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Books > Professional & Technical > Industrial chemistry & manufacturing technologies > Industrial chemistry > Food & beverage technology > General
There is little doubt that today's food industry is faced with a rapidly changing market landscape. The obvious need to continue to provide consumers with nutritious, delectable, safe, and affordable food products which are also profitable for food manufacturers, as well as the ongoing challenge of ensuring the delivery of adequate nutrition to hundreds of millions of disadvantaged people around the world, appears - at least as much as, if not more than, ever - to be at odds with the challenges posed by soaring energy and food commodity prices; fast-paced changes in consumer demographics, habits, and preferences; and the continual need to stay ahead of current and emerging food safety issues. In addition to this, the present ubiquity in the industry of terms such as functional foods, nutraceuticals, low sodium, low fat, clean label, minimal processing, and natural - to name a few - underscores yet a different dimension of the challenges faced by food processors today. On the other hand, however, the solutions of many of these challenges may, concurrently, present the food industry with unique and exciting opportunities. The processed meat industry, despite its long history and tradition, is certainly not exempt from having to face these modern challenges, nor excluded from realizing the promises of the opportunities that may lie ahead.
This book focuses on advanced research and technologies in dairy processing, one of the most important branches of the food industry. It addresses various topics, ranging from the basics of dairy technology to the opportunities and challenges in the industry. Following an introduction to dairy processing, the book takes readers through various aspects of dairy engineering, such as dairy-based peptides, novel milk products and bio-fortification. It also describes the essential role of microorganisms in the industry and ways to detect them, as well as the use of prebiotics, and food safety. Lastly, the book examines the challenges faced, especially in terms of maintaining quality across the supply chain. Covering all significant areas of dairy science and processing, this interesting and informative book is a valuable resource for post-graduate students, research scholars and industry experts.
The increased emphasis on food safety during the past two decades has decreased the emphasis on the loss of food through spoilage, particularly in developed co- tries where food is more abundant. In these countries spoilage is a commercial issue that affects the pro't or loss of producers and manufacturers. In lesser developed countries spoilage continues to be a major concern. The amount of food lost to spoilage is not known. As will be evident in this text, stability and the type of spoilage are in?uenced by the inherent properties of the food and many other factors. During the Second World War a major effort was given to developing the te- nologies needed to ship foods to different regions of the world without spoilage. The food was essential to the military and to populations in countries that could not provide for themselves. Since then, progress has been made in improved product formulations, processing, packaging, and distribution systems. New products have continued to evolve, but for many new perishable foods product stability continues to be a limiting factor. Many new products have failed to reach the marketplace because of spoilage issues.
The promotion of a high level of food safety and quality is of major importance world-wide. Aspects of food quality such as genetically modified organisms (GMOs), food allergens and food authentication have become increasingly important while food-borne diseases caused by bacteria, viruses and parasites continue to be a significant problem. The application of real-time PCR is one of the most promising advances in food safety and quality providing rapid, reliable and quantitative results. In recent years real-time PCR has become a valuable alternative to traditional detection methods in the agricultural and food industries. The advantages of quantitative real-time PCR include speed, an excellent detection limit, selectivity, specificity, sensitivity and the potential for automation.
Drying Technology in Food Processing, in the Unit Operations and Processing Equipment in the Food Industry series, explains the processing operations and equipment necessary for drying of different food products. These processes and unit operations are very important in terms of qualitative properties and energy usage. Divided into four sections, "Drying basics", "Different dryers in the food industry", "Application of drying in the food industry", and "Design, control, and efficiency of dryers", all chapters emphasize experimental, theoretical, computational and/or applications of food engineering principles and the relevant processing equipment. Written by experts in the field of food engineering, in a simple and dynamic way, this book targets industrial engineers working in the field of food processing and within food factories to make them more familiar with drying unit operations.
Agriculture of Starchy Crops: Varieties, Landraces and Cultural Treatments, Volume Two in the Underground Starchy Crops of South American Origin series, brings information on the applied level of producing and using starch from a range of plants grown in tropical and subtropical areas of South American origin. The book presents the economic and social importance of these crops that store starch in underground organs. The title also explores bioactive compounds as a way for the valorization the crops, along with commercial and traditional cultivation in South America (Colombia/Venezuela/Andean highlands, Mexico, Brazilian savannah and Pantanal, besides the Amazon forest), bringing botanical information, too. Edited by a team of experts with a solid background in starch extraction research, this book is ideal for anyone involved in research and development, as well as anyone in cultivation, quality control and legislation in the field of starch.
