Books > Professional & Technical > Electronics & communications engineering > Electronics engineering > Automatic control engineering
Over the past century, mechanization has been an important means
for optimizing resource utilization, improving worker health and
safety and reducing labor requirements in farming while increasing
productivity and quality of 4F (Food, Fuel, Fiber, Feed).
Recognizing this contribution, agricultural mechanization was
considered as one of the top ten engineering achievements of 20th
century by the National Academy of Engineering. Accordingly farming
communities have adopted increasing level of automation and
robotics to further improve the precision management of crops
(including input resources), increase productivity and reduce farm
labor beyond what has been possible with conventional mechanization
technologies. It is more important than ever to continue to develop
and adopt novel automation and robotic solutions into farming so
that some of the most complex agricultural tasks, which require
huge amount of seasonal labor such as fruit and vegetable
harvesting, could be automated while meeting the rapidly increasing
need for 4F. In addition, continual innovation in and adoption of
agricultural automation and robotic technologies is essential to
minimize the use of depleting resources including water, minerals
and other chemicals so that sufficient amount of safe and healthy
food can be produced for current generation while not compromising
the potential for the future generation. This book aims at
presenting the fundamental principles of various aspects of
automation and robotics as they relate to production agriculture
(the branch of agriculture dealing with farming operations from
field preparation to seeding, to harvesting and field logistics).
The building blocks of agricultural automation and robotics that
are discussed in the book include sensing and machine vision,
control, guidance, manipulation and end-effector technologies. The
fundamentals and operating principles of these technologies are
explained with examples from cutting-edge research and development
currently going on around the word. This book brings together
scientists, engineers, students and professionals working in these
and related technologies to present their latest examples of
agricultural automation and robotics research, innovation and
development while explaining the fundamentals of the technology.
The book, therefore, benefits those who wish to develop novel
agricultural engineering solutions and/or to adopt them in the
The development of inexpensive and fast computers, coupled with the
discovery of efficient algorithms for dealing with polynomial
equations, has enabled exciting new applications of algebraic
geometry and commutative algebra. Algebraic Geometry for Robotics
and Control Theory shows how tools borrowed from these two fields
can be efficiently employed to solve relevant problem arising in
robotics and control theory.After a brief introduction to various
algebraic objects and techniques, the book first covers a wide
variety of topics concerning control theory, robotics, and their
applications. Specifically this book shows how these computational
and theoretical methods can be coupled with classical control
techniques to: solve the inverse kinematics of robotic arms; design
observers for nonlinear systems; solve systems of polynomial
equalities and inequalities; plan the motion of mobile robots;
analyze Boolean networks; solve (possibly, multi-objective)
optimization problems; characterize the robustness of linear;
time-invariant plants; and certify positivity of polynomials.
Developments in bio-inspired computation have impacted multiple
fields and created opportunities for new applications. In recent
years, these techniques have been increasingly integrated into
robotic systems. Membrane Computing for Distributed Control of
Robotic Swarms: Emerging Research and Opportunities is an
innovative reference source for the latest perspectives on
biologically-inspired computation techniques for robot design and
control. Highlighting a range of pivotal topics such as software
engineering, simulation tools, and robotic security, this book is
ideally designed for researchers, academics, students, and
practitioners interested in the role of membrane computing in
mobile robots.
This book discusses the principles, approaches, concepts and
development programs for integrated aircraft avionics. The
functional tasks of integrated on-board radio electronic equipment
(avionics) of navigation, landing, data exchange and air traffic
control are formulated that meet the modern requirements of civil
and military aviation, and the principles of avionics integration
are proposed. The modern approaches to the joint processing of
information in navigation and landing complexes are analyzed.
Algorithms of multichannel information processing in integrated
avionics are considered, and examples of its implementation are
presented. This book is intended for scientists and professionals
in the field of aviation equipment, students and graduate students
of relevant specialties.
