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Books > Business & Economics > Industry & industrial studies > Distributive industries > Retail sector
Dieses Buch unterstutzt Hersteller und Handler, die fur sie richtige Amazon-Marktplatz-Strategie zu entwickeln. 14 ausgewiesene Experten erlautern im Detail, wie eine erfolgreiche Implementierung auf dem Amazon Marketplace funktionieren und wie das Amazon-Ecosystem effektiv genutzt werden kann. Fallstudien aus dem B2B- und B2C-Bereich zeigen, wie Amazon-Verkaufsstrategien erfolgreich umgesetzt werden koennen. Trotz des enormen Marktanteils des E-Commerce-Riesen schenken viele Unternehmen diesem Verkaufskanal immer noch nicht die noetige Aufmerksamkeit. Dies gilt nicht nur fur den B2C-Markt, sondern auch im B2B-Umfeld, fur das das Unternehmen aus Seattle unter Amazon Business die Moeglichkeit bietet, schnell und unkompliziert zu verkaufen. In diesem Buch erhalten Sie Antworten auf Fragen wie "Amazon - ja oder nein?" oder "Wie sieht eine erfolgversprechende Amazon-Vertriebsstrategie aus?" sowie umfangreiches Entscheider-Wissen: von der Gestaltung einer verkaufsstarken Produktdetailseite uber relevante Logistikanforderungen bis hin zu Markenschutz und rechtlichen Aspekten. Die Themen Amazon verstehen und passgenaue Strategien entwickeln Exemplarische Amazon-Strategien (Seller defensiv, Seller offensiv, Vendor B2C-B2B) Optimierung der Produktdetailseiten Einsatz von Amazon Sponsored Ads Produktbewertungen auf Amazon Gesetzliche Anforderungen und Amazon-Richtlinien Logistikkompetenz als wesentlicher Treiber Produkt- und Markenschutz auf Amazon Amazon Readiness: Prozesse, Systeme und Organisation fur Profitabilitat und Skalierbarkeit Das OEkosystem rund um Amazon B2B- und B2C-Fallstudien "Wie halte ich es mit Amazon? Das ist und bleibt eines der wichtigsten Strategiethemen fur Handel und Industrie. Deshalb kommt "Amazon fur Entscheider" zur richtigen Zeit. Es beleuchtet die Amazon-Welt aus unterschiedlichsten Perspektiven und liefert so wertvolle Einsichten, indem es die Moeglichkeiten gleichermassen in Theorie und Praxis untersucht. Amazon-Insider und Branchenbeobachter mit langjahriger Erfahrung scharfen den Blick auf Amazon."Jochen Krisch, excitingcommerce.de Aus dem Inhalt TEIL I. AMAZON VERSTEHEN UND PASSGENAUE STRATEGIEN ENTWICKELN Amazons Masterplan (Christian Stummeyer) Das Prinzip Amazon (Benno Koeber) Der E-Commerce-Treiberbaum beim Vertrieb uber den Amazon Marketplace (Christian Stummeyer) Entwicklung einer Amazon-Strategie (Ralph Ch. Hubner) Plattformzeitalter: Alternativen zu Amazon (Ralph Ch. Hubner) TEIL II. ENTSCHEIDENDE ERFOLGSBAUSTEINE KONZIPIEREN UND IMPLEMENTIEREN Optimierung der Produktdetailseiten und deren Reichweite auf dem Amazon Marketplace (Adrian Jaroszynski) Strategische Grundlagen fur den Einsatz von Amazon Sponsored Ads (Adrian Jaroszynski) Produktbewertungen auf Amazon: Relevanz und Handlungsfelder fur Unternehmen (Christian Driehaus) Gesetzliche Anforderungen, Rahmenbedingungen und Amazon Richtlinien beim Verkauf uber den Amazon Marketplace (Sabine Heukrodt-Bauer) Logistik als wesentlicher Treiber des Erfolgs fur und mit Amazon (Oliver Lucas) Amazon Readiness: Prozesse, Systeme und Organisation um den Amazon Marketplace profitabel und skalierbar zu bespielen (Martin Himmel) Fulfillment by Amazon (Benno Koeber) Amazon Business fur den B2B-Markt (Lennart Paul) Produkt und Markenschutz auf Amazon (Jochen Schafer) Das OEkosystem rund um Amazon (Benno Koeber) TEIL III. FALLSTUDIEN Vom Amazon Pure Player zum Multi-Channel: Fahrradzubehoer von AARON (Hans Mina) Seller-Fallstudie: Bavaria Shop (Andreas Greipl) Vendor-Fallstudie: B/S/H Bosch und Siemens Hausgerate (Holger Holzapfel)
You can shop anywhere you like -- as long as it's Tesco The inexorable rise of supermarkets is big news but have we really taken on board what this means for our daily lives, and those of our children? In this searing analysis Andrew Simms, director of the acclaimed think-and-do-tank the New Economics Foundation and the person responsible for introducing 'Clone Towns' into our vernacular, tackles a subject none of us can afford to ignore. The book shows how the supermarkets -- and Tesco in particular -- have brought: " Banality -- homogenized high streets full of clone stores " Ghost towns -- superstores have drained the life from our town centres and communities " A Supermarket State -- this new commercial nanny state that knows more about you than you think " Profits from poverty -- shelves full of global plunder, produced for a pittance " Global food domination -- as the superstores expand overseas But there's change afoot, with evidence of the tide turning and consumer campaigns gaining ground. Simms ends with suggestions for change and coporate reformation to safeguard our communities and environment -- all over the world. This book has been written and published independently from the Tescopoly Alliance and is not endorsed by them.
