Books > Business & Economics > Business & management > Management of specific areas > Personnel & human resources management
God's Laws and Business will educate and encourage you to walk in
the ways of God while doing business in today's marketplace. It
will reveal the principles of God as they relate to the
businessman, giving you the advantage morally to be successful. It
resolves some very important issues that Christians struggle with,
like God's position on wealth, discipleship during business hours,
and how to obtain and use the wisdom of God.
Effective Training & Development is essential if you are to
continuously get the best from your people and extend the knowledge
shelf--life of your company. This module explores the vast array of
options available to the HR function including on--the--job
learning, formal management education, coaching and mentoring.
Cost--effectiveness and measurable payback are also dealt with as
cornerstones of any training and development activity.
The tourism industry is the largest service industry and the
largest employment generator in the world. This was made possible
by increasing globalization and disposable income, with the labor
force playing an important role. Factors such as quality of
services and business performance depend on a well-educated,
well-trained, skilled, enthusiastic, and committed workforce.
Contemporary Human Resources Management in the Tourism Industry is
a pivotal reference source that provides research on the role of
human resource departments in creating value for the workplace
through innovation and efficient work processes. While highlighting
topics such as organizational structure, gender equality, and
employee motivation, this publication explores the development of
organizational culture, as well as methods of translating business
strategy into action through dramatically managing staff on all
levels in the tourism industry. This book is ideally designed for
human resources managers, business owners, business professionals,
researchers, and academicians seeking current research on the
organizational skills and strategies necessary in creating
effective tourism businesses.
In order to strive for a competitive advantage in their industry,
organisations have begun achieving innovation through
knowledge-driven learning models to ensure that organisational
activities are efficient and effectie. Learning Models for
Innovation in Organizations: Examining Roles of Knowledge Transfer
and Human Resources Management provides relevant theoretical
frameworks and empirical research findings to enhance knowledge
management and learning competencies for organisational activities.
This book offers assistance and guidance to managers and
professionals of innovation firms, learning organisations, and
other work communities through tools, techniques, and strategic
suggestions for improvement.
This book offers an integrated and contextualised framework for
learning and development (L&D) effectiveness that addresses
both the nature of L&D and its antecedents and outcomes in
organisations. Scholars and practitioners alike have recognised the
important role that L&D plays in organisations, where the
development of human capital is an essential component of
individual employability, career advancement, organisational
performance, and competitive advantage. The development of
employees' knowledge, skills, and attitudes constitutes one of the
most important HR challenges that organisations face. The evidence
indicates that organisations continue to invest in L&D
programmes as part of their HR strategy. In addition, there has
been an enormous growth in research on L&D in organisations;
however, there is some ambiguity concerning the effectiveness of
these activities and it largely remains unclear how they can be
best implemented. This book seeks to address this gap in the
literature. The authors propose a framework for L&D
effectiveness based on key findings from reviews, empirical
research, and meta-analyses, as well as previously established
theoretical frameworks within the field. Combining theory and
practice, the new framework this book offers provides key guidance
for L&D practitioners and researches interested in the area.
As many organizations expand, it becomes increasingly important to
implement collaboration and leadership practices that help ensure
their overall success. Being able to work and lead effectively in
diverse settings can greatly benefit individual employees and the
organization as a whole. Cross-Cultural Collaboration and
Leadership in Modern Organizations provides an interdisciplinary
analysis of how organizations can responsibly embrace complex
problem-solving and creative decision making. Providing essential
practical tools and critical guidelines, this publication is a
necessary reference source benefiting business professionals,
managers, researchers, and students interested in leadership and
collaboration strategies and their application to various
disciplines such as human resources management, professional
development, organizational development, and education.
This book gathers selected theoretical and empirical papers from
the 29th Eurasia Business and Economics Society (EBES) Conference,
held in Lisbon, Portugal. Covering diverse areas of business and
management in various geographic regions, it highlights the latest
research on human resources, management and marketing, among other
topics. It also includes related studies that address marketing and
management-relevant aspects such as the impact of supervisor
support on employee performance through work engagement, the
standardization of global logistics business operations, elements
to support long-term B2B communication, and omni-channel strategies
in the Marketing 4.0 paradigm.