The topics covered in this book range from modeling and programming
languages and environments, via approaches for design and
verification, to issues of ethics and regulation. In terms of
techniques, there are results on model-based engineering, product
lines, mission specification, component-based development,
simulation, testing, and proof. Applications range from
manufacturing to service robots, to autonomous vehicles, and even
robots than evolve in the real world. A final chapter summarizes
issues on ethics and regulation based on discussions from a panel
of experts. The origin of this book is a two-day event, entitled
RoboSoft, that took place in November 2019, in London. Organized
with the generous support of the Royal Academy of Engineering and
the University of York, UK, RoboSoft brought together more than 100
scientists, engineers and practitioners from all over the world,
representing 70 international institutions. The intended readership
includes researchers and practitioners with all levels of
experience interested in working in the area of robotics, and
software engineering more generally. The chapters are all
self-contained, include explanations of the core concepts, and
finish with a discussion of directions for further work. Chapters
'Towards Autonomous Robot Evolution', 'Composition, Separation of
Roles and Model-Driven Approaches as Enabler of a Robotics Software
Ecosystem' and 'Verifiable Autonomy and Responsible Robotics' are
available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License via link.springer.com.
Mankind's dependence on artificial intelligence and robotics is
increasing rapidly as technology becomes more advanced. Finding a
way to seamlessly intertwine these two worlds will help boost
productivity in society and aid in a variety of ways in modern
civilization. Androids, Cyborgs, and Robots in Contemporary Culture
and Society is an essential scholarly resource that delves into the
current issues, methodologies, and trends relating to advanced
robotic technology in the modern world. Featuring relevant topics
that include STEM technologies, brain-controlled androids, biped
robots, and media perception, this publication is ideal for
engineers, academicians, students, and researchers that would like
to stay current with the latest developments in the world of
evolving robotics.
This book deals with the stabilization issue of infinite
dimensional dynamical systems both at the theoretical and
applications levels. Systems theory is a branch of applied
mathematics, which is interdisciplinary and develops activities in
fundamental research which are at the frontier of mathematics,
automation and engineering sciences. It is everywhere, innumerable
and daily, and moreover is there something which is not system: it
is present in medicine, commerce, economy, psychology, biological
sciences, finance, architecture (construction of towers, bridges,
etc.), weather forecast, robotics, automobile, aeronautics,
localization systems and so on. These are the few fields of
application that are useful and even essential to our society. It
is a question of studying the behavior of systems and acting on
their evolution. Among the most important notions in system theory,
which has attracted the most attention, is stability. The existing
literature on systems stability is quite important, but disparate,
and the purpose of this book is to bring together in one document
the essential results on the stability of infinite dimensional
dynamical systems. In addition, as such systems evolve in time and
space, explorations and research on their stability have been
mainly focused on the whole domain in which the system evolved. The
authors have strongly felt that, in this sense, important
considerations are missing: those which consist in considering that
the system of interest may be unstable on the whole domain, but
stable in a certain region of the whole domain. This is the case in
many applications ranging from engineering sciences to living
science. For this reason, the authors have dedicated this book to
extension of classical results on stability to the regional case.
This book considers a very important issue, which is that it should
be accessible to mathematicians and to graduate engineering with a
minimal background in functional analysis. Moreover, for the
majority of the students, this would be their only acquaintance
with infinite dimensional system. Accordingly, it is organized by
following increasing difficulty order. The two first chapters deal
with stability and stabilization of infinite dimensional linear
systems described by partial differential equations. The following
chapters concern original and innovative aspects of stability and
stabilization of certain classes of systems motivated by real
applications, that is to say bilinear and semi-linear systems. The
stability of these systems has been considered from a global and
regional point of view. A particular aspect concerning the
stability of the gradient has also been considered for various
classes of systems. This book is aimed at students of doctoral and
master's degrees, engineering students and researchers interested
in the stability of infinite dimensional dynamical systems, in
various aspects.
Machine learning has become one of the most prevalent topics in
recent years. The application of machine learning we see today is a
tip of the iceberg. The machine learning revolution has just
started to roll out. It is becoming an integral part of all modern
electronic devices. Applications in automation areas like
automotive, security and surveillance, augmented reality, smart
home, retail automation and healthcare are few of them. Robotics is
also rising to dominate the automated world. The future
applications of machine learning in the robotics area are still
undiscovered to the common readers. We are, therefore, putting an
effort to write this edited book on the future applications of
machine learning on robotics where several applications have been
included in separate chapters. The content of the book is
technical. It has been tried to cover all possible application
areas of Robotics using machine learning. This book will provide
the future vision on the unexplored areas of applications of
Robotics using machine learning. The ideas to be presented in this
book are backed up by original research results. The chapter
provided here in-depth look with all necessary theory and
mathematical calculations. It will be perfect for laymen and
developers as it will combine both advanced and introductory
material to form an argument for what machine learning could
achieve in the future. It will provide a vision on future areas of
application and their approach in detail. Therefore, this book will
be immensely beneficial for the academicians, researchers and
industry project managers to develop their new project and thereby
beneficial for mankind. Original research and review works with
model and build Robotics applications using Machine learning are
included as chapters in this book.
