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Books > Business & Economics > Business & management > Management of specific areas > Personnel & human resources management
Why does management encounter people problems whenever organizations attempt to change? Green and Butkus say this occurs because organizations overlook one of the most critical problems of change: how employees react it emotionally. Change is not about work processes or information systems alone. It is also about what people believe and feel--emotions such as anger, anxiety, confusion, and fear. Yet managers are usually unaware of these things, and those who are aware usually lack skills to manage these emotions effectively. They tend to rely on traditional incentive systems, which usually do not work. What does work? The one approach that has been applied consistently with positive results is Green's belief system of motivation and performance. Green and Butkus show how the belief system helps to bring negative feelings and convictions to the surface. They provide ways to identify the underlying emotional problems and find effective solutions. The belief system works, say the authors, because it goes directly to the source of the problem--employees themselves--to discover why motivation and performance problems occur and what can be done to solve them. This book describes applications of the belief system in a variety of work situations, including a recent effort at organizational transformation with AT&T's Business Communications Services (BCS) Division. It outlines in detail the process that BCS used to implement the belief system, starting at the highest management levels and cascading down to the organization's front lines. With a clear exposition of the belief systeM's theoretical underpinnings and nuts-and-bolts methods, Green and Butkus provide executive decision makers and planners throughout the organization with critical insights into the pitfalls in the implementation process and workable guidance on how to avoid them.
This book explains how gamification, specifically enterprise gamification, can help mangers in multiple areas within an enterprise to improve attrition. Employee Engagement is an important component to foster employee relations with the organization. Gamification by its inherent design helps to increase engagement within an enterprise. Several successful case studies in Gamification are presented, which present new practical tips for Gamification for IT Management. By introducing general IT management concepts related to the specific environment managers work in, the authors then detail the benefits of introducing gamification in this very environment to resolve business issues. IT Managers, as well as HR professionals, Group Heads and Delivery Leaders will find this be a useful resource to understand how Gamification can improve their everyday work. The book can also be used as a reference for engaging learners and employees to improve their productivity in organizations.
This book provides a critical insight into the ongoing debates and controversies that surround employee empowerment and workplace innovation. It highlights competing interests and conflicting values, and illuminates some basic tensions between confident rhetoric and everyday realities. Martin Beirne's contribution marks a contrast with established academic investigations in this area. It combines sober analysis with advocacy to claim space for a research-based activism among coalitions of critical researchers and like-minded practitioners that can anticipate and promote genuinely enriching and empowering ways of managing and organizing work. Advanced students of management and organization will discover an invaluable, thought-provoking resource. It offers fresh insights, stimulating arguments and applied knowledge that will also appeal to managers with responsibility for work and employee relations, and to educators and researchers in the areas of critical management studies, work and employment. Contents: Foreword Foreword to Empowerment and Innovation 1. Perspectives on Empowerment and Progressive Change at Work Part I: Contemporary Developments 2. Progressive Teamworking: Disputes, Promise and Practicalities 3. Technology and User Empowerment 4. Financial Participation 5. Gender and Empowerment 6. Culture, Management and Innovation Part II: Enabling, Enacting and Regulating 7. Sustaining a Voluntary Commitment 8. Public Policy and Regulatory Initiatives References Index
This book analyses the development of hospitality education from vocational to higher education, and discusses the positioning of hotel schools. It addresses questions such as: Should hospitality management become part of generic business education? Are the technical training programmes that have defined the identity of these schools a remnant of their vocational past, or have they contributed to the successful careers of many hospitality graduates? Topics discussed in the book are curriculum innovation, the theory of experimentation, the nature of hospitable behaviour, information technology, life-long learning and developments for future curricula. The book makes clear that the debate on the balance between theory and practice will not only define the future of hospitality management education, but can also be considered a relevant case study in other business disciplines. The history of hospitality education goes back to the end of the nineteenth and early twentieth century when hotel schools were founded to train the protocol and technical skills required to receive the travellers of those days. Since then, the scale and complexity of the hospitality industry and its professions have changed, as well as our understanding of what makes a business -whether it offers accommodation or something else- "hospitable". The scope and educational level of hotel schools have evolved accordingly, and hospitality management has become a popular discipline in the traditional and renowned hotel schools as well as in universities.
