Books > Professional & Technical > Industrial chemistry & manufacturing technologies > Industrial chemistry > Food & beverage technology
Analytical Methods for Agricultural Contaminants provides proven
laboratory practices and methods necessary to control contaminants
and residues in food and water. This reference provides insight
into good laboratory practices and examples of methods used in
individual specialist laboratories, thus enabling stakeholders in
the agri-food industry to appreciate the importance of proven,
reliable data and the associated quality assurance approaches for
end product testing for toxic levels of contaminants and
contaminant residues in food. The book offers standard operating
procedures and tools for researchers, practitioners and students to
confidently engage in using research methods with the aim to
control contaminants. Users in a laboratory setting will find this
to be a practical and useful reference on how to detect and control
agricultural contaminants for a safe food supply.
Preparation and Processing of Religious and Cultural Foods covers
the production and processing of foods from major religions,
focusing on the intersection of religion, science and cultural
perceptions in the production and processing of modern religious
and vegetarian foods. Quality control and authentication
technologies are looked at in-depth, while nutrition, antioxidants,
aging, hygiene and other long-term health factors are presented
from a scientific standpoint. Bringing together the top scientific
researchers on this essential topic of importance to a huge
percentage of the world's population, this book is ideal for food
company innovation and R&D managers, producers and processers
of religious foods. Religious groups have often been slow in
implementing recent science and technology breakthroughs employed
in the preparation, processing and packaging of various foods. This
book provides a culturally sensitive coverage of these areas with
an aim to encourage advancement.
Institutions like schools, hospitals, and universities are not well
known for having quality, healthy food. In fact, institutional food
often embodies many of the worst traits of our industrialized food
system, with long supply chains that are rife with environmental
and social problems and growing market concentration in many stages
of food production and distribution. Recently, however, non-profit
organizations, government agencies, university research institutes,
and activists have partnered with institutions to experiment with a
wide range of more ethical and sustainable models for food
purchasing, also known as values-based procurement. Institutions as
Conscious Food Consumers brings together in-depth case studies from
several of promising models of institutional food purchasing that
aim to be more sustainable, healthy, equitable, and local. With
chapters written by a diverse set of authors, including leaders in
the food movement and policy researchers, this book: Documents
growing interest among non-profit organizations and activists in
institutional food interventions through case studies and
first-hand experiences; Highlights emerging evidence about how
these new procurement models affect agro-food supply chains; and
Examines the role of policy and regional or geographic identity in
promoting food systems change. Institutions as Conscious Food
Consumers makes the case that institutions can use their budgets to
change the food system for the better, although significant
challenges remain. It is a must read for food systems
practitioners, food chain researchers, and foodservice
professionals interested in values-based procurement.
Biscuit, Cookie, and Cracker Production: Process, Production, and
Packaging Equipment is a practical reference that brings a complete
description of the process and equipment necessary for automated
food production in the food/biscuit industry. The book describes
the existing and emerging technologies in biscuit making and
production, bringing a valuable asset to R&D personnel and
students in food technology and engineering areas. Full of clear
illustrations, photos and text describing types of biscuits,
cookies and crackers, ingredients, test bakery equipment, dough
piece forming, biscuit baking ovens, biscuit cooling and handling,
and processing and packaging, this book presents a timely resource
on the topic.
Microalgae in Health and Disease Prevention is a comprehensive
reference that addresses the historical and potential use of
microalgae, its extracts, secondary metabolites, and molecular
constituents for enhancing human health and preventing diseases.
