican immigrant families are the fastest growing population in American schools today. Education can be the key to a better quality of life, especially for a population that faces breathtakingly high poverty rates and few other opportunities for social mobility. But these children are too frequently considered at risk academically. What more can be done to help them succeed? Mexican Roots, American Schools offers a fresh take on this timely and critically important issue by focusing on the first years of elementary school and the complex interplay of learning with other aspects of children's lives. Its social policy recommendations will be essential reading for educators, policymakers, and parents alike. Based on the first-ever national study of the school readiness of Mexican immigrant children, this book examines how various aspects of their lives-including health, the home environment, and childcare arrangements-help or hurt their academic performance. Drawing a comprehensive picture, it shows that these children start school behind their peers and only fall farther behind over the years. The author forcefully maintains that this situation does not need to continue. Crosnoe outlines which factors make the most difference, and recommends policy initiatives that would help change things. In addressing educational inequality, we need to target the earliest years of school and pre-school programs, offer resource centers and services for students and parents, and consider how health and home inevitably seep their way into the schools.
In this book Adam Banks uses the concept of the Digital Divide as a metonym for America's larger racial divide, in an attempt to figure out what meaningful access for African Americans to technologies and the larger American society can or should mean. He argues that African American rhetorical traditions--the traditions of struggle for justice and equitable participation in American society--exhibit complex and nuanced ways of understanding the difficulties inherent in the attempt to navigate through the seemingly impossible contradictions of gaining meaningful access to technological systems with the good they seem to make possible, and at the same time resisting the exploitative impulses that such systems always seem to present. Banks examines moments in these rhetorical traditions of appeals, warnings, demands, and debates to make explicit the connections between technological issues and African Americans' equal and just participation in American society. He shows that the big questions we must ask of our technologies are exactly the same questions leaders and lay people from Martin Luther King to Malcolm X to slave quilters to Critical Race Theorists to pseudonymous chatters across cyberspace have been asking all along. According to Banks the central ethical questions for the field of rhetoric and composition are technology access and the ability to address questions of race and racism. He uses this book to imagine what writing instruction, technology theory, literacy instruction, and rhetorical education can look like for all of us in a new century. Just as Race, Rhetoric, and Technology: Searching for Higher Ground is a call for a new orientation among those who study and profess African American rhetoric, it is also a call for those in the fields that make up mainstream English Studies to change their perspectives as well. This volume is intended for researchers, professionals, and students in Rhetoric and Composition, Technical Communication, the History of Science and Society, and African American Studies.
How to link research to practice in TESOL methodology? This textbook arises out of a need that has existed for years: for trained TESOL teachers to understand both qualitative and quantitative research methods. It proposes that mixed methods research (MMR) meets that need by combining the best aspects of both research traditions. Divided into 3 main sections, each chapter illustrates core principles in practice, using case studies of English teaching worldwide. Written specifically for those studying TESOL teaching, this textbook is the first to teach methods and practice in a global context. In linking to the latest developments in the field, it introduces TESOL teachers to MMR in a reflective and accessible manner. It includes guided tasks in each chapter. It presents extracts and summaries of MMR studies from the TESOL literature and recommends further reading. It covers core topics from vocabulary and grammar, to teaching writing, speaking and listening.
This text-reader brings together powerful readings that critically
situate issues of education in the context of the major cultural,
moral, political, economic, ecological, and spiritual crises that
confront us as a nation and a global community. It provides a focus
and a conceptual framework for thinking about education in light of
these issues. Readers are exposed to the thinking of some of the
best and most insightful social and educational commentators.
With a focus on what mathematics and science educators need to know about academic language used in the STEM disciplines, this book critically synthesizes the current knowledge base on language challenges inherent to learning mathematics and science, with particular attention to the unique issues for English learners. These key questions are addressed: When and how do students develop mastery of the language registers unique to mathematics and to the sciences? How do teachers use assessment as evidence of student learning for both accountability and instructional purposes? Orienting each chapter with a research review and drawing out important Focus Points, chapter authors examine the obstacles to and latest ideas for improving STEM literacy, and discuss implications for future research and practice.
A subject-specific guide for teachers to supplement professional development and provide resources for lesson planning. Approaches to learning and teaching English as a Second Language is the result of close collaboration between Cambridge University Press and Cambridge International Examinations. Considering the local and global contexts when planning and teaching an international syllabus, the title presents ideas in the context of ESL with practical examples that help put theory into context. Teachers can download online tools for lesson planning from our website. This book is ideal support for those studying professional development qualifications or international PGCEs.
