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Books > Social sciences > Psychology > Philosophy & theory of psychology > Behavioural theory (Behaviourism)
Advances in the Study of Behavior continues to serve scientists across a wide spectrum of disciplines. Focusing on new theories and research developments with respect to behavioral ecology, evolutionary biology, and comparative psychology, these volumes serve to foster cooperation and communication in these diverse fields.
In cross cultural settings, the author suggests it is not enough to know that behavior differs across cultures, but also how differences in values drive behaviors. To truly understand the differences among cultures, one must understand their origins, how they emerged on the world stage, the various economic, political, physical, social, and religious forces that shaped them. This is a unique book in that it traces the antecedents of people's behavior and shows readers why cultures differ and includes suggestions for adjusting to these differences. Engrossing and revealing, Scarborough's book will be essential for corporate management and others involved in international commerce, but also for their counterparts in the public sector, who also understand why it is necessary to get along with people from other cultures in the pursuit of mutually beneficial goals. Scarborough says, There may be no greater, more significant void in the knowledge of educated adults than cross-cultural understanding. My book advances that understanding by explaining the reasons "why" behavior, attitudes, beliefs, and values differ across specific cultures. Its premise is that people who interact with others with different cultural backgrounds, whether in international or culturally diverse domestic settings, are much better prepared if they understand the reasons why people act, talk, think and feel as they do. Instead of being left with just lessons on behavior, to be learned by rote, readers will be able to rely on a substantive understanding of the cultures and societies in which they find themselves, as well as their own good common sense, and in this way work more productively and harmoniously with their counterparts abroad.
This book owes its existence to an ideal, a burning frustration, and a trusted believer. The ideal was the sense that governed my feelings about systematic desensitization during my early introduction to its benefits. It is hard to put into words the initial doubts that pervaded me during my first attempt with desensitization with a seriously phobic client, as I re ligiously worked my way through the procedure: "Will this client really become relaxed? And then what-will the visualization actually occur? And then what-will the fear really vanish, just like that?" And oh, the feeling of discovery, and validation, when indeed the process worked, and worked well. Desensitization was everything it was claimed to be: systematic, clean, theoretically grounded, empirically tested, applicable as a behavioral technology regardless of one's own theoretical bias. And there were testable outcomes; concrete evidence for change. So I became invested and aimed at doing more with desensitization. My students and I raised some theoretical questions in order to open the doors for revising the desensitization to improve on its applications. We tested the rapidity with which desensitization could be accomplished, shortening the time by shortening the anxiety hierarchy. Along with others, we studied the question of group delivery, and reducing the total number of sessions, as well as examining the use of audiotaped delivery of services."
A revised and updated version of Behavioral consultation (1977). A basic text for students and professionals interested in increasing consultation skills to assist parents, teachers and others to solve mental-health and educational problems of children and youths. The orientation is behavioral, with
This series will include monographs and collections of studies devoted to the investigation and exploration of knowledge, infonnation, and data-processing systems of all kinds, no matter whether human, (other) animal, or machine. Its scope is intended to span the full range of interests from classical problems in the philosophy of mind and philosophical psychology through issues in cognitive psychology and sociobiology (concerning the mental capabilities of other species) to ideas related to artificial intelligence and computer science. While primary emphasis will be placed upon theoretical, conceptual, and epistemological aspects of these problems and domains, empirical, experi mental, and methodological studies will also appear from time to time. In the present volume, Bruce Thyer has brought together an impressive collection of original studies concerning philosophical aspects of behaviorism, which continues to exert considerable influence even in the era of the Cognitive Revolution. From its early origins and basic principles to its analysis of verbal behavior, consciousness, and free-will, determinism, and self-control, this work offers something of value for everyone with a serious interest in understanding scientific method in application to human behavior. Indeed, as the editor remarks, behaviorism is as much a philosophy as it is an approach to the study of behavior. The breadth and depth of this approach receives proper representation in this work devoted to its rich and varied philosophical legacy. J.H.F. v BA. Thyer (ed.). The Philosophical Legacy of Behaviorism, v."
