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Books > Language & Literature > Language & linguistics > Phonetics, phonology, prosody (speech)
Neologismen erfullen in Science-Fiction-Texten eine genrekonstituierende Funktion und stellen den UEbersetzer vor eine besondere Herausforderung. Die Autorin untersucht die bei der UEbersetzung von Neologismen angewandten Verfahren sowie fur die UEbersetzung relevante Besonderheiten von Neologismen. Die statistische Auswertung einer Sammlung von uber 4700 Belegen liefert allgemeine Erkenntnisse uber das Vorgehen der UEbersetzer. Die Analyse von Einzelbeispielen wiederum zeigt weitere Aspekte der UEbersetzung von Neologismen auf. Somit ermoeglicht das Buch eine umfassende Darstellung dieses bislang wenig beachteten UEbersetzungsproblems.
Die Autorin untersucht den seit Jakob Grimm in der Forschung diskutierten Gegenstand der Paarformel anhand der spatmittelalterlich-fruhneuzeitlichen Textsorte der Stadtrechtsbucher. Sie behandelt 20 Texte, die sich auf den gesamten deutschen Sprachraum verteilen und den Zeitraum vom 13.-15. Jahrhundert abdecken. Die Analyse ist nach sehr weit gefassten modernen Rechtsbegriffen wie "naturliche Person" oder "Koerperverletzung" strukturiert, die jenseits ihrer historischen Andersartigkeit als Grundtatsachen des menschlichen Lebens gelten koennen. Ausgehend von der Annahme, dass Paarformeln als Mittel zur Erfassung rechtsrelevanter Begrifflichkeiten dienen, berucksichtigt die Autorin neben Verwendung und Bedeutung auch die Funktion von Paarformeln im jeweiligen Kontext.
Second language acquisition has rapidly grown as a field over the past decade, as our knowledge of the ways in which children and adults learn and use a second language has become crucial for effective language teaching. In addition to this important 'applied' function, research into second language acquisition has also informed the fields of linguistics and psychology in general, as it has shed light on the differences between native and non-native models of human language and cognition. The focus of this accessible new book is second language speech - that is, how speakers perceive, process, understand and pronounce the sounds of a second language. Each chapter includes review questions, and most chapters include 'tutorial' and 'lab' sections with practical exercises based on the University of Toronto Romance Phonetics Database (available online for free). The book also has a companion website, containing illustrated answers to the exercises, scripts for running acoustic analyses and useful weblinks.
Versprechen sind prekar. Denn nimmt man sie als Worte, verpflichten sie zu Taten. Diese also heiklen Sprechhandlungen sind von literarischem Reiz. Namentlich Burgschafts- und Fleischpfand-Geschichten verhandeln Versprechen. In einer differenzierenden und systematisierenden Lekture eben solcher Texte setzt die Untersuchung ihr doppeltes Forschungsvorhaben um: Zum einen lotet sie die Bedingungen des literarischen Versprechens aus - um diese als koerperliche, oekonomische und poetische zu erhellen. Zum anderen eroertert sie, auf Burgschaft und Fleischpfand aufmerkend, zwei Erzahltypen. Die Studie ist diachron angelegt und verfahrt komparatistisch. Und sie bedient sich sprechakttheoretischer UEberlegungen sowie poetologischer und kulturwissenschaftlicher Ideen. Was die Textauswahl betrifft, werden mehrheitlich mittelalterliche Erzahlungen bedacht. Die Arbeit berucksichtigt indes auch eine Fabel von Hyginus, Schillers Burgschafts-Ballade und Shakespeares Tragikomoedie The Merchant of Venice.
Das Buch prasentiert einen Gesamtblick auf die Getrennt- und Zusammenschreibung im Deutschen von 1700-1900. Dazu hat Susan Herpel ein Analyseraster erarbeitet, das alle Wortartenbereiche einschliesst. Dieses dient der Untersuchung der Getrennt-, Bindestrich- und Zusammenschreibung in orthographischen Regelwerken sowie Grammatiken und in Gebrauchstexten des Deutschen im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert. Die Ergebnisse setzt die Autorin zueinander und zur heute gultigen Orthographie in Relation. Entwicklungslinien der GZS werden so fur alle Wortartenbereiche fur die Zeit von 1700-1900 prazise beschrieben. Tabellarische UEbersichten, die den zeitgenoessischen Schreibgebrauch durch die Aufnahme aller fur die GZS relevanten Textbelege dokumentieren, koennen ausserdem online abgerufen werden.