This book provides the main ingredients for professional development in working with young children in a diverse society. It fills the gap that most early years training neglects, that is, how to work with children in developing a positive disposition towards themselves regardless of their differences. By helping children to develop a strong self-identity and good self-esteem we set the foundations for positive attitudes towards others and towards learning. Practical advice, real examples and staff activities bring the book to life. The book provides clear evidence and practical guidance on how to develop young children's emerging language, especially those children who have English as an additional language, and how to generate, activate and assess curriculum for diversity. The book focuses on all children's learning for cultural diversity. Culture is used as a broad term to include language, ethnicity, social class and gender. Each chapter offers a clear combination of theory and practice and ends with excellent staff development activities and further readings. The book will be important reading for all students and practitioners working with young children.
Die Regionalsprache Niederdeutsch etabliert sich zunehmend in unterschiedlichen Bildungseinrichtungen. Dieser Prozess wirft zahlreiche didaktische Fragen auf, die bisher weder umfassend gestellt noch konstruktiv beantwortet wurden. Die 16 interdisziplinaren Beitrage dieses wegbereitenden Sammelbandes zur modernen Niederdeutschdidaktik bieten erste Antworten, indem sprachhistorische und dialektologische Verankerungen beschrieben, institutionelle Zusammenhange geklart, Standardisierungs- und Orthografieaspekte problematisiert sowie Lehrmaterialien und -methoden reflektiert werden. Sie ziehen Vergleiche zu anderen Sprachen und entwerfen zukunftige Arbeitsfelder der Niederdeutschvermittlung auf empirischer und theoretischer Basis. In der Summe begrunden sie die wissenschaftliche Niederdeutschdidaktik, bieten Grundlagen, Ansatze und Perspektiven.
Der UEbergang von der Grundschule zur weiterfuhrenden Schule wird noch immer als Meilenstein in der Lernbiographie von Schulerinnen und Schulern betrachtet. Seit der Einfuhrung des Englischunterrichts im Primarstufenbereich ist die Umsetzung dessen am UEbergang ein zentrales Thema fur Englischlehrkrafte der Grundschulen und weiterfuhrenden Schulen. Die Autorin greift diese Thematik auf und setzt sich mit der Frage auseinander, welche Rolle die Lehr-Lern-Einstellungen der Englischlehrkrafte bei der Gestaltung des UEbergangs spielen. Im Rahmen einer interschulischen Kooperation von Englischlehrkraften setzt die Autorin Frageboegen und Leitfadeninterviews ein, um deren Einstellungen zu erfassen und Faktoren zu erheben, die eine langerfristige interschulische Kooperation begunstigen. Diese Studie enthalt zusatzliche Informationen als Anhang. Sie koennen hier heruntergeladen werden
Was macht den Unterschied im Lehr-Lern-Prozess aus? In der Unterrichtsforschung wird in erster Linie die Ansicht vertreten, dass dabei alles auf die Expertise der Lehrperson ankommt. Es wird postuliert, dass der Erfolg bzw. Misserfolg der Schuler*innen beim (Fremdsprachen-)Lernen hauptsachlich auf Lehrkrafte zuruckzufuhren ist und vorwiegend davon abhangt, welche Geisteshaltungen den Handlungen und Entscheidungen der Lehrenden zugrunde liegen. Im vorliegenden Buch wird zum einen die Relevanz der Rollenvorstellungen von Lehrenden fur die Prozessqualitat des Unterrichts untersucht, zum anderen der Veranderungsprozess einiger Aspekte des Lehrer*innen-Handelns im Lehr-Lern-Prozess. Dabei wird Bezug auf den DaF-Unterricht in Kamerun genommen.
The increased use of sophisticated mobile devices opens up new possibilities and challenges for language teachers and learners, which has led to an increasing need to consider issues relating to mobile technologies specifically. To date, there is no comprehensive book-length treatment of issues relating to mobile-assisted language learning (MALL). This book fills that gap, providing a resource for present and future language teachers, and for graduate students of applied linguistics and TESOL, to understand how mobile devices can best be used for language teaching. It is founded on existing research, practice and theory, and offers a balanced perspective, based on the author's own experiences with mobile learning - considering the limitations of such an approach, as well as the benefits. Written in a practical and approachable tone, it provides a much-needed guide to MALL, and its fascinating insights promote further debate within the field.