Building Co-operation traces the development of The Co-operative Group and its predecessor, the Co-operative Wholesale Society (CWS), over the course of 150 years. Born from the efforts of the Rochdale Pioneers and others who established successful consumer co-operatives across Britain in the mid-nineteenth century, by the 1860s the proponents of the CWS were ready to pioneer a new effort: a federation, democratically run and collectively owned, that would enable co-operatives to become their own suppliers. From humble origins, the CWS grew into one of Britain's largest businesses within a generation, pioneering modern retailing and distribution on a national scale, expanding into factory production and financial services, and establishing an international supply network that stretched across Europe, and beyond. Throughout the late nineteenth century and well into the twentieth, co-operative societies provided essential services to millions of members across Britain, ranging from food and clothing to banking, insurance, travel agency, pharmacy and even funeral services. However, in the second half of the twentieth century co-operatives experienced a protracted period of decline, facing a series of internal structural challenges, fierce competition amongst food retailers, and a rapidly-changing marketplace. By the turn of the twenty-first century, when many commentators were ready to consign co-operatives to the past, The Co-operative Group emerged with a revitalised business model that has helped to re-invigorate the British co-operative sector and bring new attention to the important role of co-operative and mutual enterprises worldwide. Based on extensive archival research, including many records available to historians for the first time, Building Co-operation is the story of a distinctive business model as it evolved over time. While since the inauguration of the CWS in 1863 the commercial landscape has changed nearly beyond recognition, the values at the heart of The Co-operative Group have remained relevant to succeeding generations, focusing on member benefits and a commitment to ethical trading.
Dieses Buch gibt einen schnellen UEberblick uber das Thema Podcast. Wie muss das Thema Podcast strategisch angegangen werden, damit es nachhaltig einen Mehrwert fur ein Unternehmen bietet? Sind Podcasts nur ein Hype oder koennen sie sinnvoller Teil des Kommunikations- und Marketingmixes eines Unternehmens sein? Podcasts sind der aktuelle Trend in der Kommunikation und im Marketing. Taglich kommen unzahlige neue Formate auf den Markt. Die hohe Smartphonedichte, ein verandertes Mediennutzungsverhalten, bessere mobile Datenverfugbarkeit und grosse Player wie Audible und Spotify haben geholfen, das klassische "Hoerspiel" in moderner Form aus der Versenkung zu holen. Dieses essential hilft dabei, strategisch eigene Podcastmassnahmen fur das Unternehmen zu entwickeln.