Effective Training & Development is essential if you are to
continuously get the best from your people and extend the knowledge
shelf--life of your company. This module explores the vast array of
options available to the HR function including on--the--job
learning, formal management education, coaching and mentoring.
Cost--effectiveness and measurable payback are also dealt with as
cornerstones of any training and development activity.
Sociopolitical occurrences in recent years have, if anything, brought to the fore the close relationship between developments in the labour market and progress on the socio-econo-political terrain. The ideological divides in South Africa are especially apparent in the labour market, and these compound the basic conflict between the objectives of protecting basic worker rights on the one hand, and increasing economic growth on the other. The South African labour market contains an abundance of information about labour markets in general and the South African labour market in particular.
The South African labour market has a down-to-earth and practical approach. It considers the evidence and identifies some urgent discussion points about the sensitivity of employment to economic growth. Four appendix chapters deal extensively with globalisation, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, labour market outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic period, consensus-seeking institutions such as Nedlac, as well as detailed labour market statistics from 1995–2021. Questions and study suggestions are included at the end of each chapter.
The South African labour market is aimed at economics students as well as general readers wanting an overview of the South African labour market.
The strategic value of human resource management (HRM) in
successful, sustainable competitive advantage is fully acknowledged
and yet, until now there has been little in the way of descriptive
analytic profiles of countries and markets outside of the US and
Europe. Together with Volume 1 this Handbook forms a complete
codification of HRM policies and practices of all 21 APEC
(Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) member economies. This unique
volume contains 11 profiles of Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Chile,
Mexico, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Philippines, Russia,
Singapore and Vietnam. The Handbook of Human Resource Management
Policies and Practices in Asia-Pacific Economies, Volume 2 will be
essential reading for lecturers, researchers, academics and
managers concerned with human resource management, international
business, management, and cross-cultural studies. The Handbook will
also be of great interest to those involved in industrial and
employment relations.
The New York Times bestselling guide to getting the best out of
every employee-updated for the modern workplace
Based on the actual experiences of 25,000 managers, "Why
Employees Don't Do What They're Supposed to Do..." gives you
proven, straightforward methods that work on "real" jobs, in the
"real" world. This results-oriented guidebook helps you handle the
top 10 situations in which employees don't perform the way they
should, including a detailed analysis of the causes and the plans
for preventing the same problems down the road.
Featuring fresh insights on outsourcing, temp workers, flex
time, telecommuting, and technology, this no-nonsense resource arms
you with the people-management skills you need to consistently
elicit the highest levels of performance from your workforce.
"In simple, straightforward language, Fournies offers practical
solutions to the problems of employee performance... This book]
should be on the desk of anyone who manages
This timely book addresses the key debates and challenges
surrounding the future of work, covering the macro, meso and micro
levels of gig work. It provides a consideration of the ways in
which technology is shaping the lives of those working in the gig
and digital platform economy within the 21st century. Written by
leading experts in their respective fields, chapters cover a range
of global issues concerning not only technology but the social
relationships of gig work, management by algorithm, and how to
regulate individual and collective voice in the remote gig economy.
Utilising leading research and case studies from companies such as
Uber and Deliveroo, the book considers what governments and the law
can do to shape a better future for the worker voices and
employment conditions of atypical and non-standard workers which,
in turn, can help to better impact society. Missing Voice? will be
a key resource for scholars and students researching employment
conditions, worker and human rights, employment, and labour
relations in the fields of business and human resource management,
industrial relations and sociology. It will also be of interest to
policy-makers, trade unions and think tanks who are interested in
labour market changes and issues of worker voice and management
practice in the gig economy more broadly.
System, Actor and Process: Keywords in Organization Studies is
intended as an epistemological 'compass' to navigate through the
multifaceted key concepts typically used in organizational practice
and research. The book illustrates thirty-four keywords using a
tripartite structure: each keyword is briefly discussed from three
points of view, namely the system-centered, actor-centered and
process-centered conception of organization, which reflects the
options emerging from contemporary epistemological debate in
organizational studies and, more generally, in social sciences,
namely objectivism, subjectivism, and the Weberian "third way".