Each chapter features an overview, and the book includes coverage
of microalgae biology, harmful algae, the use of microalgae in
alcohol and food, and as sources of macronutrients, micronutrients,
vitamins, and minerals. The historical use of microalgae, in
addition to its potential use as a nutraceutical and cosmeceutical,
is also addressed. The book provides coverage of relevant,
up-to-date research as assembled by a group of contributors who are
dedicated to the advancement of microalgae use in health, diet and
Nanotechnology for Food Packaging: Materials, Processing
Technologies, and Safety Issues showcases the latest research in
the use of nanotechnology in food packaging, providing an in-depth
and interdisciplinary overview of the field. Nanoscale advances in
materials science, processing technology and analytical techniques
have led to the introduction of new, cheaper and safer packaging
techniques. Simultaneously, the increasing use of renewable
nanomaterials has made food packaging more sustainable. Chapters
provide a comprehensive review on materials used, their
structure-function relationship, and new processing technologies
for the application and production of nanotechnology-based
packaging materials. In addition, the book discusses the use of
functional materials for the development of active, smart and
intelligent packaging, possible migration and toxicity of
nanomaterials for foods and regulatory aspects, and commercial
It is well established that certain strains of yeasts are suitable
for transforming grape sugars into alcohol, while other yeast
strains are not suitable for grape fermentations. Recent progress
has clearly demonstrated that the sensory profile of a wine is
characteristic of each vine cultivated, and the quality and
technological characteristics of the final product varies
considerably due to the strains which have performed and/or
dominated the fermentation process. Because of their technological
properties, wine yeast strains differ significantly in their
fermentation performance and in their contribution to the final
bouquet and quality of wine, such as useful enzymatic activities
and production of secondary compounds related both to wine
organoleptic quality and human health. The wine industry is greatly
interested in wine yeast strains with a range of specialized
properties, but as the expression of these properties differs with
the type and style of wine to be made, the actual trend is in the
use of selected strains, which are more appropriate to optimize
grape quality. Additionally, wine quality can be influenced by the
potential growth and activity of undesirable yeast species,
considered spoilage yeasts, which cause sluggish and stuck
fermentation and detrimental taste and aroma in the wine.
The food industry has seen many changes over the last several
decades - new technologies have been introduced into the way we
cook, manufacture, and present food products to consumers. Digital
gastronomy, which combines new computational abilities such as
three-dimensional (3D) printing with traditional food preparation,
has allowed consumers to design and manufacture food with
personalized shapes, colours, textures, and even nutrition. In
addition to the personalization of food, 3D printing of food has
other advantages such as promoting automation in food preparation
and food sustainability through 3D-printed cell-based meats and
alternative proteins. Entire meals can be constructed just by 3D
food printing alone.In this textbook, the background, principles,
commercial food printers, materials, regulations, business
development, as well as the emerging technologies and future
outlook of 3D food printing are explored. In terms of 3D-printed
materials, four main classes are reviewed: namely, desserts /
snacks (comprising dairy products, chocolate, sugars, and dough),
fruits / vegetables, meats /alternative proteins, and
pharmaceuticals / nutraceuticals.This textbook has been written to
offer readers keen to learn more about 3D food printing in terms of
concepts, processes, applications, and developments of 3D food
printing. No prior knowledge is required. At the end of each
chapter, a set of problems offers undergraduate and postgraduate
students practice on the main ideas discussed within the chapter.
For tertiary-level lecturers and university professors, the topic
on 3D food printing can be associated to other subjects in food and
nutrition, pharmaceutical and nutraceutical sciences, and food
The food industry has seen many changes over the last several
decades - new technologies have been introduced into the way we
cook, manufacture, and present food products to consumers. Digital
gastronomy, which combines new computational abilities such as
three-dimensional (3D) printing with traditional food preparation,
has allowed consumers to design and manufacture food with
personalized shapes, colours, textures, and even nutrition. In
addition to the personalization of food, 3D printing of food has
other advantages such as promoting automation in food preparation
and food sustainability through 3D-printed cell-based meats and
alternative proteins. Entire meals can be constructed just by 3D
food printing alone.In this textbook, the background, principles,
commercial food printers, materials, regulations, business
development, as well as the emerging technologies and future
outlook of 3D food printing are explored. In terms of 3D-printed
materials, four main classes are reviewed: namely, desserts /
snacks (comprising dairy products, chocolate, sugars, and dough),
fruits / vegetables, meats /alternative proteins, and
pharmaceuticals / nutraceuticals.This textbook has been written to
offer readers keen to learn more about 3D food printing in terms of
concepts, processes, applications, and developments of 3D food
printing. No prior knowledge is required. At the end of each
chapter, a set of problems offers undergraduate and postgraduate
students practice on the main ideas discussed within the chapter.