Perry's Department Store: A Buying Simulation, 4th Edition, launches students into the exciting role of being a retail buyer in the fashion industry using a unique simulation approach that takes readers step-by-step through a real-life buying experience. The text is organized into 10 chapters that walk students through the various steps a new buyer would take to complete a six-month buying plan and a merchandise assortment plan for the women's contemporary apparel, junior apparel, women's accessories, men's apparel and accessories, men's contemporary apparel, children's, or home furnishings markets. The fourth edition has been revised with statistical information to reflect a more contemporary structure and business model for a successful department store. The new Perry's Department Store is organized to reflect a larger-scale department store in today's market. Students interact by researching current market and industry trends to build their business. The charts and worksheets in this book and companion website, Perry's Department Store: A Buying Simulation STUDIO, are replicas of those found in the retail and wholesale industry to expose students to the procedures and policies they can expect to find in a first job as an assistant buyer. This new edition and STUDIO launch students directly into the exciting role of a retail buyer in the fashion industry. Perry's Department Store: A Buying Simulation STUDIO - An online tool for more effective study! - Study smarter with self-quizzes featuring scored results and personalized study tips. - Review concepts with flashcards of terms and definitions. - Follow the text's steps and calculations with data and statistical information. - Download worksheets, Excel spreadsheets with embedded formulas and blank worksheets. - View industry catalogs and private label line sheets. - Link to additional resources to complete the buying simulation.
Im Zeitalter der digitalen Transformation spielen die interne wie auch die externe Kommunikation eine Schlusselrolle in Unternehmen. Schliesslich ist das Wissensmanagement mittlerweile mehr noch als das Produktionsmanagement ein entscheidender Faktor fur die Wettbewerbsfahigkeit. Das Buch liefert Verantwortlichen in Unternehmen das Know-how, um die digitalen Medien als Mittel der Kommunikation mit internen und externen Kommunikationspartnern zu verstehen und exzellent einzusetzen. In ihren Beitragen beleuchten die Autoren die digitale Transformation fur verschiedene Managementbereiche im Unternehmen: Projektmanagement, Reputations- und Marketingkommunikation, Value-Chain-Management und Human-Resources-Management. Wahrend die digitale Vernetzung die Abstimmungen im Projektmanagement wesentlich einfacher macht, da Mitarbeiter nicht vor Ort sein mussen, revolutionieren die Moeglichkeiten des Internets mit sozialen Netzwerken und Plattformen die Marketingkommunikation. Nicht nur die Reichweite der Marketingaktivitaten erhoeht sich enorm, etwa durch Verfahren wie Seeding, auch die Zielgenauigkeit der Aktivitaten kann durch Search Engine Optimization (SEO) oder Content-Marketing gesteigert werden. Beim Value-Chain-Management kann die Kommunikation uber digitale Kanale vor allem Prozesse optimieren und den Zugriff auf Informationen verbessern. Personalverantwortliche koennen ihr Recruiting optimieren, indem sie beispielsweise auf Online-Video-Rekrutierung setzen. Auch die elektronische Verwaltung der Personalakten bietet Optimierungspotenziale.Theoretisch fundiert und stets nah an der Praxis stellen die Autoren Ansatze vor, mit denen sich digitale Kommunikation in Unternehmen nicht nur zeitgemass, sondern auch effektiv gestalten lasst. Ein Buch fur Verantwortliche in Unternehmen, die ihr Management weiterentwickeln wollen und dafur auf die Moeglichkeiten der digitalen Kommunikation setzen.
Die Zusammenarbeit mit digitalen Influencern wird fur die Marketing- und PR-Abteilungen grosser Unternehmen immer interessanter. Neben klassischer Werbung, Media Relations und Content Marketing gehoert auch das Influencer Marketing mittlerweile zum Handwerkszeug der Unternehmenskommunikation. Aber was sind eigentlich Influencer? Influencer sind die Meinungsfuhrer und Meinungsmacher des digitalen Zeitalters. Typischerweise haben sie sich uber verschiedene digitale Kanale (wie Blogs und Social Media) ein Netzwerk aufbauen koennen, in dem sie dank einer gewissen Themenkompetenz als Anlaufquelle fur bestimmte Informationen gelten. Influencer sind in der Regel also weder Journalisten noch klassischen Testimonials oder Prominente, die seit jeher in der Werbung als Botschafter eingesetzt werden, sondern viel mehr ganz normale Menschen, die sich in der digitalen OEffentlichkeit den Ruf eines Experten fur bestimmte Themen erarbeiten konnten. In Unternehmen gilt daher die Pflege der Influencer Relations als Weiterentwicklung des Empfehlungsmarketings. Denn auch wenn die Theorie die Wirksamkeit des Influencer Marketings noch oft kritisch diskutiert, sind Unternehmen, die mittlerweile - ausschliesslich oder verstarkt - auf diese Form der Kommunikation setzen, sehr erfolgreich damit. Dieses Grundlagenwerk bietet erstmals eine fundierte Aufbereitung der Felder Influencer Relations und Influencer Marketing. Neben einer umfassenden Definition und Abgrenzung der wichtigen Begrifflichkeiten stellt es vor allem die Aspekte der strategischen Planung und praktischen Umsetzung vor und erlautert die Themen Evaluation/Key Performance Indicators sowie rechtliche und medienethische Grundlagen. Fuhrende Experten aus der Praxis geben anhand aktueller Best-Cases einen Einblick in den aktuellen Status quo der jungen Disziplin, der vor allem fur Vertreter aus Unternehmen und Agenturen interessant ist. Insgesamt ein lohnendes Buch fur Kommunikations- und Marketingexperten wie auch Studierende der Kommunikationswissenschaften sowie der Public Relations und des Marketings.
