Books > Professional & Technical > Technology: general issues > Instruments & instrumentation engineering
Multi-Component Force Sensing Systems focuses on the design,
development, decoupling, and applications of multi-component force
sensing systems. Force and moment information can be used as
feedback to form an automatic control system to accomplish
efficient manipulation. The origins of force measurement and
control can be traced back to the late 1970s. Since then,
multi-component F/M (force/moment) sensing systems have been widely
known and intensively studied. In the past few years, force
measurement practices have been significantly affected by new tools
(such as digital force gauges, virtual instrumentation, high speed
data acquisition systems, etc.) as well as sophisticated
measurement methods such as mechano-magnetic, mechano-optical, etc.
However, this is the first book to provide an overview of the
topic. It will be a useful reference for students in physics and
engineering working with robotic sensing systems and robotic
systems, in addition to researchers and those working within
industry. This work was supported in part by the National Nature
Science Foundation of China (NSFC 62073129 and 61673163). Features:
* Explores the development of force/torque sensing systems *
Provides real applications of the multi-component force/torque
sensing systems * Contains executable code for decoupling
algorithms About the Author: Qiaokang Liang is an Associate
Professor with the College of Electrical and Information
Engineering, Hunan University. He is currently the vice director of
the Hunan Key Laboratory of Intelligent Robot Technology in
Electronic Manufacturing and serving as the assistant director of
the National Engineering Laboratory for Robot Vision Perception and
Control. He received his Ph.D. degree in control science and
engineering from the University of Science and Technology of China,
Hefei, China, in 2011. His research interests include robotics and
mechatronics, biomimetic sensing, advanced robot technology, and
human-computer interaction.
Develops theoretical background for real time SHM without assuming
previous knowledge of the readers Simulates numerical systems and
provide relevant code snippets Conducts experiments based on the
demonstrations provided in the chapters and provide relevant
benchmark results Establishes multidisciplinary applications for
disparate industrial fields
Pneumatic, hydraulic and allied instrumentation schemes have given way to electronic schemes in recent years thanks to the rapid strides in electronics and allied areas. Principles, design and applications of such state-of-the-art instrumentation schemes form the subject matter of this book. Through representative examples, the basic building blocks of instrumentation schemes are identified and each of these building blocks discussed in terms of its design and interface characteristics. The common generic schemes synthesized with such building blocks are dealt with subsequently. This forms the scope of Part I. The focus in Part II is on application. Displacement and allied instrumentation, force and allied instrumentation and process instrumentation in terms of temperature, flow, pressure level and other common process variables are dealt with separately and exhaustively. Despite the diversity in the sensor principles and characteristics and the variety in the applications and their environments, it is possible judiciously to carve out broad areas of application for each type of sensor and the instrumentation built around it. The last chapter categorises instrumentation schemes according to their different levels of complexity. Specific practical examples - especially at involved complexity levels - are discussed in detail.
New-Technology Flowmeters describes the origin, principle of
operation, development, advantages and disadvantages, applications,
and frontiers of research for new-technology flowmeters, which
include Coriolis, magnetic, ultrasonic, vortex, and thermal.
Focusing on the newer, faster growing flowmeter markets, the book
places them in the context of more traditional meters such as
differential pressure, turbine, and positive displacement. Taking
an objective look at the origins of each flowmeter type, the book
discusses the early patents, for each type, and which companies
deserve credit for initially commercializing each flowmeter type.
This book is designed for personnel involved with flowmeters and
instrumentation, including product and marketing managers,
strategic planners, application engineers, and distributors.