"Advances in Intelligent Vehicles" presents recent advances in
intelligent vehicle technologies that enhance the safety,
reliability, and performance of vehicles and vehicular networks and
systems. This book provides readers with up-to-date research
results and cutting-edge technologies in the area of intelligent
vehicles and transportation systems. Topics covered include virtual
and staged testing scenarios, collision avoidance, human factors,
and modeling techniques.
The Series in Intelligent Systems publishes titles that cover
state-of-the-art knowledge and the latest advances in research and
development in intelligent systems. Its scope includes theoretical
studies, design methods, and real-world implementations and
Provides researchers and engineers with up-to-date research results
and state-of-the art technologies in the area of intelligent
vehicles and transportation systems Covers hot topics, including
driver assistance systems; cooperative vehicle-highway systems;
collision avoidance; pedestrian protection; image, radar and lidar
signal processing; and V2V and V2I communications
"Introduction to Mobile Robot Control" provides a complete and
concise study of modeling, control, and navigation methods for
wheeled non-holonomic and omnidirectional mobile robots and
manipulators. The book begins with a study of mobile robot drives
and corresponding kinematic and dynamic models, and discusses the
sensors used in mobile robotics. It then examines a variety of
model-based, model-free, and vision-based controllers with unified
proof of their stabilization and tracking performance, also
addressingthe problems of path, motion, and task planning, along
with localization and mapping topics. The book provides a host of
experimental results, a conceptual overview of systemic and
software mobile robot control architectures, and a tour of the use
of wheeled mobile robots and manipulators in industry and
"Introduction to Mobile Robot Control" is an essential
reference, and is also a textbook suitable as a supplement for many
university robotics courses. It is accessible to all and can be
used as a reference for professionals and researchers in the mobile
robotics field.
Clearly and authoritatively presents mobile robot conceptsRichly
illustrated throughout with figures and examplesKey concepts
demonstrated with a host of experimental and simulation examplesNo
prior knowledge of the subject is required; each chapter commences
with an introduction and background"
This book draws inspiration from natural shepherding, whereby a
farmer utilizes sheepdogs to herd sheep, to inspire a scalable and
inherently human friendly approach to swarm control. The book
discusses advanced artificial intelligence (AI) approaches needed
to design smart robotic shepherding agents capable of controlling
biological swarms or robotic swarms of unmanned vehicles. These
smart shepherding agents are described with the techniques
applicable to the control of Unmanned X Vehicles (UxVs) including
air (unmanned aerial vehicles or UAVs), ground (unmanned ground
vehicles or UGVs), underwater (unmanned underwater vehicles or
UUVs), and on the surface of water (unmanned surface vehicles or
USVs). This book proposes how smart 'shepherds' could be designed
and used to guide a swarm of UxVs to achieve a goal while
ameliorating typical communication bandwidth issues that arise in
the control of multi agent systems. The book covers a wide range of
topics ranging from the design of deep reinforcement learning
models for shepherding a swarm, transparency in swarm guidance, and
ontology-guided learning, to the design of smart swarm guidance
methods for shepherding with UGVs and UAVs. The book extends the
discussion to human-swarm teaming by looking into the real-time
analysis of human data during human-swarm interaction, the concept
of trust for human-swarm teaming, and the design of activity
recognition systems for shepherding. Presents a comprehensive look
at human-swarm teaming; Tackles artificial intelligence techniques
for swarm guidance; Provides artificial intelligence techniques for
real-time human performance analysis.
This book discusses biologically inspired robotic actuators
designed to offer improved robot performance and approaching
human-like efficiency and versatility. It assesses biological
actuation and control in the human motor system, presents a range
of technical actuation approaches, and discusses potential
applications in wearable robots, i.e., powered prostheses and
exoskeletons. Gathering the findings of internationally respected
researchers from various fields, the book provides a uniquely broad
perspective on bioinspired actuator designs for robotics. Its scope
includes fundamental aspects of biomechanics and neuromechanics,
actuator and control design, and their application in (wearable)
robotics. The book offers PhD students and advanced graduate
students an essential introduction to the field, while providing
researchers a cutting-edge research perspective.