Based on the successful international retailing textbook by
Nicholas Alexander, this new textbook has been designed to deliver
a clear understanding of the retail internationalisation process,
considering the supporting theoretical frameworks, international
retail activity, and the management of international operations.
Few forms of market exchange intrigue economists as do auctions, whose theoretical and practical implications are enormous. John Kagel and Dan Levin, complementing their own distinguished research with papers written with other specialists, provide a new focus on common value auctions and the "winner's curse." In such auctions the value of each item is about the same to all bidders, but different bidders have different information about the underlying value. Virtually all auctions have a common value element; among the burgeoning modern-day examples are those organized by Internet companies such as eBay. Winners end up cursing when they realize that they won because their estimates were overly optimistic, which led them to bid too much and lose money as a result. The authors first unveil a fresh survey of experimental data on the winner's curse. Melding theory with the econometric analysis of field data, they assess the design of government auctions, such as the spectrum rights (air wave) auctions that continue to be conducted around the world. The remaining chapters gauge the impact on sellers' revenue of the type of auction used and of inside information, show how bidders learn to avoid the winner's curse, and present comparisons of sophisticated bidders with college sophomores, the usual guinea pigs used in laboratory experiments. Appendixes refine theoretical arguments and, in some cases, present entirely new data. This book is an invaluable, impeccably up-to-date resource on how auctions work--and how to make them work.
The recipe for profitability is presented in Merchandise Planning Workbook. Focusing on the development of a six-month merchandise plan, the text explains how to use Excel 2007 as a tool to project sales, manage inventory, calculate the amount of merchandise to purchase, and adjust the price throughout the selling season. Application Exercises throughout the chapters familiarize students with each aspect of the plan, provide practice in inputting formulas and data, and demonstrate the impact of changing variables. Seven end-of-chapter assignments, when completed in sequence, produce a merchandise plan for a selling season. By mastering this important aspect of merchandising math, students can develop a marketable competency to help launch their careers in retailing. Introducing Merchandise Planning Workbook STUDIO--an online tool for more effective study! ~Study smarter with self-quizzes featuring scored results and personalized study tips ~Enhance your learning with a 6 month merchandise budget form for a basic product ~Review concepts with evaluation form assignments covering various textbook topics
This book provides a uniform and coherent approach to the analysis of distribution systems in general and retail systems in particular. It develops the fundamentals of retail demand and supply, and demonstrates how the provision of distribution services is a principal determinant of economic outcomes in retail exchanges for both retailers and their customers, as well as for other agents such as suppliers and franchisors. The author integrates the existing literature with new applications to provide novel insights into the multi-product nature of retailing, the service aspects of packaging, and the evolution of retail formats such as supermarkets, non-store retailers (including the Internet) and shopping centers. He illustrates how the complementarity that underlies retail activities leads to lower average prices for customers. This integrative process also brings out the role of distribution services as mechanisms to exercise economic power. This is evident not only in channels of distribution but in the evolution of Wal-Mart and the development of franchise contracts. The author also identifies the crucial differences between the retailing of goods and the retailing of services. This impressive volume skilfully integrates conceptual, theoretical and empirical research to analyse critical issues in the economics of retailing and distribution. It will be required reading for academics and professional economists interested in industrial organization, marketing, applied microeconomics and business.
