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Books > Medicine > Pre-clinical medicine: basic sciences > Anatomy > General
Systematics has developed rapidly during the past two decades. A
multitude of new methods and contributions from a diversity of
biological fields including molecular genetics and developmental
biology have provided a wealth of phylogenetic hypotheses, some
confirming traditional views others contradicting them. Despite
such inconsistencies, it is now possible to recognize robust
regions of a 'tree of life' and also to identify problematic areas
which have yet to be resolved. This is the first book to apply the
current state of phylogeny to an evolutionary interpretation of
animal organ systems and body architecture, providing alternative
theories in those cases of continuing controversy.
This compilation arises from contributions made to the seventh postgraduate course in paediatric neurology held in Pavia, Italy under the auspices of the Mariani Foundation in co-operation with the National Neurologic Institute of Milan. The course concentrated on three main areas: the impact of molecular biology and molecular genetics on aetiology, advances in our understanding pathogenesis, and finally therapy. The choice of the subject was suggested by the remarkable progress has been made in this field during the last decade, mostly due to the recent advances in genetics which now enable a new nosographic approach as well as different diagnostic strategies. Part of this work is dedicated to the rehabilitation of patients affected by neuromuscular diseases.
An avalanche of recent newspapers, weekly newsmagazines, scholarly journals, and academic books has helped to spark a heated debate by publishing warnings of a "boy crisis" in which male students at all academic levels have begun falling behind their female peers. In Learning the Hard Way, Edward W. Morris explores and analyzes detailed ethnographic data on this purported gender gap between boys and girls in educational achievement at two low-income high schools-one rural and predominantly white, the other urban and mostly African American. Crucial questions arose from his study of gender at these two schools. Why did boys tend to show less interest in and more defiance toward school? Why did girls significantly outperform boys at both schools? Why did people at the schools still describe boys as especially "smart"? Morris examines these questions and, in the process, illuminates connections of gender to race, class, and place. This book is not simply about the educational troubles of boys, but the troubled and complex experience of gender in school. It reveals how particular race, class, and geographical experiences shape masculinity and femininity in ways that affect academic performance. His findings add a new perspective to the "gender gap" in achievement.
Dieses Skriptum gibt einen umfassenden Ein- und Uberblick uber die pathophysiologischen Prinzipien als Basis fur Klinik, Diagnostik und Therapien von Erkrankungen des Gastrointestinaltraktes. Zudem geht die Autorin ausfuhrlich auf die Beteiligung des mukosalen Immunsystems ein, wobei auch basale Prinzipien der Allergologie und Immunologie verstandlich prasentiert werden. Besonderer Wert wurde auf die anschaulichen Illustrationen gelegt, die fast selbsterklarend, durch weiter ausfuhrende Texte erganzt sind. Das Skriptum ist abgestimmt auf die Vorlesungs- und Prufungsinhalte des Faches "Funktionelle Pathologie." Daruber hinaus stellt es eine nutzliche Erganzung zum "Block 13: Ernahrung und Verdauung" des neuen Medizincurriculums dar, sowie fur die Dr.med.sci und Ph.D. Studienprogramme der Medizinischen Universitat Wien. Aber auch StudentInnen anderer Disziplinen, wie etwa Biologie oder Ernahrungswissenschaften, sowie DiatassistentInnen werden darin fundig werden."
Our faces play essential roles in defining us as individuals. They
are the most immediately identifiable parts of our bodies. We use
our faces to communicate emotions and to interact socially.
Sometimes, despite our intentions, our faces reveal our thoughts
even when we do not speak. In several medical conditions, the
facial aspect confirms diagnosis, and while surgical alteration of
craniofacial anomalies can do much to normalize appearance,
patients are always confronted with the question of what is normal,
and with the fact that beauty itself may be nothing more than a
culturally determined concept.
Cranial nerves are involved in head and neck function, and processes such as eating, speech and facial expression. This clinically oriented survey of cranial nerve anatomy and function was written for students of medicine, dentistry and speech therapy, but will also be useful for postgraduate physicians and GPs, and specialists in head and neck healthcare (surgeons, dentists, speech therapists etc.). After an introductory section surveying cranial nerve organisation and tricky basics such as ganglia, nuclei and brain stem pathways, the nerves are considered in functional groups: (1) for chewing and facial sensation; (2) for pharynx and larynx, swallowing and phonation; (3) autonomic components, taste and smell; (4) vision and eye movements; and (5) hearing and balance. In each chapter, the main anatomical features of each nerve are followed by clinical aspects and details of clinical testing. Simple line diagrams accompany the text. Detailed anatomy is not given.
