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Books > Business & Economics > General
START-UP NATION addresses the trillion dollar question: How is it
that Israel-- a country of 7.1 million, only 60 years old,
surrounded by enemies, in a constant state of war since its
founding, with no natural resources-- produces more start-up
companies than large, peaceful, and stable nations like Japan,
China, India, Korea, Canada and the UK?
Learn to avoid common leadership decision-making traps Despite what you may think, all top leaders make mistakes, simply because they are human. In fact, the more senior and successful they are, the more susceptible they are to making errors-because as confidence increases, hubris often does as well. But, as internationally recognized leadership and decision-making expert Constance Direickx demonstrates, this doesn't have to be your fate. In Meta Leadership, Dierickx draws on a vast body of research from psychology and business to show how great leaders can think differently and improve their judgment, for stronger, more profitable results. Incorporating leading-edge data and research on the science of thinking, emotional regulation, and behavior, Meta Leadership offers fascinating stories, incisive insights, and useful takeaways for better leadership and better outcomes. Dierickx reveals typical patterns of thinking and behavior that trip leaders up, and how you can avoid making potentially costly, sometimes disastrous, decisions. You'll discover how, in split-second decisions, to effectively use a dose of uncertainty to counterbalance overconfidence; how to show courage without being reckless in a crisis; how to demonstrate that different situations call for different types of action; and more. You'll learn how to be a better judge of other people to lead more effectively and empathetically. And just imagine what a 20-percent improvement in decisions on investments could be worth. Whether you are at the start of your leadership journey or have held a senior leadership role for years, Meta Leadership will arm you with the knowledge and insights you need to achieve the highest results from yourself and your team.
This volume documents military advances in personnel measurement technology and practices. The military is the unquestionable forerunner of this technology. Until now some of this knowledge has not been easily accessible to the scientific community at large. This book highlights advances in enlisted personnel screening and selection from World War I to the present. It foresees the future era of testing, through the use of Item Response Theory, computerized adaptive testing, and the development of new computerized tests. The contributors study the use of computer systems to address person-job match and vocational guidance. They also describe selection to various officer candidate programs and examine the criteria of enlisted performance during peacetime. "Military Personnel Measurement" covers the full scope of military personnel technology and includes discussions of current topics including: computerized vocational guidance systems; advances in vocational testing; personnel classification; evaluations of enlisted performance. Students and professionals in the areas of personnel management, business administration, military studies, or anyone interested in the use of new technology in the testing and evaluation of personnel, will find "Military Personnel Measurement "a valuable resource.
Der wirkungsvolle und angemessene Umgang mit Mitarbeitern ist eine Herausforderung, der Führungskräfte täglich gegenüberstehen. Mit dem LEAD-Navigator® erhält der Leser ein ganzheitliches Kompendium, welches vier zentrale Ankerpunkte für erfolgreiche Führung darstellt. "L" steht dabei für Leader und beantwortet die Frage, wie Führungskräfte sind. "E" verdeutlicht Erfolgsprinzipien, "A" umfasst die Aufgaben, die zur Wirksamkeit führen und "D" steht für Durchführen und zeigt die Führungswerkzeuge und Führungstools auf, die täglich eingesetzt werden, um effektiv zu sein.​ Der systematische Aufbau des Buches erlaubt dem Leser, seine Fähigkeiten in den einzelnen Bereichen zu ermitteln, zu optimieren und Entwicklungsfortschritte festzuhalten. Der LEAD-Navigator® von Matthias Hettl ist als Marke eingetragen und hat in unzähligen Führungstrainings und Coachings seine Praxistauglichkeit erfolgreich unter Beweis gestellt.
