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Books > Science & Mathematics > Mathematics > Algebra > Groups & group theory
Some mathematical disciplines can be presented and developed in the context of other disciplines, for instance Boolean algebras, that Stone has converted in a branch of ring theory, projective geome- tries, characterized by Birkhoff as lattices of a special type, projec- tive, descriptive and spherical geometries, represented by Prenowitz, as multigroups, linear geometries and convex sets presented by Jan- tosciak and Prenowitz as join spaces. As Prenowitz and Jantosciak did for geometries, in this book we present and study several ma- thematical disciplines that use the Hyperstructure Theory. Since the beginning, the Hyperstructure Theory and particu- larly the Hypergroup Theory, had applications to several domains. Marty, who introduced hypergroups in 1934, applied them to groups, algebraic functions and rational fractions. New applications to groups were also found among others by Eaton, Ore, Krasner, Utumi, Drbohlav, Harrison, Roth, Mockor, Sureau and Haddad. Connections with other subjects of classical pure Mathematics have been determined and studied: * Fields by Krasner, Stratigopoulos and Massouros Ch. * Lattices by Mittas, Comer, Konstantinidou, Serafimidis, Leoreanu and Calugareanu * Rings by Nakano, Kemprasit, Yuwaree * Quasigroups and Groupoids by Koskas, Corsini, Kepka, Drbohlav, Nemec * Semigroups by Kepka, Drbohlav, Nemec, Yuwaree, Kempra- sit, Punkla, Leoreanu * Ordered Structures by Prenowitz, Corsini, Chvalina IX x * Combinatorics by Comer, Tallini, Migliorato, De Salvo, Scafati, Gionfriddo, Scorzoni * Vector Spaces by Mittas * Topology by Mittas , Konstantinidou * Ternary Algebras by Bandelt and Hedlikova.
This modern translation of Sophus Lie's and Friedrich Engel's "Theorie der Transformationsgruppen I" will allow readers to discover the striking conceptual clarity and remarkably systematic organizational thought of the original German text. Volume I presents a comprehensive introduction to the theory and is mainly directed towards the generalization of ideas drawn from the study of examples. The major part of the present volume offers an extremely clear translation of the lucid original. The first four chapters provide not only a translation, but also a contemporary approach, which will help present day readers to familiarize themselves with the concepts at the heart of the subject. The editor's main objective was to encourage a renewed interest in the detailed classification of Lie algebras in dimensions 1, 2 and 3, and to offer access to Sophus Lie's monumental Galois theory of continuous transformation groups, established at the end of the 19th Century. Lie groups are widespread in mathematics, playing a role in representation theory, algebraic geometry, Galois theory, the theory of partial differential equations and also in physics, for example in general relativity. This volume is of interest to researchers in Lie theory and exterior differential systems and also to historians of mathematics. The prerequisites are a basic knowledge of differential calculus, ordinary differential equations and differential geometry.
This book collects important results concerning the classification and properties of nilpotent orbits in a Lie algebra. It develops the Dynkin-Kostant and Bala-Carter classifications of complex nilpotent orbits and derives the Lusztig-Spaltenstein theory of induction of nilpotent orbits.
Praise is perhaps the most widely used technique to influence others. When used appropriately, praise can motivate people, make them feel better, and improve their social relationships. Often, however, praise fails to work as intended and may even cause harm. Psychological Perspectives on Praise reviews and integrates psychological theory and research to provide an overarching perspective on praise. With contributions from leading scholars in the field, this book amalgamates diverse theoretical and empirical perspectives on praise. The book starts with providing an overview of prominent theories that seek to explain the effects of praise, including self-enhancement theory, self-verification theory, attribution theory, and self-determination theory. It then discusses several lines of empirical research on how praise impacts competence and motivation, self-perceptions (e.g., self-esteem and narcissism), and social relationships. It does so in a range of contexts, including children's learning at school, employees' commitment at work, and people's behavior within romantic relationships. The book concludes by showing how praise can be understood in its developmental and cultural context. Revealing that praise is a message rich in information about ourselves and our social environments, this book will be of interest to social, organizational, personality, developmental, and educational psychologists; students in psychology and related disciplines; and practitioners including teachers, managers, and counselors who use praise in their daily practice.