This book introduces the reader to the management consultancy technique of Organizational Role Analysis--a technique with the immensely practical purpose of helping managers to stay "in role and on task." As such, it provides a coherent, superbly illustrated framework for in-depth coaching. The ORA method is grounded in a process of consultation that derives from the conjunction of open systems theory, and psychodynamic understandings of human behavior. It enables the collaborative resolution of the mental and emotional tensions represented in the client's work role as he/she strives to manage the dynamics between the organization-in-the-mind and the organization-in-reality.While the method of Organizational Role Analysis presented in this book has been evolving for three decades, published accounts of the work have been sparse, spasmodic, and relatively obscure. This book brings together the work of experienced practitioners from around the globe who illuminate the guiding concepts with lively, practical examples that illustrate the variety of ways in which managers can receive coaching in-depth. These accounts are complemented by an extensive bibliography for further reading.Contributors: John Bazalgette, Ullrich Beumer, Hanna Biran, Irving Borwick, Jane Chapman, Laurence J. Gould, W. Gordon Lawrence, Susan Long, Rose Redding Mersky, John Newton, Bruce Reed, and Burkard Sievers
Contrary to the common saying: we do want you to judge this new edition of Organizational Behavior by its front cover. Specifically, featured is that this is the 14th edition, it takes an ""Evidence-Based Approach," and similar to the previous edition there are now three Luthans authors. This 14th edition is based on the foundation provided by the first mainline text which has become the classic for the study and understanding of organizational behavior. However, by taking an evidence based approach, this insures that, even though a classic, this new edition adds the most recent and relevant research to the most extensive, up-to-date reference-base of any organizational behavior text. By adding the two closely related authors (professor sons) literally pumps ""new blood"" into the sustainability of this classic text by Fred Luthans. Importantly, Fred has recently been recognized with: 1) Lifetime Achievement Award in Organizational Behavior; 2) Top 1% of Citation Count of all researchers in the world; and 3) the #1 most cited author in Organizational Behavior textbooks. Finally, this new edition recognizes that even though the theoretical framework and coverage largely remains, the context of organizational behavior is rapidly changing. This new edition reflects the ""New Age"" environment, but still holds to the premise that in today's organizations, success and competitive advantage still comes from the understanding, prediction, and effective management of human resources. With this new edition we invite you to continue the never-ending journey guided by the best organizational behavior theory, research, and application.
How can we be happier, healthier and more satisfied in life? This edited collection examines various dimensions of wellbeing among older people, including its measurement; social, environmental and economic determinants; and how research can be translated into policy to improve quality of life for older people. With an increasingly ageing population across countries and an increasing population of older adults, there is growing interest in improving older people's ability to live healthily and happily. With a focus on retirement and aged care, this book is important reading for those interested in Welfare Economics, Health Economics and Development.
Twenty-eight nationally recognized authorities on various aspects of fair employment laws and practices provide sound, innovative, state-of-the art procedures to select job applicants and predict their success. Written by personnel psychologists, attorneys, and human resource specialists, the book helps executives reduce adverse impacts on minorities, women, and older and disabled workers while providing them with the means to develop, evaluate, and if necessary participate in the litigation of employee selection procedures. It will also provide understanding of the ways that personnel psychologists construct and validate tests and how adverse impact is evaluated and interpreted by the Supreme Court. This is an accessible, hands-on resource for executives in various capacities, students in fields related to employee selection, and attorneys concerned with fair employment litigation. Dr. Barrett points out that human resource people need to learn more about the selection procedures that fairly and accurately identify the most talented members of the applicant pool. Baffled by the way personnel psychologists do their testing, they need ways to evaluate for themselves what the psychologists are telling them. Those who are already familiar with the tools of testing, such as psychometrics, statistics, and test construction, need understanding for how these tests are related to fair employment. Lawyers involved in fair employment litigation need information on how these tools and tactics can be used in the preparation of cases. Dr. Barrett's book provides this information in chapters devoted to the development of fair employment law, ethical standards relating to fair employment testing, standards for job relatedness of selection procedures and the variety of selection procedures available. The book also covers gender issues, the role of the EEOC and other government agencies, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and of special value to HR professionals and executives in other capacities, a checklist to help evaluate the fairness and validity of tests.