Primarily addressed to researchers and academics in organization
studies, this book is also a useful resource for undergraduate or
postgraduate students, for whom it may represent a thorough
introduction to organizational concepts. It will also be a valuable
tool for managers to apply in their everyday practice.
Cultural proximity consists in shared language, codes ,and norms of
communication and exchange between actors. It is generally
considered important for organizations, enhancing communication and
facilitation interaction between actors. In such situation,
diversity is often seen as a source of richness and originality.
However, high levels of proximity might create some risk, leading
to lock-in and inertia, with a negative impact on the
innovativeness of the organization. While the role of cultural
proximity is subject to much debate within organizations studies, a
comprehensive understanding of cultural proximity remains elusive.
This book explores the organizational implications of the concept
of cultural proximity, delving into the managerial challenges posed
by diversities and similarities in culture within a business
environment using different levels of analysis. The key messages of
the present book, grounded on original empirical evidence, can be
summarized as follows: cultural proximity is a key factor for
managing innovation in present times; innovation requires a
deliberate orchestration of the dichotomy between cultural
proximity/cultural diversity; there are specific circumstances
where proximity can be beneficial for managers and entrepreneurs.
The book will be of value to researchers, academics, managers, and
students in the fields of management science, human resource
management, innovation studies, and organizational studies.
What do Toyota and Google have in common? An all-inclusive culture
of innovation, in which every employee is responsible for coming up
with ideas to make the company more successful. Do you want your
employees to be responsible for innovation as well? Do you believe
that is possible? It absolutely is possible, and in The Bright Idea
Box, technology executive and corporate consultant, Jag Randhawa,
will show you how. The Bright Idea Box introduces a six-step
formula for creating a bottom-up innovation program. By reading
this book, you will discover how introducing the Bright Idea Box
program to your employees will: encourage employees to generate
ideas that add value to the company and customers tap into
employees' inner desires to do meaningful work, be part of
something bigger, and be appreciated for their efforts increase
employee engagement, productivity, efficiencies, and customer
satisfaction create a stunning and lasting impact on your business
performance Begin to make it happen by reading The Bright Idea Box
Awareness and inclusion are not enough to create effective change
in organizations and society. Instead, organizations must implement
strategies to ensure that they not only improve diversity, but also
place their employees on career development plans that provide the
best fit between individual and organizational needs as well as
personal characteristics and career roles. Implementation
Strategies for Improving Diversity in Organizations is a pivotal
reference source that provides crucial research on the application
of stratagems designed to increase organizational change, chiefly
to integrate diverse individuals, including physically disabled
individuals, women, and people of color, into the workforce. The
book also looks at discriminatory practices involving the physical
appearance of workers. While highlighting topics such as career
development, lookism, and ethnic discrimination, this publication
explores new, innovative ideas influencing the paradigm shift for
the modern workforce as well as the methods of career development.
This book is ideally designed for managers, executives, human
resources professionals, researchers, business practitioners,
academicians, and students.
In recent decades, due to unprecedented technological advancements,
Europe has seen a move towards on-demand service economies. This
has allowed the growth of self-employed professionals who are able
to satisfy an increasing demand for flexible and high-skilled work.
This book explores the need for reform of regulations in Europe,
studying the variance in legal status, working conditions, social
protection and collective representation of self-employed
professionals. It provides insights into ways that policy could
address these important challenges. Presenting the results of a
wide-reaching European survey, this book highlights key issues
being faced across Europe: the implementation of universal social
protection schemes; active labour market policies to support
sustainable self-employment and the renewal of social dialogue
through bottom-up organisations to extend the collective
representation of self-employed professionals. With its
theoretically-informed, empirical and interdisciplinary comparative
analysis, this book identifies and explains key strategies to
resolve these challenges. This book will be of great benefit to
both advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students of labour and
economic sociology, political science, industrial relations, human
resource management and social law. It will also appeal to
scholars, practitioners and policymakers concerned with the labour
market and self-employment in the European context.