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Books > Medicine > Clinical & internal medicine > Urology & urogenital medicine
The first edition of Male Sexual Function: A Guide to Clinical Management was published in 2001. Since that time, two new oral medications for erectile dysfunction (R) (R) (ED), Vardenafil (Levitra ) and Tadalafil (Cialis ), have been introduced. Links between ED and lower urinary tract symptoms have been postulated, advances in the basic science of erectile physiology have occurred, and the appreciation of ED as a form of endothelial dysfunction and a harbinger of other more potentially lethal forms of vascular disease has become more widespread. In some instances, third-party payers have reduced or eliminated coverage for ED treatments in an attempt to cut costs. They have classified sexual activity as "recreational," "lifestyle," or not medically necessary, but have failed to appreciate the negative consequences of ED, such as depression with all of its ramifications. Male Sexual Function: A Guide to Clinical Management, Second Edition is a comp- hensive overview of the field of male sexual function and includes a chapter on female sexual dysfunction, an emerging field with a very high incidence in the population and an ever-growing following.
Hypospadias is recognised as one the most common congenital malformations in male newborns, resulting in an abnormal opening of urethral meatus. It is regarded as a multifactorial disorder in which interactions between genetics, maternal and environmental factors lead to hypoplastic development of the ventral side of the penis, either dependently or in an interaction with other factors. This book discusses the risk factors of hypospadias. It also examines the epidemiology and surgical outcomes of hypospadias.
The Essentials in Cytopathology series publishes generously illustrated and user-friendly guides with over 100 full color images that illustrate principles and practice in Cytopathology for pathologists and clinicians. Cytologic Detection of Urothelial Lesions by Dorothy L. Rosenthal, MD and Stephen S. Raab, MD is the second volume in the series. This volume will present a simple approach to dealing with cellular samples from the urinary tract.
This brand new edition describes in detail the tests involved in urodynamic investigation and shows in which clinical areas these tests can help the management of patients. The authors concentrate on common clinical problems and on the presentation of symptom complexes rather than diagnosis, pointing out any limitations and possible artefacts of investigation. * The new edition takes into account the technological innovations that have taken place over the last 10 years, while retaining the original objectives of the first edition. * The subject is presented so simply that a clinician with no previous experience will learn how to use the appropriate equipment in the correct situation. * Urodynamic investigation is described in such detail that it can be accepted in its own right as a fundamental contribution to the management of many patients. After reading this book, clinicians will appreciate the value and limitations of the subject and will have obtained the necessary practical advice on which equipment to use in which situation.
Treatment of Cancer is a multi-author work and comprehensive guide on modern cancer treatment that aims to give clinician and student alike the framework for an integrated approach to patient care, including radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and surgery. Much information is presented in tables and charts for easy assimilation, and clear algorithms for patient pathways are included to make decisions straightforward while allowing for sound clinical judgement.
A Clinical Guide to Urologic Emergencies A Clinical Guide to Urologic Emergencies An ageing population and a predicted shortfall in the number of urologists means that, increasingly, the management of complex urological problems will fall to hospital emergency departments and the surgeries of primary care physicians. With many doctors and medical students now having less exposure to urology, there is a real and urgent need for accessible and practical guidance in managing urologic emergencies. A Clinical Guide to Urologic Emergencies offers practical guidance to the best practices in diagnosis, treatment and management of patients with urgent urological conditions. Designed to be an extremely useful tool to consult in the clinical setting, it will be a vital source of information and guidance for all clinicians, irrespective of their level of urologic knowledge. Edited by an outstanding international editor team, this book is particularly aimed at physicians, advanced practice providers, and urology and emergency medicine trainees managing patients in diverse healthcare settings across the globe. A Clinical Guide to Urologic Emergencies is accompanied by a website featuring video content at www.wiley.com/go/wessells/urologic
This book contains all you need to know about the prostate from its anatomy to the most recent sophisticated robotic technical procedures. This book provides a comprehensive understandable account of benign and malignant prostate conditions, and is designed to be undemanding yet thorough and informative. Medical students will find this book useful because of its concise, easy-to-follow format, in addition to its depth and breadth of knowledge. Interns and residents, as well as practising physicians and family doctors will consider it an efficient and current reference. Each chapter is self contained to make it easier to obtain information about a particular topic without having to refer to the whole book. The book is superbly illustrated throughout in order to enhance the clarity and understanding of the contents. Over 1500 references are cited for those who wish to have a more in-depth insight. The text and references are up to-date and include the most recent innovations, ensuring that the manuscript will remain relevant for some years to come. More than 30 qualified medical practitioners have contributed to the authorship about aspects with which they are clinically involved on a regular daily basis. Some are renowned experts in their field. The book contains 15 chapters. Six chapters are devoted to the benign prostate and provide practical advice regarding diagnosis and treatment. The remaining nine chapters are devoted to the detection, diagnosis, prognosis, treatment and outcomes of prostatic cancer, which is the most common tumour found in men.