Groups are arguably an essential and unavoidable part of our human lives-whether we are part of families, work teams, therapy groups, organizational systems, social clubs, or larger communities. In Groups in Transactional Analysis, Object Relations, and Family Systems: Studying Ourselves in Collective Life, N. Michel Landaiche, III addresses the intense feelings and unexamined beliefs that exist in relation to groups, and explores how to enhance learning, development and growth within them. Landaiche's multidisciplinary perspective is grounded in the traditions of Eric Berne's transactional analysis, Wilfred Bion's group-as-a-whole model, and Murray Bowen's family systems theory. The book presents a practice of studying ourselves in collective life that utilizes a naturalistic method of observation, analysis of experiential data, and hypothesis formation, all of which are subject to further revision as we gather more data from our lived experiences. Drawing from his extensive professional experience of group work in a range of contexts, Landaiche deftly explores topics including group culture, social pain, learning and language, and presents key principles which enhance and facilitate learning in groups. With a style that is both deeply personal and theoretically grounded in a diverse range of studies, Groups in Transactional Analysis, Object Relations, and Family Systems presents a contemporary assessment of how we operate collectively, and how modern life has changed our outlook. It will be essential reading for transactional analysts in practice and in training, as well as other professionals working with groups. It will also be of value to academics and students of psychology, psychotherapy, and group dynamics, and anyone seeking to understand their role within a group. See the below link to an interview about the book with Tess Elliott: https://vimeo.com/510266467
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Trends in Semigroup Theory and Evolution Equations held Sept. 1989, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands. Papers deal with recent developments in semigroup theory (e.g., positive, dual, integrated), and nonlinear evolution equations (e
This book covers the latest achievements of the Theory of Classes of Finite Groups. It introduces some unpublished and fundamental advances in this Theory and provides a new insight into some classic facts in this area. By gathering the research of many authors scattered in hundreds of papers the book contributes to the understanding of the structure of finite groups by adapting and extending the successful techniques of the Theory of Finite Soluble Groups.
For years I have heard about buildings and their applications to group theory. I finally decided to try to learn something about the subject by teaching a graduate course on it at Cornell University in Spring 1987. This book is based on the not es from that course. The course started from scratch and proceeded at a leisurely pace. The book therefore does not get very far. Indeed, the definition of the term "building" doesn't even appear until Chapter IV. My hope, however, is that the book gets far enough to enable the reader to tadle the literat ure on buildings, some of which can seem very forbidding. Most of the results in this book are due to J. Tits, who originated the the ory of buildings. The main exceptions are Chapter I (which presents some classical material), Chapter VI (which prcsents joint work of F. Bruhat and Tits), and Chapter VII (which surveys some applications, due to var ious people). It has been a pleasure studying Tits's work; I only hope my exposition does it justice."
x system Ib-TEX. I wish to thank her for the beautiful work and the numerous discussions on the contents of this book. I am indebted to Peter Fassler, Neu-Technikum Buchs, Switzerland, for drafting the figures, to my students Kurt Rothermann and Stefan Strahl for computer enhancing and labeling the graphics, to Pascal Felder and Markus Wittwer for a simulation program that generated the figures in the stochastics sections. My thanks go to my new colleague at work, Daniel Neuenschwander, for the inspiring discussions related to the section in stochastics and for reading the manuscript to it. I am also grateful to Dacfey Dzung for reading the whole manuscript. Thanks go especially to Professor \Valter Gander of ETH, Zurich, who at the finishing stage and as an expert of 'JEXgenerously invested numerous hours to assist us in solving software as well as hardware problems; thanks go also to Martin Muller, Ingenieurschule Biel, who made the final layout of this book on the NeXT computer. Thanks are also due to Helmut Kopka of the Max Planck Institute, for solving software problems, and to Professor Burchard Kaup of the Uni versity of Fribourg, Switzerland for adding some useful software; also to Birkhauser Boston Inc. for the pleasant co-operation. Finally, let me be reminiscent of Professor E. Stiefel (deceased 1978) with whom I had many interesting discussions and true co-operation when writing the book in German."
This volume contains contributions by the participants of the conference "Groups and Computation," which took place at The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio, in June 1999. This conference was the successor of two workshops on "Groups and Computation" held at DIMACS in 1991 and 1995. There are papers on permutation group algorithms, finitely presented groups, polycyclic groups, and parallel computation, providing a representative sample of the breadth of Computational Group Theory. On the other hand, more than one third of the papers deal with computations in matrix groups, giving an in-depth treatment of the currently most active area of the field. The points of view of the papers range from explicit computations to group-theoretic algorithms to group-theoretic theorems needed for algorithm development.
This volume contains the proceedings of the Third International Conference on Non-Associative Algebra and Its Applications, held in Oviedo, Spain, July 12-17, 1993. The conference brought together specialists from all over the world who work in this field. All aspects of non-associative algebra are covered. Topics range from purely mathematical subjects to a wide spectrum of applications, and from state-of-the-art articles to overview papers. This collection should point the way for further research. The volume should be of interest to researchers in mathematics as well as those whose work involves the application of non-associative algebra in such areas as physics, biology and genetics.
