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Books > Social sciences > Psychology > Philosophy & theory of psychology > Behavioural theory (Behaviourism)
Within the last decade there has been a tremendous explosion in the clinical, theoretical, and empirical literature related to the study of dissociation. Not since the work done at the tum of the century by Pierre Janet, Morton Prince, William James, and others have the psychological and medical communities shown this great an interest in describing and understanding dissociative phenomena. This volume is the result of this significant expansion. Presently, interest in the scientific and clinical progress in the field of dissociation is indicated by the following: 1. The explosion of conferences, workshops, and seminars devoted to disso ciative disorders treatment and research. 2. The emergence of NIMH-supported investigations that focus on dissociation. 3. The burgeoning literature on dissociation. According to a 1992 biblio graphic analysis of the field by Goettman et al. (1992), 72% of all writings on the topic have appeared in the past decade, with about 1000 published papers scattered across diverse disciplines and journals. 4. Current interest in dissociation as reflected in the appearance of major articles and special issues in respected psychology and psychiatry journals. 5. The initiation of a journal entitled Dissociation (Richard Kluft, MD, Editor) devoted to the area."
It is well known that behavior problems are a salient characteristic of children and adults with mental retardation. That is not to say that all persons with mental retardation experience behavior disorders; how ever, most studies indicate that the incidence of emotional disturbance in this population is four to six times greater than that observed in similar intellectually nonhandicapped children and adults. It is equally well known that the principal form of treatment accorded clients with mental retardation and behavior disorders is pharmacotherapy or the prescrip tion of behavior modifying drugs. Recent studies show that 6 out of every 10 individuals with mental retardation have been prescribed drugs as treatment for disorders of emotion or behavior. Unfortunately, further studies indicate that only one or 2 out of every 10 clients receiving medication are determined to be "responders," such that some thera peutic benefit is derived from their drug treatment. As noted by the title, the single major thrust of this volume is to review approaches to the treatment of behavior disorders in persons with mental retardation from a nondrug perspective. This requires the presentation of a wide range of material on treatment: basic behavior modification programming, cognitive-behavioral strategies, habilitative approaches, counseling and psychotherapy, designing therapeutic living environments, managing medical factors bearing relevance to emotional illness, intervening with families, training special education teachers and direct care staff, and supplying information on the client's rights to obtain treatment in the least restrictive and least intrusive manner."
The book treats two approaches to decision theory: (1) the normative, purporting to determine how a 'perfectly rational' actor ought to choose among available alternatives; (2) the descriptive, based on observations of how people actually choose in real life and in laboratory experiments. The mathematical tools used in the normative approach range from elementary algebra to matrix and differential equations. Sections on different levels can be studied independently. Special emphasis is made on 'offshoots' of both theories to cognitive psychology, theoretical biology, and philosophy.
Biosociology is an emerging paradigm seeking to understand human behavior by integrating relevant insights from the natural sciences into traditional sociological thinking. Biosociology posits no ultimate causes of human behavior, rather it seeks to understand how biological factors interact with other factors to produce observed behavior. The book presents a brief introduction to biophysical systems that are important to the understanding of human behavior - genetics, neurophysiology, and the autonomic and endocrine systems. These systems are explored in the contexts of sociological importance, such as socialization, learning, gender roles, gender differences, sexuality, the family, deviance, and criminality.
Although we speak of "the elderly" as if there were one body of people with common characteristics, older adults are more heterogeneous than any other popu lation. People over the age of 65 are also the fastest-growing segment of the population in the United States, currently numbering 25 million. The majority of older adults reside in their communities; a small fraction of them are cared for in institutions. Most may expect to experience some kind of physical impairment. Approximately a quarter of the population may expect to suffer amental health impairment. While traditional therapies have not been especially effective for older adults, behavior therapy has shown exceptional promise as a treatment modality. This book presents a comprehensive explication of the relatively new field of behavioral gerontology. It was written for the clinician interested in the interaction of medical, environmental, and psychological variables and their effects on treatment of elderly clients and for the researcher who will be looking to extend knowledge about interventions with this population. It will be useful for the graduate student in clinical psychology, as weIl as the experienced clinician, who will want to include the elderly in his or her therapeutic population."
This book is dedicated to my wife, Marion W. Routh. In her way, she has been informally involved in clinica! psychology organizations for as many years as I have. She has also served for many years as the first reader of almost all manuscripts I ha ve written, including the one for this book. I can always depend on her to tell me straight out what she thinks. When she found out I was writing this book, she was afraid that the mass of detailed factual information I was gathering would be dull to read. Therefore, when I actually started writing, I laid aside all notes and just told the story in a way that flowed as freely as possible. {1 went back later to fill in the documentation and to correct factual errors that had crept in. ) When she looked over the first draft of the book, her comment was, "It is not as boring asI thought it would be. " Her frankness is so dependable that I knew from these words that there was hope, but that I had my work cut out forme in the revision process. By the middle of the second draft, she grudgingly had to admit that she was getting hooked on the book and kept asking where the next chapter was.
