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Books > Social sciences > Education > Teaching of specific groups > Teaching of ethnic minorities
While there are volumes that fall into the category of children's literature, there appears to be relatively few that explore the needs of bilingual learners and the linguistic and sociocultural context of Latino children's literature. This volume makes a needed contribution by addressing the social, cultural, academic, and linguistic needs of Latino bilingual learners who are still underserved through current school practices. We aim to conceptualize different forms of social knowledge so that they can serve as cultural resources for learning, acquiring knowledge, and transforming self and identity. This volume presents a balance of theory, research, and practice that speak to authentic multicultural Latino literature and helps ensure its availability for all students. The intended outcome of this volume then is to create a heightened awareness of the cultural and linguistic capital held by the Latino community, to increase Latino students' social capital through the design of critical pedagogical practices, and for the formulation of a new perspective, that of Latino multicultural literature for children.
Die Beitrage des Bandes sind im akademischen Kontext Deutsch als Fremdsprache verankert und stellen Aspekte heraus, die in der Diskussion zum didaktischen Potenzial von Kulturellem Gedachtnis und Erinnerungsorten bisher wenig Beachtung fanden. Dazu gehoert die Erweiterung des geschichts- und kulturwissenschaftlichen Gedachtnisdiskurses um sprach-, literatur- und kulturdidaktische Elemente ebenso wie seine Differenzierung fur konkrete akademische Konstellationen. Aus der Perspektive des Faches Deutsch als Fremdsprache werden binationale und globale, parallele, geteilte und gemeinsame Erinnerungsorte, das erinnerungspragende Potenzial von Medien und literarischen Texten im Besonderen sowie konkrete Erinnerungsbestande des 20. Jahrhunderts in ihrer hochschuldidaktischen Relevanz thematisiert.
Dieses Buch ist ein Beitrag zu den intensiv gefuhrten Diskussionen uber die Beschreibung des Gegenstandsbereichs Sprache fur den Fremdsprachenunterricht. Seit der Jahrtausendwende mehren sich seitens der didaktisch interessierten Sprachforschung im In- und Ausland verstarkt Stimmen, welche die ausschliessliche Ausrichtung des DaF-Unterrichts an der Schriftsprache bezweifeln. Sie fordern die Fachgemeinschaft zu UEberlegungen auf, welche Normen und Varietaten der deutschen Sprache in den unterschiedlichen Vermittlungskontexten von Sprache einzubeziehen sind. Die Autorin moechte die Relevanz der Vermittlung gesprochener Sprache im germanistischen Sprachunterricht herausstellen und damit eine breite Diskussion uber theoretische und methodische Grundsatzfragen der UEbertragung der linguistischen Erkenntnisse in die philologische Sprachpraxis entfachen wie auch eine Debatte uber das Design der philologischen Sprachausbildung anregen.
Este volumen recoge una seleccion de 37 articulos sobre cuestiones generales de Traductologia (Didactica de la traduccion, Traduccion y Linguistica, Traduccion literaria, Traduccion especializada, Teoria de la Traduccion y la Interpretacion). A las lineas tradicionales de investigacion se han incorporado los enfoques mas recientes en el ambito de la Translatologia. El amplio abanico de temas tratados, que abarca aspectos como la mediacion intercultural, la interpretacion de lengua de signos, la traduccion colectiva o el estudio de la dimension economica de la traduccion, entre otros, muestra la buena salud de la disciplina, concretamente en el par de lenguas aleman y espanol. Dieser Band prasentiert eine Auswahl von 37 Beitragen zu allgemeinen Fragen der UEbersetzungswissenschaft (Didaktik der UEbersetzung, UEbersetzung und Linguistik, Literarische UEbersetzung, Fachubersetzung, Theorie des UEbersetzens und Dolmetschens). Es handelt sich um eine Sammlung von Beitragen, in denen nicht nur allgemein anerkannte Forschungsrichtungen, sondern auch die neuesten Forschungsrichtungen im Bereich der Translatologie ihren Platz haben. Der breit gefacherte Themenbereich (interkulturelle Mediation, Gebardensprache, kollektives UEbersetzen, Studien zur wirtschaftlichen Dimension der UEbersetzung, u. a.) zeugt von der grossen Diversitat der Disziplin, insbesondere im Sprachenpaar Deutsch-Spanisch.