Why do we speak the way we do, and what do our voices tell others about us? What is the truth behind the myths that surround how we speak? Jane Setter explores these and other fascinating questions in this engaging introduction to the power and the science of the voice. The book first takes us on a tour of the sounds in our language and how we produce them, as well as how and why those sounds vary in different varieties of English. The origins of our vast range of accents are explained, along with the prejudices associated with them: why do we feel such loyalty to our own accent, and what's behind our attitudes to others? We learn that much of what we believe about how we speak may not be true: is it really the case, for instance, that only young people use 'uptalk', or that only women use vocal fry? Our voices can also be used as criminal evidence, and to help us wear different social and professional hats. Throughout the book, Professor Setter draws on examples from the media and from her own professional and personal experience, from her work on the provenance of the terrorist 'Jihadi John' to why the Rolling Stones sounded American.
Este libro presenta un panorama general de la estratificacion social del habla madrilena. Se propone una aproximacion a la dinamica linguistica de la ciudad a traves del analisis de un conjunto de variables fonicas, lexicas, morfosintacticas y pragmaticas que se describen e interpretan desde los principios de la sociolinguistica cuantitativa. La investigacion se desarrolla a partir de dos corpus de habla, uno del distrito de Salamanca y otro de Vallecas, dos distritos muy diferenciados socioeconomica y linguisticamente. Desde su estudio, Madrid se revela como una ciudad linguisticamente heterogenea, con un nucleo social que dirige las nuevas tendencias y lidera los cambios linguisticos. Ese nucleo, caracteristicamente conservador, se encuentra rodeado de colectivos de diverso origen que, tradicionalmente asentados en las areas perifericas de la ciudad, van asimilandose a la comunidad de habla movidos por su deseo de integracion y de ascenso. El uso que hacen de la lengua es su principal marca identitaria, un uso que moldean de acuerdo a sus deseos y posibilidades de movilidad en la escala social.
How do you pronounce omega, tortoise and sloth? And why? Do charted and chartered sound the same? How do people pronounce the names Charon, Punjab, and Sexwale? In this engaging book, John Wells, a world-renowned phonetician and phonologist, explores these questions and others. Each chapter consists of carefully selected entries from Wells' acclaimed phonetics blog, on which he regularly posted on a range of current and widely researched topics such as pronunciation, teaching, intonation, spelling, and accents. Based on sound scholarship and full of fascinating facts about the pronunciation of Welsh, Swedish, Czech, Zulu, Icelandic and other languages, this book will appeal to scholars and students in phonetics and phonology, as well as general readers wanting to know more about language. Anyone interested in why a poster in Antigua invited cruise ship visitors to enjoy a game of porker, or what hymns can tell us about pronunciation, should read this book.
This volume brings together new work on prosody and prosodic interfaces from international experts in the field. The book is divided into three parts that explore topics in word prosody and phrase prosody, lexical tone and intonation, and the syntax-prosody interface. While many recent studies have focused on prosody and related questions, a significant number of languages, dialects, and varieties remain largely undocumented or understudied in this respect. The chapters in this volume help to fill this empirical gap, with investigations into languages such as Choguita Raramuri (Mexico), Poko (Papua New Guinea), Rere (Sudan), and Uspanteko (Guatemala), alongside more widely studied languages such as Japanese and Serbian. The authors also address a range of important questions pertaining to, for example, the interactions between lexical and postlexical tones and the relationship between prosodic and syntactic structure. The volume as a whole sheds light on how prosody is structured in language and how it functions in human communication.
Originally published in 1932, this book presents a guide to various aspects of English phonetics aimed at foreign students of the language. Illustrative figures and a bibliography are also included. This book will be of value to anyone with an interest in the teaching of English, linguistics and phonetics.
Word stress has long presented challenges to phonologists, as they have sought to uncover patterns in its distribution, and devise models to account for its behaviour and formal representation both within single languages and cross-linguistically. In this collection, a team of world-renowned researchers present a variety of viewpoints on the methods and problems involved. Offering fresh perspectives on the topic and its study, this book is specifically concerned with basing theoretical work on broad typological surveys and focuses on the collection, selection and use of data in the analysis of word stress and word rhythm, including their phonetic manifestations. An extensive introduction presents a state-of-the-art review of stress research. The contributors also present StressTyp2, a project in an advanced stage of development, which intends to make publicly available information on word stress in a broad sample of languages and will offer new ways of understanding this key research area.