Nanosensors are innovative devices that exploit the unique
properties exhibited by matter at the nanoscale. A growing and
exciting field, nanosensors have recently spurred considerable
research endeavors across the globe, driving a need for the
development of new device concepts and engineering nanostructured
materials with controlled properties. Nanosensors: Physical,
Chemical, and Biological, Second Edition offers a panoramic view of
the field and related nanotechnologies with extraordinary clarity
and depth. Presenting an interdisciplinary approach, blending
physics, chemistry and biology, this new edition is broad in scope
and organised into six parts; beginning with the fundamentals
before moving onto nanomaterials and nanofabrication technologies
in the second part. The third and fourth parts provide a critical
appraisal of physical nanosensors, and explore the chemical and
biological categories of nanosensors. The fifth part sheds light on
the emerging applications of nanosensors in the sectors of society,
industry, and defense and details the cutting-edge applications of
state-of-the-art nanosensors in environmental science, food
technology, medical diagnostics, and biotechnology. The final part
addresses self-powering and networking issues of nanosensors, and
provides glimpses of future trends. This is an ideal reference for
researchers and industry professionals engaged in the frontier
areas of material science and semiconductor fabrication as well as
graduate students in physics and engineering pursuing electrical
engineering and electronics courses with a focus on nanoscience and
nanotechnology. Key features: Provides an updated, all-encompassing
exploration of contemporary nanosensors and highlights the
exclusive nanoscale properties on which nanosensors are designed.
Presents an accessible approach with a question-and-answer format
to allow an easy grasp of the intricacies involved in the complex
working mechanisms of devices. Contains clear, illustrative
diagrams enabling the visualization of nanosensor operations, along
with worked examples, end of chapter questions, and exhaustive
up-to-date bibliographies appended to each chapter.
While some automatic navigation systems can use external measurements to determine their position (as the driver of a car uses road signs, or more recent automated systems use satellite data), others (such as those used in submarines) cannot. They must rely instead on internal measurements of the acceleration to determine their speed and position. Such inertial guidance systems have been in use since Word War II, and modern navigation would be impossible without them. This book describes the inertial technology used for guidance, control, and navigation, discussing in detail the principles, operation, and design of sensors, gyroscopes, and accelerometers, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of particular systems. An engineer with long practical experience in the field, the author elucidates the most recent developments in inertial guidance. Among these are fiber-optic gyroscopes, solid-state accelerometers, and the Global Positioning System. The book should be of interest to researchers and practicing engineers involved in systems engineering, aeronautics, space research, and navigation on land and on sea. This second edition has been brought up to date throughout, and includes new material on micromachined gyroscopes.
This reference text discusses conduction mechanism, structure
construction, operation, performance evaluation and applications of
nanoscale semiconductor materials and devices in VLSI circuits
design. The text explains nano materials, devices, analysis of its
design parameters to meet the sub-nano-regime challenges for CMOS
devices. It discusses important topics including memory design and
testing, fin field-effect transistor (FinFET), tunnel field-effect
transistor (TFET) for sensors design, carbon nanotube field-effect
transistor (CNTFET) for memory design, nanowire and nanoribbons,
nano devices based low-power-circuit design, and
microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) design. The book discusses
nanoscale semiconductor materials, device models, and circuit
design covers nanoscale semiconductor device structures and
modeling discusses novel nano-semiconductor devices such as FinFET,
CNTFET, and Nanowire covers power dissipation and reduction
techniques Discussing innovative nanoscale semiconductor device
structures and modeling, this text will be useful for graduate
students, and academic researchers in diverse areas such as
electrical engineering, electronics and communication engineering,
nanoscience, and nanotechnology. It covers nano devices based
low-power-circuit design, nanoscale devices based digital VLSI
circuits, and novel devices based analog VLSI circuits design.
This book provides comprehensive coverage of the major aspects in
designing, implementing, and deploying wireless sensor networks by
discussing present research on WSNs and their applications in
various disciplines. It familiarizes readers with the current state
of WSNs and how such networks can be improved to achieve
effectiveness and efficiency. It starts with a detailed
introduction of wireless sensor networks and their applications and
proceeds with layered architecture of WSNs. It also addresses
prominent issues such as mobility, heterogeneity, fault-tolerance,
intermittent connectivity, and cross layer optimization along with
a number of existing solutions to stimulate future research.