CLIL Revisited liefert eine kritische Analyse des als CLIL oder bilingualer Sachfachunterricht bezeichneten Unterrichtskonzepts. Zentrale Fragen, die in der Forschung und in den beteiligten Didaktiken zur Debatte stehen, werden innerhalb des Sammelbands aufgegriffen und mit Hinblick auf den aktuellen Stand der Diskussion reflektiert und aufgearbeitet. Das Buch greift in sechs Kapiteln folgende Schlusselthemen auf: 1. Stand der Diskussion zur Definition von CLIL. 2. Ausgestaltung von CLIL im oeffentlichen Schulwesen. 3. Erwerb sprachlicher Kompetenzen in CLIL-Kontexten. 4. Erwerb sachfachlicher Kompetenzen in CLIL-Kontexten. 5. Gestaltung von Fach- und Sprachunterricht in CLIL-Kontexten. 6. Lehrerausbildung fur den CLIL-Unterricht.
Der Band prasentiert Perspektiven fur die Ausbildung von UEbersetzerInnen in unterschiedlichen Sprachenkonstellationen und fur verschiedene Textsorten. Diskutiert werden translatorische Fragestellungen im Umkreis der Sprachen Deutsch, Englisch, Tschechisch, Slowakisch, Polnisch, Russisch und Franzoesisch mit Blick auf pragmatische, literarische und audiovisuelle Texte. Ein Fokus liegt auf den Chancen und Grenzen ubersetzerischer Kreativitat und didaktischen Konsequenzen. Kreatives Schreiben, die Arbeit mit Korpora sowie der textsortenspezifische Blick auf die Zielsprachen werden als brauchbare translationsdidaktische Instrumente herausgestellt. Das Buch "stellt innovative Methoden und Ideen fur die translatorische Ausbildung vor und weist neue Wege in der Translationslehre" (Vera Janikova).
Neben Forschungsdesiderata dreier Expertinnen und Experten aus den Fachdidaktiken Romanistik, Anglistik und Germanistik widmet sich der Band verschiedenen thematischen Schwerpunkten: (Fruh)kindlicher Spracherwerb, Spracherwerb in der Sekundarstufe und Spracherwerb in der Erwachsenenbildung. Er prasentiert ausgewahlte Beitrage zu verschiedenen aktuellen Forschungsansatzen, die sich in Promotions-, Habilitations- und Publikationsprojekten niederschlagen. Der Band richtet sich nicht nur an Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen und -wissenschaftler, sondern auch an Studierende und Lehrende des jeweiligen Fachgebietes, die einen Einblick in die aktuelle fremdsprachendidaktische Diskussion bekommen moechten.
"All these white schools I've been sent to are racist," Sonya says. "I'd have done better in a black school. I was an outsider here." These are hard words for Vivian Paley, whose own kindergarten was one of Sonya's schools, the integrated classroom so lovingly and hopefully depicted by Paley in White Teacher. Confronted with the grown-up Sonya, now on her way to a black college, and with a chorus of voices questioning the fairness and effectiveness of integrated education, Paley sets out to discover the truth about the multicultural classroom from those who participate in it. This is an odyssey undertaken on the wings of conversation and storytelling in which every voice adds new meaning to the idea of belonging, really belonging, to a school culture. Here are black teachers and minority parents, immigrant families, a Native American educator, and the children themselves, whose stories mingle with the author's to create a candid picture of the successes and failures of the integrated classroom. As Paley travels the country listening to these stories, we see what lies behind recent moves toward self-segregation: an ongoing frustration with racism as well as an abiding need for a nurturing community. And yet, among these diverse voices, we hear again and again the shared dream of a classroom where no family heritage is obscured and every child's story enriches the life of the schoolhouse. "It's all about dialogue, isn't it?" asks Lorraine, a black third-grade teacher whose story becomes a central motif. And indeed, it is the dialogue that prevails in this warmly provocative and deeply engaging book, as parents and teachers learn how they must talk to each other, and to their children, if every child is to secure a sense of self in the schoolroom, no matter what the predominant ethnic background. Vivian Paley offers these discoveries to readers as a starting point for their own journeys toward community and kinship in today's schools and tomorrow's culture.