Advances in the Study of Behavior continues to serve scientists across a wide spectrum of disciplines. Focusing on new theories and research developments with respect to behavioral ecology, evolutionarybiology, and comparative psychology, these volumes foster cooperation and communication in these diverse fields.
The psychiatric view of homosexuality has undergone a fascinating evo lution in recent years. This includes not only the change from viewing homosexuality as a diagnosable illness, as opposed to an alternative life style, but also the development of considerable professional concern for providing appropriate mental health services to this previously under served minority community. There has been an increasing recognition of the need for comprehensive services including, but not limited to, counseling, individual psychotherapy, and couples therapy. This book is written for the practicing clinician, and offers a compre hensive survey of the important clinical issues involved in the counsel ing and psychotherapy of gay men and lesbian women. It is an extraor dinarily practical book and its breadth and depth make it appropriate for both the novice and the experienced therapist. SHERWYN M. WOODS Series Editor ix Preface We hear our mentors but do not often heed them. Freud's supportive, nonjudgmental approach to homosexuality provided an ambience with in which discoveries could be made, that is, the discovery that homosex uality was not a disease of mental degeneration and that sexuality, in the sense of a fundamental human propensity to find pleasure in social and physical attachments, was at its root directed to both sexes. The ad herence to a nonjudgmental approach was short-lived, suffered repres sion by homophobic defenses, and scientific zeal was directed toward "cure" rather than comprehension of the homosexual state."
The initial conceptualization of this book was much more narrow than the final product that has emerged. I started out believing that it would be enlightening to have a group of acknowledged rational-emotive therapy (RET) expert practitioners with well-established literary credentials write about how they approach the problem of modifying dient irrationality. Many RET practitioners of all levels of experience are, on the one hand, enamored of the economy, the precision, and the accuracy of psychological insight that RET theory offers, but they are, on the other hand, equally frustrated by their own inability to "persuade" or otherwise change some of the dients they work with more quickly or even at all. Indeed, dients themselves frequently express the view that RET is illuminating, yet they find themselves at the same time puzzled and perplexed by their inability to make the substantial changes that RET invites. It became dearer as I discussed the project with many of the contrib utors that to practice RET effectively requires more than just innovative and persistent assessment and intervention techniques. For example, Rus sell Grieger expressed the view that more prerequisite work needs to be done on the value and philosophical systems of dients-induding person al responsibility and the philosophy of happiness-before many dients can show significant shifts in their thinking. Susan Walen raised the gener al issues of how effective RET can be in the treatment of biologically driven affective disorders."
This eighth volume in the series discusses such topics as learning disabilities and intelligence, mainstreaming an emotionally handicapped student in science, the success of social skills training with delinquent youth, and the social competence of individuals with learning disabilities.
Throughout the past 30 years, there have been significant developments in theory and research relating family variables to various psychopathologies. The potential importance of such efforts is obviously great, given the implications that reliable and valid findings would hold for treatment and preventive inter ventions across a variety of settings and populations. The purpose of this volume is to present a critical evaluation of this field of inquiry through a detailed assessment of the theoretical perspectives, the methodological issues, and the substantive findings that have characterized family studies of psychopathology during the past several decades. The book is divided into four parts, each con taining contributions from leading researchers and theorists in the field. The first part, "Background," presents a review of the major streams of influence that have shaped the development and the present character of the field. The second part, "Conceptual Foundations," contains presentations of gen eral models and orientations relevant to family studies of psychopathology. In most cases, a particular theoretical perspective provides the primary underpin ning of the approach, the exception to this format being the family model of David Reiss based on the concept of the family paradigm. The major objective of this part is to present a broad yet detailed set of chapters that address the conceptual status of the field. It is hoped that this material will provide a rich background against which subsequent discussions of specific theories, methods, and findings can be more fully appreciated."
Explanations of abnormal behavior that emphasize the importance of physiological determinants of disorder are relatively unpopular among psychologists, especially among those who work as clinicians in an ap~ plied setting. The reasons for this are theoretical and historical, as well as practical. Physiology and its associated biological disciplines of bio~ chemistry, pharmacology, and genetics are traditionally more associated with medicine; their use to underpin explanations and treatments of behavioral abnormality has consequently demanded knowledge to which most psychologists are not exposed and skills that are unavailable to them. The dichotomy thus created between medical and psychologi~ cal approaches has caused many psychologists to disregard physiologi~ cal factors. Even when the latter are recognized as important, many psychologists have been unwilling to admit to the fact, in the belief that by doing so they will commit themselves to an overly medical model of psychological disorder, undermining what they see as preferred views of abnormality. As I have become increasingly aware in following the progress of this book, in the United States the theoretical issues in this debate have been further sharpened by professional rivalries (present but less explicit on the European scene from which I write) between medical and nonmedical health care workers, regarding facilities for and approaches to the treatment of the mentally disturbed. Faced with these divisions of interest, psychologists have available two courses of action.
