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Books > Medicine > Nursing & ancillary services > Physiotherapy
This book presents the principles of hand trauma and plastic reconstructive surgery in a clear and concise manner. Its aim is to instruct the reader on how to identify the priorities of treatment and, using the principles of therapy, select the appropriate treatment modalities. Part one presents the principles of burns and plastic surgery, followed by an explanation of the roles of the multidisciplinary team. Part two explores the role of the physiotherapist and includes the principles of hand therapy, assessment and treatment modalities. Treatment rationales are referenced with the available evidence and aspects that lack evidence are highlighted, with the intention of stimulating further investigation. In order to clarify and reaffirm essential parts of the text, key point boxes are provided regularly throughout the book.
Therapeutic Exercise for Physical Therapist Assistants is the first and only textbook that offers the training you need to fulfill your responsibilities as a physical therapist assistant. This book gives you the knowledge and skills to effectively implement patient treatment plans using therapeutic exercise techniques that you administer under the direction of a physical therapist. Detailed descriptions are provided for the gamut of therapeutic exercises, including range of motion, stretching, open chain resistance training, plyometrics, and functional return. You learn the purpose, position, and procedure for each technique for a complete understanding of how to guide patients in performing these exercises. NEW TO THIS EDITION * Three New Chapters have been added : o Joint Mobilization o Therapeutic Exercise for the Preparation of Gait Activities o Application of Therapeutic Exercise Using Sample Protocols * Review Questions at the end of each chapter test your knowledge and comprehension. FEATURES * Chapter Objectives summarize key concepts at the beginning of each chapter. * Case Studies demonstrate how the techniques presented in the text are applied to actual patients and how physical therapist assistants and physical therapists work together. * Pediatric and Geriatric Boxes set forth recommendations for exercises that accommodate the needs of children and the elderly. * Clinical Guidelines summarize how, why, and when to use specific techniques. * A Glossary defines key words and concepts that you need to know. With contributions from 26 therapeutic exercise experts, this textbook not only helps you develop the skills needed to become a physical therapist assistant, but it will also serve as a valuable on-the-job reference for many years to come.
Das Praxisbuch "Funktionelles Training mit Hand- und Kleingeraten" bietet Therapeuten, Trainern, Sportlehrern und UEbungsleitern ein grosses Spektrum von UEbungen und Variationen zu den gebrauchlichsten Handgeraten wie Thera-Band, Tube und Gymstick, Gewichte wie Kurz- und Langhantel, Gewichts- und Medizinballe, Fitness-Ball, Stabilisatonstrainer, Flowin, Propriomed und Stab. Auch die wesentlichen Hintergrundinfos uber Krafttraining, Sensomotorisches Training, Sportmotorische Tests fur Erwachsene, Besonderheiten im Training mit alteren Menschen und Jugendlichen usw. werden in Kurzform dargestellt. Als Praxisbuch fur die Kurs- und Therapieplanung ist es unentbehrlich, z.B. wenn es um die Auswahl von UEbungen nach einem bestimmten Trainingsziel geht, um das Zusammenstellen von Stundenbildern fur Kursprogramme oder von individuellen Heimprogrammen fur Kunden bzw. Patienten oder um das Konzipieren spezieller Trainingsprogramme fur ein bestimmtes Handgerat.
Von B. Werbeck und I. Spirgi-Gantert voellig neu bearbeitet und inhaltlich wie formal rundum modernisiert: - besser lesbar und leichter zuganglich - mit farbigen Lernhilfen und Zeichnungen - praxisbezogen durch zahlreiche Beispiele - Neu: Grundlagen der Gangschulung und Ausblicke auf Behandlungstechniken und UEbungen Als Standardwerk in der Physiotherapie leitet es Therapeuten in der Ausbildung an, o normale und von der Norm abweichende Bewegung und Haltung prazise zu beobachten, o dem Patienten in der Behandlung richtiges Bewegungsverhalten zu vermitteln und o seine aktive Wahrnehmung dafur zu schulen.