Unmanned ships and autonomous ships are quickly becoming a reality,
making shipping safer and more efficient. However, traditional
tasks and functions are becoming blurred as new technology changes
how the unique needs of different sectors are met. In addition to
large vessels dedicated to the transport of goods and cargos across
the oceans, major efforts are underway towards the automation of
small coastal shipping that includes ferries, tugboats, supply and
service vessels, and barges. Automated vehicles are also replacing
conventional ships for inspecting and servicing pipelines, drilling
platforms, wind farms and other offshore installations. Automated
shipping is explored in terms of economics, technology, safety and
the environment under the broad themes of ship design and
engineering, command and control, navigation, communications,
security, regulatory issues, and training. This includes
initiatives for autonomous shipping as well as civilian
implications of military ship automation programs. This book is
primarily for maritime professionals, regulatory authorities,
insurers, and environmental groups. It also suits undergraduate
students involved in deck officer training, and graduate students
and academics involved in research in ship design, operations and
The 3 Most Valuable Handbooks in Measurement and Control! All New!
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products for interfacing sensors with PC and mainframe computers.
The book addresses a clear gap in the current literature and comes
at a very topical time The five high-level themes provide a highly
suitable and multidisciplinary nature and focus; The chapter topics
cover a broad and appealing range
Covers novel semiconductor devices with sub-micron dimensions.
Discusses comprehensive device optimization techniques. Examines
the conceptualization and modeling of semiconductor devices. Covers
circuit and sensor-based application of the novel devices.
Discusses novel materials for next-generation devices.
Details the use of advanced AFMs and addresses all types of
functional AFMs First book to focus on application of AFM for
energy research Enables readers to operate an AFM successfully and
to understand the data obtained Covers new achievements in AFM
instruments, including higher speed and resolution, automatic and
deep learning AFM, and how AFM is being combined with other new
methods like IR and Raman microscopy
This book facilitates the VLSI-interested individuals with not only
in-depth knowledge, but also the broad aspects of it by explaining
its applications in different fields, including image processing
and biomedical. The deep understanding of basic concepts gives you
the power to develop a new application aspect, which is very well
taken care of in this book by using simple language in explaining
the concepts. In the VLSI world, the importance of hardware
description languages cannot be ignored, as the designing of such
dense and complex circuits is not possible without them. Both
Verilog and VHDL languages are used here for designing. The current
needs of high-performance integrated circuits (ICs) including low
power devices and new emerging materials, which can play a very
important role in achieving new functionalities, are the most
interesting part of the book. The testing of VLSI circuits becomes
more crucial than the designing of the circuits in this nanometer
technology era. The role of fault simulation algorithms is very
well explained, and its implementation using Verilog is the key
aspect of this book. This book is well organized into 20 chapters.
Chapter 1 emphasizes on uses of FPGA on various image processing
and biomedical applications. Then, the descriptions enlighten the
basic understanding of digital design from the perspective of HDL
in Chapters 2-5. The performance enhancement with alternate
material or geometry for silicon-based FET designs is focused in
Chapters 6 and 7. Chapters 8 and 9 describe the study of
bimolecular interactions with biosensing FETs. Chapters 10-13 deal
with advanced FET structures available in various shapes, materials
such as nanowire, HFET, and their comparison in terms of device
performance metrics calculation. Chapters 14-18 describe different
application-specific VLSI design techniques and challenges for
analog and digital circuit designs. Chapter 19 explains the VLSI
testability issues with the description of simulation and its
categorization into logic and fault simulation for test pattern
generation using Verilog HDL. Chapter 20 deals with a secured VLSI
design with hardware obfuscation by hiding the IC's structure and
function, which makes it much more difficult to reverse engineer.
The Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) is the ultimate tool to
see and measure structures on the nanoscale and to probe their
elemental composition and electronic structure with sub-nanometer
spatial resolution. Recent technological breakthroughs have
revolutionized our understanding of materials via use of the TEM,
and it promises to become a significant tool in understanding
biological and biomolecular systems such as viruses and DNA
molecules. This book is a practical guide for scientists who need
to use the TEM as a tool to answer questions about physical and
chemical phenomena on the nanoscale.
Since the incorporation of scientific approach in tackling problems
of optical instrumentation, analysis and design of optical systems
constitute a core area of optical engineering. A large number of
software with varying level of scope and applicability is currently
available to facilitate the task. However, possession of an optical
design software, per se, is no guarantee for arriving at correct or
optimal solutions. The validity and/or optimality of the solutions
depend to a large extent on proper formulation of the problem,
which calls for correct application of principles and theories of
optical engineering. On a different note, development of proper
experimental setups for investigations in the burgeoning field of
optics and photonics calls for a good understanding of these
principles and theories. With this backdrop in view, this book
presents a holistic treatment of topics like paraxial analysis,
aberration theory, Hamiltonian optics, ray-optical and wave-optical
theories of image formation, Fourier optics, structural design,
lens design optimization, global optimization etc. Proper stress is
given on exposition of the foundations. The proposed book is
designed to provide adequate material for 'self-learning' the
subject. For practitioners in related fields, this book is a handy
reference. Foundations of Optical System Analysis and Synthesis
provides A holistic approach to lens system analysis and design
with stress on foundations Basic knowledge of ray and wave optics
for tackling problems of instrumental optics Proper explanation of
approximations made at different stages Sufficient illustrations
for facilitation of understanding Techniques for reducing the role
of heuristics and empiricism in optical/lens design A sourcebook on
chronological development of related topics across the globe This
book is composed as a reference book for graduate students,
researchers, faculty, scientists and technologists in R & D
centres and industry, in pursuance of their understanding of
related topics and concepts during problem solving in the broad
areas of optical, electro-optical and photonic system analysis and
Testing is the most expensive, time-consuming and difficult activity in the development of engineering products and systems. Many industrial testing practices are based upon traditional standards and procedures that fail to provide the optimum balance of assurance versus cost and time. Presenting a consistent philosophy of test engineering, this book is the first of its kind to describe the broad spectrum of modern methods and technologies. This valuable reference will aid engineers who must manage and conduct the difficult and uncertain tasks of testing new designs and products. The unique and readable style makes this an indispensable text for all engineering students. - A multi-disciplinary approach to test engineering including test economics and management.
- Practical, concise descriptions of the methods and technologies in modern mechanical, electronics and software testing, including accelerated test.
- Insights into the developing interface between modern design analysis methods and testing practice.
- An explanation of why products and systems fail, which testing methods are appropriate to each stage of the product life cycle and how testing can reduce failures.
- An overview of international testing regulations and standards.
2D Materials for Surface Plasmon Resonance-based Sensors offers
comprehensive coverage of recent design and development (including
processing and fabrication) of 2D materials in the context of
plasmonic-based devices. It provides a thorough overview of the
basic principles and techniques used in the analysis and design of
2D material-based optical sensor systems. Beginning with the basic
concepts of plasmon/plasmonic sensors and mathematical modelling,
the authors explain the fundamental properties of 2D materials,
including Black Phosphorus (BP), Phosphorene, Graphene, Transition
metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs), MXene's and SW-CNT. It also details
the applications of these emerging materials in clinical diagnosis
and their future trends. This text will be useful for practising
engineers, undergraduate and postgraduate students. Key Features
Presents the fundamental concepts of 2D material assisted fibre
optic and prism based SPR sensor in a student-friendly manner.
Includes the recent synthesis and characterization techniques of 2D
materials. Provides computational results of recently discovered
electronic and optical properties of the 2D materials along with
their effectiveness in the field of plasmonic sensors. Presents
emerging applications of novel 2D material-based plasmonic sensors
in the field of chemical, bio-chemical and biosensing.