This book is about doing research, not about the results obtained. Those engaged on their first research may have had plenty of preparation about the techniques and results of prior research related to their proposed study, but may have limited knowledge of the actual strategies employed or pitfalls encountered by others who have conducted successful field and survey studies. In this book, a number of researchers with experience of working on problems including environmental stresses, population genetics, parasitic vectors and vital records describe obstacles encountered and successful strategies used in their own studies and in those of others. One learns to do research by trial and error, but accounts by experienced investigators can supplement what one learns from mentors and fellow students.
Archaeological discoveries of teeth provide remarkable information on humans, animals and the health, hygiene and diet of ancient communities. In this fully revised and updated 2005 edition of his seminal text, Simon Hillson draws together a mass of material from archaeology, anthropology and related disciplines to provide a comprehensive manual on the study of teeth. The range of mammals examined has been extended to include descriptions and line drawings for 325 mammal genera from Europe, North Africa, western, central and northeastern Asia, and North America. The book also introduces dental anatomy and the microscopic structure of dental tissues, explores how the age or season of death is estimated and looks at variations in tooth size and shape. With its detailed descriptions of the techniques and equipment used and its provision of tables and charts, this book is essential reading for students of archaeology, zoology and dental science.
This book seeks to present, through a combination of morphological data and physiological and neurological studies, a comprehensive survey of our knowledge of the human brain. The major emphasis is upon structural organisation, based upon the evolution of this most complex of organs. However, functional aspects, including experimental research and clinical findings, have also been incorporated, broadening the interest for students of neurobiology and clinical medicine.
La fibra alimentare e la parte edibile degli alimenti che resiste agli enzimi digestivi. Il ruolo della fibra alimentare nella dieta e stato rivalutato in questi ultimi anni, soprattutto per i possibili effetti sulle funzioni intestinali, motilita e secrezione e sul metabolismo glucidico e lipidico. Integrazioni di psillio, ma anche di gomme quali guar e caraja determinano un effetto lassativo, ipoglicemizzante ed ipocolesterolemizzante piu pronto. Tuttavia, la fibra alimentare puo garantire un beneficio piu complesso perche negli alimenti si accompagna a sostanze (bioflavonoidi, carotenoidi, fitoestrogeni, ecc.) importanti per il mantenimento dello stato di salute. Scopo del volume, corredato da numerose figure e tabelle che illustrano i concetti trattati, e di aiutare i lettori a comprendere meglio il ruolo che la fibra svolge nella costipazione cronica e in altri disturbi, come l'ipercolesterolemia e l'obesita.
Each new print copy of Anatomy & Physiology also includes Navigate 2 Advantage Access that unlocks a complete eBook, Study Center, homework and Assessment Center, and a dashboard that reports actionable data. World-Class Medical Content To properly assess and manage a patient, a prehospital provider must have a solid foundation in human anatomy and physiology. Anatomy & Physiology for the Prehospital Provider, Second Edition, uses a systemic approach to building this foundation. It begins by providing an overview of the basic systems of the human body and then explores each system in detail chapter by chapter, delivering a thorough discussion on the system's anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology. With clear, accessible language and informative illustrations, the Anatomy & Physiology for the Prehospital Provider, Second Edition is an effective and engaging learning experience. Strong Application to Real-World EMS Progressive patient case studies evolve throughout every chapter, offering the learner genuine context for the application of the knowledge presented. This approach shows the learner how all of the information will be used to help patients in the field. The Second Edition content includes: New section on the basics of chemistry Expanded section on joints Expanded content on muscular physiology Updated illustrations Additional pathophysiology, including cellular injury
Gemessen an der Besucherresonanz sind die Korperwelten' des Heidelberger Anatomen Gunther von Hagens die erfolgreichste Sonderausstellung aller Zeiten. Mit grosser Heftigkeit wird jedoch bis heute uber das Fur und Wider der Prasentation plastinierter Leichen und Leichenteile gestritten. Sieht sich der Plastinator als Vorreiter einer "Demokratisierung der Anatomie," beklagen seine Widersacher eine Antastung der Menschenwurde. Gelten dem einen die kunstvoll praparierten Korper als medizinische Lehr- und Lernstucke par excellence, verurteilen die anderen vor allem in den ganzfigurigen Gestaltplastinaten ein frivoles Spielen mit der menschlichen Natur. Dieser Sammelband vereinigt kontrare Stimmen, die sich mit substanziellen Beitragen in die Diskussion eingemischt haben. Ziel ist es, Hintergrundinformationen aus erster Hand und Anhaltspunkte fur eine Konsensfindung in gesellschaftlichen Fragen zu geben, die zentrale Aspekte des Umgangs mit dem toten wie auch mit dem lebenden Korper beruhren."