Fur viele Sprachwissenschaftler ebenso wie fur Sprachbenutzer ist Nicht-Verstehen eine unabsichtlich entstehende Randerscheinung in der Kommunikation, die es zu vermeiden gilt. Die Beitrage in diesem Band rucken das negative Image des Nicht-Verstehens ein wenig zurecht. Sie analysieren und kategorisieren die Formen des Nicht-Verstehens aus unterschiedlichen ingenieurs- wie geisteswissenschaftlichen Blickwinkeln heraus fur verschiedene Sprachen und Medien. Nicht-Verstehen ist - mal mehr, mal weniger ausgepragt - in geschriebener wie gesprochener Sprache allgegenwartig und wird von Sprachbenutzern auch gezielt instrumentalisiert. Zudem werden einige Formen des Nicht-Verstehens uberschatzt - oder durch die Forschung selbst erst geschaffen, die das (Nicht-)Verstehen noch nicht verstanden hat.
Die Bedeutung von Satzen wird in der Satzmodusforschung im Wesentlichen uber syntaktische Operationen abgeleitet. Neben der Wortstellung leistet jedoch auch die Intonation einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Interpretation. Ziel der Arbeit ist zum einen die Beschreibung syntaktischer und intonatorischer Eigenschaften selbstandiger Satze und zum anderen die theoretische Rekonstruktion von Satzinterpretationen auf der Grundlage syntaktischer und intonatorischer Aspekte. Dabei bestimmt die Stellung des finiten Verbs zunachst abstrakt die Gultigkeit des Satzinhaltes in Bezug auf die Diskurswelt. Auf dieser Information operiert die Intonation und signalisiert, ob der Satzinhalt zum Common Ground hinzugefugt werden soll und in welchem Verhaltnis der Sprecher zum Satzinhalt steht.
Children often mispronounce words when learning their first language. Is it because they cannot perceive the differences that adults make or is it because they can't produce the sounds involved? Neither hypothesis is sufficient on its own to explain the facts. On the basis of detailed analyses of his son's and grandson's development, Neil Smith explains the everyday miracle of one aspect of first-language acquisition. Mispronunciations are now attributed to performance rather than to competence, and he argues at length that children's productions are not mentally represented. The study also highlights the constructs of current linguistic theory, arguing for distinctive features and the notion 'onset' and against some of the claims of Optimality Theory and Usage-based accounts. Smith provides an important and engaging update to his previous work, The Acquisition of Phonology, building on ideas previously developed and drawing new conclusions with the aid of fresh data.
The concept of the 'onset', i.e. the consonant(s) before the vowel of a syllable, is critical within phonology. While phonologists have examined the segmental behaviour of onsets, their prosodic status has instead been largely overlooked. In fact, most previous accounts have stipulated that onsets are insignificant when it comes to the 'heaviness' of syllables. In this book Nina Topintzi presents a new theory of onsets, arguing for their fundamental role in the structure of language both in the underlying and surface representation, unlike previous assumptions. To capture the weight behaviour of onsets, a novel account is proposed that relates their interaction with voicing, tone and stress. Using numerous case-studies and data from a variety of languages and phenomena (including stress, compensatory lengthening, gemination and word minimality), the book introduces a model that reflects the true behaviour of onsets, demonstrating profound implications for syllable and weight theories.
First published in 1913, this book was originally intended as a manual for students in Scottish training colleges and for teachers of English in Scottish schools. Grant supplies passages from well-known literature translated into the phonetic alphabet for both the declamatory and conversational styles. This book will be of value to anyone with an interest in the history of phonetics and the presentation of Scottish accents to an English audience.
Originally published in 1913, this book contains a proposed universal alphabet for all forms of speech. Johnston includes sample sentences from a variety of languages spelled out in his phonetic alphabet at the conclusion of the text. This book will be of value for anyone with an interest in phonetics and the search for a universally applicable writing system.