For tertiary-level lecturers and university professors, the topic
on 3D food printing can be associated to other subjects in food and
nutrition, pharmaceutical and nutraceutical sciences, and food
Food Safety and Preservation: Modern Biological Approaches to
Improving Consumer Health explores the most recent and investigated
hot topics in food safety, microbial contamination, food-borne
diseases and advanced preservation methods. It brings together the
significant, evidence-based scientific progress of various
approaches to improve the safety and quality of foods, also
offering solutions to help address food industry challenges. Recent
studies and technological advancements in biological control are
presented to control foodborne pathogens. In addition, analytical
methods for reducing potential biological hazards make this book
essential to researchers, scientists, technologists and grad
Nanoencapsulation Technologies for the Food and Nutraceutical
Industries is a compendium which collects, in an easy and compact
way, state-of-the-art details on techniques for nanoencapsulation
of bioactive compounds in food and nutraceutical industries. The
book addresses important modern technologies, including biopolymer
based nano-particle formation techniques, formulation based
processes, such as nano-liposomes and nano-emulsions, process based
nano-encapsulation, such as electro-spinning and nano-spray drying,
natural nano-carrier based processes, like casein and starch
nano-particles, and other recent advances. This definitive
reference manual is ideal for researchers and industry personnel
who want to learn more about basic concepts and recent developments
in nanotechnology research.
Advances in Food and Nutrition Research, Volume 81 provides updated
knowledge on nutrients in foods and how to avoid deficiencies,
paying special attention to the essential nutrients that should be
present in the diet to reduce disease risk and optimize health.
This new release in the series focuses on a variety of topics,
including sections on nanotechnologies that can be used to increase
nutrient bioavailability, an analysis of the implications of
nitrites and nitrates in foods, metabolic phenotyping of diet and
dietary intake, and an interesting discussion of foodomics, amongst
other topics. The series provides the latest advances on the
identification and characterization of emerging bioactive compounds
with putative health benefits, as well as up-to-date information on
food science, including raw materials, production, processing,
distribution and consumption.
Revised to reflect the most recent developments in food safety, the
second edition of Food Safety for the 21st Century offers
practitioners an authoritative text that contains the essentials of
food safety management in the global supply chain. The authors --
noted experts in the field -- reveal how to design, implement and
maintain a stellar food safety programme. The book contains
industry best-practices that can help businesses to improve their
systems and accelerate the application of world-class food safety
systems. The authors outline the key food safety considerations for
individuals, businesses and organisations involved in today's
complex global food supply chains. The text contains the
information needed to recognise food safety hazards, design safe
products and processes and identify and manage effectively the
necessary control mechanisms within the food business. The authors
also include a detailed discussion of current issues and key
challenges in the global food supply chain. This important guide: -
Offers a thorough review of the various aspects of food safety and
considers how to put in place an excellent food safety system -
Contains the information on HACCP appropriate for all practitioners
in the world-wide food supply chain - Assists new and existing
business to meet their food safety goals and responsibilities -
Includes illustrative examples of current thinking and challenges
to food safety management and recommendations for making
improvements to systems and practices Written for food safety
managers, researchers and regulators worldwide, this revised guide
offers a comprehensive text and an excellent reference for
developing, implementing and maintaining world-class food safety
programmes and shows how to protect and defend the food supply
chain from threats.
Emerging Nanotechnologies in Food Science presents the current
knowledge and latest developments in food nanotechnology, taking a
multidisciplinary approach to provide a broad and comprehensive
understanding of the field. Food nanotechnology is a newly emergent
discipline that is fast-growing and evolving. The discipline
continues to benefit from advances in materials and food sciences
and has enormous scientific and economic potential. The book
presents nano-ingredients and engineered nanoparticles developed to
produce technologically improved food from both food science and
engineering perspectives. In addition, subsequent chapters offer a
review of recent outstanding inventions in food nanotechnology and
legal considerations for the protection of intellectual property in
this area. With its multidisciplinary team of contributors, this
book serves as a reference book for the ever-growing food
nanotechnology science.
Nanotechnology Applications in Food: Flavor, Stability, Nutrition,
and Safety is an up-to-date, practical, applications-based
reference that discusses the advantages and disadvantages of each
application to help researchers, scientists, and bioengineers know
what and what not to do to improve and facilitate the production of
food ingredients and monitor food safety. The book offers a broad
spectrum of topics trending in the food industry, such as
pharmaceutical, biomedical, and antimicrobial approaches in food,
highlighting current concerns regarding safety, regulations, and
the restricted use of nanomaterials.
Foodborne Diseases, Third Edition, covers the ever-changing complex
issues that have emerged in the food industry over the past decade.