Mit Hilfe der Bioinformatik konnen ermittelte DNA-, RNA- oder Aminosauresequenzen hinsichtlich Struktur und Funktion schnell eingeschatzt werden; das spart Kosten und Zeit bei weiterfuhrenden Experimenten im Labor. Das vorliegende Buch gliedert sich in einen RNA- und einen Protein-Teil. Je ein Kapitel fuhrt das biologische Thema der Strukturvorhersage inklusive biophysikalischer Grundlagen der Vorhersagemethoden ein. Folgekapitel gehen auf die informationstechnischen Methoden mit einem moglichst kurzen Beispiel ein, stellen den meist komplizierteren Algorithmus zur Losung des biologischen Problems vor und diskutieren zum Abschluss mindestens eine Implementation und damit erzielbare Ergebnisse anhand eines biologischen Beispiels. Das Buch ist gleichermassen fur Biologen und Informatiker relevant, da es sowohl einen Uberblick uber die aktuellen Moglichkeiten der Strukturvorhersage gibt als auch den Einsatz von unterschiedlichsten informationstechnischen Methoden in der Biologie demonstriert."
This revision aid is of great practical benefit to all radiology trainees studying for their professional examinations. The carefully structured questions and answers enable trainees to undertake a systematic assessment of their knowledge; they also highlight areas where additional study is required. It is developed to complement its highly illustrated parent text, Applied Radiological Anatomy (Cambridge, 1999); but both books can be used together or independently of one another. The questions posed within are relevant and useful for radiology trainees worldwide.
"Surgical Anatomy of the Head and Neck" was immediately hailed as indispensable when it was first published in 2001. In demand ever since, this classic surgical atlas packed with more than 700 exceptional drawings, 537 of them in full color, by an internationally noted medical illustrator is now available again, with an extensive new index, after years of being out of print. Here is a surgeon s-eye view of all anatomic details, from the upper thorax to the crown. Ideal for both surgery and test preparation, this volume features special boxed sections that focus on the surgical significance of each anatomical structure. Every illustration is clearly labeled with key anatomic landmarks, and a user-friendly design allows quick reference. This volume is an invaluable resource for surgeons, residents, and medical students.
First FRCR Anatomy: Questions and Answers provides eight test papers modelled on the exam format of the Royal College of Radiologists' anatomy module. Written by a team of consultant and trainee radiologists, the practice questions and answers will give you the advantage you need to succeed and stand out from the average trainee. The questions include images from all modalities - CT, MRI, ultrasound, plain film, screening and angiography, closely correlating with the images you are likely to see both in the exam and in day-to-day practice. Expanded clinical answers also distill clinical radiological knowledge accrued over many years of clinical practice, making this much more than a revision aid. First FRCR Anatomy: Questions and Answers covers the full breadth of curriculum topics including MSK, cardiac, thoracic, genitourinary, gastrointestinal, vascular, neuro and pediatric imaging. An essential resource for all First FRCR candidates.
Ob damals im Studium oder heute bei der Vorbereitung von Vortragen, ob bei der wissenschaftlichen Arbeit oder in Diskussionen zur Funktionsweise des Gehirn- immer und immer wieder kam ich an einen Punkt, an dem ich kurz und knapp Informationen zu einer Struktur haben wollte. In den gangigen Lexika fehlen die meisten Termini, und uber die Lehr-und Handbucher oder uber die Originalarbeiten ist der Zugriff recht langwierig. Kurz und gut: ein Glossar neuroanatomischer und neurofunktionaler Termini musste her. In langjahriger Arbeit entstand nun das vorliegende Glossar, das all jenen helfen soll, die "mal eben" Informationen zu Strukturen des Gehirns nachschlagen wollen. Dabei war es nicht das Ziel, aktuellste Forschungsergebnisse und -diskussionen zu dokumentieren, sondern solide Grundinformationen zusammenzustellen, die helfen, die entsprechende Struktur schnell und effizient in einen Gesamtzusammenhang einzubetten. In diesem Sinne ist das vorliegende Glossar zu verstehen. Ein herzlicher Dank geht an folgende Personen, die alle einen Teil des Glossars tragen: an Herrn Dr. Lange fur die Initiierung des Buches und die reibungsfreie Betreuung, an Frau Wilbertz fur das effiziente Vorantreiben der Produktion, an Frau Dr. Harder fur das Korrekturlesen und die wertvolle Zuarbeit, an meine Familie fur das treue Warten -und, last but not least, an die Firma iAS (www.brainmedia.de) fur die Abbildung auf der Titelseite."
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