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Books > Science & Mathematics > Physics > Thermodynamics & statistical physics > Thermodynamics
Developing a new treatment of 'Free Convection Film Flows and Heat Transfer' began in Shang's first monograph and is continued in this monograph. The current book displays the recent developments of laminar forced convection and forced film condensation. It is aimed at revealing the true features of heat and mass transfer with forced convection film flows to model the deposition of thin layers. The novel mathematical similarity theory model is developed to simulate temperature- and concentration- dependent physical processes. The following topics are covered in this book: 1. Mathematical methods - advanced similarity analysis method to replace the traditional Falkner-Skan type transformation - a novel system of similarity analysis and transformation models to overcome the difficult issues of forced convection and forced film flows - heat and mass transfer equations based on the advanced similarity analysis models and equations formulated with rigorous key numerical solutions 2. Modeling the influence of physical factors - effect of thermal dissipation on forced convection heat transfer - a system of models of temperature and concentration-dependent variable physical properties based on the advanced temperature-parameter model and rigorous analysis model on vapor-gas mixture physical properties for the rigorous and convenient description of the governing differential equations - an available approach to satisfy interfacial matching conditions for rigorous and reliable solutions - a system of numerical results on velocity, temperature and concentration fields, as well as, key solutions on heat and mass transfer - the effect of non-condensable gas on heat and mass transfer for forced film condensation. This way it is realized to conveniently and reliably predict heat and mass transfer for convection and film flows and to resolve a series of current difficult issues of heat and mass transfer with forced convection film flows. Professionals in this fields as well as graduate students will find this a valuable book for their work.
This book provides an overview of advanced prediction and verification technologies for aerodynamics and aerothermodynamics and assesses a number of critical issues in advanced hypersonic vehicle design. Focusing on state-of-the-art theories and promising technologies for engineering applications, it also presents a range of representative practical test cases. Given its scope, the book offers a valuable asset for researchers who are interested in thermodynamics, aircraft design, wind tunnel testing, fluid dynamics and aerothermodynamics research methods, introducing them to inspiring new research topics.
This book tells the story of the power generation gas turbine from the perspective of one of the leading companies in the field over a period of nearly 100 years, written by an engineer. Especially in times of imminent global economic crises it appears to be worthwhile to reflect on real economic values based on engineering ingenuity and enduring management of technological leadership. Though the book is primarily designed as a technical history of the BBC/ABB/Alstom power generation gas turbines, its scope is sufficiently broad to cover general development trends, including parallel competitor activities. A special benefit is the historical breakdown to the gas turbine component level, so that the book actually outlines the development of axial compressors from early beginnings, the progress in combustion technology towards extraordinary low emission values and that of axial turbines with special emphasis on early turbine cooling innovations. The sheer length of certain engineering developments over several decades allows interesting historic observations and deductions on inherent business mechanisms, the effects of technology preparations and organisational consequences. A look into the mirror of the past provides revelations on the impact of far-reaching business decisions. 2017 Winner of the Historian Engineer Award of the ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers
In this book basic and some more advanced thermodynamics and phase as well as stability diagrams relevant for diffusion studies are introduced. Following, Fick s laws of diffusion, atomic mechanisms, interdiffusion, intrinsic diffusion, tracer diffusion and the Kirkendall effect are discussed. Short circuit diffusion is explained in detail with an emphasis on grain boundary diffusion.Recent advances in the area of interdiffusion will be introduced. Interdiffusion in multi-component systems is also explained. Many practical examples will be given, such that researches working in this area can learn the practical evaluation of various diffusion parameters from experimental results. Large number of illustrations and experimental results are used to explain the subject. This book will be appealing for students, academicians, engineers and researchers in academic institutions, industry research and development laboratories."