This exceptional volume continues to offer broad coverage that
provides a foundation for a practical understanding of diseases and
to help researchers and scientists manage foodborne illnesses and
prevent and control outbreaks. It explains recent scientific and
industry developments to improve awareness, education, and
communication surrounding foodborne disease and food safety.
Foodborne Diseases, Third Edition, is a comprehensive update with
strong new topics of concern from the past decade. Topics include
bacterial, fungal, parasitic, and viral foodborne diseases
(including disease mechanism and genetics where appropriate),
chemical toxicants (including natural intoxicants and bio-toxins),
risk-based control measures, and virulence factors of microbial
pathogens that cause disease, as well as epigenetics and foodborne
pathogens. Other new topics include nanotechnology, bioterrorism
and the use of foodborne pathogens, antimicrobial resistance,
antibiotic resistance, and more.
Cereal Grains: Assessing and Managing Quality, Second Edition,
provides a timely update to this key reference work. Thoroughly
revised from the first edition, this volume examines the latest
research and advances in the field. New chapters have been added on
alternative grains, including ancient grains and pseudocereals,
biosecurity, and industrial processing of grains, amongst others.
Quality and food safety are important throughout the value-addition
chain, from breeding, production, harvest, storage, transport,
processing, and marketing. At all stages, analysis is needed so
that quality management can proceed intelligently. These
considerations are examined for each of the major cereal species,
including wheat (common and durum), rye and triticale, barley and
oats, rice, maize (corn), pseudocereal species, sorghum, and the
millets. Divided into five sections, the book analyses these for
the range of cereal species before a final section summarizes key
Egg Innovations and Strategies for Improvements examines the
production of eggs from their development to human consumption.
Chapters also address consumer acceptance, quality control,
regulatory aspects, cost and risk analyses, and research trends.
Eggs are a rich source of macro- and micronutrients which are
consumed not only by themselves, but also within the matrix of food
products, such as pastas, cakes, and pastries. A wholesome,
versatile food with a balanced array of essential nutrients, eggs
are a stable of the human diet. Emerging strategies entail
improvements to the composition of eggs via fortification or
biological enrichment of hen's feed with polyunsaturated fatty
acids, antioxidants, vitamins, or minerals. Conversely, eggs can be
a source of food-borne disease or pollutants that can have effects
on not only human health, but also egg production and commercial
viability. Written by an international team of experts, the book
presents a unique overview of the biology and science of egg
production, nutrient profiling, disease, and modes for increasing
their production and quality. Designed for poultry and food
scientists, technologists, microbiologists, and workers in public
health and the food and egg industries, the book is valuable as an
industrial reference and as a resource in academic libraries.
Electron Spin Resonance in Food Science covers, in detail, the ESR
identification of the irradiation history of food products and
beverages to investigate changes that occur during storage, with an
aim of improving hygienic quality and extending shelf-life with
minimal tempering in nutritional profile. The book also includes
ESR studies on the interaction of food items and packaging
materials, along with a section on new approaches in ESR
identification of irradiated foods that is followed by a chapter on
international legislation relevant to irradiated food. A section on
ESR applications in characterizing ROS/antioxidants in food items
and lipid oxidation, including spin labeling, spin trapping and
imaging applications is also covered, as are ESR applications in
nutrition and pharmaceutics.
The Microwave Processing of Foods, Second Edition, has been updated
and extended to include the many developments that have taken place
over the past 10 years. Including new chapters on microwave
assisted frying, microwave assisted microbial inactivation,
microwave assisted disinfestation, this book continues to provide
the basic principles for microwave technology, while also
presenting current and emerging research trends for future use
development. Led by an international team of experts, this book
will serve as a practical guide for those interested in applying
microwave technology.
Sensory and Instrumental Evaluation of Alcoholic Beverages
introduces the value of sensory analysis to the alcoholic beverage
industry through the detailed lens of sensory analysis techniques.
From traditional methods, to the most modern rapid methods, this
book presents comprehensive insights and applications. Analytical
methods for identifying and assessing the flavor compounds present
in the beverages are included that address both volatile and
non-volatile techniques, along with rapid methods of assessment.
Case studies highlight the testing of different types of alcoholic
beverages running the entire gamut of methods and the appropriate
subset of methods. Also included is information of data analyses
with the appropriate R-codes to allow practitioners to use the book
as a handbook to analyze their own data.