Die Ausbildung von Lehramtsstudierenden im Kontext von Mehrsprachigkeit steht im Fokus der aktuellen Bildungsdebatte. Unklar ist, wie Studierende konkret auf den Umgang mit Mehrsprachigkeit im Klassenzimmer vorbereitet werden koennen. Zu diesem Zweck wurde eine Lehrveranstaltung/Intervention fur den Fachbereich Englisch Primarstufe mit dem Anspruch konzipiert, Studierende fur das Unterrichten in Klassen mit sprachlicher und kultureller Diversitat vorzubereiten. Die Ergebnisse eines Textvignetten-Tests (Pretest-Posttest) zeigen einen sofortigen Wissenszuwachs durch die Intervention und einen langfristigen Effekt. Durch die Nutzung von spezifischen Lerngelegenheiten im Studium kann Wissen erworben werden, das Lehramtsstudierende fur den Umgang mit Mehrsprachigkeit im Klassenzimmer vorbereitet.
Das Buch bietet einen UEberblick uber die aktuelle Situation des Unterrichts von Deutsch als Fremdsprache (DaF) an Bildungseinrichtungen in Aserbaidschan. Mithilfe quantitativer und qualitativer Forschungsmethoden wird dargelegt, welche Einstellungen bei Lernenden und Studierenden von Deutsch als Fremdsprache anzutreffen sind, welche Methoden im DaF-Unterricht zur Anwendung kommen und welche Lehr- und Unterrichtsmaterialien verwendet werden. Daruber hinaus werden Daten zur Anzahl der DaF-Dozentinnen und -Dozenten in den oeffentlichen Schulen sowie der Deutschlernenden an Schulen bereitgestellt. Bei der Auswertung der erhobenen Daten wird auf mehrere Analysemethoden (u.a. deskriptive Statistik, Inferenzstatistik, qualitative Inhaltsanalyse) zuruckgegriffen.
Im Fokus des Sammelbandes steht die Fachdidaktik des Russischen, Polnischen und anderer slawischer Sprachen im deutschsprachigen Raum. Die zwoelf Beitrage thematisieren die Foerderung interkultureller Kompetenzen, den Medieneinsatz beim Fremdsprachenlehren und -lernen sowie die Zielgruppe der Herkunftssprecher*innen. Sie behandeln ebenfalls die Nutzung von Erschliessungsstrategien und den Sprachtransfer sowie die Binnendifferenzierung im Fremdsprachenunterricht als Antwort auf die Heterogenitat der Lernenden. Die Publikation richtet sich an alle, die in Universitaten, Schulen, privaten Bildungsinstitutionen oder Kulturvereinen tatig sind und die dort slawische Sprachen als Fremdsprachen vermitteln bzw. Herkunftssprecher*innen unterrichten.
Grammar is integral to teaching English as a second language, and yet there is often a disconnect between theory and practice. This book bridges that gap by introducing key theories of English grammar and showing how they can be applied in teaching. By drawing on an eclectic range of sources, and using a multidisciplinary approach, Berry links advances in our knowledge of grammar, from theoretical and descriptive viewpoints, with developments in pedagogical practices, to provide a comprehensive overview of the whole process of grammar. The second part of the book contains four case studies of key areas of English grammar in which the insights of the earlier chapters are applied, illustrating how grammar theory is used in practice. Offering new insights into the way English grammar works, this book is invaluable for all professionals who 'do' English grammar: teachers, grammarians, textbook writers and syllabus designers, testers and researchers.
Grammar is integral to teaching English as a second language, and yet there is often a disconnect between theory and practice. This book bridges that gap by introducing key theories of English grammar and showing how they can be applied in teaching. By drawing on an eclectic range of sources, and using a multidisciplinary approach, Berry links advances in our knowledge of grammar, from theoretical and descriptive viewpoints, with developments in pedagogical practices, to provide a comprehensive overview of the whole process of grammar. The second part of the book contains four case studies of key areas of English grammar in which the insights of the earlier chapters are applied, illustrating how grammar theory is used in practice. Offering new insights into the way English grammar works, this book is invaluable for all professionals who 'do' English grammar: teachers, grammarians, textbook writers and syllabus designers, testers and researchers.
Die enge Verbindung zwischen Sprache und Kultur ist eine Grundidee der kulturwissenschaftlich-interkulturellen Linguistik sowie der Fremdsprachendidaktik. Ausgehend von kommunikationstheoretischen Ansatzen untersucht die Autorin, wie genau sich die Brennpunkte dieser Verflechtung ausgestalten. Darauf basierend erfasst sie systematisch die Voraussetzungen fur erfolgreiche, sozial erfolgreiche und selbstbestimmte Kommunikation - auch unter Bedingungen der Fremd- und Mehrsprachigkeit. Die entwickelte interkulturell orientierte Theorie der Kommunikation bildet schliesslich die Grundlage fur den anwendungsbezogenen Teil der Studie. Dieser zeigt klare Perspektiven fur die Sprach- und Kulturvermittlung auf. |
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