Wer in Einkauf und Vertrieb punkten will, muss in Verhandlungen das Beste fur das eigene Unternehmen herausholen. Doch viele kennen keine Methodik, die ihnen zuverlassig zum Erfolg verhilft. Dieses Buch stellt ein leicht erlernbares und schnell umsetzbares Verhandlungssystem vor, mit dem es gelingt, Verhandlungspartner geschickt zu beeinflussen und auch schwierige Falle zu meistern.Mitarbeiter in Einkauf und Vertrieberfahren, wie sie souveran in die erste Runde starten, die Fuhrung ubernehmen, gekonnt den Verhandlungsrahmen bestimmen und ihre Angebote attraktiv gestalten. Ein kompakter Kurs mit konkreten Handlungsanweisungen fur alle, die in ihren Verhandlungen bessere Konditionen und mehr Profit erzielen wollen Ausserdem: Die 7 goldenen Regeln als Sofort-Programm. Neu in der 2. Auflage: Erfolgreich verhandeln in Gruppen wie man die Rolle des Leaders ubernimmt. Das Buch lasst keine Fragen offen, welche Schritte eine Verhandlung durchlauft und wie man sich hier richtig verhalt. ...] Lesenswert "www.pressearbeit.de""" "
Nachhaltiger und langfristiger Unternehmenserfolg ist nur moglich, wenn die strategische Ausrichtung des Unternehmens immer wieder uberdacht wird. Wer sein Unternehmen einzigartig machen und nachhaltig am Markt positionieren will, muss strategische Wettbewerbsvorteile systematisch auf- und ausbauen. Dabei gilt: Die strategischen Wettbewerbsvorteile stecken immer im Kern des Produkts. Grundlage einer jeden erfolgreichen Strategie sind qualitativ hochwertige Produkte oder Dienstleistungen mit hohem Nutzen und einem emotionalen Mehrwert. Professor Dr. Norbert Hans gibt in seinem Praxiswerk Denkanstosse und Tipps zur Strategiebildung und -formulierung sowie konkrete Hilfestellung bei der strategischen Ausrichtung des Unternehmens. Der Leser erfahrt, wie er strategische Wettbewerbsvorteile formuliert und wie sie im Unternehmen von den Fuhrungskraften und Mitarbeitern umgesetzt und gelebt werden."
Supercharge your business or career by staying true to your authentic self In Originate, Motivate, Innovate: 7 Steps to Building a Billion Dollar Network, accomplished entrepreneur Shelly Omilâdé Bell and author Sheena C. Howard deliver an honest and engaging discussion of how to think differently about getting your business funded as a female entrepreneur of color. In the book, you’ll find the mindsets, tools, tactics, and strategies you need to succeed in a venture capital environment that is largely designed by—and for—white males. You’ll learn how to apply your own unique story and background and prioritize valuable relationships to create your own pathway to a fully funded business. You’ll also discover: An acknowledgment and highlighting of those obstacles that remain in place and stand in the way of women of color in business How to break through those obstacles while doing things your own way Strategies for achieving your next goal, whether that’s building a business, creating social impact, or looking for a raise An essential and insightful resource for entrepreneurs, founders, and other business leaders of color, Originate, Motivate, Innovate is the no-nonsense, hands-on book that professional women of color have been waiting for.
Bei der Nachfolgeregelung in Familienunternehmen geht es nicht nur um die juristische und ökonomische Abwicklung, sondern um einen vielschichtigen familiären und damit emotionalen persönlichen Klärungsprozess. Während viele Bücher die rechtlichen Fragen behandeln, geht dieser Ratgeber besonders auf die emotionalen Hintergründe und Einflüsse ein, die den Übergang blockieren bzw. fördern können. Der erfahrene Autor beschreibt konstruktive Wege des emotionalen Klärungsprozesses und bietet konkrete Orientierungs- und Handlungshilfen durch emotionale Selbsterkundungen und eine achtsam gestaltete Nachfolge. Auch die 2., aktualisierte Auflage ist wieder ein sehr persönlicher Begleiter, um auch das Geschehen der Gefühle bei der Nachfolge in Familienunternehmen zu meistern – damit die Nachfolge gelingt.