This handbook presents state-of-the-art research in reinforcement
learning, focusing on its applications in the control and game
theory of dynamic systems and future directions for related
research and technology. The contributions gathered in this book
deal with challenges faced when using learning and adaptation
methods to solve academic and industrial problems, such as
optimization in dynamic environments with single and multiple
agents, convergence and performance analysis, and online
implementation. They explore means by which these difficulties can
be solved, and cover a wide range of related topics including: deep
learning; artificial intelligence; applications of game theory;
mixed modality learning; and multi-agent reinforcement learning.
Practicing engineers and scholars in the field of machine learning,
game theory, and autonomous control will find the Handbook of
Reinforcement Learning and Control to be thought-provoking,
instructive and informative.
The design of control systems is at the very core of
engineering. Feedback controls are ubiquitous, ranging from simple
room thermostats to airplane engine control. Helping to make sense
of this wide-ranging field, this book provides a new approach by
keeping a tight focus on the essentials with a limited, yet
consistent set of examples. Analysis and design methods are
explained in terms of theory and practice. The book covers
classical, linear feedback controls, and linear approximations are
used when needed. In parallel, the book covers time-discrete
(digital) control systems and juxtaposes time-continuous and
time-discrete treatment when needed. One chapter covers the
industry-standard PID control, and one chapter provides several
design examples with proposed solutions to commonly encountered
design problems.
The book is ideal for upper level students in electrical
engineering, mechanical engineering, biological/biomedical
engineering, chemical engineering and agricultural and
environmental engineering and provides a helpful refresher or
introduction for graduate students and professionals
Focuses on the essentials of control fundamentals, system analysis,
mathematical description and modeling, and control design to guide
the readerIllustrates the theory and practical application for each
point using real-world examplesStrands weave throughout the book,
allowing the reader to understand clearly the use and limits of
different analysis and design tools
This book is the first comprehensive book about reservoir computing
(RC). RC is a powerful and broadly applicable computational
framework based on recurrent neural networks. Its advantages lie in
small training data set requirements, fast training, inherent
memory and high flexibility for various hardware implementations.
It originated from computational neuroscience and machine learning
but has, in recent years, spread dramatically, and has been
introduced into a wide variety of fields, including complex systems
science, physics, material science, biological science, quantum
machine learning, optical communication systems, and robotics.
Reviewing the current state of the art and providing a concise
guide to the field, this book introduces readers to its basic
concepts, theory, techniques, physical implementations and
applications. The book is sub-structured into two major parts:
theory and physical implementations. Both parts consist of a
compilation of chapters, authored by leading experts in their
respective fields. The first part is devoted to theoretical
developments of RC, extending the framework from the conventional
recurrent neural network context to a more general dynamical
systems context. With this broadened perspective, RC is not
restricted to the area of machine learning but is being connected
to a much wider class of systems. The second part of the book
focuses on the utilization of physical dynamical systems as
reservoirs, a framework referred to as physical reservoir
computing. A variety of physical systems and substrates have
already been suggested and used for the implementation of reservoir
computing. Among these physical systems which cover a wide range of
spatial and temporal scales, are mechanical and optical systems,
nanomaterials, spintronics, and quantum many body systems. This
book offers a valuable resource for researchers (Ph.D. students and
experts alike) and practitioners working in the field of machine
learning, artificial intelligence, robotics, neuromorphic
computing, complex systems, and physics.
GEOM TICA: TECNOLOG AS DE PUNTA. Geom tica: Tecnolog a de Punta;
presenta una introducci n a este t rmino cient fico moderno, que
agrupa las reas de cartograf a, geograf a e informaci n del espacio
y espacial; algunas definiciones, que a n est n en evoluci n. Da
una opini n sobre los OVIS y presenta descripciones de los sistemas
GNSS; equipos y aplicaciones, e igualmente, su evoluci n. Da una
opini n gremial y una perspectiva de la Geom tica en la
administraci n; refiriendo algunos aspectos de la tramparencia e
igualmente anuncia su segunda edici n.