Die Brunkowtherapie, jetzt Akrodynamik, ist ein ganzheitliches Bahnungssystem, basierend auf der Grundlage idealmotorischer Bewegungsmuster. Ursprunglich von Roswitha Brunkow als isometrische Stemmfuhrung entwickelt, hat sich die Therapieform stark weiter entwickelt und in ihrer Anwendung verandert. Lesen Sie hier alles, was Sie als Physiotherapeut uber die moderne Anwendungsform wissen mussen: Prinzipien der TherapieBehandlung im konservativen und postoperativen Bereichen Akrodynamik ist Bestandteil der schulischen Physiotherapieausbildung, es wird als Wahlpflichtfach an Fachhochschulen angeboten sowie als modularisierte Weiterbildung. Ein Lehrbuch und Nachschlagewerk fur die Ausbildung in der Physiotherapie, dem Studium und in der Praxis. "
New edition of the acclaimed guide to the Bobath Concept for the management of neurological dysfunction The pioneering text by internationally renowned Bobath instructor and therapist Bente Gjelsvik is now in a revised and expanded second edition. The Bobath Concept in Adult Neurology, Second Edition, is updated with the latest theoretical insights, research literature, and clinical guidelines to provide an evidence-based, practice-oriented guide to the assessment and treatment of patients with lesions of the central nervous system. Bridging the gap between theoretical assumptions and everyday therapy practice, the book offers an understanding of the interaction between the central nervous system, the musculoskeletal system, movement, and function, and helps readers apply their knowledge to form hypotheses through clinical reasoning in the rehabilitation of adults with neurological conditions. Highlights: Completely revised case histories chapter with entirely new patient cases Key coverage of recent clinical trials and research studies Restructured and reorganized chapters for a more logical presentation of content Concise descriptions of the central nervous system and the neuro-musculo-skeletal systems, motor control, and neural and muscular plasticity Useful discussion of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health as a basis for assessment More than 200 lucid photographs and illustrations aid in quick grasp of the material The new edition of this seminal volume contains the theoretical information, clinical details, and practical examples of the Bobath Concept for the management of neurological disability. It is a must-read for physical therapists and occupational therapists at all levels who seek the best assessment and treatment outcomes for neurologically impaired individuals.
Dieses essential zeigt Logopaden, Physiotherapeuten, Ergotherapeuten und Pflegefachkraften, welche kommunikativen Kompetenzen fur eine professionelle Kommunikation im Berufsalltag notwendig sind. Fokussiert, ubersichtlich, unkompliziert und verstandlich sind alle wesentlichen Aspekte abgedeckt, die fur eine erfolgreiche Kommunikation mit Patienten, Klienten und Angehoerigen wichtig sind. Im Mittelpunkt stehen die professionelle Gestaltung von Kommunikationssituationen, der gezielte Einsatz von Gesprachsfuhrungstechniken und die Reflexion der Gesprache mit dem Einschatzungsbogen "Kommunikative Kompetenzen".
Filled with practical advice from experienced nurses and up-to-date clinical information, this new edition of the Oxford Handbook of Musculoskeletal Nursing is the invaluable guide for all nurses and allied health professionals working with patients who have rheumatological and musculoskeletal conditions. Written to ensure that a nurse in any care environment will have the core information they require at their fingertips, this Handbook is split into three sections: musculoskeletal conditions and their management; clinical issues; and nursing care issues including treatment, nursing management, and tools. Management approaches have been fully updated since the first edition, and the changing healthcare environment and available treatments have been considered, alongside the move towards patient self-management and self-care. This Handbook also addresses the increasing demand for guidance in relation to musculoskeletal conditions, as the growing elderly and chronic disease populations needs for healthcare continue. Featuring brand new chapters on the patient's perspective, nurse-led clinics, and public health awareness, the Oxford Handbook of Musculoskeletal Nursing second edition is a practical and comprehensive guide to help the reader reach the best possible results for their patients.
Exploring the Buddhist/Taoist concept of non-doing and intention in relation to bodywork, this book focuses on how the therapist should approach their client without agenda and meet them where they are at. This requires the therapist to pay attention to their own surfacing intentions and leave assumptions behind so they may focus on simply 'being', which is a profoundly active, non-reactive expression of presence, rather than a passive state of resignation. The ramifications of sub-conscious doing and wilful intention can negatively impact expressions of health and so the author explains how therapists may skilfully navigate between intention, attention and embodied non-doing whilst treating clients, and how this creates the foundations for safe relational touch.
For more than 30 years, the highly regarded Secrets Series® has provided students and practitioners in all areas of health care with concise, focused, and engaging resources for quick reference and exam review. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Secrets, 4th Edition, offers practical, up-to-date coverage of the full range of essential topics in this dynamic field. This highly regarded resource features the Secrets' popular question-and-answer format that also includes lists, tables, pearls, memory aids, and an easy-to-read style - making inquiry, reference, and review quick, easy, and enjoyable. The proven Secrets Series® format gives you the most return for your time - concise, easy to read, engaging, and highly effective. Fully revised and updated, including new information on geriatric rehabilitation, rehabilitation philosophy, vocational rehabilitation, disability rating and impairments, and legislation and reimbursement. New chapters and content include Longitudinal Learning; Regenerative Medicine; Musculoskeletal Ultrasound, PM&R ideology and Disability Awareness & Sensitivity, Organ Transplantation; Spinal Deformity: and more. Top 100 Secrets and Key Points boxes provide a rapid overview of the secrets you must know for success in practice, exams, and teaching sessions. Bulleted lists, mnemonics, and practical tips from global leaders in the field provide a concise overview of important board-relevant content. Portable size makes it easy to carry with you for quick reference or review anywhere, anytime. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Sobald ein Patient einen Arzt aufsucht, kommt es zu einer vertraglichen Beziehung. Welche rechtlichen Grundlagen mussen hierbei beachtet werden? Welche Rechte und Pflichten ergeben sich aus dieser Beziehung? Der Leser erhalt einen fundierten UEberblick uber die Inhalte des Behandlungsvertrages, dessen Einbettung in unser deutsches Rechtssystem und die Rechte und Pflichten, die sich fur Arzt und Patient hieraus ergeben. UEbersichtlich und verstandlich geschrieben fur Studierende der Rechtswissenschaften und der Medizin sowie fur Auszubildende in der Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege.