Scheck's textbook starts with a concise introduction to classical thermodynamics, including geometrical aspects. Then a short introduction to probabilities and statistics lays the basis for the statistical interpretation of thermodynamics. Phase transitions, discrete models and the stability of matter are explained in great detail.Thermodynamics has a special role in theoretical physics. Due to the general approach of thermodynamics the field has as a bridging function between several areas like the theory of condensed matter, elementary particle physics, astrophysics and cosmology. The classical thermodynamics describes predominantly averaged properties of matter, reaching from few particle systems and state of matter to stellar objects. Statistical Thermodynamics covers the same fields, but explores them in greater depth and unifies classical statistical mechanics with quantum theory of multiple particle systems. The content is presented as two tracks: the fast track for master students, providing the essentials, and the intensive track for all wanting to get in depth knowledge of the field. Clearly labelled material and sections guide students through the preferred level of treatment. Numerous problems and worked examples will provide successful access to Statistical Physics and Thermodynamics.
This Volume 5 of the successful book package "Multiphase Flow Dynamics" is devoted to nuclear thermal hydraulics which is a substantial part of nuclear reactor safety. It provides knowledge and mathematical tools for adequate description of the process of transferring the fission heat released in materials due to nuclear reactions into its environment. It step by step introduces into the heat release inside the fuel, temperature fields in the fuels, the "simple" boiling flow in a pipe described using ideas of different complexity like equilibrium, non equilibrium, homogeneity, non homogeneity. Then the "simple" three-fluid boiling flow in a pipe is described by gradually involving the mechanisms like entrainment and deposition, dynamic fragmentation, collisions, coalescence, turbulence. All heat transfer mechanisms are introduced gradually discussing their uncertainty. Different techniques are introduced like boundary layer treatments or integral methods. Comparisons with experimental data at each step demonstrate the success of the different ideas and models. After an introduction of the design of the reactor pressure vessels for pressurized and boiling water reactors the accuracy of the modern methods is demonstrated using large number of experimental data sets for steady and transient flows in heated bundles. Starting with single pipe boiling going through boiling in the rod bundles the analysis of complete vessel including the reactor is finally demonstrated. Then a powerful method for nonlinear stability analysis of flow boiling and condensation is introduced. Models are presented and their accuracies are investigated for describing critical multiphase flow at different level of complexity. Therefore the book presents a complete coverage of the modern Nuclear Thermal Hydrodynamics. This present third edition includes various updates, extensions, improvements and corrections.
The present volume studies the application of concepts from non-equilibrium thermodynamics to a variety of research topics. Emphasis is on the Maximum Entropy Production (MEP) principle and applications to Geosphere-Biosphere couplings. Written by leading researchers from a wide range of backgrounds, the book presents a first coherent account of an emerging field at the interface of thermodynamics, geophysics and life sciences.
This treasure of popular science by the Russian biophysicist Mikhail V. Volkenstein is at last, more than twenty years after its appearance in Russian, available in English translation. As its title Entropy and Information suggests, the book deals with the thermodynamical concept of entropy and its interpretation in terms of information theory. The author shows how entropy is not to be considered a mere shadow of the central physical concept of energy, but more appropriately as a leading player in all of the major natural processes: physical, chemical, biological, evolutionary, and even cultural. The theory of entropy is thoroughly developed from its beginnings in the foundational work of Sadi Carnot and Clausius in the context of heat engines, including expositions of much of the necessary physics and mathematics, and illustrations from everyday life of the importance of entropy. The author then turns to Boltzmann's epoch-making formula relating the entropy of a system directly to the degree of disorder of the system, and to statistical physics as created by Boltzmann and Maxwell---and here again the necessary elements of probability and statistics are expounded. It is shown, in particular, that the temperature of an object is essentially just a measure of the mean square speed of its molecules. Fluctuations" in a system are introduced and used to explain why the sky is blue, and how, perhaps, the universe came to be so ordered. Whether statistical physics reduces ultimately to pure mechanics, as Laplace's demon" would have it, is also discussed. The final three chapters concentrate on open systems, that is, systems which exchange energy or matter with their surroundings---first linear systems close to equilibrium, and then non-linear systems far from equilibrium. Here entropy, as it figures in the theory of such systems developed by Prigogine and others, affords explanations of the mechanism of division of cells, the process of aging in organisms, and periodic chemical reactions, among other phenomena. Finally, information theory is developed---again from first principles---and the entropy of a system characterized as absence of information about the system. In the final chapter, perhaps the piece de resistance of the work, the author examines the thermodynamics of living organisms in the context of biological evolution. Here the value of biological information" is discussed, linked to the concepts of complexity and irreplaceability. The chapter culminates in a fascinating discussion of the significance of these concepts, all centered on entropy, for human culture, with many references to particular writers and artists. The book is recommended reading for all interested in physics, information theory, chemistry, biology, as well as literature and art."