When little things have big impacts. This book is for anyone who feels that they're sleepwalking through life, looking for answers to challenging emotions and the practical tools to begin living the life they want. 'How are you really feeling? A bit blah, meh or simply 'I don't actually know'. If this is your honest, knot-in-the-throat response, take a moment - breathe - and let me reassure you that it's not you, it's what's happened to you over the years. You can't quite put your finger on it, but somehow you just don't feel like you're thriving or truly participating in your own life. This is the result of a build-up of life's scrapes, papercuts and bruises that have left you feeling simply 'not ok'. Emotional illiteracy, microaggressions, challenging familial relationships, toxic positivity and gaslighting are some examples of what I call 'Tiny T' trauma - the impact of which often leads to problems such as high-functioning anxiety, languishing, perfectionism, comfort eating and sleep disturbance, to name but a few. We have been fooled into believing that 'Tiny T' trauma doesn't matter. There always seem to be huge, intractable problems in the world, so we tend to overlook those small, everyday injuries that drill down to your core. This leaves us with an undercurrent of constant melancholy and niggling pinpricks of anxiety, all wrapped up in the film of other people's Insta-perfect lives. But life doesn't have to be experienced in this suffocating way; we owe it to ourselves to develop Awareness, Acceptance, and take Action on our Tiny T trauma, no matter how 'small', and to start living every day as we deserve.'
"Advances in Child Development and Behaviour" is intended to ease the task faced by researchers, instructors, and students who are confronted by the vast amount of research and theoretical discussion in child development and behaviour. The serial provides scholarly technical articles and a place for the publication of scholarly speculation. In these documented critical reviews, recent advances in the field are summarized and integrated, complexities are exposed, and fresh viewpoints are offered. The serial should be useful to experts in the area as well as graduate students. Each volume of "Advances in Child Development and Behaviour" contains an index, and each chapter includes references.
One of the most frequent requests I receive from graduate students is for references on how to formulate a complex clinical case. Typically, after reading the recommended materials, the student returns to request more detailed accounts of how clinicians "think" about particular cases. The general lack of such materials in the behavior therapy Iiterature led to the formation of the present volume. Throughout much of the behavior therapy literature, one gets the impression that most cases seen present circumscribed and straight fmward psychological problems. In my experience, such cases are rare. Accordingly, the present volume was designed to cover more complex problemssuch as sociopathy and paranoid personality. Thesedisorders are rarely discussed in the behavior therapy Iiterature but nonetheless seem to appear regularly in clinical settings. The cases presented in this book are descriptions of patients seen clinically by the editor or by the contributors. Work an this text began while I was a faculty member at Vanderbilt University and took several years to complete. As the contributors would attest, the task I set out for them was atypical and often difficult. The complexities involved in articulating how one conceptualizes a case are numerous and may help to explain why there are so few sources available on case formulation. The fact that our current state of knowl edge in psychopathology is rather limited further exacerbates the problem."
It is with great pride and satisfaction that I welcome the publication of Cognitive Therapy with Couples and Groups. For several years, Arthur Freeman, Director of Clinical Services at the Center for Cognitive Therapy, has been a leader in attempting to extend a cognitive approach to new problems and new populations and to expand the approaches for treating the depressed outpatients for whom this approach was first developed. Dr. Freeman brought to the Center the full range and depth of a diverse clinical background which had and continues to broaden and enrich his work both as a therapist and as a teacher. I believe he has applied these dimensions of his experi ence fully in developing and editing this volume. The chapters in this book clearly reflect those clinical problems that have attracted the keenest interest on the part of practicing cognitive therapist, which are encountered so frequently in the course of treating depression. The utilization of cognitive therapy with couples, families, groups, and in training is a clear example of this process, an intriguing topic in its own right. Conversely, coping with special clinical phe nomena such as loneliness is a familiar problem to therapists of de pressed patients. Laura Primakoff demonstrates her creativity and expe rience in her treatment of this subject. Similarly, the chapters on al coholism and agoraphobia are timely elaborations of the original cogni tive model for the individual treatment of depression."
For hundreds of years, the human response to personal and collective catastrophe has been recognized. Major historical events of the twen tieth century have highlighted the reality of the human response to extreme traumatization, especially the experience of persons exposed to the concentration camps of Nazi Germany, the dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the unique features of the Vietnam conflict. However, it was not until1980, with the publication of the third edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-111), that post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) was fully recognized as a distinct and valid diagnostic category with a permanency not hitherto afforded post-trauma stress syndromes. Consequently, a formidable PTSD literature has emerged since the late 1970s. Included among the wealth of research and clinical papers are a variety of edited books containing contributions from the major authorities in the field (e.g., Figley, 1978, 1985; van der Kolk, 1984; Kelly, 1985; Sonnenberg, Blank, & Talbott, 1985; Milgram, 1986; Ochberg, 1988). However, to date no publication has brought together and integrated the variety of theoretical and therapeutic perspectives in a form readily accessible to clinicians. It is to this gap in the literature that this contribution is addressed."