Great ideas don’t just happen. Innovation springs from creative thinking—a method of the human mind that we can study and learn. In The Art of Ideas, William Duggan and Amy Murphy bring together business concepts with stories of creativity in art, politics, and history to provide a visual and accessible guide to the art and science of new and useful ideas. In chapters accompanied by charming and inviting illustrations, Duggan and Murphy detail how to spark your own ideas and what to do while waiting for inspiration to strike. They show that regardless of the field, innovations happen in the same way: examples from history, presence of mind, creative combination, and resolution to action. The Art of Ideas features case studies and exercises that explain how to break down problems, search for precedents, and creatively combine past models to form new ideas. It showcases how Picasso developed his painting style, how Gandhi became the man we know today, and how Netflix came to disrupt the movie-rental business. Lavishly illustrated in an appealing artistic style, The Art of Ideas helps readers unlock the secret to creativity in business and in life.
Einfuhrung.- DEFINE.- Projekt initiieren, Projekt abgrenzen, Projekt managen.- MEASURE.- Kunden und deren Bedurfnisse identifizieren.- Kundenbedurfnisse strukturieren und priorisieren.- Kundenbedurfnisse spezifizieren.- ANALYZE.- Grobkonzept entwickeln.- Grobkonzept evaluieren.- Grobkonzept finalisieren.- DESIGN.- Feinkonzept entwickeln.- Feinkonzept evaluieren.- Lean-Prozess entwickeln und evaluieren.- VERIFY.- Implementierung vorbereiten.- Prozess implementieren.- Prozess ubergeben.- Anhang: DMADV-Phasenmodell und Ausklappseiten."
This book describes the available options, and the rationale for selecting among them, for observing, measureing or assessing process of communication. This approach contrasts radically to the one taken in many preceding volumes which explain the applicability of general types of quantitative research, for example, content analysis, laboratory experiments, and statistical analysis, to the study of communication. This approach focuses on the methodological problems and solutions unique to the study of communication. It provides the readers with an outline of the problems and/or alternatives that face the researcher.
Learning curves are now recognized throughout the business community as valuable aids to improving productivity in the workplace. This volume is a clear and concise handbook intended to provide both the technical and the non-technical reader with a basic understanding of the underlying theory of learning curves, as well as ready access to commonly used learning curve models, formulas, and tables. Since the book itself is meant to be a handy reference guide, it is organized to make needed information easily available. After a review of basic learning curve theory and a comparison of the most frequently used models, an extensive list of equations is accompanied by everyday examples that illustrate the correct application of learning curve theory as well as solutions to problems that may arise. Tables, graphs, and charts, easily located in the appendixes, can facilitate computations, and a bibliography lists articles, pamphlets, and books that describe learning curve theory and its various uses over the past fifty years. Learning curve analysis, simplified and presented here in a convenient manual, will enable accounting, financial, and purchasing specialists to improve not only employee proficiency forecasting, but also the efficiency of their own productivity.
Responding to the needs of market researchers, business analysts, CI professionals, and other decision makers who understand online technology, Vibert provides a series of problem-driven, analytical frameworks to help them make better sense--and use--of the vast amounts of information now available and easily accessed on the Internet. Organizational decision makers, forced to understand complex competitive environments, have two important aids; analytical tools and information sources. To be truly effective, these tools must be used in concert. Vibert's book focuses on these tools and their usages. In doing so it provides ways for organizational decision makers to protect their own operations as they seek to gain better knowledge of their competitors. Analysts, market researchers, corporate trainers, CI professionals, and others in decision-making capacities, in industries enabled by the Internet, will see quickly how well the content of Vibert's book fits what they do day-to-day. Academics and other teachers will find that the book challenges the traditional case method style of teaching by showing how real-time analysis can be brought into the classroom, the corporate training suite, and other places where information and knowledge are transmitted. Vibert maintains that real-time teaching or training depends on the use of library resources--and the world's largest library is the Internet. Unfortunately, the net has grown so large so fast that stakeholders lack ways to organize the vast quantities of information available there. It is these ways, these tools and resources, that Vibert provides in his discussion of question-driven analytical frameworks, the core of his book.