This book presents the fundamentals of irreversible thermodynamics for nonlinear transport processes in gases and liquids, as well as for generalized hydrodynamics extending the classical hydrodynamics of Navier, Stokes, Fourier, and Fick. Together with its companion volume on relativistic theories, it provides a comprehensive picture of the kinetic theory formulated from the viewpoint of nonequilibrium ensembles in both nonrelativistic and, in Vol. 2, relativistic contexts. Theories of macroscopic irreversible processes must strictly conform to the thermodynamic laws at every step and in all approximations that enter their derivation from the mechanical principles. Upholding this as the inviolable tenet, the author develops theories of irreversible transport processes in fluids (gases or liquids) on the basis of irreversible kinetic equations satisfying the H theorem. They apply regardless of whether the processes are near to or far removed from equilibrium, or whether they are linear or nonlinear with respect to macroscopic fluxes or thermodynamic forces. Both irreversible Boltzmann and generalized Boltzmann equations are used for deriving theories of irreversible transport equations and generalized hydrodynamic equations, which rigorously conform to the tenet. All observables described by the so-formulated theories therefore also strictly obey the tenet.
The third edition of Engineering Flow and Heat Exchange is the most practical textbook available on the design of heat transfer and equipment. This book is an excellent introduction to real-world applications for advanced undergraduates and an indispensable reference for professionals. The book includes comprehensive chapters on the different types and classifications of fluids, how to analyze fluids, and where a particular fluid fits into a broader picture. This book includes various a wide variety of problems and solutions - some whimsical and others directly from industrial applications. Numerous practical examples of heat transfer Different from other introductory books on fluids Clearly written, simple to understand, written for students to absorb material quickly Discusses non-Newtonian as well as Newtonian fluids Covers the entire field concisely Solutions manual with worked examples and solutions provided
The fast progress in many areas of research related to non-equilibrium ther- dynamics has prompted us to write a fourth edition of this book. Like in the previous editions, our main concern is to open the subject to the widest au- ence, including students, teachers, and researchers in physics, chemistry, engine- ing, biology, and materials sciences. Our objective is to present a general view on several open problems arising in non-equilibrium situations, and to afford a wide perspective of applications illustrating their practical outcomes and con- quences. A better comprehension of the foundations is generally correlated to an increase of the range of applications, implying mutual feedback and cross fert- ization. Truly, thermodynamic methods are widely used in many areas of science but, surprisingly, the active dynamism of thermodynamics as a ?eld on its own is not suf?ciently perceived outside a relatively reduced number of specialized researchers. Extended irreversible thermodynamics (EIT) goes beyond the classical f- malisms based on the local equilibrium hypothesis; it was also referred to in an earlier publication by the authors (Lebon et al. 1992) as a thermodynamics of the third type, as it provides a bridge between classical irreversible thermodynamics and rational thermodynamics, enlarging at the same time their respective range of application. The salient feature of the theory is that the ?uxes are incorporated into the set of basic variables.
Overthe nearly 20 years of Kelvin probe force microscopy, an increasing interest in the technique and its applications has developed. This book gives a concise introduction into the method and describes various experimental techniques. Surface potential studies on semiconductor materials, nanostructures and devices are described, as well as application to molecular and organic materials. The current state of surface potential at the atomic scale is also considered. This book presents an excellent introduction for the newcomer to this field, as much as a valuable resource for the expert."
The purpose of this book, Transport Phenomena and Drying of Solids and Particulate Materials, is to provide a collection of recent contributions in the field of heat and mass transfer, transport phenomena, drying and wetting of solids and particulate materials. The main benefit of the book is that it discusses some of the most important topics related to the heat and mass transfer in solids and particulate materials. It includes a set of new developments in the field of basic and applied research work on the physical and chemical aspects of heat and mass transfer phenomena, drying and wetting processes, namely, innovations and trends in drying science and technology, drying mechanism and theory, equipment, advanced modelling, complex simulation and experimentation. At the same time, these topics will be going to the encounter of a variety of scientific and engineering disciplines. The book is divided in several chapters that intend to be a resume of the current state of knowledge for benefit of professional colleagues.