Berry Bioactive Compound By-Products explores the phytochemistry, functional properties, health-promoting effects, and food and non-food applications of bioactive compounds in berry processing by-products. The book covers a range of berry processing by-products, including mulberry, raspberry, blueberry, and many more. The book examines the chemical composition, bioactive compounds, green methods for extraction, metabolism and bioactivity of bioactive components, biorefinery, bioenergy, and zero waste processing, and economic values for each berry's by-products. Edited by world experts, this book is a valuable resource for food scientists, researchers, and students in the fields of functional foods and food science, technology, and bioprocess engineering.
The subject of sterilization of food in cans has been studied both experimentally and theoretically, but limited work has been undertaken to study the sterilization of food in pouches. This book examines the interaction between fluid mechanics, heat transfer and microbial inactivation during sterilization of food in pouches. Such interaction is complex and if ignored would lead to incorrect information not only on food sterility but also on food quality.
This is a basic reference/textbook for professionals and students involved with these important oils and fats. It is a valuable source of information for those preparing for or already professionally as sociated with the Food Processing and Foodservice industries. Chapters one through six deal with the technology of oils and fats, including sources, chemical structure, physical and chemical properties, and processing techniques. Chapters seven through twelve are devoted to the utilization of oils and fats in Food Manufacturing and Foodservice, including deep frying, griddling, baking of all types, salad dressings, margarines, hard butters, and dairy product re placements. The last four chapters contain a most complete and up to-date treatment of nutrition, as well as the latest developments in analytical methods, flavor, and product development as they relate to oils and fats. This book contains the necessary information for an understand ing of how oils and fats are used in the food industry and how this information is used to set standards and meet performance goals. In a thoroughly readable way it is a how-to-do, hands-on treatise on using oils and fats for every major food use. ix Acknowledgments I gratefully acknowledge many friends at Procter & Gamble who provided updated material, some currently employed and some re cently retired. Fred J. Baur, formerly of Procter & Gamble, wrote the updated chapters related to Analytical Methods, Flavor, Nutri tion, and Dietary Considerations."
This book considers the rapid microbiological techniques that are now increasingly used in industry as alternatives to more conventional methods. Although many of the pioneering studies in this field have taken place in clinical laboratories, the materials listed and organisms sought for foods, beverages and pharmaceuticals are much more varied. In this volume, leading experts from research and industry review the wide variety of approaches that are needed in an industrial setting. The methods described include electrometric techniques, ATP assay, and immunological methods for a wide range of organisms from salmonellas to viruses, each chapter drawing on the authors direct experience in industry to give a highly practical guide. The book should prove invaluable to those in the food, beverage and pharmaceutical industries, or in research and training, who require an up-to-date survey of the use of rapid microbiological methods.
Safety of Meat and Processed Meat provides the reader with the recent developments in the safety of meat and processed meat, from the abattoir along the processing chain to the final product. To achieve this goal, the editor uses five approaches. The first part deals with the main biological contaminants like pathogen microorganisms, specially E. coli and L. monocytogenes, toxins and biogenic amines that can be present either in meat or its derived products. The second part focuses on main technologies for meat decontamination as well as developments like active packaging or bioprotective cultures to extend the shelf life. The third part presents non-biological contaminants and residues in meat and meat products including nitrosamines, PAH, veterinary drugs and environmental compounds. The fourth part discusses current methodologies for the detection of microorganisms, its toxins, veterinary drugs, environmental contaminants and GMOs, and the final part deals with predictive models, risk assessment, regulations on meat safety, consumer perception, and other recent trends in the field. This book is written by distinguished international contributors with excellent experience and reputation. In addition, brings together advances in different safety approaches.
Advances in the flavonoid field have been nothing short of spectacular over the last 20 years. While the medical field has noticed flavonoids for their potential antioxidant, anticancer and cardioprotectant characteristics, growers and processors in plant sciences have utilized flavonoid biosynthesis and the genetic manipulation of the flavonoid pathway in plants to improve the nutritional and ornamental value of crops. Flavonoids: Chemistry, Biochemistry and Applications covers each class of flavonoid and presents the historic advances made in flavonoid research since the 1994 publication of an earlier text, Flavonoids Advances in Research Since 1986. This book details the analytical techniques scientists have used to achieve an improved understanding of flavonoid structures and functions as well as advances in the genetic manipulation of the flavonoid pathway, and the discovery of many new flavonoids. It indicates which techniques are best suited for the isolation and structure determination of flavonoids and whether the structures are novel. While explaining how to evaluate the flavonoid content in food and beverages, the book reveals the biotechnological advances that have allowed nutritionists and plant physiologists to assess the possible effects of flavonoids. As interest regarding the impact and health benefits of flavonoids continues to grow, Flavonoids: Chemistry, Biochemistry and Applications reflects the continuing commitment of flavonoid researchers to the improvement of human health and provides the most comprehensive, up-to-date source of information for all known flavonoids.