This handbook provides an overview and synthesis of relevant literature related to the issue of the well-being of working women. This focus addresses a gap that currently exists in the quality-of-life and well-being fields. The work of the authors answers the following broad questions: Does gender matter in the well-being of working women? Do prejudices against and stereotypes of women still play a role in inter-personal interactions in the workplace that could hinder women from flourishing professionally? Does the organizational context, such as organizational culture, reward systems, and leadership, contribute to the well-being of working-women? What impact does the national context have on the well-being of working women? And finally, how can public policies help enhance the well-being of working women? These are important issues for academics, researchers, and graduate students interested in gender issues in the fields of management, sociology, psychology, social psychology, economics, and quality of life studies. Policy makers and practitioners will also find this book beneficial. Equitable treatment and outcomes for all, regardless of gender, remains a challenging goal to achieve, with various barriers in different contexts and different cultures, and this book provides strong coverage of this important topic of well-being of working women.
"Fort Rules: A Guide to Getting Along" provides a set of guiding principles for all of life's relationships. A gang of kids built a fort and, in the process, identified a few basic rules necessary to establish order from chaos. The "rules" were discovered in the children's secret Fort Book. Hollen applies these rules to real-life adult scenarios and explains why these simple guiding principles can be difficult to implement. Ten simple rules guaranteed to ensure the success of your team ""Fort Rules" is a succinct, powerful and warm interpretation of the clarity of vision set down by Richard's children and their friends. This is not just another cute, childish business fable. Hollen instills his incredible experience and creates a practical guide to interpersonal relationships in business and real life that you can put into practice immediately. We could all profit by making the Fort Rules part of our next business plan or HR policy " -Jim Bouchard, America's Black Belt Powervator; Speaker, Coach & Author of Dynamic Components of Personal POWER Visit him at www.JimBouchard.org "HolIen hit a home run with his book Fort Rules. Along the same lines as the "One Minute Manager" and "Who Stole My Cheese," this book can be read in a sitting. The author takes ten simple rules created by a group of children, who built a fort, and felt they needed some rules to live by... and immediately saw how to, simply and succinctly, apply these same rules to improve your everyday life and business. What I really like about this book is that it can either be read in one sitting or each of the ten fort rules can be studied, learned and applied for a day or week at a time until they become part of your daily routine. If more people would "buy in" to these rules, the world would be a better place. Great job on this book " -Robert A. LaBrie, Jr., President, Maximum Potential. Visit him at www.maxpo-nlp.com
Written for human resources and training professionals, this book addresses a recurring problem for managers and corporations: how can we efficiently, cost effectively, and humanely motivate employees to work at or near their top potential? Arguing that opportunities to heighten employee motivation are often missed when managers rely on overly simplistic theories of human motivation, Grant develops his own multifaceted Effort-Net Return Model and offers a sampling of over 200 prescriptions for motivating employees that can be derived from the model. The model itself is based upon four basic principles, each grounded in research and each of which has supporting propositions which determine the motivational prescription to be employed. Because the motivational prescriptions indicated can be easily tailored to the recipient's own personal value system, the model is applicable across a broad spectrum of employee groups. Grant introduces and describes the Effort-Net Return Model in Chapter One, demonstrating its superiority over previous models which rely on the application of restrictive formulas and constructs to determine motivational strategies. The next four chapters address in turn each of the four principles upon which the model is based and their supporting propositions. In these chapters, Grant also provides a representative inventory of the kinds of avenues managers can pursue to enhance employee motivation. Throughout, Grant emphasizes the impact of individual differences on the end results to be expected from a given motivational prescription, cautioning the reader to take these differences into account when beginning to put together a motivational plan. The final chapter presents real-world case problems, together with analyses and suggested prescriptive packages, to enable the reader to move from theory to actual practice. Numerous exercises and application instruments are also included to help the manager apply the Effort-Net Return Model in the workplace.
This book has been written for the HR Practitioner and will provide readers with tools, guidelines, ideas, and strategies for developing their role within the Human Resources function. This text focuses on current issues and future trends in both the HR profession and the workplace. Organizations will continue to be forced to function in a lean and mean manner, HR professionals are now required to manage outsourcing functions and to move through multiple internal roles quickly. This book will act as a roadmap to help them plan and implement these roles quickly and efficiently, aligned to their organizations strategy.
The purpose of this volume is to describe the impact of the increased demand for flexibility on employees and its impact on their individual work life trajectories and health. The volume offers concrete examples of interventions aimed to find innovative ways of sustainable work careers for today's workers. We focus on the school to work transition, job insecurity, job loss and re-employment and retirement. The interventions described offer strategies for implementing support in employment contracts, increasing preparedness of individual employees with public education programs or developing work arrangements and support systems in work organizations.