An invaluable account of how auctions work-and how to make them work Few forms of market exchange intrigue economists as do auctions, whose theoretical and practical implications are enormous. John Kagel and Dan Levin, complementing their own distinguished research with papers written with other specialists, provide a new focus on common value auctions and the "winner's curse." In such auctions the value of each item is about the same to all bidders, but different bidders have different information about the underlying value. Virtually all auctions have a common value element; among the burgeoning modern-day examples are those organized by Internet companies such as eBay. Winners end up cursing when they realize that they won because their estimates were overly optimistic, which led them to bid too much and lose money as a result. The authors first unveil a fresh survey of experimental data on the winner's curse. Melding theory with the econometric analysis of field data, they assess the design of government auctions, such as the spectrum rights (air wave) auctions that continue to be conducted around the world. The remaining chapters gauge the impact on sellers' revenue of the type of auction used and of inside information, show how bidders learn to avoid the winner's curse, and present comparisons of sophisticated bidders with college sophomores, the usual guinea pigs used in laboratory experiments. Appendixes refine theoretical arguments and, in some cases, present entirely new data. This book is an invaluable, impeccably up-to-date resource on how auctions work--and how to make them work.
In this new text, Dhruv Grewal, a leading Professor of Marketing and Retailing, explores the complexities of the contemporary retail environment by drawing on what he refers to as the 5 Es of retailing: - Entrepreneurial, innovative and customer-centric mindset - Excitement - Education - Experience - Engagement These are illustrated using a wide range of examples such as Tesco, Kroger, Zara, Wholefoods, Groupon, and Amazon. Together, the framework and examples enable readers to navigate today's challenging retail environment made up of social media, retailing analytics and online and mobile shopping. Retail Marketing Management is essential reading for students of retailing and marketing, as well as practitioners working in retail today.
The retail industry globally is in the early stages of an era of profound, perhaps unprecedented, change. This book is intended to serve as a robust and practical guide to leaders of enterprises tasked with both understanding and delivering success in the new landscape of retailing. The book firstly describes the major directions and drivers of change that define the new global landscape of retailing (Part 1). Accelerating technology change, the rise to prominence globally of internet enabled shoppers and the rapid emergence of entirely new retail enterprises and business models are combining to re-shape the very fundamentals of the retail industry. No longer are shops needed to be in the business of retailing. No longer is choice for the shopper limited to the neighbourhood, town or even country in which they live. No longer is the act of retailing solely the preserve of traditional retail enterprises as internet-enabled businesses, technology, logistics, suppliers and financial services enterprises all seek direct relationships with the shopper. The new landscape of retailing is an unforgiving one. Success can be achieved more quickly than has ever been possible before but failure is equally rapid. The opportunities in the new landscape of retailing are profound, but so too are the challenges. Part 2 of this book discusses the structures, skills and capabilities retail enterprises will need if they are to be successful in this new landscape and the skills and perspectives that will be required of the leaders of retail enterprises. Case studies of innovative and successful enterprises are presented throughout the book to illustrate the themes discussed. Frameworks are presented to provide practical guidance for enterprise leaders to understand and contextualise the nature of change that is re-shaping retail landscapes globally. Clear guidance is given of the capabilities, skills and perspectives that will be needed at both an enterprise and a personal leadership level to deliver success in the new landscape of retailing.
With thousands of shops closing in Britain today, this is the story of a man who made a living by helping retailers open their places of work. Roger Cox was a pioneer in shop siting and development in this country. But when he realised that there were too many of them, he switched his career. He became a freelance lecturer with the aim of showing that practical skills, allied with business theory, was the key to a students' career success. In his book, Roger tells of his experiences in both retail firms and colleges, many of them comical and thought-provoking. Alongside this, the main family pastime has been world-wide travel, much of it in America. Above all, this is an entertaining read.
In the annals of consumer crazes, nothing compares to Beanie Babies. With no advertising or big-box distribution, creator Ty Warner - an eccentric college dropout - become a billionaire in just three years. And it was all thanks to collectors. The end of the craze was just as swift and extremely devastating, with "rare" Beanie Babies deemed worthless as quickly as they'd once been deemed priceless. Bissonnette draws on hundreds of interviews (including a visit to a man who lives with his 40,000 Ty products and an in-prison interview with a guy who killed a coworker over a Beanie Baby debt) for the first book on the most extraordinary craze of the 1990s.
