Books > Children's & Educational > Technology & applied sciences > Computing & information technology
Journey into the Nether (if you dare) in this Step Into Reading
Step 3 Levelled Reader, the only official levelled reader series
based on Minecraft, the world's best-selling video game! Learn to
read with the official Minecraft Young Readers! Practise your
reading skills and develop your vocabulary as you read stories
about your favourite game. Minecraft (R) is the best-selling video
game of all time! And now learning to read has never been more fun
for fans of the game ages 4 to 7. They'll get a great introduction
to the game's most mysterious biomes when two players, Emmy and
Birch - and their tame wolf Byte - set out on an epic adventure
into the mysterious Nether! This Step 3 Step into Reading Levelled
Reader includes more than 30 full-colour stickers to add to the
fun. Look for these other great Minecraft (R) titles: * Mobs in the
Overworld! (Minecraft) 9780755500444 * Survival Mode! (Minecraft)
9780755500451 * Escape From the Nether (Minecraft) 9780755500468
Step 3 readers feature engaging characters in easy-to-follow plots
about popular topics for children who are ready to read on their
own. (c) 2022 Mojang AB and Mojang Synergies AB. MINECRAFT and
MOJANG are trademarks or registered trademarks of Mojang Synergies
Syllabus: CfE (Curriculum for Excellence, from Education Scotland)
and SQA Level: BGE S1-3: Third and Fourth Levels Subject: Computing
Science and Digital Literacy Create, innovate, solve problems,
achieve. Through 30% theory and 70% practical work, pupils are
challenged and motivated to develop their skills, knowledge and
understanding from S1 to S3. Covering all CfE Third and Fourth
Level Benchmarks for Technologies: Computing Science and Digital
Literacy, this ready-made and differentiated course puts
progression for every pupil at the heart of your curriculum. >
Follow a consistent, classroom-tested lesson structure: Each
double-page spread provides the learning intentions, key concept
explanations and activities for one lesson > Build and apply
computational thinking skills: From creating games and coding in
Python to designing web pages and databases, pupils will analyse,
test and evaluate different software and devices > Meet the
needs of each pupil in your class: The content and activities are
designed to ensure accessibility for those with low prior
attainment, while extension tasks will stretch high achieving
pupils > Effectively check and assess progress: 'Work it out'
knowledge-check questions support formative assessment within each
lesson, helping you to monitor progression against the Experiences
& Outcomes and Benchmarks > Lay firm foundations for
National qualifications: The skills, knowledge and understanding
established through the course will set up pupils for success at
National 5 and beyond > Deliver the 'responsibility for all' Es
and Os: Plenty of activities that address literacy, numeracy and
health and wellbeing skills are threaded through the book
The new Pokemon are here, and kids gotta catch 'em all! This
updated guidebook features the unique and mysterious new Galar
region Pokemon from the hit new games for Nintendo Switch, Sword
& Shield. Discover the origins of the most fascinating and
unusual Pokemon! You'll get the scoop on Legendary and Mythical
Pokemon from Kanto all the way through Galar. It's the insider's
guide to the rarest and most powerful known Pokemon. This expanded
edition of the 2019 deluxe guidebook includes the latest
information about the new Legendary and Mythical Pokemon from the
Galar region. Features the latest information on Galar region
Pokemon Full-colour illustations throughout Perfect for old and new
Book five in the OFFICIAL Minecraft fiction series for readers age
7+ Ash, Morgan, Harper, Po and Jodi are back for their fifth
adventure in the world of Minecraft. When Morgan and his friends
receive an unwelcome visit from the elusive Evoker King, they find
themselves on a quest to find a secret item hidden in the depths of
an unknown dungeon. But not is all as it seems, and they must gear
up for an epic journey rife with danger, dragons and mysterious
foes. Meanwhile, in the real world, the school play seems to be
full of its own traps and troubles. Will Morgan and the gang
finally uncover the identiy of the Evoker King? For fans of the
Minecraft game, Jumanji and Wreck it Ralph.
Computer science has emerged as a key driver of innovation in the
21st century. Yet preparing teachers to teach computer science or
integrate computer science content into K-12 curricula remains an
enormous challenge. Recent policy reports have suggested the need
to prepare future teachers to teach computer science through
pre-service teacher education programs. In order to prepare a
generation of teachers who are capable of delivering computer
science to students, however, the field must identify
research-based examples, pedagogical strategies, and policies that
can facilitate changes in teacher knowledge and practices. The
purpose of this book is to provide examples that could help guide
the design and delivery of effective teacher preparation on the
teaching of computer science. This book identifies promising
pathways, pedagogical strategies, and policies that will help
teacher education faculty and preservice teachers infuse computer
science content into their curricula as well as teach stand-alone
computing courses. Specifically, the book focuses on pedagogical
practices for developing and assessing pre-service teacher
knowledge of computer science, course design models for pre-service
teachers, and discussion of policies that can support the teaching
of computer science. The primary audience of the book is students
and faculty in educational technology, educational or cognitive
psychology, learning theory, teacher education, curriculum and
instruction, computer science, instructional systems, and learning
Illustrated revision and practise for Computer Science. Over 500
marks worth of examination style questions. Answers provided for
all questions within the book. Illustrated topics to improve memory
and recall. Specification references for every topic. Examination
tips and techniques. Absolute clarity is the aim with a new
generation of revision guide for the 2020s. This guide has been
expertly compiled and edited by successful former teachers of
Computer Science, highly experienced examiners and a good dollop of
scientific research into what makes revision most effective. Past
examinations questions are essential to good preparation, improving
understanding and confidence. This guide has combined revision with
tips and more practice questions than you could shake a stick at.
All the essential ingredients for getting a grade you can be really
proud of. Each specification topic has been referenced and
distilled into the key points to make in an examination for top
marks. Questions on all topics assessing knowledge, application and
analysis are all specifically and carefully devised throughout this
Would you rather have zombies as allies but chickens throw rotten
eggs at you OR have pillagers for friends but pigs fart at you?
Alex and Steve are out on a Minecraft adventure, full of
challenging scenarios and hilarious debates. Can you help them to
decide what they should choose? Take part in over 50 mind-boggling
would you rather scenarios! Try our indispensable handbooks for
your Minecraft journey: Minecraft Redstone Handbook 978 0008495992
Minecraft Survival Handbook 978 0755503452 Minecraft Creative
Handbook 978 0755500413 Minecraft Combat Handbook 978 0755500420
Minecraft Explorers Handbook 9780008608507 Minecraft Legends
Handbook 978 0008595012 Brilliant books full of inspiration:
Minecraft Bite Size Builds: 978 0755500406 Minecraft Amazing Bite
Size Builds: 978 0008495954 Minecraft Super Bite Size Builds 978
0008534127 Minecraft Epic Inventions 978 0008496012 Minecraft Epic
Bases: 978 1405296472 Perfect Gifts: Minecraft Maps 978 1405294546
Minecraft Blockopedia 978 0755500390 Sticker, humour and activity:
Minecraft Survival Sticker Book 978 1405288552 Minecraft Sticker
Adventure Treasure Hunt 978 0755503582 Minecraft Sticker Adventure
Mobs Attack 978 0008533953 Minecraft Joke Book 978 1405295253
Minecraft How to Draw 978 0008534028 Minecraft Catch the Creeper
978 0755503575