The Wiley Handbook of Contextual Behavioral Science describes the philosophical and empirical foundation of the contextual behavioral science movement; it explores the history and goals of CBS, explains its core analytic assumptions, and describes Relational Frame Theory as a research and practice program. * This is the first thorough examination of the philosophy, basic science, applied science, and applications of Contextual Behavioral Science * Brings together the philosophical and empirical contributions that CBS is making to practical efforts to improve human wellbeing * Organized and written in such a way that it can be read in its entirety or on a section-by-section basis, allowing readers to choose how deeply they delve into CBS * Extensive coverage of this wide ranging and complex area that encompasses both a rich basic experimental tradition and in-depth clinical application of that experimental knowledge * Looks at the development of RFT, and its implications for alleviating human suffering
During the past decade, a dramatic increase in research and clinical interest has risen in child abuse and neglect. This recent growth in awareness isdue at leastpartly to thealarmingstatisticsdocumentingthe incidence of child maltreatment. Almost one million children are re ported to be abused and neglected each year, and many experts believe that this figure underestimates the true incidence. Indeed, recentsurveys suggest that almost 1. 5 million children are the targets of domestic vio lence every year. A significantproportion of these children die as a func tion of this maltreatment, whereas theremaindersuffera variety ofshort and long-term deleterious medicaland psychosocial consequences. Child maltreatment is a universal problem that has precipitated a mobilization of effort from a variety of disciplines, including psychology, medicine, psychiatry, social work, sociology, and criminology. Particular attention has been directed toward the prevention and treatment of childabuse and neglect. Such endeavors require the screen ing of large groups in order to identify families that are at high-risk for engaging in such behavior. Delineating those characteristics that differ entiate high- from low-risk families and children is one of the obvious priorities for researchers and clinicians in the future. This book, there fore, carefully considers the status of research on risk factors of abuse and neglect in children. Adduced data undoubtedly will have practical value for subsequent intervention efforts."
Many people consider their weight to be a personal problem; when, then, does body weight become a social problem? Until recently, the major public concern was whether enough food was consistently available. As food systems began to provide ample and stable amounts of food, questions about food availability were replaced with concerns about "ideal" weights and appearance. These interests were aggregated into public concerns about defining people as "too fat" and "too thin." Social constructionist perspectives can contribute to the understanding of weight problems because they focus attention on how these problems are created, maintained, and promoted within various social environments. While there is much objectivist research concerning weight problems, few studies address the socially constructed aspects of fatness and thinness. This book however draws from and contributes to social constructionist perspectives. The chapters in this volume offer several perspectives that can be used to understand the way society deals with fatness and thinness. The contributors consider historical foundations, medical models, gendered dimensions, institutional components, and collective perspectives. These different perspectives illustrate the multifaceted nature of obesity and eating disorders, providing examples of how a variety of social groups construct weight as a social problem.
This new monograph presents Dr. Luce's current understanding of the
behavioral properties people exhibit (or should exhibit) when they
make selections among alternatives and how these properties lead to
numerical representations of those preferences. It summarizes, and
places in historical perspective, the research Dr. Luce has done on
utility theory for over 10 years. Included are axiomatic
theoretical formulations, experiments designed to test individual
assumptions, and analyses of the fit to bodies of data of numerical
representations derived from the theory.
When little things have big impacts. This book is for anyone who feels that they're sleepwalking through life, looking for answers to challenging emotions and the practical tools to begin living the life they want. 'How are you really feeling? A bit blah, meh or simply 'I don't actually know'. If this is your honest, knot-in-the-throat response, take a moment - breathe - and let me reassure you that it's not you, it's what's happened to you over the years. You can't quite put your finger on it, but somehow you just don't feel like you're thriving or truly participating in your own life. This is the result of a build-up of life's scrapes, papercuts and bruises that have left you feeling simply 'not ok'. Emotional illiteracy, microaggressions, challenging familial relationships, toxic positivity and gaslighting are some examples of what I call 'Tiny T' trauma - the impact of which often leads to problems such as high-functioning anxiety, languishing, perfectionism, comfort eating and sleep disturbance, to name but a few. We have been fooled into believing that 'Tiny T' trauma doesn't matter. There always seem to be huge, intractable problems in the world, so we tend to overlook those small, everyday injuries that drill down to your core. This leaves us with an undercurrent of constant melancholy and niggling pinpricks of anxiety, all wrapped up in the film of other people's Insta-perfect lives. But life doesn't have to be experienced in this suffocating way; we owe it to ourselves to develop Awareness, Acceptance, and take Action on our Tiny T trauma, no matter how 'small', and to start living every day as we deserve.'