During the last twenty-five years quite remarkable relations between nonas sociative algebra and differential geometry have been discovered in our work. Such exotic structures of algebra as quasigroups and loops were obtained from purely geometric structures such as affinely connected spaces. The notion ofodule was introduced as a fundamental algebraic invariant of differential geometry. For any space with an affine connection loopuscular, odular and geoodular structures (partial smooth algebras of a special kind) were introduced and studied. As it happened, the natural geoodular structure of an affinely connected space al lows us to reconstruct this space in a unique way. Moreover, any smooth ab stractly given geoodular structure generates in a unique manner an affinely con nected space with the natural geoodular structure isomorphic to the initial one. The above said means that any affinely connected (in particular, Riemannian) space can be treated as a purely algebraic structure equipped with smoothness. Numerous habitual geometric properties may be expressed in the language of geoodular structures by means of algebraic identities, etc.. Our treatment has led us to the purely algebraic concept of affinely connected (in particular, Riemannian) spaces; for example, one can consider a discrete, or, even, finite space with affine connection (in the form ofgeoodular structure) which can be used in the old problem of discrete space-time in relativity, essential for the quantum space-time theory."
This book presents an account of recent results on the theory of representations and the harmonic analysis of free groups. It emphasizes the analogy with the theory of representations of noncompact semisimple Lie groups and restricts the focus to a class of irreducible unitary representations.
This book presents a novel theory of multibody dynamics with distinct features, including unified continuum theory, multiscale modeling technology of multibody system, and motion formalism implementation. All these features together with the introductions of fundamental concepts of vector, dual vector, tensor, dual tensor, recursive descriptions of joints, and the higher-order implicit solvers formulate the scope of the book’s content. In this book, a multibody system is defined as a set consisted of flexible and rigid bodies which are connected by any kinds of joints or constraints to achieve the desired motion. Generally, the motion of multibody system includes the translation and rotation; it is more efficient to describe the motion by using the dual vector or dual tensor directly instead of defining two types of variables, the translation and rotation separately. Furthermore, this book addresses the detail of motion formalism and its finite element implementation of the solid, shell-like, and beam-like structures. It also introduces the fundamental concepts of mechanics, such as the definition of vector, dual vector, tensor, and dual tensor, briefly. Without following the Einstein summation convention, the first- and second-order tensor operations in this book are depicted by linear algebraic operation symbols of row array, column array, and two-dimensional matrix, making these operations easier to understand. In addition, for the integral of governing equations of motion, a set of ordinary differential equations for the finite element-based discrete system, the book discussed the implementation of implicit solvers in detail and introduced the well-developed RADAU IIA algorithms based on post-error estimation to make the contents of the book complete. The intended readers of this book are senior engineers and graduate students in related engineering fields.
This updated edition of this classic book is devoted to ordinary representation theory and is addressed to finite group theorists intending to study and apply character theory. It contains many exercises and examples, and the list of problems contains a number of open questions.
0.1. General remarks. For any algebraic system A, the set SubA of all subsystems of A partially ordered by inclusion forms a lattice. This is the subsystem lattice of A. (In certain cases, such as that of semigroups, in order to have the right always to say that SubA is a lattice, we have to treat the empty set as a subsystem.) The study of various inter-relationships between systems and their subsystem lattices is a rather large field of investigation developed over many years. This trend was formed first in group theory; basic relevant information up to the early seventies is contained in the book [Suz] and the surveys [K Pek St], [Sad 2], [Ar Sad], there is also a quite recent book [Schm 2]. As another inspiring source, one should point out a branch of mathematics to which the book [Baer] was devoted. One of the key objects of examination in this branch is the subspace lattice of a vector space over a skew field. A more general approach deals with modules and their submodule lattices. Examining subsystem lattices for the case of modules as well as for rings and algebras (both associative and non-associative, in particular, Lie algebras) began more than thirty years ago; there are results on this subject also for lattices, Boolean algebras and some other types of algebraic systems, both concrete and general. A lot of works including several surveys have been published here.