Rather than containing for the most part fairly detailed food science and technology intended for daily use and reference by food scientists and technologists, this book is designed for use by a much wider range of readers concerned with a particular and rapidly expanding area of food production, promotion, marketing, and packaging. A certain amount of basic detail is provided to enable relatively rough estimates of the production methods and packaging facilities necessary to enable new or improved items to be made, but the overall emphasis is on the wide range of food products that can now quite legitimately be regarded as coming within the broad definition of foods used as snacks, as contrasted with main meals. Thus, we start with the basic requirements to be met in a snack food whatever its nature, and follow with the great variety of items nowadays used 3..'l snacks or as adjuvants to snacks, concluding with an assessment of nutritional consequences of the growth of "snacking" or "browsing," and with the special packaging requirements of snack foods.
Food processing is now the biggest industry in the UK and in many other countries. It is also rapidly changing from what was essentially a craft industry, batch processing relatively small amounts of product, to a very highly automated one with continuously operating high speed production lines. In addition, consumers have developed a greater expectation for consistently high standard products and coupled this with demands for such things as a more natural flavour, lower fat etc. The need for an increased knowledge of the scientific principles behind food processing has never been greater. Within the industry itself, increased automation, company diversification and amalgamations etc. have meant that those working in it have often to change their field of operation. Whereas twenty years ago, someone starting work in one branch of the food industry could expect, if he or she so desired, to work there all their working lives, this is now seldom the case. This means that a basic knowledge of the principles behind food processing is necessary both for the student at university or college, and for those already in the industry. It is hoped, therefore, that this book will appeal to both, and prove to be a useful reference over a wide range of food processing.
The machinery about which I am writing is found in the confectionery industry, but it is also generally used throughout the food industry and some other areas that produce items that need to be wrapped and packed for distribution. It just happens that much of my working life was spent in the confectionery industry. Similar machinery operates in the pharmaceutical industry, is used for wrapping and handling books, for wrapping blocks of fuel and for packing tea and other items. Some of the robots described are used in the glass industry, loading drinking glasses direct from hot moulding plants. They are used to load filled bottles into cases in the drinks business or shampoo for chemical manufacturers. Other industries, for example the textile industry, used machinery designed for other purposes (such as weaving), before the development of packaging machines, that worked on comparable principles. Some of the mechanisms in all of this machinery possibly have their ancestry in the great cathedral clock mechanisms from as early as the fifteenth century. Just because this book is mainly illustrated by reference to chocolate bars and sweets does not mean that that is the only application, nor does it lessen the ingenuity applied in the designs of these machines or their importance in the modem world.
Traditionally, in the food industry, there has been a distinction made among meat, poultry, seafood, and game. Meat has historically been defined as the edible flesh of animals. This basically referred only to the red meats, namely, beef, lamb, pork, and veal, including both fresh and processed products as well as variety or glandular meats. It has been recognized more recently that all foods derived from muscle, or muscle foods, have basically the same or similar characteristics in physical and chemical properties. Tberefore, it is logical to exarnine and consider all muscle foods under one cover. Tbis book, therefore, is an attempt to address the various attributes of red meat, poultry, fish, and game under the single heading of muscle foods and to note any differences where they might OCCUT. It is of interest that of the 10 top V. S. meat companies in 1990, 8 of them were dealing with poultry as well as red meats and that 4 of the 10 were also involved with seafoods. Tbis lends impetus to the inclusion of all three in a book such as this. Furthermore, the rapid increase in consumption of poultry meat to approximately 30 kg (65 pounds) per capita and seafoods to 7 kg (16 pounds) per capita compared to beef at 34 kg (75 pounds) and pork at 30 kg (65 pounds), whereas veal and lamb/mutton represent only 0.
In the food industry, controlling crystallization is a key factor in quality as it relates to texture, with some foods requiring the promotion of crystallization and others its prevention. In the first publication to focus specifically on this process as it applies to food, Crystallization in Foods covers fundamental principles in ice, sugar, and lipid crystallization, and their applications. Drawing on examples throughout of the practical use and impact of crystallization on food structure, texture, and quality; and enhanced with numerous equations and illustrations, Crystallization in Foods is a valuable resource for food engineers and other scientists working with crystallization in foods, particularly in the dairy, confectionery, frozen foods, and baked goods industries. In addition, this book may be of interest to scientists and other professionals in the personal care and cosmetics industry, which shares some of the same quality and texture concerns as the food industry.