Veränderungsprozesse belasten in vielen Unternehmen Führungskräfte und Mitarbeiter. Ähnlich wie im Leistungssport ist auch in der Wirtschaft, neben Wissen und Training, die mentale Stärke der Organisation für den Erfolg entscheidend. Interessenkonflikte um Macht und Geld, kulturelle Unterschiede, persönliche Hoffnungen und Ängste der Schlüsselpersonen rufen „emotionale Viren“ hervor, die eine „mentale Verschmutzung“ des Unternehmens nach sich ziehen. Die beiden erfahrenen Berater zeigen anschaulich, wie ein Unternehmen zur mentalen Stärke geführt werden kann. Das Prinzip der „emotionalen Viren“ dient dabei als Grundlage, um die Selbstheilungskräfte der Organisation zu aktivieren. Ein innovativer und international bewährter Ansatz, anschaulich und kurzweilig dargestellt - eine originelle und nützliche Lektüre.
English for Everyone is an exciting and comprehensive self-study course for adults learning English as a foreign language. This course is a unique new series with a visual, engaging, and easy to follow style to make the English language easy to learn. Learn business English by reinforcing key language skills, grammar rules, and vocabulary with listening, speaking, reading, and writing exercises. This unique course is easy to use, starting at beginner level and working up to advanced English to help you grow in confidence as you learn. This Business English Beginner Course Book introduces business topics such as meetings and presentations, telephone language, company history, and business lunches. Audio material is provided at every stage through the English For Everyone website and Android/iOS apps to provide vital experience of spoken English and make even tricky phrases easy to understand. Perfect for personal study or to support exams including TOEFL and IELTS, English for Everyone is suitable for all levels of English language learners.
Critical to the success of any organization is a characteristic called dynamism. Exactly the opposite of anhedonia, or listlessness, dynamism is identified with intensity, enthusiasm, and motivation, qualities that enable people in organizations to get things done. Psychologist Wayne Pace clarifies the meaning of dynamism and its various roles in organizational functioning, provides ways to enhance and measure it, and introduces to human resource professionals a new model of career progression based upon it. Better grounded in scientific principles and data than other books dealing with topics like vitality and enthusiasm and written in a direct, positive, credible, and easy to grasp style, Pace's book covers an unusually wide range of topics--from work systems to language and interpersonal style, to modes of thinking, to mindsets--all of which he sees as dimensions of organizational dynamism and all of which play crucial roles in saving the organization from anhedonia. He makes clear that we cannot design work systems that alone will compel outstanding performance. Instead, we must find ways to release the power of individual workers themselves. His book shows why work systems are so detrimental to enthusiasm and what can be done to reverse their effects. The result is an essential explication for human resource and organizational development specialists and an enlightening introduction for top management everywhere. Pace develops his ideas from a theory of credibility consisting of three dimensions: expertise or competence, trust or confidence, and dynamism or enthusiasm. Focusing his attention on the latter, he explores the underlying mindsets that affect decisions to devote energy to work. He introduces new practices, such as Altra Teams, E-prime language, and Natural Work Goals and explores the mental sets and perceptions that workers have, things that affect the amount of energy, enthusiasm, and vigor they can devote to doing their work. He goes on to explain four work perceptions--performance, opportunity, fulfillment, and expectations or aspirations--which he identifies as basic to the way modern workers approach their tasks. Not only does his book offer a theory and explanation of dynamism, but it also provides concrete instruments to measure it and how well it is developing in your own organization. He then introduces the concepts of organizational learning and learning organizations, and closes with a chapter containing incidents, cases, and personal reports that show how other organizations actually can--and do--release dynamism in their own work settings.