Calorimetry is one of the oldest areas of physical chemistry. The date on which calorimetry came into being may be taken as 13 June 1783, the day on which Lavoisier and Laplace presented a contribution entitled, Memoire de la Chaleur" at a session of the Academie Francaise. Throughout the existence of calorimetry, many new methods have been developed and the measuring techniques have been improved. At p- sent, numerous laboratories worldwide continue to focus attention on the development and applications of calorimetry, and a number of com- nies specialize in the production of calorimeters. The calorimeter is an instrument that allows heat effects in it to be determined by directly measurement of temperature. Accordingly, to determine a heat effect, it is necessary to establish the relationship - tween the heat effect generated and the quantity measured in the ca- rimeter. It is this relationship that unambiguously determines the mathematical model of the calorimeter. Depending on the type of ca- rimeter applied, the accuracy required, and the conditions of heat and mass transfer that prevail in the device, the relationship between the measured and generated quantities can assume different mathematical forms."
Jiji's extensive understanding of how students think and learn, what they find difficult, and which elements need to be stressed is integrated in this work. He employs an organization and methodology derived from his experience and presents the material in an easy to follow form, using graphical illustrations and examples for maximum effect. The second, enlarged edition provides the reader with a thorough introduction to external turbulent flows, written by Glen Thorncraft. Additional highlights of note: Illustrative examples are used to demonstrate the application of principles and the construction of solutions, solutions follow an orderly approach used in all examples, systematic problem-solving methodology emphasizes logical thinking, assumptions, approximations, application of principles and verification of results. Chapter summaries help students review the material. Guidelines for solving each problem can be selectively given to students.
Thermodynamicsandstatisticalphysicsstudythephysicalproperties(mec- nical, thermal, magnetic, optical, electrical, etc.) of the macroscopic system. The tasks and objects of study in thermodynamics and statistical physics are identical. However, the methods of investigationinto macroscopicsystems are di?erent. Thermodynamics is a phenomenological theory. It studies the properties of bodies, without going into the mechanism of phenomena, i.e., not taking into consideration the relation between the internal structure of substance and phenomena, it generalizes experimental results. As a result of such a g- eralization, postulates and laws of thermodynamics made their appearance. These laws make it possible to ?nd general relations between the di?erent properties of macroscopic systems and the physical events occurring in them. Statisticalphysicsisa microscopic theory.Onthebasisoftheknowledgeof the type of particles a system consists of, the nature of their interaction, and thelawsofmotionoftheseparticlesissuingfromtheconstructionofsubstance, it explains the properties being observedon experiment, and predicts the new properties of systems. Using the laws of classical or quantum mechanics, and alsothe theoryofprobability, itestablishesqualitativelynewstatistical app- priatenesses of the physical properties of macroscopic systems, substantiates the laws of thermodynamics, determines the limits of their applicability, gives the statistical interpretation of thermodynamic parameters, and also works out methods of calculations of their means. The Gibbs method is based on statisticalphysics.Thismethodis themostcanonical.Therefore, inthis book, the exposition of the Gibbs method takes an important pla
The term transport phenomena is used to describe processes in which mass, momentum, energy and entropy move about in matter. Advances in Transport Phenomena provide state-of-the-art expositions of major advances by theoretical, numerical and experimental studies from a molecular, microscopic, mesoscopic, macroscopic or megascopic point of view across the spectrum of transport phenomena, from scientific enquiries to practical applications. The annual review series intends to fill the information gap between regularly published journals and university-level textbooks by providing in-depth review articles over a broader scope than in journals. The authoritative articles, contributed by internationally-leading scientists and practitioners, establish the state of the art, disseminate the latest research discoveries, serve as a central source of reference for fundamentals and applications of transport phenomena, and provide potential textbooks to senior undergraduate and graduate students. This review book provides state-of-the-art expositions of major advances by theoretical, numerical and experimental studies from a molecular, microscopic, mesoscopic, macroscopic or megascopic point of view across the spectrum of transport phenomena, from scientific enquiries to practical applications. This new volume of the annual review "Advances in Transport Phenomena" series provides in-depth review articles covering the fields of mass transfer, fluid mechanics, heat transfer and thermodynamics. This review book provides state-of-the-art expositions of major advances by theoretical, numerical and experimental studies from a molecular, microscopic, mesoscopic, macroscopic or megascopic point of view across the spectrum of transport phenomena, from scientific enquiries to practical applications. This new volume of the annual review "Advances in Transport Phenomena" series provides in-depth review articles covering the fields of mass transfer, fluid mechanics, heat transfer and thermodynamics.