Rediscover the economic potential of growing Ribes cultivars in the United States and Canada! Currants, Gooseberries, and Jostaberries: A Guide for Growers, Marketers, and Researchers in North America explores the biology and history of growing these small fruits as commercial crops in North America. This book provides authoritative information on the potential risks and profits of establishing a currant or gooseberry farm and offers step-by-step details for cost-effective set-up, maintenance, and post-harvest activities. This book will be a reliable reference for prospective growers and Ribes researchers. Currants, Gooseberries, and Jostaberries presents in detail the necessary components of successful Ribes culture farming, including: site and soil selection design of planting site plant propagation cultivar selection cultural practice pest and disease management harvesting and marketing The book supplies the latest production figures for Ribes crops worldwide to help you choose which crops to grow. It also contains detailed information on fruit biochemistry, allowing you to market to human health industries. Currants, Gooseberries, and Jostaberries is the first North American publication to focus exclusively on Ribes culture in more than 50 years. It's your one-stop resource for up-to-date information this side of the Atlantic Ocean. Currants, Gooseberries, and Jostaberries provides you with tables, figures, and appendices, such as a table of the state regulations governing the importation and growing of currants, gooseberries, and jostaberries as listed by the Department of Agriculture calendars of what you need to do throughout the year to prepare, plant, and manage Ribes crops a list of cultivars available in North America tables of suggested parentage for currants and gooseberries to breed for improved fruit and juice quality, disease resistance or frost resistance, or improved mechanics for harvest a site selection checklist an enterprise budget showing typical costs of producing currants and gooseberries for sale in the market
Although chemical engineering and food technology are subject areas closely related to food processing systems and food plant design, coverage of the design of food plants is often sporadic and inadequately addressed in food technology and engineering books. Some books have attempted to treat food engineering from this dual point of view but, most have not achieved balanced coverage of the two. Focusing on food processing, rather than chemical plants, Food Plant Design presents precise design details with photos and drawings of different types of food processing plants, including food processing systems, refrigeration and steam systems, conveying systems, and buildings. The authors discuss the subject in an ordered format that gives you the tools to produce food products with minimum cost. Including modeling procedures for food processing systems and auxiliary systems, they elucidate synthesis techniques and procedures. Using a clear structure for different levels of information and data on different food processing alternatives, the book outlines solutions to plant design problems in the context of overall optimization of an agro-industrial system and corresponding food chain. It provides the work procedures and techniques for solving the design problems of a food processing plant and in making a defined food product.
The area of food toxicology currently has a high profile of
interest in the food industry, universities, and government
agencies, and is certainly of great concern to consumers. There are
many books which cover selected toxins in foods (such as plant
toxins, mycotoxins, pesticides, or heavy metals), but this book
represents the first pedagogic treatment of the entire range of
toxic compounds found naturally in foods or introduced by
industrial contamination or food processing methods. Featuring
coverage of areas of vital concern to consumers, such as
toxicological implications of food adulteration (as seen in
ethylene glycol in wines or the Spanish olive oil disaster) or
pesticide residues, Introduction to Food Toxicology will be of
interest to students in toxicology, environmental studies, and
dietetics as well as anyone interested in food sources and public
health issues.
This book is a collection of selected papers that were presented at the First International Conference of the Asia-Pacific Society for Agricultural and Food Ethics (APSAFE 2013), which was held at Chulalongkorn University from November 28 - 30, 2013. The papers are interdisciplinary, containing insights into food security and food ethics from a variety of perspectives, including, but not limited to, philosophy, sociology, law, sociology, economics, as well as the natural sciences. The theme of the conference was to consider the interplay and balance between food security and food ethics as the world approaches the middle part of the twenty-first century.
Fruit and fruit products, in all their many varieties and variations, are major world commodities and part of the economic life blood of many countries, particularly in the developing world. The perception of the healthy nature of fruit is a major reason for its increased consumption in the developed world, and many consumers today find a wider selection of fruit varieties, available at all times of the year, than ever before. This volume, however, is not so much concerned with fresh fruit as those principal areas of processing to which it may be subjected. Fruit processing arose as a means of utilising a short-lived product and preserving its essential nutritional qualities as far as possible. A chapter on the nutritional aspects of fruit is included in this work to reflect the importance of this topic to most consumers. After a general introduction, the chapter on fruit storage is the only contribution which deals with a process from which fruit emerges in essentially the same physical condition. Beyond that the book sets out to cover most of the major areas in which fruit may be processed into forms which bear varying semblances to the original raw material. |
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