Situated within the interrelated disciplines of sociolinguistics and sociology of language, this book explores the language use and attitudinal perceptions of a sample of 130 adults who received Gaelic-medium education (GME) at primary school, during the first years of that system's availability in Scotland. As the first students to have attended GME are now in their late 20s and 30s, this volume offers a timely examination of the long-term outcomes of the system in its earliest years, and of the future prospects for Gaelic language maintenance and revitalisation in Scotland. The book presents in-depth discussion and analysis of narratives in order to demonstrate former Gaelic-medium students' present-day relationships to the languages they speak, offering fascinating insights into the possible reasons - historical, ideological and personal - for these relationships. This book presents the first open assessment of the outcomes of Gaelic-medium education in Scotland, and offers suggestions for individuals and policymakers seeking to revitalise languages internationally.
Bilingual Education in the 21st Century examines languages and bilingualism as individual and societal phenomena, presents program types, variables, and policies in bilingual education, and concludes by looking at practices, especially pedagogies and assessments. This thought-provoking work is an ideal textbook for future teachers as well as providing a fresh view of the subject for school administrators and policy makers. Provides an overview of bilingual education theories and practices throughout the world Extends traditional conceptions of bilingualism and bilingual education to include global and local concerns in the 21st century Questions assumptions regarding language, bilingualism and bilingual education, and proposes a new theoretical framework and alternative views of teaching and assessment practices Reviews international bilingual education policies, with separate chapters dedicated to US and EU language policy in education Gives reasons why bilingual education is good for all children throughout the world, and presents cases of how this is being carried out
Note: This is the bound book only and does not include access to the Enhanced Pearson eText. To order the Enhanced Pearson eText packaged with a bound book, use ISBN 0134550129. In this comprehensive guide, elementary educators get a user-friendly approach for planning and implementing lessons that provide students access to grade-level content, develop students' academic English skills, and prepare students to be college- and career-ready. Proven successful in improving teaching effectiveness and realizing academic gains for students, the SIOP Model presented in this book can be implemented in all content areas, and across grade levels and English proficiency levels. Highlights of the 3rd Edition include specific applications of SIOP to Common Core and other state standards, as well as new educational reforms such as ESSA. To help teachers implement the SIOP model, new learning aids have been added, including Reflect and Apply exercises, Teaching with Technology vignettes, a new SIOP lesson plan template and sample lesson plan, and a new user-friendly approach to identifying and writing language objectives. The Enhanced Pearson eText version provides embedded video links that enable students to see the SIOP model in action, along with interviews featuring SIOP educators. Improve mastery and retention with the Enhanced Pearson eText* The Enhanced Pearson eText provides a rich, interactive learning environment designed to improve student mastery of content. The Enhanced Pearson eText is: Engaging. The new interactive, multimedia learning features were developed by the authors and other subject-matter experts to deepen and enrich the learning experience. Convenient. Enjoy instant online access from your computer or download the Pearson eText App to read on or offline on your iPad (R) and Android (R) tablet.* Affordable. Experience the advantages of the Enhanced Pearson eText along with all the benefits of print for 40% to 50% less than a print bound book. *The Enhanced eText features are only available in the Pearson eText format. They are not available in third-party eTexts or downloads. *The Pearson eText App is available on Google Play and in the App Store. It requires Android OS 3.1-4, a 7" or 10" tablet, or iPad iOS 5.0 or later.
Are you looking to brush up on your English idioms? English for Everyone: English Idioms can help you to understand the context and use of hundreds of native English expressions. Take your practical English usage to the next level and build your confidence in spoken and written English by visually connecting the literal and idiomatic meaning of common English phrases such as, "on cloud nine", "snowed under" and many more. With supporting audio available online, sample sentences throughout the book, collocations and common mistakes to watch out for, English for Everyone: English Idioms can help you confidently progress your English language from advanced to fluent in both social and business environments. About English For Everyone English for Everyone is a series of guides and practice books that support English learning for teenagers and adults from a beginner level, to intermediate, and advanced practical English. Offering a fun and easy-to-follow format that offers guidance for both teaching English as a foreign language, and a self-study approach with resources available to improve English speaking, reading and writing. Whether you are looking for ESL teaching resources, or a structured programme for adults to learn English as a second language, the English for Everyone Series provides: - Sample language examples: New language topics are introduced in context using clear, illustrated, and colour-coded explanations - Supporting audio: Extensive English-speaking audio materials integrated into every unit, giving vital oral and listening practice. (All supplementary audio is available on the DK English for Everyone website and IOS/Android App). - Quick referencing: Easy-to-follow units for easy referencing and teaching - Sentence formation guides: Visual break downs of essential English grammar for beginners, showing learners how to recreate even complex English sentences - Visual English vocabulary cues: Lists of useful English words and common phrases with visual aids are available throughout the book The English for Everyone Series covers the skills and topics required for all major global English-language exams and reference frameworks including: - CEFR - TOEFL - IELTS - TOEIC
Authoritative and accessible, this book introduces the theory and practice of teaching writing to students of EFL/ESL learners. While assuming no specialist knowledge, Ken Hyland systematically sets out the key issues of course design, lesson planning, texts and materials, tasks, feedback and assessment and how current research can inform classroom practice. This second edition is completely revised to include up-to-date work on automated feedback, plagiarism, social media, Virtual Learning Environments and teacher workload issues. It takes the clear stance that student writers not only need realistic strategies for drafting and revising, but also a clear understanding of genre to structure their writing experiences according to the expectations of particular communities of readers and the constraints of particular contexts. Review exercises, reflection questions, plentiful examples and a new extensive glossary make the book invaluable to both prospective and practicing teachers alike.