This book examines a key issue in current cognitive theories - the nature of representation. Each chapter is characterized by attempts to frame hot topics in cognitive development within the landscape of current developmental theorizing and the past legacy of genetic epistemology. The chapters address four questions that are fundamental to any developmental line of inquiry:
These questions are situated in a historical context, Piagetian theory, and contemporary researchers attempt to trace how they draw upon, depart from, and transform the Piagetian legacy to revisit classic issues such as the child's awareness of the workings of mental life, the child's ability to represent the world, and the child's growing ability to process and learn from experience. The theoretical perspectives covered include constructivism, connectionism, theory-theory, information processing, dynamical systems, and social constructivist approaches. The research areas span imitation, mathematical reasoning, biological knowledge, language development, and theory of mind. Written by major contributors to the field, this work will be of interest to students and researchers wanting a brief but in-depth overview of the contemporary field of cognitive development.
This collection of writings aims to show how culture and ethnicity play a role in the influence of human social behaviour. An overview of the current psychological knowledge about African-Americans, Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders, American Indians/Alaska Natives and Hispanics/Latinos in the United States, the book addresses basic concepts in the field: race, ethnic identity, acculturation and biculturalism. In addition to examining the sociodemographic characteristics and history of these groups, psychosocial conditions such as crime, delinquency, psychopathologies and clinical and treatment issues are also explored.
We humans are faced with an interesting problem: That which we think we un derstand the most-our own behavior-we probably understand the least. On the eve of a new millennium. the planet is beset by a host of problems that are. for the most part. caused by human behavior. Ironically. although it seems that the greatest impact of our behavior is on the planet and its other inhabitants. we may actually be threatening our own future the most. For example. we have caused untold harm to the air we breathe. to the water we drink. and. by exten sion. to much of the food we eat. More important perhaps. we have created a so ciety in which. among other things. many people are anxious and depressed. young women starve themselves. and alcohol and cigarette use are responsible for hundreds of thousands of cases of illness and death every year. And humans still murder one another at an astounding rate. while at the same time continu ing to affirm the value of human life. At a time when it is critical that our chil dren become educated. more and more children are not learning the basic skills they will need to think logically so that they can begin to solve the world's problems. The question may be not "Can the planet survive?" but. rather. "Can we humans survive and change our own destructive actions?" Although many scholars. philosophers."
As we begin a new century, the astonishing spread of nationally and
internationally accessible computer-based communication networks
has touched the imagination of people everywhere. Suddenly, the
Internet is in everyday parlance, featured in talk shows, in
special business "technology" sections of major newspapers, and on
the covers of national magazines. If the Internet is a new world of
social behavior it is also a new world for those who study social
behavior. This volume is a compendium of essays and research
reports representing how researchers are thinking about the social
processes of electronic communication and its effects in society.
Taken together, the chapters comprise a first gathering of social
psychological research on electronic communication and the
Eating disorders are potentially life-threatening psychiatric illnesses commonly accompanied by serious medical problems. They typically appear during adolescence or early adulthood, a time when young people are heading to college or interviewing for a first job. Many people recover fully from eating disorders, but others become chronically ill, and symptoms can continue into middle age and beyond. Written by leading authorities in eating disorders research and treatment, Eating Disorders: What Everyone Needs to Know answers common questions about eating disorders, including anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder, as well as a newly described condition, avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID). Practical yet authoritative, the book defines the eating disorders, explains what we know about them based on the latest science, and describes how treatment works. Importantly, the book dispels common myths about eating disorders, such as the notion that they occur only amongst the affluent, that they affect only girls and women, or that they simply result from environmental factors such as the fashion industry and society's obsession with thinness. In reality, as the book explains, there is substantial evidence that eating disorders are brain-based illnesses that do not discriminate, and that they have been around for a very long time. Eating Disorders: What Everyone Needs to Know is essential reading for those seeking authoritative and current information about these often misunderstood illnesses.
Although it has been assumed since early recorded history that psycho logical factors influence health and illness, it has only been within the past few years that a group of investigators and clinicians with a shared interest in the application of psychological principles and techniques to health and illness has existed. Over this same period of time, a number of multi-author books on the topic of health psychology and an associ ated field, behavioral medicine, have been published. Although these books are major resources for the investigator and the clinician in the field, it is often difficult for students, both undergraduate and graduate, to learn the basics of health psychology from such books. Thus, Health Psychology: A Psychobiological Perspective was written to provide such basics. The need for such a textbook in health psychology became appar ent to the first author when he was searching for reading material for an undergraduate course in health psychology at McGill University. This book grew out of the course in health psychology, and its structure represents the course content. The purpose of the book is to present the theoretical, empirical, and clinical aspects of the rapidly developing field of health psychology. Data from a number of subdisciplines within psychology and the behav ioral and health-related sciences are integrated throughout each chapter in an effort to provide a balanced perspective. Health Psychology explores the development of the field and its research methodologies, theoretical models, and intervention possibilities." |
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