The aim of the Expositions is to present new and important developments in pure and applied mathematics. Well established in the community over more than two decades, the series offers a large library of mathematical works, including several important classics. The volumes supply thorough and detailed expositions of the methods and ideas essential to the topics in question. In addition, they convey their relationships to other parts of mathematics. The series is addressed to advanced readers interested in a thorough study of the subject. Editorial Board Lev Birbrair, Universidade Federal do Ceara, Fortaleza, BrasilWalter D. Neumann, Columbia University, New York, USAMarkus J. Pflaum, University of Colorado, Boulder, USADierk Schleicher, Jacobs University, Bremen, GermanyKatrin Wendland, University of Freiburg, Germany Honorary Editor Victor P. Maslov, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia Titles in planning include Yuri A. Bahturin, Identical Relations in Lie Algebras (2019)Yakov G. Berkovich, Lev G. Kazarin, and Emmanuel M. Zhmud', Characters of Finite Groups, Volume 2 (2019)Jorge Herbert Soares de Lira, Variational Problems for Hypersurfaces in Riemannian Manifolds (2019)Volker Mayer, Mariusz Urbanski, and Anna Zdunik, Random and Conformal Dynamical Systems (2021)Ioannis Diamantis, Bostjan Gabrovsek, Sofia Lambropoulou, and Maciej Mroczkowski, Knot Theory of Lens Spaces (2021)
Just suppose, for a moment, that all rings of integers in algebraic number fields were unique factorization domains, then it would be fairly easy to produce a proof of Fermat's Last Theorem, fitting, say, in the margin of this page. Unfortunately however, rings of integers are not that nice in general, so that, for centuries, math ematicians had to search for alternative proofs, a quest which culminated finally in Wiles' marvelous results - but this is history. The fact remains that modern algebraic number theory really started off with in vestigating the problem which rings of integers actually are unique factorization domains. The best approach to this question is, of course, through the general the ory of Dedekind rings, using the full power of their class group, whose vanishing is, by its very definition, equivalent to the unique factorization property. Using the fact that a Dedekind ring is essentially just a one-dimensional global version of discrete valuation rings, one easily verifies that the class group of a Dedekind ring coincides with its Picard group, thus making it into a nice, functorial invariant, which may be studied and calculated through algebraic, geometric and co homological methods. In view of the success of the use of the class group within the framework of Dedekind rings, one may wonder whether it may be applied in other contexts as well. However, for more general rings, even the definition of the class group itself causes problems."
This volume began as the last part of a one-term graduate course given at the Fields Institute for Research in the Mathematical Sciences in the Autumn of 1993. The course was one of four associated with the 1993-94 Fields Institute programme, which I helped to organise, entitled "Artin L-functions". Published as [132]' the final chapter of the course introduced a manner in which to construct class-group valued invariants from Galois actions on the algebraic K-groups, in dimensions two and three, of number rings. These invariants were inspired by the analogous Chin burg invariants of [34], which correspond to dimensions zero and one. The classical Chinburg invariants measure the Galois structure of classical objects such as units in rings of algebraic integers. However, at the "Galois Module Structure" workshop in February 1994, discussions about my invariant (0,1 (L/ K, 3) in the notation of Chapter 5) after my lecture revealed that a number of other higher-dimensional co homological and motivic invariants of a similar nature were beginning to surface in the work of several authors. Encouraged by this trend and convinced that K-theory is the archetypical motivic cohomology theory, I gratefully took the opportunity of collaboration on computing and generalizing these K-theoretic invariants. These generalizations took several forms - local and global, for example - as I followed part of number theory and the prevalent trends in the "Galois Module Structure" arithmetic geometry.
The Fourier transform and the Laplace transform of a positive measure share, together with its moment sequence, a positive definiteness property which under certain regularity assumptions is characteristic for such expressions. This is formulated in exact terms in the famous theorems of Bochner, Bernstein-Widder and Hamburger. All three theorems can be viewed as special cases of a general theorem about functions qJ on abelian semigroups with involution (S, +, *) which are positive definite in the sense that the matrix (qJ(sJ + Sk" is positive definite for all finite choices of elements St, . . . , Sn from S. The three basic results mentioned above correspond to (~, +, x* = -x), ([0, 00[, +, x* = x) and (No, +, n* = n). The purpose of this book is to provide a treatment of these positive definite functions on abelian semigroups with involution. In doing so we also discuss related topics such as negative definite functions, completely mono tone functions and Hoeffding-type inequalities. We view these subjects as important ingredients of harmonic analysis on semigroups. It has been our aim, simultaneously, to write a book which can serve as a textbook for an advanced graduate course, because we feel that the notion of positive definiteness is an important and basic notion which occurs in mathematics as often as the notion of a Hilbert space.