This book is a cumulative work that covers ureteral anatomy, physiology, and disorders. It aims to highlight the ureters by bringing together national and international experts in their respective fields to discuss ureteral pathology and management of ureteral disease. Chapters discussing ureteral trauma, injury, obstruction, stones, cancers, surgeries, and tissue engineering will enhance patient care and introduce us to the future of ureteral surgery. At the very least, this book will improve overall medical knowledge on these often ignored but vital urinary structures.
This book presents review articles in the study of genitourinary medicine. Topics include basic research that investigates the epigenetic mechanisms in urogenital cancers; the role of matrix metalloproteinases in urothelial cancers; the role of toll-like receptor genes in prostate cancers; recent emerging and novel treatment modalities in advanced metastatic renal cell and bladder carcinomas; novel mouse models for studying malformations in the genitourinary tract; the role of tissue engineering in genitourinary regenerative medicine; and clinical management of patients with Vesicoureteric reflux. Apart from the very well-known Wilms tumour (a form of paediatric hereditary kidney tumours), little is known about paediatric nephritic syndrome and their genetic causes and clinical manifestations. Hence, a special chapter has been included that describes the recent genetic technologies that identify gene mutations in patients with paediatric nephritic syndrome. The specific gene mutations found in these patients are often associated with rapid renal failures, disease progression and poor survival outcome. Each of the articles presented by authors from all over the world are renowned and experts in their own field of research. The authors are based either in research and/or a clinical setting and the articles are only a summary of the view points of each of these authors.
Urology In-Service and Board Review - The Essential and Concise Study Guide is designed to help improve urology residents' in-service scores and to provide a concise review for busy urologists who plan to take the board examinations. The authors expertly condense the essential urological concepts into a single, reliable reference source. Every aspect of this study guide was designed to achieve rapid results in the shortest amount of time. Most material is presented in a bullet point format so that the reader can gather high-yield information without being bogged down by minutiae. Bold and italicized text draws attention to important topics, while "High-Yield Boxes" highlight vital information. 100+ tables and figures condense complex information to improve memory recall during actual testing situations. Complex disease treatment algorithms, such as testicular and prostate cancer, are included.
This book comprehensively reviews the potential of focal therapy and discusses why the changing face of prostate cancer warrants a change in the way we treat men with the disease. It deals with the mechanisms by which disease can be localized within the gland and then the different technologies used for focal ablation. Bringing together eminent contributors in one accessible reference, this book introduces focal therapy to all urologists, oncologists, and radiologists who are involved in the treatment of men with prostate cancer.
Overactive Bladder: Practical Management provides urologists, gynecologists and other health practitioners with a comprehensive clinical guide to this very common problem, resulting in a perfect resource to consult time and time again. Beginning with an introductory section covering the definition and pathophysiolgy of OAB, it then moves on to cover evaluation, first-line management, second-line management and finally surgery. Well-illustrated throughout, each chapter begins with a key points box outlining the most important take-home messages. Also included are clear management algorithms to aid decision-making, 'Do's and Don't' boxes to help avoid errors made, key references to the top journal articles, and the very latest guidelines from the EAU, AUA and other major urology societies. Chapters are written by the top names in the field and the entire book is expertly edited by Jacques Corcos, John Heesakkers and Scott MacDiarmid. The result is a consistent, comprehensive and fully up to date approach to OAB, providing urologists managing patients with this condition with rapid access, specialist clinical guidance.
This concise, practical guide is structured to reflect the thought process of the practising pathologist. A key feature is the use of algorithms to aid in reaching the correct diagnosis, for both common and complex bladder tumors and tumor-like lesions. Its coverage of diagnostic criteria is in keeping with international standards and best practice, and the practical layout provides quick access to relevant information, integrating conventional histology, immunohistochemical markers and key clinical knowledge. Topics covered include the full spectrum of pathologic conditions that afflict the bladder and urothelium, as well as the pathology of the renal pelvis, ureter and the urethra. Accompanied by numerous images, this is an essential guide for trainee and practising surgical pathologists, urologists and oncologists.
Sphincters prove effective in the mediation of the entrance or release of liquids and fluids. Many sphincters are used everyday in the normal course of digestion and vision. In this book, the authors present topical research in the study of the properties, types and applications of sphincters. Some of the topics discussed include the lower oesophageal sphincter; imaging of the internal anal sphincter; the role of artificial urinary sphincter in female stress urinary incontinence; current and future artificial urinary sphincters in the treatment of male urinary incontinence and the role of satellite cells in the human external urethral sphincter.