Advances in Child Development and Behavior is intended to ease the task faced by researchers, instructors, and students who are confronted by the vast amount of research and theoretical discussion in child development and behavior. The serial provides scholarly technical articles with critical reviews, recent advances in research, and fresh theoretical viewpoints.
Researching Visual Arts Education in Museums and Galleries brings together case studies from Europe, Asia and North America, in a way that will lay a foundation for international co-operation in the future development and communication of practice-based research. The research in each of the cases directly stems from educational practice in very particular contexts, indicating at once the variety and detail of practitioners' concerns and their common interests.
Experts from academia, clinical settings, and the business world pool their knowledge about work injury prevention and management in the new Sourcebook of Occupational Rehabilitation. The 22 contributions in this wide-ranging reference address aspects of the three primary areas of service delivery: prevention, assessment, and rehabilitation. The text takes a multidisciplinary viewpoint toward its subject in order to shed light on the mechanisms and management of work-related disorders. It boasts a wealth of current and in-depth information, and takes a practical `applications approach' to rehabilitation
This Handbook covers all the many aspects of cognitive therapy
both in its practical application in a clinical setting and in its
theoretical aspects. Since the first applications of cognitive
therapy over twenty years ago, the field has expanded
The intent of this book is to examine the psychological and social worlds of physically ill patients-an area that particularly needs attention today, since the great advances in medical science have caused many to minimize pa tients' emotional concerns. However, the pendulum has begun to swing back to the interrelationship of body and mind. Quality of life is again becoming a critical consideration in treatment. In writing the book I have drawn upon my own clinical experiences as a psychologist working with the physically ill. I have also drawn upon studies of the psychological factors in medical illness, and I was pleased to find a growing body of research. Although the book is primarily directed to psy chotherapists, it will benefit anyone involved in the care of those with medical problems, such as family and friends, as well as medical professionals. vii Acknowledgments I would particularly like to thank Redjeb Jordania for his endless patience, support, and encouragement from the very beginning of this project, and for his valuable suggestions and editorial comments along the way."
Over the last decade, there has been a growing interest in human behavior analysis, motivated by societal needs such as security, natural interfaces, affective computing, and assisted living. However, the accurate and non-invasive detection and recognition of human behavior remain major challenges and the focus of many research efforts. Traditionally, in order to identify human behavior, it is first necessary to continuously collect the readings of physical sensing devices (e.g., camera, GPS, and RFID), which can be worn on human bodies, attached to objects, or deployed in the environment. Afterwards, using recognition algorithms or classification models, the behavior types can be identified so as to facilitate advanced applications. Although such traditional approaches deliver satisfactory performance and are still widely used, most of them are intrusive and require specific sensing devices, raising issues such as privacy and deployment costs. In this book, we will present our latest findings on non-invasive sensing and understanding of human behavior. Specifically, this book differs from existing literature in the following senses. Firstly, we focus on approaches that are based on non-invasive sensing technologies, including both sensor-based and device-free variants. Secondly, while most existing studies examine individual behaviors, we will systematically elaborate on how to understand human behaviors of various granularities, including not only individual-level but also group-level and community-level behaviors. Lastly, we will discuss the most important scientific problems and open issues involved in human behavior analysis.
Here is a practical reference offering mental health professionals 16 state-of-the-art methods for treating a variety of problems presented by outpatient and inpatient adult clients. Supported by ample clinical illustrations, each chapter offers sufficient information so that the respective methods can be replicated. Problems include obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression, schizophrenia, and obesity. The book also examines contemporary issues of accountability in treatment. This handbook meets the needs of psychologists, psychiatrists, counselors, social workers, rehabilitation specialists, and graduate students.
The third part of a set of four volumes which seeks to provide an historical and theoretical perspective for consideration of theory and practice in conflict resolution and provention.;The authors puts forward an adequate theory of behaviour which they contend is needed to provide a basis for the analysis and resolution of conflict. The other volumes cover human needs theory and practices in management, settlement, and resolution in addition to a detailed description of the facilitated conflict resolution process.
This work is an attempt to begin the process of closing the theoretical gap in our knowledge about ourselves, challenging the current thought on human development and behavior. A psychosocial/biological approach is used to explore the influence of instinct on human nature. Models to assess behavior and to develop individual and socially therapeutic interventions are proposed.
This book argues that people care about the opinion that others hold of them, and that the actions they take to raise the esteem they enjoy produce social patterns which, in turn, affect individual economic behaviour. Written by an economist and a philosopher, Part One introduces the concept of human beings as esteem-seeking, esteem-giving creatures and points the way towards an economy of esteem. Part Two illustrates that economy in practice, while Part Three considers how we might hope to mobilize the forces of esteem in a well-designed political and social order.
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