Along with fast-food workers, retail workers are capturing the attention of the public and the media with the Fight for $15. Like fast-food workers, retail workers are underpaid, and fewer than 5 percent of them belong to unions. In Hard Sell, Peter Ikeler traces the low-wage, largely nonunion character of U.S. retail through the history and ultimate failure of twentieth-century retail unionism. He asks pivotal questions about twenty-first-century capitalism: Does the nature of retail work make collective action unlikely? Can working conditions improve in the absence of a union? Is worker consciousness changing in ways that might encourage or further inhibit organizing? Ikeler conducted interviews at New York City locations of two iconic department stores-Macy's and Target. Much of the book's narrative unfolds from the perspectives of these workers in America's most unequal city.When he speaks to workers, Ikeler finds that the Macy's organization displays an adversarial relationship between workers and managers and that Target is infused with a "teamwork" message that enfolds both parties. Macy's workers identify more with their jobs and are more opposed to management, yet Target workers show greater solidarity. Both groups, however, are largely unhappy with the pay and precariousness of their jobs. Combined with workplace-generated feelings of unity and resistance, these grievances provide promising inroads to organizing that could help take the struggle against inequality beyond symbolic action to real economic power.
This brand new edition of Creative Fashion Presentations provides an insider's look into how creative presentations impact the introduction or sale of fashion and other products at the trade and consumer levels. The entire spectrum of professionals who use creative presentations is covered, including fashion forecasters, fibre/fabric companies, promotion associations, designers, manufacturers, retailers and apparel marts. Forms of presentations discussed range from visual boards to couture and pret-a-porter fashion shows. Guerin's chapter on fashion show production is in effect a mini course on how to organise and develop themes and methods for trade or consumer shows.
Hungry for change? Put the power of food co-ops on your plate and grow your local food economy. Food has become ground-zero in our efforts to increase awareness of how our choices impact the world. Yet while we have begun to transform our communities and dinner plates, the most authoritative strand of the food web has received surprisingly little attention: the grocery store-the epicenter of our food-gathering ritual. Through penetrating analysis and inspiring stories and examples of American and Canadian food co-ops, Grocery Story makes a compelling case for the transformation of the grocery store aisles as the emerging frontier in the local and good food movements. Author Jon Steinman: Deconstructs the food retail sector and the shadows cast by corporate giants Makes the case for food co-ops as an alternative Shows how co-ops spur the creation of local food-based economies and enhance low-income food access. Grocery Story is for everyone who eats. Whether you strive to eat more local and sustainable food, or are in support of community economic development, Grocery Story will leave you hungry to join the food co-op movement in your own community.
More than just a travel memoir, this book is a behind-the-scenes glimpse inside the antique book trade. Hurdling from one anecdote to the next, Bill Rees regales readers with his many adventures selling valuable books. From finding a first edition on a Parisian pub shelf to opening a store in Paris and trading rare titles with big names like Ian McEwan and Alan Sillitoe, this account is packed with amusing narrative. Driven by the joys and trials of the author's literary pursuit, the landscape of this quirky journey ranges from a small bookshop in Montpelier to a private library in Morocco, while the life path and story presented are a one-of-a-kind find.
"This is a useful step-by-step guide for starting your own apparel boutique or online business." Marissa Zorola, University of North Texas, US Written by entrepreneurs, for entrepreneurs, the book explains management, market segmentation, financial statements, cash flow, accessing capital, e-commerce, and omni-channel retailing. A hypothetical business plan that builds with each chapter and examples of business models from Warby Parker and Etsy give you a framework for building a successful fashion company. Profiles of entrepreneurs and exercises in a book illustrated with more than 100 images show you how to apply the process to your own ideas. Instructor Resources -Instructor's Guide provides suggestions for planning the course and using the text in the classroom, supplemental assignments, and lecture notes -Test Bank includes sample test questions for each chapter -PowerPoint (R) presentations include images from the book and provide a framework for lecture and discussion STUDIO Resources - Study smarter with self-quizzes featuring scored results and personalized study tips - Review concepts with flashcards of terms and definitions - Practice your skills with downloadable worksheets to complete the end of chapter Business Plan Connection exercises - Download Business Plan and Financial Plan templates to get your business off the ground
This book charts the changes in Birmingham's Jewellery Quarter over the last twenty years, and is the first work to look beyond the area's unique early history and the jewellery trade itself. Today the quarter is a vibrant urban village, and here former Jewellery Quarter regeneration director Andy Munro tells the story of its transformation. The regeneration of the area sought to achieve the difficult act of revitalising the area while protecting its unique jewellery trade and heritage. This book offers a fascinating insight into the successes and failures of the initiative and draws on interviews with the many interesting characters who were players in this regeneration game. |
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