This book provides the first comprehensive description of time crystals which have a repeating structure in time. It introduces the fundamental concepts behind time crystals and explores the many different branches of this new research area. The book starts with the original idea of the time crystallization in quantum systems as introduced by Wilczek and follows the development of the field up to the present day. Both spontaneous formation of crystalline structures in time and concepts of the condensed matter physics in the time domain, ranging from Anderson localization in time to many-body systems with exotic interactions, are described. The prospect of creation of novel objects by means of time engineering is also presented. The book assumes knowledge of quantum mechanics to the graduate level. It serves as a valuable reference with pointers to future research directions for graduate students and senior scientists alike.
This book presents mainly studies on the calculation methods of thermal radiative properties of uniaxial anisotropic materials, unidirectional transmission, ultrabroadband perfect absorption, and near-field radiative heat transfer with uniaxial anisotropic materials. The results obtained in this book can not only deepen our understanding of the thermal radiative properties of anisotropic materials, but also have important theoretical guiding significance in energy conversion, energy-saving technology, and design of novel devices.
Thermal Conductivity: Thermal Conductivity of LooseFill Materials by a RadialHeatFlow Method (D.R. Flynn). The Probe Method for Measurement of Thermal Conductivity (A.E. Wechsler). Electrical Resistivity: Methods for Electrical Resistivity Measurement Applicable to Medium and Good Electrical Conductors (B. Cales, P. Abelard). Thermal Diffusivity: Modulated Electron Beam Thermal Diffusivity Equipment (R. De Conink). The Apparatus for Measurement of Thermophysical Properties of Liquids by AC HotWire Technique (L.P. Phylippov et al.). Specific Heat: Practical Modulation Calorimetry (Y.A. Kraftmakher). The Application of Differential Scanning Calorimetry to the Measurement of Specific Heat (M.J. Richardson). Thermal Expansion: Methods of Measuring Thermal Expansion (R.K. Kirby). The Review of Certified Thermophysical Property SRMs. Fourteen additonal articles. Index.
This comprehensive and carefully edited volume presents a variety of experimental methods used in Shock Waves research. In 14 self contained chapters this 9th volume of the "Shock Wave Science and Technology Reference Library" presents the experimental methods used in Shock Tubes, Shock Tunnels and Expansion Tubes facilities. Also described is their set-up and operation. The uses of an arc heated wind tunnel and a gun tunnel are also contained in this volume. Whenever possible, in addition to the technical description some typical scientific results obtained using such facilities are described. Additionally, this authoritative book includes techniques for measuring physical properties of blast waves and laser generated shock waves. Information about active shock wave laboratories at different locations around the world that are not described in the chapters herein is given in the Appendix, making this book useful for every researcher involved in shock/blast wave phenomena.
'Practical Temperature Measurement' introduces the concepts of
temperature and its measurement to engineers, physicists and
chemists of all disciplines. The author describes the wide range of
techniques and specific devices available for temperature
measurement and provides guidance for the selection of a particular
method for a given application. It is of value to engineering and
physics postgraduates studying modules on instrumentation and
process control and, in addition, for practical project work
requiring an understanding of temperature measurement methods.
The book drawing on the author's nearly half a century of energetic materials research experience intends to systematically review the global researches on liquid explosives. The book focuses on the study of the conception, explosion mechanism, properties and preparation of liquid explosives. It provides a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical examples in a reader-friendly style. The book is likely to be interest of university researchers and graduate students in the fields of energetic materials, blasting engineering and mining. |
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