Im Mittelpunkt der Publikation steht die Untersuchung einer gymnasialen Behandlung Margaret Thatchers in Zeiten von Neoliberalismus, "Brexit" und nationalem Populismus. Der Autor argumentiert fur die Behandlung Thatchers, da diese globale Themen pragnant aufgreift und das im Englischunterricht weiterhin bedeutsame zielkulturelle Verstandnis Grossbritanniens gewahrleistet. Die Arbeit beschreibt dabei das fur die historische und politische Kulturvermittlung notwendige Zusammenspiel der Didaktiken in einem facherubergreifenden oder bilingualen Unterricht. Der Autor prasentiert das Modell einer "semiotischen kulturellen Kompetenz", tatigt eine grundlegende Auseinandersetzung mit den relevanten Aspekten des Kulturunterrichts und arbeitet Unterrichtsbeispiele aus.
Fur eine erfolgreiche Integration in das deutsche Bildungssystem benoetigen neuzugewanderte Kinder und Jugendliche eine gezielte Foerderung in Deutsch als Zweitsprache. In vielen Schulformen werden hierfur separate Klassen eingerichtet, die einen UEbergang der Lernenden in den Regelunterricht vorbereiten und begleiten. Obwohl der Unterricht in solchen Klassenformaten hohe und gleichzeitig sehr spezifische didaktische Anforderungen an die unterrichtenden Lehrkrafte stellt, existieren bis heute nur wenige passgenaue Angebote zur gezielten Weiterbildung. Das Buch setzt an dieser Ausgangslage an und prasentiert neben theoretischen Grundlagen fur die Arbeit in schulischen DaZ-Klassen auch konkret verwendbare Unterrichtsentwurfe.
Educational Partnerships and the State is a compelling collection of essays by an international group of scholars that provides a critical exploration of the role of partnerships in contemporary educational reform. Their focus is on the expanding role that collaboration between the public and private sector has come to play in the governing of schools, children, and families in response to an array of worldwide economic and social changes. The contributors to this volume highlight the new relationship between civil society and the state through partnerships and what that linkage has come to mean for an array of educational issues including academic achievement, school governance, school parent-relationships, teacher education, the construction of family and community involvement, and the discourses of reform as practices that order participation and action.
"Dog and Ma'iingan" is an English/Ojibwe language picture book. Readers learn how to count to ten and how to say a number of animal names in Ojibwe.