Der Ultraschall zahlt zu den zentralen Untersuchungstechniken in der Urologie: Das Verfahren ist kostengunstig, verhaltnismassig schnell zu erlernen, praktisch uberall einsetzbar und verursacht keine Strahlenbelastung. Der Atlas bietet einen reichen Fundus an Referenzaufnahmen hoechster Qualitat von haufigen, aber auch von seltenen Befunden. Die Autoren haben die Bilder mit knappen und prazisen Legenden versehen. Komplexe Befunde erlautern sie anhand anschaulicher Grafiken. Der Band eignet sich fur Einsteiger wie fur fortgeschrittene Diagnostiker.
"Treat yourself and your man-root to a thorough and often uproarious read-through. Your health prospects will be pointing at the ceiling in no time."—Peter Moore, former editor of Men's Health Men are notoriously reluctant to see a doctor. Only three in five men report going for an annual physical, and over 40 percent only ever visit the clinic when their symptoms become unbearable. Many know little or nothing about their bodies, with dire consequences for their well-being. In Happy Down Below, men’s health specialist Dr. Oliver Gralla provides a clever and highly entertaining remedy to that situation. Packed with colorful anecdotes and quirky illustrations, this cheeky guidebook offers practical tips and clear, accessible explanations for helping men (and women) better understand the male body, learn to care for it, and become more comfortable speaking about it with their doctors when things go wrong. With plenty of relatable metaphors and a light, conversational tone, Dr. Gralla provides simple, research-based answers to questions such as: Do male enhancement pills actually work? Why does erectile dysfunction happen and how is it treated? What is a “normal” penis―and how big is it really? And much, much more.
The world-wide prevalence of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) is a cause of concern for the public and health organisations. Young age of sexual debut, breakdown of relationships, travel, mobility, relationship explorations, social instability, between other socio-economic factors, contribute to the loss monogamous sexual relationships. The resultant multiplicity of sexual relationships predispose to STIs. The Sexually Transmitted Infections book provides an overall practical account for the benefit of generalists and Primary Care physicians, who would encounter the patients' problems first. The emphasis on clinical issues, drawing from the author's 30 years of progressive clinical experience in Primary Care, Urology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Venereology, share expertise with those intending to specialise. Patients who wish to acquire unbiased in depth knowledge about sexually transmitted infections, will find answers to their questions. Many of these questions were asked times and times again by patients who shared similar concerns and anxieties. The book covers a wide range of clinical practices and facilities and addresses areas of low resource settings, which will make the account relevant to developing primary health units.
This highly acclaimed book offers help to the millions of adult Americans who deal with urinary incontinence. Based on a program developed at the National Institute on Aging in association with the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, "Staying Dry" is the book that will put you back in charge.
Bladder cancer is the fourth most common type of cancer in men and the eighth most common in women. This book includes within its scope the prevention, risk factors, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of bladder cancer. Leading-edge scientific research from throughout the world is presented.
Prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer in men (other than skin cancer). Of all the men who are diagnosed with cancer each year, more than one-fourth have prostate cancer. This book includes within its scope the prevention, risk factors, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of prostate cancer. Leading-edge scientific research from throughout the world is presented.
Das Harnblasenkarzinom gehoert weltweit zu den haufigsten Krebserkrankungen und wird meist erst im Endstadium erkannt. Gegenwartig verwendete diagnostische Verfahren sind invasiv, zeit- und kostenintensiv und verbunden mit dem Risiko weiterer Komplikationen. Die Entwicklung von nicht-invasiven Tumormarkern fur die Diagnose und Nachsorge von Harnblasenkarzinomen ist von grossem klinischen Interesse und koennte anhand von RNA-Markern im Patientenurin realisiert werden. Im ersten Schritt wurde daher das Transkriptom vom Urin gesunder Patienten mit dem von Harnblasenkarzinom-Patienten im fortgeschrittenen Tumorstadium verglichen und potentielle Tumormarker identifiziert. Anschliessend wurde der Fokus auf die Analyse von linearen und zirkularen RNA-Spezies des TRAM1- und S100A6-Genlokus gelegt und umfassende Studien zur Detektion und Verifizierung der Transkripte durchgefuhrt. Dabei empfahlen sich insbesondere S100A6-RNAs durch eine solide Nachweisbarkeit im Patientenurin und eine erhoehte Expression mit fortschreitendem Krankheitsstadium als Tumormarker fur das Harnblasenkarzinom. Zirkulare RNAs standen aufgrund ihrer vermuteten erhoehten Stabilitat in Koerperflussigkeiten und der bereits bekannten Tumor-biologischen Funktionen ebenfalls im Mittelpunkt der Untersuchungen. Ein besseres Verstandnis der vielfaltigen Funktionen von zirkularen Transkripten koennte zudem die Entwicklung von therapeutischen Strategien zur Behandlung von Blasentumoren vorantreiben. |
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