This book deals with leadership trends in the next decade and beyond. It critically examines how knowledge management can be used to address emerging societal and business issues, such as sustaining complex product quality, controlling automation generated unemployment, increasing cyber insecurity in virtual workforce environment, and unstable government and market trends. These issues require unique leadership qualities to be effective in extremely challenging business and socio-political environments. Included among the topics explored by the authors in this book are: investment for the development of diverse human capital, use of data analytics for performance improvement, declining demographic dividends in population deficient areas, and globally increasing women and minority education and employment. Scholars in business and economics, and managers in industry and government will find this book to be a valuable resource in exploring new directions for the future development of leadership.
This book is the first in a series on Chinese management based on the Global Chinese Management Conferences (from 2015 to 2017), an annual conference organized by the Sun Tzu Art of War Institute. The first volume is by FOO Check Teck, professor at Fudan and Hunan University and founding editor of Chinese Management Studies (SSCI), who encourages readers to broaden their minds to embrace the Universe as a Community. The book argues that the lives of all beings are worth preserving and urges the academic community to recognize the ideologies at heart of management and to see research as a deep, reflective thinking process that goes far beyond the testing of hypotheses - great works, lasting 2,500 years are the result of deep reflection upon experiences. It also calls for the re-framing of management integration of a variety of ideological strands, typically in topics in MBA or MPA programs: earnings, mobility of human capital, complex adaptive systems, HRM (in small high-tech firms), technology standardization, Xin (trust: labor relations), multi-leveling, re-forming (hospitals), He-Xie (doctoral work), upgrading (automobile industry). The major consequential consideration must be what it means for people.
Employment relations derives from the fields of industrial and labour relations, the latter of which have both been deemed demeaning to human beings as workers/employees. South African labour relations history is also regarded as having been degrading to workers, specifically migrant, black and unskilled labours. After decades of research, psychologists and sociologists have been able to show employers, managers and supervisors the importance of understanding human behaviour in fostering a workplace characterised by high job satisfaction, employee commitment and engagement. Employment relations in South Africa: a psychological perspective explores the ramifications of the past while promoting collaboration between employment relations and psychology toward more productive and harmonious employment relationships. Employment relations in South Africa: a psychological perspective considers questions such as the following:
Employment relations in South Africa: a psychological perspective is aimed at undergraduate and postgraduate students, and will also serve as a valuable resource to human resource practitioners, psychologists, industrial psychologists, shop stewards, trade union officials, labour or employment relations consultants, and managers.
All CEOs, managers, supervisors, training professionals, and educators must be able to effectively recruit, train, manage, and promote a culturally diverse work force. Unfortunately, few of them have been adequately trained to do so. Effective management of diversity is good business. It takes effective communication, conflict resolution, and the creation of an inclusive organizational culture to succeed. This comprehensive book helps administrators better understand the problems they face and how to deal with them by dispelling the myths and facing the realities of cultural diversity. Drawing on numerous examples of successful diversity initiatives, the book gives the reader a balanced view of distinct diversity interventions. Cross-cultural training programs are critiqued, along with specific methods for assuring quality in-service training activities. Self-administered quizzes, surveys, and critical incidents are included to allow the reader to gain self-insight and self-improvement. African Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, Asians, women, older workers, employees with disabilities, foreign workers, and majority cultural groups are discussed in great detail. Theories and laws, as well as behavioral, cognitive, and affective strategies are among the topics presented.
This timely resource offers fresh research on companies' use of social media platforms-from Twitter and Facebook to LinkedIn and other career sites-to find and hire personnel. Its balanced approach explains why and how social media are commonly used in both employee recruitment and selection, exploring relevant theoretical constructs and practical considerations about their appropriateness and validity. Contributors clarify a confusing cyberscape with recommendations and best practices, legal and ethical issues, pitfalls and problems, and possibilities for standardization. And the book's insights on emerging and anticipated developments will keep the reader abreast of the field as it evolves. Included in the coverage: * Social media as a personnel selection and hiring resource: Reservations and recommendations. * Game-thinking within social media to recruit and select job candidates. * Social media, big data, and employment decisions. * The use of social media by BRIC nations during the selection process. * Legal concerns when considering social media data in selection. * Online exclusion: Biases that may arise when using social media in talent acquisition. * Is John Smith really John Smith? Misrepresentations and misattributions of candidates using social media and social networking sites. Social Media in Employee Selection and Recruitment is a bedrock reference for industrial/organizational psychology and human resources academics currently or planning to conduct research in this area, as well as for academic libraries. Practitioners considering consulting social media as part of human resource planning or selection system design will find it a straight-talking guide to staying competitive.
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