Industrial Mathematics is a relatively recent discipline. It is concerned primarily with transforming technical, organizational and economic problems posed by indus try into mathematical problems; "solving" these problems byapproximative methods of analytical and/or numerical nature; and finally reinterpreting the results in terms of the original problems. In short, industrial mathematics is modelling and scientific computing of industrial problems. Industrial mathematicians are bridge-builders: they build bridges from the field of mathematics to the practical world; to do that they need to know about both sides, the problems from the companies and ideas and methods from mathematics. As mathematicians, they have to be generalists. If you enter the world of indus try, you never know which kind of problems you will encounter, and which kind of mathematical concepts and methods you will need to solve them. Hence, to be a good "industrial mathematician" you need to know a good deal of mathematics as well as ideas already common in engineering and modern mathematics with tremen dous potential for application. Mathematical concepts like wavelets, pseudorandom numbers, inverse problems, multigrid etc., introduced during the last 20 years have recently started entering the world of real applications. Industrial mathematics consists of modelling, discretization, analysis and visu alization. To make a good model, to transform the industrial problem into a math ematical one such that you can trust the prediction of the model is no easy task."
Rapid urbanization of economic zones in China has resulted in a special social phenomenon: "villages-in-the-city." Underdeveloped villages are absorbed during the expansion of urban areas, while retaining their rustic characteristics. Due to the rural characteristics of these areas, social security is much lower compared with the urbanized city. This book uses Tang Village, a remote area in the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, as an example to establish a comprehensive analytical framework by integrating existing crime theories in analyzing villages-in-the-city. The analysis covers the community, individual, and macro levels to detail the diverse social and behavioral factors causing crime at multiple levels. First, a brief history of the urbanization process of Tang Village is provided to establish how urban planning contributed to the issues in the village today. The authors go on to explain how socially disorganized communities dictate the crime hotspots and the common types of crime. The book examines other risk factors that may contribute to the level of crime such as weak social controls, building density, and floating populations of poor working-class migrants. The routine activities of victims, offenders, and guardians are examined. The book concludes with the current trends in the social structure within the villages-in-the-city and their expected outcome after urbanization.
This book provides an understandable review of SU(3) representations, SU(3) Wigner-Racah algebra and the SU(3) SO(3) integrity basis operators, which are often considered to be difficult and are avoided by most nuclear physicists. Explaining group algebras that apply to specific physical systems and discussing their physical applications, the book is a useful resource for researchers in nuclear physics. At the same time it helps experimentalists to interpret data on rotational nuclei by using SU(3) symmetry that appears in a variety of nuclear models, such as the shell model, pseudo-SU(3) model, proxy-SU(3) model, symplectic Sp(6, R) model, various interacting boson models, various interacting boson-fermion models, and cluster models. In addition to presenting the results from all these models, the book also describes a variety of statistical results that follow from the SU(3) symmetry.
The aim of the Expositions is to present new and important developments in pure and applied mathematics. Well established in the community over more than two decades, the series offers a large library of mathematical works, including several important classics. The volumes supply thorough and detailed expositions of the methods and ideas essential to the topics in question. In addition, they convey their relationships to other parts of mathematics. The series is addressed to advanced readers interested in a thorough study of the subject. Editorial Board Lev Birbrair, Universidade Federal do Ceara, Fortaleza, Brasil Walter D. Neumann, Columbia University, New York, USA Markus J. Pflaum, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA Dierk Schleicher, Jacobs University, Bremen, Germany Katrin Wendland, University of Freiburg, Germany Honorary Editor Victor P. Maslov, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia Titles in planning include Yuri A. Bahturin, Identical Relations in Lie Algebras (2019) Yakov G. Berkovich, Lev G. Kazarin, and Emmanuel M. Zhmud', Characters of Finite Groups, Volume 2 (2019) Jorge Herbert Soares de Lira, Variational Problems for Hypersurfaces in Riemannian Manifolds (2019) Volker Mayer, Mariusz Urbanski, and Anna Zdunik, Random and Conformal Dynamical Systems (2021) Ioannis Diamantis, Bostjan Gabrovsek, Sofia Lambropoulou, and Maciej Mroczkowski, Knot Theory of Lens Spaces (2021)
This textbook provides a readable account of the examples and fundamental results of groups from a theoretical and geometrical point of view. Topics on important examples of groups (like cyclic groups, permutation groups, group of arithmetical functions, matrix groups and linear groups), Lagrange's theorem, normal subgroups, factor groups, derived subgroup, homomorphism, isomorphism and automorphism of groups have been discussed in depth. Covering all major topics, this book is targeted to undergraduate students of mathematics with no prerequisite knowledge of the discussed topics. Each section ends with a set of worked-out problems and supplementary exercises to challenge the knowledge and ability of the reader. |
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