Designed for students with only a basic knowledge of linguistics, this leading textbook provides a clear and practical introduction to phonology, the study of sound patterns in language. It teaches in a step-by-step fashion the logical techniques of phonological analysis and the fundamental theories that underpin it. This thoroughly revised and updated edition teaches students how to analyze phonological data, how to think critically about data, how to formulate rules and hypotheses, and how to test them. New to this edition: * Improved examples, over 60 exercises and 14 new problem sets from a wide variety of languages encourage students to practise their own analysis of phonological processes and patterns * A new and updated reference list of phonetic symbols and an updated transcription system, making data more accessible to students * Additional online material includes pedagogical suggestions and password-protected answer keys for instructors
As a phonetician and comparative philologist, Henry Sweet (1845-1912) produced work that was regarded as seminal, particularly in Germany, where he received greater academic recognition than in England. His textbooks on Old English have long been considered standard works. As well as theoretical and historical studies, he also became involved in more practical aspects of linguistics, devising a new kind of shorthand, discussing spelling reform, and promoting the teaching and learning of modern languages. He played a role in the early history of the Oxford English Dictionary and edited several works for the Early English Text Society. Shaw's Professor Higgins in Pygmalion is believed to be based at least partly on Sweet. The present work, first published in 1877, inspired European interest in phonetic studies. Sweet presents a general theory of phonetics, illustrated by examples of transcription from various languages. He also formulates the distinction between phonemic and allophonic transcriptions.
Analyzing Sound Patterns is a clear and concise introduction to phonological phenomena, covering a wide range of issues from segmental to suprasegmental problems and prosodic morphology. Assuming no prior knowledge of problem solving, this textbook shows students how to analyze phonological problems with a focus on practical tools, methodology and step-by-step instructions. It is aimed at undergraduate and beginning graduate students and places an instructional focus on developing students' analytical abilities. It includes extensive exercises of various types which engage students in reading and evaluating competing analyses, and involves students in a variety of analytical tasks. This textbook: * is designed around related phonological problems and demonstrates how they are analyzed step by step * presents and compares competing accounts of identical problems, and discusses and evaluates the arguments that distinguish one analysis from another * details how a broad array of sound patterns are identified and analyzed.
Analyzing Sound Patterns is a clear and concise introduction to phonological phenomena, covering a wide range of issues from segmental to suprasegmental problems and prosodic morphology. Assuming no prior knowledge of problem solving, this textbook shows students how to analyze phonological problems with a focus on practical tools, methodology and step-by-step instructions. It is aimed at undergraduate and beginning graduate students and places an instructional focus on developing students' analytical abilities. It includes extensive exercises of various types which engage students in reading and evaluating competing analyses, and involves students in a variety of analytical tasks. This textbook: * is designed around related phonological problems and demonstrates how they are analyzed step by step * presents and compares competing accounts of identical problems, and discusses and evaluates the arguments that distinguish one analysis from another * details how a broad array of sound patterns are identified and analyzed.
Phonetics is a fundamental building block not just in linguistics but also in fields such as communication disorders. However, introductions to phonetics can often assume a background in linguistics, whilst at the same time overlooking the clinical and scientific aspects of the field. This textbook fills this gap by providing a comprehensive yet accessible overview of phonetics that delves into the fundamental science underlying the production of speech. Written with beginners in mind, it focuses on the anatomy and physiology of speech, while at the same time explaining the very basics of phonetics, such as the phonemes of English, the International Phonetic Alphabet, and phonetic transcription systems. It presents the sounds of speech as elements of linguistic structure and as the result of complex biological mechanics. It explains complicated terminology in a clear, easy-to-understand way, and provides examples from a range of languages, from disorders of speech, and from language learning.
Hans Krech war der erste habilitierte Sprechwissenschaftler an der Universitat Halle und der erste Hochschullehrer Deutschlands, der auf eine Professur Sprechwissenschaft berufen wurde. Anlasslich seines 50. Todestages (2011) wird eine Auswahl seiner Schriften in drei Banden unter dem Titel Beitrage zur Sprechwissenschaft neu veroeffentlicht. Sie verdeutlichen vielfaltige Wurzeln heutiger sprechwissenschaftlicher Arbeit. Band III enthalt Schriften zur Phonetik, zur Sprechkunstlerischen Gestaltung und zur Fachgeschichte. Einen Schwerpunkt bildet die Dokumentation seines Wirkens als Begrunder der Orthoepieforschung an der Universitat Halle. Eine Audio-CD erganzt das Lehrbuch Einfuhrung in die deutsche Sprechwissenschaft/Sprecherziehung durch Klangbeispiele. |
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