Many clients enjoy the sensation of deep tissue massage. Yet some therapists shy away from incorporating this form of massage into their treatments, believing it to require the application of force greater than what they can deliver. Or they are anxious about how to apply pressure safely. "Deep Tissue Massage" describes how to use 83 compressive and stretching techniques in ways that are safe and effective for you and your clients. The reference contains step-by-step guidelines and over 165 color photos, which will help you deliver comfortable and satisfying massages to your clients. The techniques are organized by the part of the body being massaged (trunk, lower limbs, and upper limbs) and by the positioning of the client (three-quarter lying, supine, prone, and seated). Once you have learned about the techniques, you will then learn about incorporating them into effective routines by moving the client from one position to the next. Discover those techniques and treatment positions that appeal to you, and discard those that you find less helpful. You will find many of these techniques easy to apply and will quickly be able to include them as part of your practice. "Deep Tissue Massage" explains techniques for avoiding overuse of your hands by incorporating the forearms, fists, and elbows. Throughout the book Client Talk boxes present tips for effective dialogue between therapist and client to ensure expectations are met and the client's limits for handling deep pressure are not exceeded. A photo gallery index provides a quick reference for treatment ideas or for checking technique. Whether you are new to massage or a therapist with many years of experience, "Deep Tissue Massage" will be a great companion resource. Novices will love the easily accessible language and organization of this book, while veteran therapists will check technique and add variety to existing treatment routines. If used in a classroom setting, this book can stimulate debate and discussion about the proper use of deep tissue massage.
Il volume fornisce un panorama aggiornato dei principali aspetti teorici, formativi e di ricerca che attualmente caratterizzano la psicologia clinica in Italia. I diversi contributi presentati nelle prime 4 sezioni (Prospettive e dibattiti; Le psicoterapie: sviluppi ed innovazioni; Psicologia clinica, psicoterapia e ricerca; La dimensione formativa in psicologia clinica ) rappresentano il frutto di un dialogo e di un confronto che si e articolato nel tempo fra alcuni dei principali studiosi italiani. Lo spirito che accomuna i diversi capitoli deriva dalla considerazione che la psicologia clinica implica una clinica essenzialmente psicologica, caratterizzata da metodiche atte a comprendere ed eventualmente modificare stati mentali, schemi di comportamento e sistemi di relazione. Nella sezione quinta In dialogo con altre discipline vengono riportati i contributi della filosofia del linguaggio ed alcune nuove proposte metodologiche sugli studi osservazionali. I diversi capitoli del volume offrono un aggiornato panorama delle principali tematiche che caratterizzano le attuali prospettive della psicologia clinica.
Specifically designed to address the expanding role of physical therapists in primary care, Primary Care for the Physical Therapist: Examination and Triage, 3rd Edition covers all the information and skills you need to be successful in the field. Updated content throughout the text helps you stay up to date on the best practices involving patient examination, medical screening, patient management, and communication. This new third edition also features a new chapter on electrodiagnostic testing, a new chapter on patients with a history of trauma, and updated information on how to screen and examine the healthy population. It's a must-have resource for any physical therapist wanting to obtain the technical expertise and clinical decision-making abilities to meet the challenges of a changing profession. Tailored content reflects the specific needs of physical therapists in primary care. Emphasis on communication skills underscores this essential aspect of quality patient care. Overview of the physical examination is provided in the text to ground therapists in the basis for differential diagnosis and recognizing conditions. NEW! Updated content throughout the text reflects the current state of primary care and physical therapy practice. NEW! New chapter on electrodiagnostic testing helps familiarize physical therapists with indications for electrodiagnostic testing and implications of test results to their clinical decision-making. NEW! New chapter on patients with a history of trauma emphasizes the red flags that physical therapists need to recognize for timely patient referral for appropriate tests. NEW! Updated information on how to screen and examine the healthy population enhances understanding of the foundations of practice and the role that physical therapists can fill in primary care models.