Animals/Los animales Level 2 is a bilingual Spanish/English book for children. Level 2 is intended for toddlers to pre-schoolers. This book, Vol. 6 in the series, includes appealing color photos and illustrations of animals to capture and maintain your child's attention and interest. The words were carefully selected and meticulously crafted into sentences appropriate for the Level 2 age group. Many words are re-entered to aid comprehension and reading. Toddlers will be able to name some animals and repeat words and phrases. Pre-schoolers will be able to read the short, easy sentences. It is suggested that only one language be read at a time. Start with the child's first or "native" language for several reading sessions, then introduce the second language. At no time should the two languages be read during the same session. This volume should be of interest to English speakers who want to teach their child(ren) Spanish as well as Spanish speakers who wish to teach their child(ren) English. In addition, speakers of other languages will find the book useful for teaching their child(ren) both Spanish and English. These bilingual print books and bilingual ebooks are suitable for the bilingual education of young people from infant to early elementary school.. These bilingual print books for children and the bilingual ebooks for children can play a major role in any bilingual or ESL education program for children. There are four levels for each topic or title making it easier for ESL or bilingual children to progress from one level to the next. Level 1 is for infants and toddlers and would be primarily read by parents to their young children. Level 2 is for toddlers and pre-schoolers and could be used by parents for the younger children or by day care and pre-school personnel in environments where an English/Spanish bilingual component is included in the program. Level 3 is for pre-schoolers through kindergarten. And level 4 is intended for K-2. Parents, caregivers, and teachers should not hesitate to use a lower level book with an older child who is just beginning bilingual language study or whose age does not match his knowledge and ability in the language. While a child may be at the age for grade 2, his language learning "age" may be at the toddler or pre-school level. There is a full range of topics, 20 volumes in all, in the series of English/Spanish print books and English/Spanish ebooks that provide a thorough preparation in English/Spanish education. English/Spanish print books for children and English/Spanish ebooks for children readily contribute to English/Spanish bilingual education for children. Offering children's print books as well as children's ebooks provides parents, caregivers, and teachers with a choice and flexibility of format to meet the needs of child education. Children's bilingual print books have the advantage of convenience of use while children's bilingual ebooks include media and are easier to store, making children's bilingual education more accessible and convenient than ever before. These are not fiction story books or picture books. They are juvenile non-fiction bilingual print books and juvenile non-fiction bilingual ebooks that are educational in nature, scope, and purpose. As such they meet the academic content standards for juvenile non-fiction bilingual education. For book examination and consideration by schools and teachers these books may also be categorized as juvenile non-fiction education Spanish, juvenile non-fiction languages Spanish, and juvenile non-fiction English/Spanish. The BISAC Category is EDU005000, Education / Bilingual Education.
English Language Standards in Higher Education has been written in a context in which the English language skills of students are increasingly under the spotlight due to the monumental impact of globalisation on the higher education sector. The underpinning tenets of the book are that in all contexts in which English is the medium of instruction English language acquisition is central to academic success, and that this requires continuous and systematic development throughout the course of study. The authors are unwavering in this conviction and offer a variety of constructive approaches, acknowledging that there is no `one-size-fits-all' approach to developing English language proficiency in higher education. This book synthesises current research in English language standards to offer new approaches to addressing a growing challenge for those leading and teaching in higher education institutions around the world. A concise, accessible book, English Language Standards in Higher Education provides both a comprehensive analysis of English language challenges in higher education and more importantly offers a framework for institutional and pedagogical planning, with practical advice and suggestions. The focus of this book and the evidence-based suggestions it provides will strongly resonate in countries where English is the main language of communication, as well as in countries where English is used as the medium of instruction in higher education. Key points Provides a comprehensive analysis of the challenges of teaching students for whom English is an additional language. Offers a framework for institutional and pedagogical planning with practical advice and suggestions. Synthesises current research in English language standards to offer new approaches to addressing a challenge facing many higher education practitioners.
Spanish/English Crosswords: 26 Puzzles with English Words with Spanish Clues AND 26 Puzzles with Spanish Words with English Clues In today's multicultural society, you'd like to improve your bilingual language skills, wouldn't you? Learn vocabulary words in Spanish and English. Improve spelling in both languages. When you consult a Spanish/English dictionary, you will learn word translations that you were unfamiliar with. Cover up the answer when you are solving. If you get stuck, try a English/Spanish Dictionary first before you take a peek at the answer. This book contains English Words with Spanish Clues (Part 1) and Spanish Words with English Clues (Part 2). -------------------------------------------- Crucigramas en Espanol / Ingles: 26 Crucigramas con Palabras en Ingles y pistas en Espanol Y 26 Crucigramas con palabras en espanol y pistas Ingles En la sociedad multicultural de ahora, le gustaria mejorar sus habilidades linguisticas bilingues, cierto? Aprenda vocabulario en espanol e ingles. Mejore la ortografia en ambos idiomas. Cuando consulte un diccionario Espanol / Ingles, aprenderas traducciones de palabras que no estabas familiarizado. Tape la respuesta cuando este resolviendo. Si te quedas atascado, pruebe primero con un diccionario Ingles / Espanol antes de mirar la respuesta. Este libro contiene palabras en ingles con pistas en espanol (Parte 1) y palabras en espanol con pistas ingles (Parte 2).
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