Books > Language & Literature > Language & linguistics > Translation & interpretation > General
This volume assembles several important studies that examine the
role of language in meaning and interpretation. The various
contributions investigate interpretation in the versions, in
intertestamental traditions, in the New Testament, and in the
rabbis and the targumim. The authors, who include well-known
veterans as well as younger scholars, explore the differing ways in
which the language of Scripture stimulates the understanding of the
sacred text in late antiquity and gives rise to important
theological themes. This book is a significant resource for any
scholar interested in the interpretation of Scripture in and just
after the biblical period.>
This book offers an up-to-date survey of the present state of
affairs in Audiovisual Translation, providing a thought-provoking
account of some of the most representative areas currently being
researched in this field across the globe. The book discusses
theoretical issues and provides useful and practical insights into
professional practices.
This book examines the development of Chinese translation practice
in relation to the rise of ideas of modern selfhood in China from
the 1890s to the 1920s. The key translations produced by late Qing
and early Republican Chinese intellectuals over the three decades
in question reflect a preoccupation with new personality ideals
informed by foreign models and the healthy development of modern
individuality, in the face of crises compounded by feelings of
cultural inadequacy. The book clarifies how these translated works
supplied the meanings for new terms and concepts that signify
modern human experience, and sheds light on the ways in which they
taught readers to internalize the idea of the modern as personal
experience. Through their selection of source texts and their
adoption of different translation strategies, the translators
chosen as case studies championed a progressive view of the world:
one that was open-minded and humanistic. The late Qing construction
of modern Chinese identity, instigated under the imperative of
national salvation in the aftermath of the First Sino-Japanese War,
wielded a far-reaching influence on the New Culture discourse. This
book argues that the New Culture translations, being largely
explorations of modern self-consciousness, helped to produce an
egalitarian cosmopolitan view of modern being. This was a view
favoured by the majority of mainland intellectuals in the
post-Maoist 1980s and which has since become an important topic in
mainland scholarship.
Cognitive Explorations of Translation focuses on the topic of
investigating translation processes from a cognitive
perspective.With little published on this topic to date, Sharon
O'Brien brings together a global collection of contributors
coveringa range of topics.Central themes include modelling
translation competence,construction and reformulation of text
meaning, translators' behaviour during translation and what
methodologies can best be utilized to investigate these
topics.Techniques covered include eye-tracking, Think-Aloud
protocols, keyboard logging and EEG (Electroencephalogram).This
book will be of interest to researchers and postgraduates in
translation studies and cognitive linguistics as well as practicing
This book defines the notion of applied sign linguistics by drawing
on data from projects that have explored sign language in action in
various domains. The book gives professionals working with sign
languages, signed language teachers and students, research students
and their supervisors, authoritative access to current ideas and
An exhaustive cross-referencing tool for interpreting Scripture
with Scripture. The Bible is its own best commentary. To truly
understand what the Bible teaches about a subject, we must consult
all of what the Bible itself says about it. The New Treasury of
Scripture Knowledge allows you to do just that, providing a
selection of other verses which shed light upon, clarify, or
explain the verse you are consulting. Unlike a concordance, which
is an alphabetical index to the words of the Bible, the
cross-references given in the New Treasury are not merely to the
same word, but to the same or a related thought, theme, doctrine,
subject, concept, or literary motif, even when expressed in
entirely different words. Special Features: Indicates degree of
clarity, significance, or relationship between references Can be
used with any translation or edition of the Bible Is arranged like
the Bible (divided into the same books, chapters, and verses) for
ease of use Provides a far more complete selection of
cross-references than can be found in any other source Contains
dozens of special study aids to help you develop powerful lessons
or sermons--straight from the Bible itself Contains multiple
indexes (subjects, figures of speech, etc.) Uses Strong's numbering
system Uses a new font that makes it easier to read than previous
versions No combination of other Bible study tools quite duplicates
the carefully-research and indexed content in The New Treasury of
Scripture Knowledge. When used effectively, this invaluable
resource will change your life.
Tense and aspect are means by which language refers to time-how an
event takes place in the past, present, or future. They play a key
role in understanding the grammar and structure of all languages,
and interest in them reaches across linguistics. The Oxford
Handbook of Tense and Aspect is a comprehensive, authoritative, and
accessible guide to the topics and theories that currently form the
front line of research into tense, aspect, and related areas. The
volume contains 36 chapters, divided into 6 sections, written by
internationally known experts in theoretical linguistics.
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