Rehabilitation Moglichkeiten ausschopfen Psychiatrie und Rehabilitation? Bislang ein Thema, das eher stiefmutterlich behandelt wurde. Aber gerade vor dem Hintergrund einer sich wandelnden Gesundheitspolitik wird die Frage nach moglichen fruhzeitigen Reha-Massnahmen immer wichtiger. Vor allem in der Psychiatrie mit ihren haufig chronifizierten Storungsbildern ist der Aspekt Rehabilitation nicht zu unterschatzen. Aus dem Inhalt... Grundlagen Diagnostik und Planung Ubergreifende Therapieansatze Trainingsprogramme Psychoedukation Behandlungsprobleme Unterstutzungssysteme ...und vieles mehr Alle Berufsgruppen, die sich mit dem Thema Rehabilitation und Langzeitbetreuung psychisch Kranker beschaftigen, finden hier eine ausfuhrliche, praxisorientierte und vielfaltige Darstellung des gesamten Spektrums der psychiatrischen Rehabilitation. Massnahmen ergreifen Patienten langfristig helfen "
This collection of chapters describes in detail the physical therapy research in patients with various types of cancers to help medical professionals and physical therapists help improve the physical function, activity of daily living, quality of life, the survival rate in cancer patients and cancer survivors. It provides not only information on rehabilitation but details on physical therapy cancer research and research methods. The book provides practical skills to treat the patients and to create useful and effective physical therapy programs by giving step-by-step tutorials to help readers learn various techniques. Along with presenting an introduction to physical therapy of cance and new findings, the authors provide recommendations on each cancer therapy. Physical Therapy and Research in Patients with Cancer is aimed at physical therapists and student physical therapists. Undergraduate and postgraduate students also can use our book to understand the basics and get up-to-date information. By sharing the latest research with our readers, the book creates a foundation for further development in this field of study.
Dieses essential liefert Physio- und Ergotherapeuten einen UEberblick uber die manuelle Therapie von Verbrennungsnarben. Kompression, Schienenversorgung und der zielgerichtete Einsatz von Silikon schulen den Therapeuten fur bestmoegliche Ergebnisse. Befundaufnahme, Behandlungstechniken und individuell an die Wundheilungsphasen angepasste Dosierungen vervollstandigen die notwendigen Kompetenzen.
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is a technique
that delivers mild electrical currents across the intact surface of
the skin to reduce pain. TENS is used by practitioners throughout
the world to manage painful conditions and TENS equipment can be
purchased by the general public so that they can self-administer
treatment. There are thousands of experimental and clinical
research studies published on TENS and related techniques yet there
is uncertainty about the best way to administer TENS in clinical
practice. This is because currents used during TENS can be
administered in a variety of ways and the findings of research
studies have been inconclusive.
This book is a comprehensive guide to vascular rehabilitation for cardiovascular medicine specialists and physiotherapists. Beginning with an overview of the anatomy of blood vessels, biomechanics of circulation, and epidemiology, the following sections cover the medical and surgical management of different vascular diseases. Each vascular disorder is described in detail, from definition, aetiology, types and pathogenesis, to clinical features, investigations, and management. The second half of the book discusses physiotherapy management of vascular disorders, explaining assessment, special tests, and outcome measures. Key points Comprehensive guide to vascular rehabilitation Covers medical and surgical management of different vascular disorders Includes sections dedicated to physiotherapy management Features clinical photographs, diagrams and tables
Dieses essential liefert Physio- und Ergotherapeuten einen praxisnahen UEberblick uber die Pathophysiologie von Verbrennungen und deren zellbiologischen Aspekte bezuglich manualtherapeutischen Dosierungen. Die Differenzierung von Ausdehnung und Tiefe einer Verbrennung und die Besonderheiten solcher Verletzungen werden verstandlich dargestellt. Dieses Buch legt damit die Grundsteine fur eine selbstbewusste Arbeit mit Verbrennungen, nekrotisierender Fasziitis, hypertrophen und keloiden Narben und ist speziell auf die Bedurfnisse von Therapeuten zugeschnitten.
Dieses essential zeigt die Entwicklung der Medizinischen Gymnastik von der Antike bis heute. Dabei wird erlautert, welche wichtige Rolle Bewegung schon immer in der Orthopadie gespielt hat. Zusatzliche passive Verfahren wurden dabei immer als Alternativen postuliert und drohten mehrmals, die Bewegungstherapie zu verdrangen. Etabliert haben sich dabei lediglich die Konzepte, die sich langfristig auf aktive Bewegung stutzen. Auch die Frage, in welcher Disziplin die medizinische Gymnastik angesiedelt ist, wird betrachtet. Dies ist nicht unerheblich bei der Diskussion um den Stellenwert der Physiotherapie, die durch die derzeitige Akademisierung eine neue Dimension erhalt.
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