‘Stimulating, intelligent and enjoyable discussions of the most important issues of our day.’ STEVEN PINKER ‘From entrepreneurs to athletes, and world leaders to entertainers, this is a fascinating collection of interviews with some of the world’s most influential individuals.’ MARK CUBAN ‘Thought Economics is a fine rebuke to the soundbite culture; these interviews are driven by real curiosity, and there is a wealth of wisdom here.’ EDWARD STOURTON ________________________ Since 2007, entrepreneur and philanthropist Vikas Shah has been on a mission to interview the people shaping our century. Including conversations with Nobel prizewinners, business leaders, politicians, artists and Olympians, he has been in the privileged position of questioning the minds that matter on the big issues that concern us all. We often talk of war and conflict, the economy, culture, technology and revolutions as if they are something other than us. But all these things are a product of us – of our ideas, our dreams and our fears. We live in fast-moving and extraordinary times, and the changes we’re experiencing now, in these first decades of the twenty-first century, feel particularly poignant as decisions are made that will inform our existence for years to come. What started out as a personal interest in the mechanisms that inform our views of the world, and a passion for understanding, has grown into a phenomenal compilation of once-in-a-lifetime conversations. In this incredible collection, Shah shares some of his most emotive and insightful interviews to date.
Viele Managementansätze haben militärische Wurzeln, doch meist werden sie in der Wirtschaft - anders als beim Militär - nicht stringent angewendet oder nicht in bestehende Führungskonzepte integriert. Der Personalentwicklungsexperte und ehemalige Offizier Erwin Hoffmann sieht das Geheimnis funktionierender Führung gerade in der festen Verankerung einer Führungsphilosophie im Unternehmen, ihrer verbindlichen Umsetzung, verbunden mit der entsprechenden Ausbildung aller Führungspersonen. Das Buch vermittelt die 7 Leitsätze für Manager und die 7x7 Umsetzungsschritte.
COMMENDED: Business Book Awards 2018 - Thought Leader Category Today, businesses of all sizes generate a great deal of creative graphic media and content, including websites, presentations, videos and social media posts. Most big companies, including the likes of Procter & Gamble, Coca-Cola, Tesco and Google, now use neuroscience research and theories to optimize their digital content. Neuro Design opens up this new world of neuromarketing design theories and recommendations, and describes insights from the growing field of neuroaesthetics that will enable readers to enhance customer engagement through their website, and boost profitability. Neuro Design emphasizes the importance of understanding consumers' non-conscious reactions to design and how brands can use them to improve performance, and increase the credibility and persuasiveness of their content. Including practical methods such as neuro-research for testing websites, plus real world case studies from P&G, Coca-Cola, Google and neuroscientific advertising for Nielson, this is the essential handbook for any marketer looking to improve engagement with their creative graphic content. Also covering visuospatial resonance, banner blindness, visual saliency, the Gestalt Psychology Model, the halo effect and much more, Neuro Design will equip any marketer with the design techniques they need to engage with consumers. Online resources include web links to inspiring reading, and further website resources.
In this era of information overload and real-time communication
where anyone can publish and broadcast to millions of people with
the click of a button, there is no shortage of people talking about
the need to get their message across, or having a "narrative." But
for business, marketing, and political campaigns, there is no
definitive how-to on crafting a compelling narrative that achieves
lasting results. And without a narrative, no amount of framing,
complex messaging, or facts will succeed.
The Lobbying and Advocacy Handbook for Nonprofit Organizations, Second Edition, is your complete road map to shaping public policy at the state and local level. It gives detailed, step-by-step instructions for developing an effective plan and putting it into action. With this handbook, you will discover how lobbying can help fulfill your mission; learn how to initiate, support, or defeat bills; develop effective lobbying skills; gather and mobilize support for your positions; learn how to use the media effectively; influence gov’t administrators to back your policy positions; comply with state and federal regulations; and set up systems in your nonprofit to support lobbying.    In addition to updated worksheets, case studies, and resources, new material in the second edition includes nonprofit civic engagement and voter mobilization; designing the Policy Committee that works for your nonprofit; utilizing social media in your communications strategies; administrative advocacy: working with governmental agencies; and understanding the why, what and how of collaboration. Â
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